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  • Envy or admiration: Employees’ psychological and behavioral reactions to colleagues being empowered

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2024-06-17

    Abstract: The role and significance of empowerment are increasingly highlighted in the activation of employees and their autonomy. As a differentiated leadership behavior, empowerment by leaders brings unique resources and asymmetric preferential treatment to employees, which can be perceived by colleagues as observers and directly affects their work performance. However, current studies have mainly focused on the employees who are empowered, and few have focused on the colleagues as observers. It is important to recognize and discuss the emotional changes and subsequent behavioral reactions caused by colleagues being empowered from the perspective of observers.
    Based on social comparison theory, this research discusses the effect of the interaction between colleagues being empowered and procedural justice on envy and admiration of colleagues. The mediating effect of envy and admiration on the above interaction items and workplace ostracism and observational learning is explored, and a mediated moderation model is constructed. The hypotheses are tested in an experimental study (N = 238), a field sample (N = 306) and an experience sampling method (N = 1285). In Study 1, a between-participant scenario experimental design was used to manipulate procedural justice and colleagues being empowered, 238 participants from China who passed the attention test were retained. Participants were randomly assigned to a scenario to eliminate the effect of their own differences on the experimental results. In Study 2, empirical data from 306 employees in China were collected using a three-wave questionnaire survey. At Time 1, employees reported procedural justice and colleagues being empowered and provided their own demographic information. At Time 2, employees reported envy and admiration towards their colleagues. At Time 3, employees reported workplace ostracism and observational learning. In Study 3, we conducted a field study using an experience sampling method to collect data from employees in northeastern China. The survey process included an initial one-time entry survey and daily surveys administered over two weeks. One week before the start of the daily surveys, employees reported their leader–member exchange social comparison, colleagues’ guanxi and their own demographic information. During the two-week daily surveys, employees reported procedural justice, colleagues being empowered, envy and admiration at 11 am, and reported workplace ostracism and observational learning at 5 pm. The final sample included 1285 usable observations from 137 employees.
    We applied analysis of variance, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, bootstrap method and Monte Carlo simulation to analyze the data. There are three findings. First, when procedural justice is low, colleagues being empowered and procedural justice interaction have a positive impact on envy; when procedural justice is high, colleagues being empowered and procedural justice interaction have a positive impact on admiration. Second, envy has a positive impact on workplace ostracism, and admiration has a positive impact on observational learning. Third, envy and admiration play a mediating role in the interaction terms of colleagues being empowered and procedural justice on workplace ostracism and observational learning, thus showing a mediated moderation model.
    This research has the following four implications. First, the research enriched the research perspective of empowerment from the perspective of the observer party. Second, the research integrated the contrast effect and assimilation effect caused by colleagues being empowered, which enriched the research framework of social comparison theory. Third, the boundary conditions of the two social comparison effects caused by colleagues being empowered were expanded. Final, the mediating mechanism of the effect of colleagues being empowered was revealed.

  • 中国儒家传统中的自我修为思想:对交换范式的审视与补充

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: The indigenous research on Chinese management is emerging, but there is still a lack of proper indigenous theories to support such empirical studies. The theme of this paper is to extract cultivation thought from Confucianism mainly, and try to construct self-cultivation theory that rooted in Chinese traditional philosophy in order to provide a new explanation to those indigenous phenomena. Firstly, this paper tried to describe the background of constructing self-cultivation theory which could be generalized into two aspects, one is the difference and similarity of assumption about human nature and the other one is the distinction about external and internal control towards human’s behavior in western and Chinese society. Secondly, this paper analyzed pre-Qin’s cultivation-related discourse and then summarized their similarities to give a definition towards the thought of self-cultivation which refers to the process of a person pursuing ideal personality and high level of moral standard. Self-cultivation emphasizes self-conscious, initiative, selfless and includes self-reflection, self-discipline, self-study, self-improvement and self-dedication that reflects an ideal realm of “Chun Tzu”. Thirdly, a comparison between self-cultivation and social exchange paradigm was done to better understand self-cultivation thought on account of the widely use of social exchange paradigm in illustrating organization behaviors. Finally, the paper tried to make a list of the potential contributions and applications of self-cultivation in indigenous research of Chinese organization behaviors.

  • 建议采纳的认知机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: This article reviews the research of the relationship between cognition and advice taking in recent years. The advisor, task characteristics and the situation will affect the adoption of advice through the cognitive process of decision maker. Firstly, this article briefly introduced antecedent variables. Based on previous research, we summarized cognitive factors which affect advice taking in four aspects-cognitive style, cognitive complexity, cognitive strategy and emotion. Then we tried to explain the mechanism of advice taking through four theories, which are attitude change theory, construal level theory, embodied cognition theory and cognitive dissonance theory. By analyzing the cognitive factors which mentioned above, we attempted to put forward the comprehensive model of cognitive mechanism. Finally, the article suggests that future research can enrich advice taking in following aspects, the effect of cognitive flexibility of decision makers, the need for cognitive closure on advice adoption and the cognitive mechanism of advice giving.

  • 个人信息的有意隐藏:藏秘及其后果和应对

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Secrecy is quite common in daily life. However, the non-public nature of secrecy remains a large obstacle to the development of secrecy research. The exiting literature mainly centered on the negative effects of secrecy such as the sense of burden and self-punishment, while the positive impacts of secrecy (e.g., social protection and prosocial lies) lack attention. Scholars have proposed several frameworks such as inhibition model of secrecy, preoccupation model of secrecy, perseverative thinking model and shared reality theory that can be used to explain the mechanism of secrecy’s negative effects. Furthermore, the present research findings demonstrated that individuals can mitigate the negative influence of secrecy by means of confiding secrets, exerting creativity, training emotional markers and self-awareness. Having recognized the critical role of secrecy, future research can be improved with a more accurate and consistent conceptualization as well as a precise measurement and manipulation. In addition, the empirical research could be intensified by focusing more on the positive impacts and the mechanism of secrecy and enhancing its application in different fields.

  • 领导者对员工主动行为的心理与行为反应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Employee proactive behaviors have so many benefits for the actors and their organizations that it has received extensive attention from scholars and practitioners. Previous studies on the consequences of proactive behavior mainly explored it from different levels (individual, team or organization) or the direction of influence (positive vs. negative), and left the psychological and behavioral reactions of leaders underexplored. Enlightened by the followership research, which highlights the important and active role of employees in actively shaping leaders’ mind and behavior, and wise proactive behaviors, which call on scholars to do more comprehensive exploration about the consequences of proactive behaviors to provide more effective practical guidance and achieve optimal results, we thus believe that to review and summarize leaders' psychological and behavioral responses to employees' proactive behavior has great theoretical values and practical implications. Because of different orientations, the same form of proactive behavior (e.g., promotive voice vs. prohibitive voice; positive feedback seeking vs. negative feedback seeking) will lead to leaders’ different attitudinal (likes vs. dislikes) and behavioral responses (support vs. opposition), and the influence process will be shaped by many factors from different aspects. In specific, at present, scholars have made preliminary exploration on the function mechanisms how subordinate proactive behavior affects leaders’ psychological and behavioral reactions based on attribution theory, implicit following theory, self-other rating agreement theory and other explanatory theories. The results found that when facing subordinate proactive behaviors, leaders will experience a series of cognitive appraisal process, then determine their attitude according to the behavioral intention of focal subordinates and the potential benefits and costs of such behavior, and further take action to promote or restrain the development of the proactive behavior and strengthen or break their current relationship simultaneously. In addition, the factors from employees, leaders and situations will affect the leaders’ cognitive evaluation and attribution process about subordinate proactive behaviors, and enhance or weaken the leaders’ various psychological and behavioral responses. Specifically, the factors from employees, such as employees’ demographic characteristics, personal traits and some abilities, will affect the attribution process of leaders, which will lead to different coping responses of leaders. As for the factors from leaders’ side, for example, leaders' traits and resources will affect leaders' internal expectations of employees' behaviors. When employees' proactive behaviors conform to or deviate from such expectations, leaders' cognitive evaluation and behavioral responses will change accordingly. The situations, like organizational goals, atmosphere and other situational factors, may reflect leaders' work demands or orientation, and whether employees' proactive behavior is helpful to the realization of leaders' such goals will determine the nature of leaders' responses. Focusing on the perspective of leaders, this study reviewed and summarized the literature about effect of employees' proactive behaviors on their leaders. We found that scholars had explored the attitudinal and behavioral reactions of leaders toward employees' proactive behaviors, but the research on leaders’ emotional reactions and other psychological states was insufficient, which will limit our understanding about proactive behaviors. Besides, most extant studies inferred leaders’ internal responses from their behaviors or performance evaluations about the focal employees, which indicated the deficiency of straightforward and deep exploration about leaders’ internal responses. Therefore, future research can (1) refine the extant explorations about the relationship between subordinate proactive behaviors and leaders’ attitudes, examine leaders’ responses directly and deepen the research on its influence mechanism; (2) further explore the potential psychological and behavioral responses of leaders induced by subordinate proactive behavior, such as leaders’ self-efficacy; (3) explore the bi-directional causal relationship between employee proactive behaviors and leadership style, and development trend of such bi-directional relationship; (4) expand the multi-level research on leader's responses to employee proactive behaviors.

  • 个体采纳与群体采纳:决策过程中的两类建议采纳行为

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Individuals often receive others’ advice while making their decisions, and it is an effective way to improve the quality of decision outcomes by integrating outside information into their judgments. In the literature of decision behavior, decision making can be divided into two categories in terms of the number of participants, including individual decision and group decision. The core difference lying between individual decision and group decision is that group decision is made by two or more individuals via information sharing, exchanging, and discussing among group members. Accordingly, previous studies found a significant difference in advice-taking performance between individuals and groups. Based on the multi-stage of the decision process, the main factors causing the above issue include the presence or absence of initial opinion, the confidence for the initial decision, the subjective evaluation towards advice, and the objective feedback of advice. However, although group decision costs more labor, money, and time, joint decision making does not always be able to utilize advice more accurately than individual decision making does. In other words, the jury is still out on whether an individual or group can make better use of external advice. We propose that group dynamics theory could provide an insightful perspective for understanding the group decision and its difference from an individual decision. Specifically, group dynamics theory suggests that group members are independent and mutually related to each other, and their interactions constitute a group dynamics system involving cohesive force, driving force, and dissipative force. First, cohesive force binds members as a whole, such that groups which appear to be coherent and unified are more likely to display prejudice toward external opinions and advice because of the high confidence and the desire of maintaining group stability; Second, driving force serves as a motivative factor that directs members to be more involved and endorsed in the decision process, which is beneficial to the sustainable development of the group. That is, group members motivated by driving force tend to express and exchange more information about decision tasks as well as adopt a systemic approach instead of a heuristic approach to process external advice, thereby, a group with high driving force may result in greater performance by taking advice; Third, negative factors within groups would undermine members proactivity and group effectiveness, manifesting as dissipative force, which may cause biased cognition and negative emotion of members, as a consequence, hindering group performance in decision behavior. Taken together, these three forces interact, complement, and restrict each other during the group decision making process, in turn, influencing group advice-taking. We argue that the significant distinction in advice-taking behavior between individuals and groups can be partly derived from this kind of dynamics system. Therefore, understanding the changes among cohesive force, driving force, and dissipative force within a group could help us explain and predict group behavior in decision making. To date, advice-taking at the individual level has been caught a lot of attention, whereas research on group advice-taking is still in its early stages and needs to be further investigated, meanwhile, there is also an urgent call for developing the corresponding theory, method, and measurement for the group decision. According to the group dynamics theory, future research can explore the effect of the nature of groups on advice-taking, including both objective construct (e.g. the optimal number of participants in decision making) and subjective construct (e.g. social status or power between participants). In addition, it is also worth noted that whether the way of interaction would impact the group dynamics system and its subsequent advice-taking behavior, such as interactive mediums and rules, communicative atmosphere. Moreover, despite advice-taking behavior, there are a lot of other issues in the decision process that could be addressed from the perspective of group dynamics theory, such as group thinking, shared information bias, and self-other decision.

  • 从征求到反应:建言行为链中的管理者角色

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: As an important form of employee engagement in organizational decision-making, voice has an unignorable influence on employees themselves, managers and organizations. Since Hirschman raised the concept of voice, scholars have contributed to exploring the antecedents and consequences of employee voice, managerial evaluation and endorsement, as well as voice solicitation. Moreover, accumulating attention has been paid to the managerial roles in promoting employee voice and amplifying the positive effects of voice. However, research on managerial roles in voice remains unsystematic and leaves lots of issues to be addressed. Based on Input-Process-Output (IPO) model, we summarize managerial roles in the voice process, as well as their premises and outcomes. At first, we integrate voice solicitation, employee voice, and managers’ reactions toward voice (i.e., managerial endorsement and voice/voicer evaluation) into a comprehensive concept, entitled as voice behavior chain. Voice behavior chain reflects the Process component of the IPO model and portraits managerial roles in the voice contexts. In the voice behavior chain, as initiators, managers consult employees about their work-related ideas and opinions, which can facilitate employee voice. Then, as reactors, managers would decide whether to endorse employee voice or not, and meanwhile, they also evaluate voice and corresponding voicers. However, it is notable that voice behavior chain could be incomplete; that is, except for employee voice, neither of the managerial roles is a must to constitute the chain. The order of the elements within the behavior chain may also change under certain circumstances. Moreover, we provide fine-grained arguments about the distinctiveness and connections between voice solicitation and employee voice and between managerial endorsement and voice/voicer evaluation. We also conclude that in the IPO model, voice behavior chain shares similar Input and Output components (i.e., similar antecedents and consequences), which are across individual-level, team-level and organizational-level. Regarding the Input component, managers’ affective states, openness toward change, motivations, self-regulatory resources, self-efficacy, and face threat directly influence their performance in voice behavior chain. Managerial endorsement and evaluation also depend on employees’ communication skills, credibility and expertise. Team-level (e.g., power distance, leader-member exchange, goal consistency and the involvement of third party) and organizational-level factors (e.g., change climate and voice norms) can also activate voice behavior chain. Since researchers tend to adopt self-regulatory theory or image/ego threat theory to trace the sources of voice behavior chain, we call for further studies to consider other potential theoretical explanations and input factors, such as managers’ attributions. Regarding the Output component, voice behavior chain may have effects on individual perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, performance and promotion. It also serves as a catalyze to promote team performance and problem-solving skills and to build organizational creative climate. However, the managerial roles cannot be limited in strengthening the effects of employee voice. For instance, managerial solicitation may induce managers’ emotional exhaustion if their proactive behaviors aren’t followed by employee voice and support. Drawing on the IPO model in the voice context, we emphasize the managerial roles in voice behavior chain. Thereby this study comprehensively incorporates the existing literature, identifies important issues neglected by previous research and sheds light on future studies. Researchers need to be more scrupulous of the application of the related theory when conducting cross-cultural research. Also, the constructs and dimensions of the behavior elements can be explored furtherly, and we are looking forward to more objective measurements of managerial roles. Last but not least, the research on managerial roles in voice behavior chain can be enriched by investigating spillover effects and corresponding mechanisms. We hope this review can make theoretical and practical contributions by integrating those scattered topics and guiding managers to facilitate and respond to employee voice efficiently.

  • “近朱者赤”:同事主动行为如何激发员工动机和绩效

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: In the current age, employees are expected to work proactively in workplaces where the organizational structure is flatter and knowledge updating becomes faster than ever. There is a growing consensus on the importance of proactive behaviors from both scholars and practitioners. Proactive behavior, defined as “an anticipatory action that employees take to impact themselves and/or their environments” is thought to be self-initiated, future-oriented and change-oriented. Evidence showed that employees’ proactive behavior is beneficial for both individual performance and organizational competitiveness. Existing research regarding the impacts of proactive behavior mainly focuses on effectiveness of employees’ own proactive behaviors, such as promoting their job satisfaction or organizational commitment. However, no one is an isolated island. In a team or an organizational environment, employees’ attitudes and behaviors will inevitably be affected by their coworkers. Accordingly, this study focused on coworker proactive behavior and discussed its effectiveness in stimulating employees’ job performance. Drawing upon social learning theory, we hypothesized employee autonomous motivation will mediate the relationship between coworker proactive behavior and employee job performance. We further assumed that whether an employee possesses highly proactive personality determines the odds that employees might be motivated by their proactive coworkers. These hypotheses were tested with a field sample of supervisor-employee dyads and an experimental study. For the field study, we conducted a three-wave research design and achieved 209 valid samples from employees and their supervisors in two high-tech enterprises based in Beijing and Hebei provinces. At Time 1, employees assessed their proactive personality and their coworkers’ proactive behavior, and provided their demographic information. At Time 2 (one month after Time 1), employees were asked to report their autonomous motivation. At Time 3 (two months after Time 1), supervisors provided performance evaluation of employees who engaged in the survey. For the experimental study, we recruited 86 full-time workers from a high-tech company located in Hebei province via its internal communication channel. These respondents were separated into two groups randomly, namely coworkers with high proactive behaviors (N = 74) and coworkers with low proactive behaviors (N = 76). First, respondents were asked to finish a measure of their proactive personality and report their demographics. Then, they were given a scenario, one of which depicted a situation where coworkers were proactive (or not proactive). Finally, after reading the scenario, respondents finished a manipulation check of coworker proactive behavior and reported the degree of their autonomous motivation. We applied confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis and mixed model via SPSS 23 and Mplus 7.4 to analyze the data. Empirical results supported our hypotheses and indicated the following: (1) Coworker proactive behavior had a significant positive effect on employee autonomous motivation; (2) Employee autonomous motivation played a mediating role in the relationship between coworker proactive behavior and employee job performance; (3) Employee proactive personality played a moderating role in the relationship between coworker proactive behavior and employee autonomous motivation, such that coworker proactive behavior was positively related employee autonomous motivation when employees’ proactive personality was high, while such relationship became negative when employees’ proactive personality was low. This study makes several theoretical and managerial implications. First, by investigating the effectiveness of coworker proactive behavior, this study offers a new insight in proactive behavior research by incorporating the influence of coworker into consideration. Second, by examining the mediating role of employee autonomous motivation, this study enhances our understanding of how coworker proactive behavior translates into employee job performance. Third, by exploring the contingent role of employee proactive personality, this study shows the boundary condition under which employees are more likely to be motivated by their proactive coworkers.

  • “近朱者赤”:同事主动行为如何激发员工动机和绩效

    Subjects: Management Science >> Development and Management of Human Resources submitted time 2021-12-06

    Abstract: " In the current age, employees are expected to work proactively in workplaces where the organizational structure is flatter and knowledge updating becomes faster than ever. There is a growing consensus on the importance of proactive behaviors from both scholars and practitioners. Proactive behavior, defined as “an anticipatory action that employees take to impact themselves and/or their environments” is thought to be self-initiated, future-oriented and change-oriented. Evidence showed that employees’ proactive behavior is beneficial for both individual performance and organizational competitiveness. Existing research regarding the impacts of proactive behavior mainly focuses on effectiveness of employees’ own proactive behaviors, such as promoting their job satisfaction or organizational commitment. However, no one is an isolated island. In a team or an organizational environment, employees’ attitudes and behaviors will inevitably be affected by their coworkers. Accordingly, this study focused on coworker proactive behavior and discussed its effectiveness in stimulating employees’ job performance. Drawing upon social learning theory, we hypothesized employee autonomous motivation will mediate the relationship between coworker proactive behavior and employee job performance. We further assumed that whether an employee possesses highly proactive personality determines the odds that employees might be motivated by their proactive coworkers. These hypotheses were tested with a field sample of supervisor-employee dyads and an experimental study. For the field study, we conducted a three-wave research design and achieved 209 valid samples from employees and their supervisors in two high-tech enterprises based in Beijing and Hebei provinces. At Time 1, employees assessed their proactive personality and their coworkers’ proactive behavior, and provided their demographic information. At Time 2 (one month after Time 1), employees were asked to report their autonomous motivation. At Time 3 (two months after Time 1), supervisors provided performance evaluation of employees who engaged in the survey. For the experimental study, we recruited 86 full-time workers from a high-tech company located in Hebei province via its internal communication channel. These respondents were separated into two groups randomly, namely coworkers with high proactive behaviors (N = 74) and coworkers with low proactive behaviors (N = 76). First, respondents were asked to finish a measure of their proactive personality and report their demographics. Then, they were given a scenario, one of which depicted a situation where coworkers were proactive (or not proactive). Finally, after reading the scenario, respondents finished a manipulation check of coworker proactive behavior and reported the degree of their autonomous motivation. We applied confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis and mixed model via SPSS 23 and Mplus 7.4 to analyze the data. Empirical results supported our hypotheses and indicated the following: (1) Coworker proactive behavior had a significant positive effect on employee autonomous motivation; (2) Employee autonomous motivation played a mediating role in the relationship between coworker proactive behavior and employee job performance; (3) Employee proactive personality played a moderating role in the relationship between coworker proactive behavior and employee autonomous motivation, such that coworker proactive behavior was positively related employee autonomous motivation when employees’ proactive personality was high, while such relationship became negative when employees’ proactive personality was low. This study makes several theoretical and managerial implications. First, by investigating the effectiveness of coworker proactive behavior, this study offers a new insight in proactive behavior research by incorporating the influence of coworker into consideration. Second, by examining the mediating role of employee autonomous motivation, this study enhances our understanding of how coworker proactive behavior translates into employee job performance. Third, by exploring the contingent role of employee proactive personality, this study shows the boundary condition under which employees are more likely to be motivated by their proactive coworkers.

  • Psychological and Behavioral Responses of Leaders toward Proactive Behaviors from Subordinates

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2021-11-05

    Abstract: Employee proactive behaviors have received extensive attention from scholars and practitioners for its benefits to the actors and their organizations. Previous studies mainly focused on its effect on employees, and left interpersonal effect (leaders’ responses) underdeveloped. Given the essential role of subordinates in the leadership process, it is necessary to review how, when and why employees’ proactive behaviors shape their leader’s psychological responses and enrich our understanding about proactive behaviors. Drawing upon attribution theory, implicit followership theory and self-other rating agreement theory, scholars have initially explored the function mechanisms and found that employees’ proactive behaviors will stimulate leaders’ different responses at different conditions. It is worthwhile to further explore leaders’ responses to proactive behaviors from subordinate, the reciprocal relationship between employee proactive behaviors and leadership, psychological process linking proactive behaviors with performance appraisal, in the future. "

  • From Solicitation to Responses: Managers’ Roles in Employee Voice Behavior Chain

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2021-07-31

    Abstract: In a voice behavior chain, managers can be both the initiator and the reactor. However, managers can neither solicit employee voice efficiently nor respond to employee voice effectively in practice all the time. Although there has been an increasing amount of research on managerial solicitation, endorsement and evaluation, those topics are separated and unsystematic. To address the managerial puzzle theoretically and practically, we propose the framework of voice behavior chain. Based on the Input-Process-Output Model, we summarize the antecedents and consequences of voice solicitation, voice endorsement, and voice (voicer) evaluation. We aim to depict the roles managers play in the voice behavior chain, and to provide suggestions for the practice in employee voice management.

  • 寻求者的注视方向对建议者建议提出的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-08-30

    Abstract: Advice is vital for individuals in decision-making process and social interaction, whether by giving or taking. An individual can either exert one’s influence on others with advice, or draw support from others’ advice to enable better decision-making. Given the importance of behaviors related to advice, it has become critical for scholars to investigate the antecedents of them. However, the previous studies have focused largely on advice taking, with minimal attention to advice giving, but actually which is equally vital. To fill this gap, the current study, inspired by eye effects, seeks to explore the relationship between advice-seekers’ gaze direction and advisors’ willingness to give advice, and the mechanism underlying this relationship. Drawing from the signaling theory, we examined the effect of advice-seekers’ gaze direction on advisors’ advice giving, as well as the process linking them by focusing on the mediating effect of perceived role expectation and the moderating effect of rejection sensitivity. Three experiments with different decision making scenarios were conducted to test our hypotheses. The advice-seekers’ gaze direction (direct vs. averted) was manipulated by same images of faces (3 models, 3 males and 1 female) in three experiments. The experiment 1 employed an undergraduate’ career decision-making scenario to examine the direct effect of advice-seekers’ gaze direction on advisors’ willingness of giving advice, as well as the mediating effect of perceived role expectation. 102 university students were recruited for this experiment (39 males; mean age 23.76 ± 4.39 years), and are randomly divided into two groups (direct vs. averted). The experiment 2 adopted a 2 (gaze direction: direct vs. averted) ×2 (rejection sensitivity: high vs. low) between-subject design to examine the moderating effect of rejection sensitivity with an undergraduate’ decision-making scenario in daily study life. 318 undergraduates were recruited (155 males; mean age 21.74 ± 1.49 years). Using the tendency to expect rejection scale (TERS), we placed 86 participants (35 males) who scored in the 27% in the high rejection sensitivity group and 86 participants (36 males) who scored in the bottom 27% in the low rejection sensitivity group. The experiment 3 employed a job-related decision making scenario in organization to examine the full model (a moderated mediation model). 198 full-time employees were recruited (88 males; mean age 31.20 ± 5.06 years). The results of three experiments showed that: (1) advice-seeker's gaze direction directly influenced the advisors’ willingness of giving advice. When the advice-seeker's gaze direction was direct rather than averted, advisors were more willing to give advice; (2) perceived role expectation mediated the relationship between advice-seeker's gaze direction and advisors’ willingness of giving advice; (3) advisors’ rejection sensitivity moderated the relationship between advice-seeker's gaze direction and advisors’ willingness of advice giving, as well as the indirect relationship of advice seeker's gaze direction on advisors’ willingness of giving advice through perceived role expectation. When the advisor's rejection sensitivity was high, seeker's direct gaze direction had a stronger effect on the advisors’ willingness to give advice, as well as the indirect effect abovementioned. These findings contribute to our understandings of how to promote advisors to give advice, and add to the research on eye effects as well.