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  • 官方公众号新闻标题的话语重构——不确定性的消除与营造

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》


  • 镁的{10-12}形变孪晶机制

    Subjects: Materials Science >> Materials Science (General) submitted time 2016-11-15 Cooperative journals: 《金属学报》

    Abstract:Mg在室温下的强度和塑性较差 其根源之一在于Mg的形变孪晶在极低的应力下即可形核和扩展, 而且研究表明目前应用于Mg合金的时效强化法通常无法显著抑制 形变孪晶. 尽管对>Mg及其合金的力学性能至关重要, 迄今为止, 对形变孪晶的形核和扩展的机制仍存在很大的争议. 本综述论文首先回顾了有关形变孪晶的定义以及孪晶机制的研究历史, 然后着重介绍了最新的基于原位透射电镜的研究成果: 即Mg的形变孪晶迥异于孪晶的经典定义, 它事实上是一种新的室温变形机制, 即塑性的产生可以通过局部的晶胞重构来完成, 而不需要孪晶位错的参与; 由晶胞重构机制所产生的界面为界面(BP界面), 而且该界面在三维空间呈现梯田状的不规则形貌. 晶胞重构机制迥异于基于位错的孪晶变形机制, 因此基于对该机制进行抑制的设计思路可能是开发未来高强韧Mg合金的关键.

  • Network Analysis of Emergency Information Dissemination Considering the Strength Relationship Between Nodes

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Other Disciplines of Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science submitted time 2024-06-26 Cooperative journals: 《农业图书情报学报》

    Abstract: Purpose/Significance With the rapid development of new media technology, social media platform has become the main carrier of information dissemination. Social network analysis (SNA) is used to study the information dissemination structure and mode of emergencies in microblog, which provides theoretical support for the government to effectively deal with emergencies and crises. Methods/Process Taking Tangshan barbecue restaurant beating incident as an example, Weibo data were collected to build an information dissemination network with strength relationship between nodes. Social network analysis has been used to analyze the user attributes, node attributes, network attributes and dissemination attributes of the information dissemination network, in order to explore the role of the strength relationship between nodes in emergency information transmission. Results/Conclusions 1) The factors of user gender, activity, and region affect their dissemination power. In particular, female users, users with high activity or influence and those in developed provinces have a stronger power of information transmission. 2) The core nodes that plays the role of bridge in the dissemination chain is particularly critical. Nodes with strong relationships generally occupy central positions in the information dissemination network and may mainly consist of opinion leaders and mainstream media with greater influence. The pathways of weak and authority relationships are mainly concentrated around a few core nodes, while the pathways of strong relationships are dispersed. 3) Emergency information transmission network has high efficiency and sparse characteristics. 4) The whole process of information transmission is still dominated by weak relationships. Authority relations play an important role in all stages of information transmission, while the role of strong relationships is mainly concentrated in the initial stage. The results of this paper help to deepen the understanding of the patterns and rules of emergency information dissemination, and provide some insights for more effective management and guidance of emergency information dissemination in a particular field such as agriculture. However, our research still has shortcomings, such as insufficient crawling of user attributes and insufficient research methods. In the future study, we will obtain more abundant characteristics of users involved in the dissemination such as age, occupation and education level through interviews or questionnaires, and introduce new methods such as machine learning and graph neural network to predict and analyze the transmission path and node relationship of emergency information, so as to cover these shortcomings, improve the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of the study and deeply explore the information dissemination rules of emergencies.

  • Network Analysis of Emergency Information Dissemination Considering the Strength Relationship Between Nodes

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2024-05-15 Cooperative journals: 《农业图书情报学报》

    Abstract: Purpose/Significance With the rapid development of new media technology, social media platform has become the main carrier of information dissemination. Social network analysis (SNA) is used to study the information dissemination structure and mode of emergencies in microblog, which provides theoretical support for the government to effectively deal with emergencies and crises. Methods/Process Taking Tangshan barbecue restaurant beating incident as an example, Weibo data were collected to build an information dissemination network with strength relationship between nodes. Social network analysis has been used to analyze the user attributes, node attributes, network attributes and dissemination attributes of the information dissemination network, in order to explore the role of the strength relationship between nodes in emergency information transmission. Results/Conclusions 1) The factors of user gender, activity, and region affect their dissemination power. In particular, female users, users with high activity or influence and those in developed provinces have a stronger power of information transmission. 2) The core nodes that plays the role of bridge in the dissemination chain is particularly critical. Nodes with strong relationships generally occupy central positions in the information dissemination network and may mainly consist of opinion leaders and mainstream media with greater influence. The pathways of weak and authority relationships are mainly concentrated around a few core nodes, while the pathways of strong relationships are dispersed. 3) Emergency information transmission network has high efficiency and sparse characteristics. 4) The whole process of information transmission is still dominated by weak relationships. Authority relations play an important role in all stages of information transmission, while the role of strong relationships is mainly concentrated in the initial stage. The results of this paper help to deepen the understanding of the patterns and rules of emergency information dissemination, and provide some insights for more effective management and guidance of emergency information dissemination in a particular field such as agriculture. However, our research still has shortcomings, such as insufficient crawling of user attributes and insufficient research methods. In the future study, we will obtain more abundant characteristics of users involved in the dissemination such as age, occupation and education level through interviews or questionnaires, and introduce new methods such as machine learning and graph neural network to predict and analyze the transmission path and node relationship of emergency information, so as to cover these shortcomings, improve the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of the study and deeply explore the information dissemination rules of emergencies.

  • Dynamic granger causality analysis of multivariate time series based on deep learning

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer Application Technology submitted time 2022-11-08

    Abstract: A significant issue in the study of complex dynamical systems is to discover the interaction between the components stored in the form of multivariate time series. Compared with the correlation, causality further explores the essential mechanism of the system, and plays a great role in the study of complex dynamic systems in a way beyond simple correlation analysis. Granger causality analysis provides a powerful time series structure discovery framework, which has been widely used in various fields since proposed, with important research significance and practical value. However, in highly complex nonlinear dynamical systems such as the human physiological system, where causality is based on the time series of multivariation, nonlinearity and dynamics, it’s a huge challenge to the traditional granger causality analysis method. In order to solve this problem, a deep learning-based dynamic granger causality analysis method DNNGC is proposed, to discover the granger causality among complex, dynamic and nonlinear multivariate time series. DNNGC utilizes the modeling ability of deep learning to fully fit the nonlinear relationships between multivariate time series data. By adding existence time periods to the original granger causality, DNNGC realizes dynamic causal analysis. It’s improving granger causality’s prediction structure that enables DNNGC to reduce the model space complexity from O(n2) to O(n), making it more feasible for the analysis of large-scale time series in real-world systems. In addition, a deep neural network architecture adapted to granger causality is designed. The experimental results of DNNGC are discussed in detail under three typical forms of granger causality. Finally, applying DNNGC to the analysis of human inter-physiological systems during sleep to discover potential and dynamic granger causality in the human body has good practical significance.

  • 前瞻记忆意图后效中执行错误的机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Aftereffects of completed intentions refer to participants continue retrieving intentions interfering with current cognitive tasks, after their failures in deactivating completed or cancelled intentions. Recent studies investigated the related factors and cognitive mechanisms in prospective memory task paradigm. Spontaneous retrieval and preparatory monitoring retrieval diverge in whether the retrieval process depends on attentional resources. Brain imaging research also showed that there are two neural pathways for intention retrieval. Further studies are necessary to explore effective approaches to reduce commission errors, and develop a new paradigm including three aspects of aftereffects of completed intentions, which are failures in intentional forgetting, retrieval of completed intentions and failures in inhibition.

  • 同域分布垂穗披碱草和达乌力披碱草遗传多样性和遗传结构分析

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2020-03-06 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:披碱草属(Elymus L.)是禾本科(Poaceae)小麦族(Triticeae)中的一个多年生属,该属在青藏高原地区有广泛分布,多数物种是草原和草甸的组成成分,许多种类为品质优良的牧草。垂穗披碱草(E. nutans)和达乌力披碱草(E. dahuricus)同为禾本科小麦族披碱草属异源六倍体物种,染色体组组成皆为StYH。为探究垂穗披碱草遗传多样性形成的内在机制,本研究利用微卫星(SSR)分子标记,对采自青藏高原地区同域分布的垂穗披碱草和达乌力披碱草两个居群共58 个个体进行遗传多样性和遗传结构分析,结果表明:8 对引物在垂穗披碱草和达乌力披碱草扩增条带分别为163 条和124 条,多态性位点百分率(PPB)分别为89.71%和76.07%,多态性信息含量(PIC)分别介于0.583~0.929 和0.524~0.830 之间。垂穗披碱草遗传多样性(He=0.69,I=1.34,Pp=100%)高于达乌力披碱草(He=0.53,I=0.80,Pp=93.75%),同域分布的垂穗披碱草和达乌力披碱草居群,垂穗披碱草呈现出更高的遗传多样性。AMOVA 分子变异显示两个物种居群内遗传变异分别80.92%和63.62%,而居群间遗传分化水平较低。遗传结构分析揭示两个物种间有基因流存在。综合分析结果认为该地区种间杂交基因渗透引起的种内遗传分化在这两个物种多样性形成中可能起着重要的作用。

  • 抑制功能在疼痛中的作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Increasing evidence shows that pain interacts with inhibition function, and this relationship may be an important reason for the development of chronic pain. However, the cognitive mechanism of the interaction between pain and inhibition function remains unclear. This study attempts to clarify how pain affects inhibition function and how inhibition function regulates pain. Pain significantly activates the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The structure and function of the DLPFC change with the development and healing of pain, and the DLPFC plays an important role in the pain farther down the inhibition system. At the same time, the DLPFC is also a key brain area that reflects inhibition function. The overlap of pain and inhibition function in the DLPFC provides physiological evidence for the interaction between pain and inhibition function. Both laboratory pain and chronic pain damages the inhibition function. As a prominent sensory stimulus threatening human survival, pain will automatically induce the individual's self-defence mechanism to control pain from top to bottom. Inhibition is also a top-down control of conflicting information and superior response. According to the theory of cognitive resources, the control of pain will occupy the cognitive resources of the inhibition function and impair the inhibition function. However, the pain-influencing inhibition function is not unidirectional. In turn, inhibition function can predict the incidence of chronic pain and regulate the pain experience. Although the relationship between inhibition function and pain sensitivity is controversial, in the study of distracted analgesia, inhibition function was significantly positively correlated with the performance of distracted tasks, showing consistency across studies. The performance profile of distracted tasks reflects the degree of pain interference by individuals, and individuals with high inhibition function are less affected by pain than individuals with low inhibition function. For individuals with low inhibition function, pain brings more interference and increases the individual’s pain fear and pain catastrophe. This process updates the psychological meaning of pain to the individual and further increases the individual’s negative expectations for the next occurrence of pain. Conversely, individuals with high inhibition function reduce their negative expectations for the next occurrence of pain. The daily activities of patients with chronic pain are interrupted long-term by pain, and the patients' stronger inhibition function helps to reduce pain interference and negative expectations of pain. When patients have more positive expectations than negative expectations for pain relief, the effect of pain treatment is significantly increased. Unfortunately, research on the effect of inhibition function on pain is mainly based on a relevant design, because inhibition function as a personal characteristic is difficult to control in the laboratory. Future research should use more longitudinal designs and methods to control inhibition function (short-term cognitive training) to further clarify the causal relationship between inhibition function and the pain experience. Pain can impair inhibition function, and poor inhibition function is not conducive to pain relief. The interaction between pain and inhibition function highlights the importance and urgency of inhibition function in the treatment of pain by psychological factors. Especially for elderly individuals with poor inhibition function and patients with mild chronic pain, early inhibition function intervention can help reverse the development of chronic pain. According to the existing research results, in-depth exploration of the cognitive mechanism of the interaction between pain and inhibition function is conducive to perfecting the related theories of pain psychobehavioural therapy and further guiding the inhibition function to target pain.

  • The role of inhibition function in pain

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2021-11-26


  • 基于荧光原位杂交的藜属植物核型分析

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2020-08-02 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:为精确地识别藜属植物染色体组的核型特征,该文研究了4种来自青海高原的野生藜属植物(灰绿藜、藜、菊叶香藜及杂配藜)和一种从美国引进的栽培藜麦品种PI614932-HX(3)基于染色体荧光原位杂交(rDNA-FISH)的核型。利用5S和45S rDNA对5种藜属植物有丝分裂中期的染色体进行FISH研究。藜属植物的核型分析结果表明:藜属植物中存在二倍体(2n=2X=18)和四倍体(2n= 4X = 36)两种倍性,藜麦和灰绿藜为四倍体,其余3种为二倍体。藜麦、灰绿藜、藜、菊叶香藜及杂配藜的核型公式分别为2n=4X=36=34m (2AST) +2sm,2n=4X=36=32m (4AST) + 4sm,2n=2X=18=16m (4AST) + 2sm,2n=2X=18=18m及2n=2X=18=16m+2sm。染色体由大部分的中部着丝粒染色体(m)和少部分近中部着丝粒染色体(sm)组成。核型类型除了菊叶香藜为1B外其余均属于2B类型。在藜麦、灰绿藜及藜中具有分布位置不同、数量不等的双随体。5S、45S rDNA-FISH结果表明:藜麦和灰绿藜的染色体上存在2对5S rDNA位点和1对45S rDNA位点;藜、杂配藜的染色体上存在1对5S rDNA位点和45S rDNA位点,菊叶香藜的染色体上只存在1对5S位点。5S和45S rDNA位点均位于染色体的短臂上。该研究获得了藜属植物基于5S和45S rDNA荧光原位杂交核型,为藜属植物亲缘关系研究和细胞生物学研究提供了分子细胞遗传学依据。

  • 新疆植被物候时空变化特征

    Subjects: Biology >> Ecology submitted time 2018-03-30 Cooperative journals: 《生态学报》

    Abstract:基于MODIS-NDVI数据,提取新疆2001-2016年典型植被物候期,分析新疆不同生态分区的山地-绿洲系统植被物候期的时空演变趋势和空间分异特征,并结合同期气象数据,探讨植被物候与气候变化的响应关系。结论为:①新疆植被物候具有明显的纬向分布和垂直地带性分布特征,海拔在物候的地域分异中扮演着重要作用。新疆植被生长季开始时间(Start of season,SOS)集中于3月中旬至5月上旬,生长季结束时间(End of season,EOS)集中于10月中旬至12月下旬。②与全球大背景下典型植被物候特征变化趋势相反,新疆植被SOS呈推迟趋势,推迟幅度为1.9d/10a;EOS呈提前趋势,提前幅度为3.66d/10a;生长季长度(Length of season,LEN)呈缩短趋势,缩短幅度为5.6d/10a。除东疆地区外,全疆及不同分区均呈现出绿洲及平原SOS较早,山地区域较迟;全疆及不同分区均呈现出山地EOS结束较早,绿洲结束较迟;除东疆地区外,全疆及不同分区的LEN均为绿洲及平原区域 > 山地,同样显示出垂直地带性分布的特征。③通过冗余分析(Redundancy analysis,RDA)解释了物候特征与气象因子关系的绝大部分信息,生长季开始时间受春季气温、前一年冬季降水量和日照时数的显著影响。夏季和秋季降水量是新疆植被生长季结束时间的重要影响因素,在总体上受气温和日照时数的影响较小。

  • 三维斑点追踪结合多巴酚丁胺负荷超声诊断非ST段抬高性急性冠脉综合征的价值

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Preclinical Medicine submitted time 2017-12-07 Cooperative journals: 《南方医科大学学报》

    Abstract: To access left ventricular global deformation abnormalities during low-dose dobutamine stress test (DSE) by three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (3D-STE)in patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS), and explore the diagnostic value of 3D-STE combined with DES for NSTE-ACS. Methods Forty-nine patients with suspected NSTE-ACS underwent DSE and coronary angiography with an initial dobutamine dose of μg•kg-1min-1kg',which was doubled at 3-min intervals to the peak dose of 20μg•kg-1min-1.The global longitudinal strain (GLS), global circumferential strain (GCS), territory longitudinal strain (TLS), and territory circumferential strain (TCS) of the left ventricular subendocardial myocardium were measured with 3D-STE at rest and at the peak-dose stage. Conventional echocardiography and 3D-STE parameters and their changes during DSE were evaluated, and their diagnostic values were analyzed according to the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results All the patients completed DSE uneventfully and 3D-STE showed a good reproducibility of the results. Compared with patients with non-NSTE-ACS, NSTE-ACS patients showed obviously reduced resting left ventricular global deformation function especially in terms of circumferential deformation (P<0.05); the ROC curves for the parameters were similar between the two groups (P>0.05). During DSE, the global deformation differences between the two groups further increased (P<0.01), and the diagnostic values of the peak-dose stage parameters were significantly greater than those of the resting parameters. ROC curves analysis showed that TLS and TCS at peak-dose stage had the highest diagnostic value for NSTE-ACS. Conclusion 3D-STE combined with low-dose DSE is a safe and effective noninvasive technique for accessing and identifying NSTE-ACS, and DSE can significantly enhance the diagnostic value of 3D-STE.

  • 饲粮中添加葛根总黄酮对爱拔益加肉鸡生长性能及肉品质的影响

    Subjects: Biology >> Zoology submitted time 2017-10-10 Cooperative journals: 《动物营养学报》

    Abstract:本试验旨在研究饲粮中添加不同水平葛根总黄酮对爱拔益加(AA)肉鸡生长性能及肉品质的影响。选择健康1日龄AA肉鸡275羽,随机分为5个组,每组5个重复,每个重复11羽鸡。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验组分别在基础饲粮中添加10、50、250、1 250 mg/kg葛根总黄酮。试验期42 d。结果表明:1)10 mg/kg添加组AA肉鸡的平均日增重在8~14日龄、15~21日龄和29~35日龄时均显著高于对照组(P0.05)。2)与对照组相比,10 mg/kg添加组AA肉鸡胸肌、腿肌的亮度(L*)值显著降低(P0.05);250 mg/kg添加组腿肌亮度值显著低于对照组(P<0.05);50 mg/kg添加组胸肌、腿肌的黄度(b*)值均显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,250、1 250 mg/kg添加组AA肉鸡的胸肌剪切力显著降低(P<0.05);250 mg/kg添加组的胸肌水分含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结果表明,饲粮中添加10 mg/kg的葛根总黄酮可提高AA肉鸡的生长性能,但添加250 mg/kg的葛根总黄酮可改善肌肉的色泽和嫩度。

  • Promoting Construction of Zero-direct Discharge Engineering for Agricultural Wastewater from Paddy Fields in Yangtze River Delta Region

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The Yangtze River Delta region is an important commodity grain production area in China, but has been suffering from agricultural non-point source pollution issues in recent years. This study puts forward a suggestion on promoting the construction of zero direct discharge (ZDD) engineering for agricultural wastewater from paddy fields in the region. This suggestion is based on the field investigation, policy analysis, engineering design, and economical evaluation, which clarifies the policy adaptability and the construction importance of the ZDD engineering. At the same time, this suggestion shows the basic principles, design requirements, mode selections, investment cost, and expected ecological economic benefits of the ZDD engineering. It is expected to provide decision support for China to mitigate the non-point source pollution and enhance agricultural green development.

  • 酵母多糖对哺乳犊牛胃肠道发育及消化酶活性的影响

    Subjects: Biology >> Zoology submitted time 2018-12-25 Cooperative journals: 《动物营养学报》

    Abstract:本试验旨在研究饲粮中添加不同剂量的酵母多糖对哺乳犊牛胃肠道发育及消化酶活性的影响。选择初生重相近的健康中国荷斯坦犊牛56头,随机分为4组,每组14头。Ⅰ组(对照组)饲喂基础饲粮,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组在饲喂基础饲粮中分别添加1、2、3 g/(头·d)酵母多糖。试验期60 d。结果表明:1)Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组犊牛瘤胃淀粉酶、胃蛋白酶、脂肪酶和羧甲基纤维素酶活性高于Ⅰ组,Ⅲ组显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05);Ⅲ组犊牛十二指肠淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶、羧甲基纤维素酶活性显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05);Ⅲ组犊牛空肠淀粉酶(P<0.05)、胰蛋白酶(P<0.01)活性显著或极显著高于Ⅰ组,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组空肠脂肪酶、羧甲基纤维素酶活性显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05)。2)Ⅲ组犊牛瘤胃乳头长度、宽度和黏膜厚度显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05);十二指肠、空肠中段绒毛高度显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05),隐窝深度显著低于Ⅰ组(P<0.05),绒毛高度/隐窝深度(V/C)显著高于其他各组(P<0.05)。由此可见,添加酵母多糖能促进犊牛胃肠道形态发育,提高胃肠道消化酶活性。在本试验条件下,哺乳犊牛饲粮中酵母多糖的适宜添加量为2 g/(头·d)。

  • 酵母多糖对哺乳犊牛生长性能、消化代谢和血清生化指标的影响

    Subjects: Biology >> Zoology submitted time 2018-12-25 Cooperative journals: 《动物营养学报》

    Abstract:本试验旨在研究饲粮中添加不同剂量的酵母多糖对哺乳犊牛生长性能、消化代谢和血清生化指标的影响。选择初生重相近的健康中国荷斯坦犊牛56头,随机分为4组,每组14头。Ⅰ组(对照组)饲喂基础饲粮,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组在基础饲粮中分别添加1、2、3 g/(头·d)的酵母多糖。试验期60 d。结果表明:1)Ⅲ组犊牛平均日增重显著高于Ⅰ组(P0.05),以Ⅲ组最高;添加酵母多糖对犊牛的体高、体斜长、胸围和管围均无显著影响(P>0.05)。2)Ⅲ组犊牛干物质、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维的表观消化率显著高于Ⅰ组(P0.05)。Ⅲ组犊牛血清碱性磷酸酶、溶菌酶活性和总抗氧化能力显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05),Ⅲ组犊牛血清丙二醛含量显著低于Ⅰ组(P<0.05)。综合分析表明,哺乳犊牛饲粮中添加酵母多糖可促进犊牛生长发育和营养物质消化吸收,降低犊牛腹泻率。在本试验条件下,哺乳犊牛饲粮中酵母多糖的适宜添加量为2 g/(头·d)。