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Your conditions: 2019-5
  • 太阳系外行星全区域高对比度成像设计与数值模拟

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2019-05-30 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》


  • 丽江2.4米望远镜观测日志辅助系统的设计与研发

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2019-05-30 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract: 望远镜的观测日志在观测用户进行数据处理以及台站对观测数据进行存储、归档和发布的时候都非常重要,观测日志往往能提供很多观测信息以供用户判断观测数据的质量。在实际观测过程中,观测日志是通过观测助手或观测用户手工记录的,存在信息不全、笔误等多种可能,且纸质的日志也不利于后期观测数据的归档和发布。本文针对丽江2.4米望远镜YFOSC的观测数据,设计研发了一套自动记录观测日志的辅助系统,该系统可以自动记录观测数据的日志信息,并提供了修改错误信息的功能;系统中以观测用户的观测时间申请书编号为唯一代码对观测数据进行管理,从而实现了根据不同观测用户进行观测数据打包的功能。在保护观测数据权限的同时,降低了笔误带来的影响,提高了观测日志的准确性,最终提高观测效率。

  • Effects of substance-related cues on response inhibition in addicts

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-05-29

    Abstract: Loss of control in substance seeking and use of addicts is closely related to response inhibition. Many studies have explored this relationship in context of substance-related cues. Substance cues can be automatically captured by attention and also induce non-automatic approach-motivated state. As a consequence, these cues may consume limited cognitive resources through a stimulus-driven and a state-dependent manner in order to influence addicts' response inhibition. And these effects also play important roles in the development and maintenance of addictive behaviors. Further research should be carried out to reveal the neural mechanisms of both manners, clarify how motivations and attitudes towards substance use modulate these effects, conduct research in real situations, and discover more effective interventions.

  • 音乐的神经美学:从审美反应到神经基础

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2019-05-27

    Abstract: In recent years, with the development of musical neuroscience and neuroaesthetics, neuroaesthetics of music has become a new research area. This research area focuses on psychological processes and neural mechanisms of musicalaesthetic. Especially, it focuses on the perception, cognition, and emotional interpretation of musicalaesthetic. Musical aesthetic elicited aesthetic responses and three of themhave been received much attention from researchers: emotion, judgment, and preference of musical aesthetic. Regarding these three aesthetic responses, researchers have investigated the perception, cognition, emotional processing, influencing factors, and neural mechanisms of musical aesthetic responses. These studies provided empirical evidence for understanding the behavioral and neural mechanisms of music and aesthetics.

  • The application of multiple object tracking in the evaluation and training of different populations

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-05-27

    Abstract: Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) is mainly used to explore visual attention and memory for multiple objects in dynamic contexts. Earlier studies focused on the influencing factors and processing mechanisms of the tracking process. An increasing number of recent studies have used MOT to evaluate and train different populations, including children, the elderly, patients with neurodevelopmental conditions, drivers, athletes, video game players, and other occupational groups. In general, a trend has emerged whereby the better the performance of MOT, the better the professional performance in complex and fast dynamic contexts. Conversely, poorer performance of MOT indicates that cognitive functioning may be immature or declining. In addition, MOT can also be used as a means of cognitive training to improve the cognitive function of the elderly and patients with neurodevelopmental conditions and improve the professional performance of various occupational groups. MOT should be considered for future use as it has enormous potential as a method of evaluation and training. This can be further improved in various ways, including strengthening the simulated training of special occupational groups, expanding the target populations, combining MOT with stereoscopic vision and real scenes, taking physical activities during MOT, exploring MOT with multi-person cooperation, and using MOT for the evaluation and training of emotional and social functions.

  • 非等高电离层薄壳模型研究

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2019-05-27 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract:本文提出了一种非等高电离层薄壳模型,并基于该模型开发了新的全球定位系统硬件偏差和电离层电子密度解算算法。在本模型中,首先利用国际参考电离层模型提供的电子密度剖面数据进行计算得到薄壳高度,然后一方面利用计算得到的薄壳高度对电离层高度变化规律进行了分析;另一方面用计算得到的薄壳高度代替以往使用的常数电离层壳高度,得到非等高电离层薄壳模型。分别基于等高模型和非等高模型对2014年的日本全球导航系统观测网的硬件偏差和电离层总电子含量进行计算,并对计算结果进行统计分析,发现由不同模型计算得到的硬件偏差的平均标准差相差大约2%;由不同模型反演得到的总电子含量大约相差0.5 TECU;由日本全球导航系统观测网观测数据反演得到的总电子含量和国际参考电离层模型相差可达10 TECU;由非等高模型得到的总电子含量和国际参考电离层模型更加接近。

  • The automaticity in cognitive processing: From dichotomy to gradual view

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-05-24

    Abstract: Cognitive automaticity is an inevitable road for human learning and improving. The traditional dichotomy view classifies cognitive processes intro controlled or automatic processes according to certain features of cognitive processes (e.g., unconsciousness). However, these features are not universal but up to the experimental paradigms used by researchers. New viewpoints based on the attentional resources theory were developed, taking the controlled-automatic process as a continuous dimension and regarding decreases of attentional resources as the central feature of the development of automaticity. Compared with dichotomy, the gradual view accords better with empirical findings. Further, the gradual view can be applied in both cognitive information processing and the stages model of skill acquisition theory, which confirmed the universality of gradual view.

  • Early development of the body shape and body movement in infancy

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-05-24

    Abstract: The body contains rich social information. Studying the body representation’s development in the early stage is significant for revealing body representation’s specific mechanism and further understanding the infants’ social development. Through looking at the theories about the body shape and the body movement, we summarize the representation patterns of the infant’s body structure information and movement information. At the same time, the article describes two theories on the infant's body representation development. Future researches should pay more attention to explain the specific development process and the controversial critical period of body representation in fancy. Moreover, the mechanism of biological motion preference on body representation should be explored through using the brain imaging technology.

  • 9~10岁儿童和成人的一致性序列效应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-05-22

    Abstract: " "

  • The psychological and behavior characteristics of social exclusion and its brain mechanisms

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2019-05-21

    Abstract: Social exclusion impairs our basic needs of belongingness and has serious psychological and physiological effect on cognitive processes, emotional well-beings, physiological responses and behaviors. Under the framework of the temporal need-threat model, psychology and behavioral response to social exclusion can be divided into three stages. With the development of social media, new psychological and behavioral characteristics of social exclusion are presented. From the perspective of brain network, some key brain areas of default mode network, salience network and some other brain networks are involved in emotional and cognitive processes at each stage of social exclusion. Future studies should focus on the basis of temporal need-threat model to investigate the brain network of social exclusion and predict the psychological and physiological response patterns after social exclusion. "

  • Effect of Dong Chorus on the Executive Function of Dong High School Students

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-05-20

    Abstract: " Considerable research suggests that musical experience and ability are related to various cognitive abilities. One aspect of cognition that may be related to musical training is executive function (EF), which involves a set of top-down processes that regulate behavior and cognition according to task demands. To date, many studies are investigating this relationship. However, results are mixed and difficult to compare because of not only the variety of EF components examined but also the variety of tasks used to measure EF and the variety of criteria used to categorize participants as “musicians” or “non-musicians.” Moreover, most studies focus more on Western music than Chinese folk music, which has its own unique expression and distinct musical character. Dong Chorus, which is the multipart folk chorus of the Dong people in Guizhou Province, holds an important and unusual position in Chinese polyphonic folk songs. This stature is due to their splendid artistry, long history that can be textually researched, and the great influence of their vivid artistic practice, which gained the favor of numerous musicians. However, only a few scholars have studied the folk songs from the perspective of cognitive psychology or by means of experiments. In this study, we divide EFs into three core components: inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility in auditory and visual modalities. Dong musicians (n=32), Dong non-musicians (n=32), and the Han (n=32) high school students were involved in six experiments to test the effect of Dong Chorus on cognition and the existence and generality of the relationship between musical ability and EFs. Results showed that Dong musicians and non-musicians outperformed Han students in inhibitory control and memory updating in auditory and visual versions of EF tasks, but no significant difference existed among the three groups in terms of shifting, which proved the generality of cognitive advantages of Dong Chorus. Dong non-musicians outperformed Han students in inhibition and switching, which suggested the interaction between language and music. In summary, these results indicated that cognitive advantages associated with Dong Chorus are not limited to auditory processes, but they are limited to specific aspects of EF. This finding supports a process-specific (but modality-general) relationship between musical ability and nonmusical aspects of cognition. Protecting and developing the Dong Chorus are important.

  • 平谱射电类星体 3C 454.3的中长周期光变特性研究

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2019-05-20 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract:耀变体具有明显的、剧烈的大幅度光变,中长时标的光变研究对于揭示耀变体的光变特征和光变机理有重要作用。通过选取平谱射电类星体3C 454.3的光学B、V、R和红外J、K波段的2008年6月~2017年7月的原始光变数据,采用功率谱方法,研究3C 454.3的中长周期光变特性,研究得出光变主周期为1.25年,4.57年的周期为1.25年周期的叠加。3C 454.3在光学、红外以及射电波段的光变有一定的关系。研究显示出3C 454.3的红外光度比光学波段更为明亮,红外光变比光学波段更为剧烈。

  • 基于DenseNet的天体光谱分类方法

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2019-05-20 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》


  • 儿童区分幻想和现实的发展特点及作用机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2019-05-17 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: 幻想(Fantasy)是指向未来,与个人愿望相联系的想象,且不一定以客观规律为依据。现实(Reality)是存在于日常生活中, 或者与我们生活法则相一致的事物或现象。准确地区分幻想和现实有利于在保护儿童想象力的同时,确保他们的人身安全。国内外研究发现,儿童区分幻想和现实的能力随着年龄的增长而提高;受外部(实验材料的情感色彩、人物和主题类型)和内部(个体情绪感知强度、经验)因素的影响;语言、元认知、心理理论和认知神经等可能是儿童区分幻想和现实的作用机制。未来研究需探索各种作用机制在儿童年龄与区分幻想和现实能力之间可能的调节效应,以及儿童混淆幻想和现实的认知神经。在此基础上,进一步明确既保护儿童想象力又确保其人身安全的有效措施。

  • 手机成瘾控制模型:孤独感、焦虑、自我控制和动机的作用机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2019-05-17 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract:[目的]手机成瘾是信息技术时代影响人们生理心理的主要因素,对手机成瘾的发生路径的研究能为手机成瘾的干预治疗提供更加科学个性化的方案。 [方法]文献综述 [结果]以往研究在探索手机成瘾发生路径时,参照网络成瘾的定义与模式,主要利用问卷调查的方法, 建构手机成瘾的单个中介或调节路径。 [局限]缺少对手机成瘾的区别性定义与成瘾因素及其路径的整合。 [结论]首先提出手机成瘾的区别性定义,然后整合手机成瘾的多个路径,建立以孤独感、焦虑为中介,自我控制、动机为调节的手机成瘾动态控制模型,最后梳理手机成瘾的认知实验结果,为手机成瘾的干预提供综合而全面的科学根据。

  • 儿童期逆境与基因对男性服刑人员攻击性的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Physiological Psychology submitted time 2019-05-17 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: 暴力再犯危险性评估是当今再犯危险性评估工作中的重点, 其中,攻击性是服刑人员暴力再犯行为稳定的个体因素。对攻击性进行研究, 有助于预防和降低服刑人员在假释或出狱后的暴力再犯行为风险, 关系社会的长治久安。 研究表明,遭受儿童期逆境和携带易感基 因(如 MAOA-uVNTR 低活性等位基因)是导致攻击行为的重要因素。 但在现有的研究中,儿童期逆境的计分方式局限于简单的线性加总,或所依据的统计模型忽略逆境各维度之间的 交互作用和非线性关系;在服刑人员攻击性的评估中未考虑攻击性的亚类, 而且多使用自报告的量表测评, 这些问题制约了评估的有效预测力。 本研究拟通过建立潜在类别模型,分析男性服刑人员和普通成年人群在儿童期逆境上的亚类; 以实验与问卷测量结果、司法行为记录作为攻击性指标,揭示儿童期逆境如何影响个体的主动性攻击、反应性攻击及暴力犯罪行为,重点探讨儿童期逆境潜在类别对主动性攻击和反应性攻击的影响,以及 MAOA-uVNTR、COMT Val158Met、 5-HTTLPR 基因多态性在其中的调节作用。 研究结果有助于找出高攻击性个体的生物遗传指标,从而发现受儿童期逆境经历影响的易感人群,为暴力行为的风险预测以及针对暴力攻击行为的行为矫正和相关药物设计提供理论和实证参考,提高相关工作的效率。

  • 自我-他人重叠及其相关概念辨析

    Subjects: Psychology >> Educational Psychology submitted time 2019-05-17 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: 在总结自我-他人重叠概念的提出历程、测量方法、 结构,以及常用改变方法的基础上,通过辨析自我-他人重叠与关系自我、自我扩张之间的关系, 以及它和社会距离之间的异同,明晰了自我-他人重叠的本质特点。 自我-他人重叠是强调自己和他人具有相似表征的关系自我,是个体在自我扩张动机的驱使下,将他人的资源、 观点和特质纳入自我的结果。 未来可以借鉴关系自我神经机制的研究成果来探讨自我-他人重叠的神经机制, 还可以深入探讨过高的自我-他人重叠对亲密关系的消极作用。

  • 助推目标实现:时间标记的动力效应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-05-17 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: 时间标记是指日常生活中所有突出的独特性事件。个体在经历当下的时 间标记或期待未来的时间标记时,其追求目标的动机水平得到提高, 并表现出更 多的目标相关行为,即时间标记具有一种动力效应。 时间标记可能增加了个体对 不同时间自我之间的分离感,继而通过自我效能感、保持一致的自我形象、损失 规避及缩小差距等心理过程提高追求目标的动机。未来研究应进一步探讨时间标 记在动力效应中的角色定位及动力效应的持续时间、探究时间标记动力效应的普 适性、检验可能的心理机制并在实践领域开展时间标记助推行为决策的应用研究。

  • Level 2 visual perspective-taking at age 3 and the corresponding effect of cooperation

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2019-05-16

    Abstract: " Level 2 visual perspective-taking, which is a type of reasoning through which perceptions are formed on the basis of others’ perspectives, underlies various social cognitions. Therefore, the development of this type of reasoning attracts considerable attention. The traditional turtle task (Masangkay et al., 1974) indicated that level 2 visual perspective-taking does not emerge until age 4~5. Moll and Meltzoff (2011) introduced a color-filter task and suggested that 3-year-old Western children demonstrate such an understanding. Therefore, our first aim was to investigate 3-year-old Chinese children’s level 2 visual perspective-taking. A crucial aspect concerns how this type of reasoning develops. From a constructivist view, cooperation is supposed to play a crucial role. Numerous studies have provided supporting evidence that cooperation is uniquely related to improvements in perspectival understanding. However, a direct measurement of visual perspective-taking is lacking. Therefore, our second aim was to determine the effect of cooperation on the development of children’s level 2 visual perspective-taking. The present study performed two experiments. In each experiment, 48 3-year-old Chinese children were randomly assigned to a cooperative or competitive group. Each participant successively received a level 2 visual perspective-taking pre-test, 3-minute cooperative or competitive social interaction according to their group assignment, and level 2 visual perspective-taking post-test. Social interaction involved a fishing game with an experimenter, in which children can collaboratively (cooperation) catch as much fish as they can or catch more fish than others (competition). Two types of tasks (i.e., experiment 1: turtle task; experiment 2: color-filter task) were used to measure the children’s level 2 visual perspective-taking. The pre- and post-tests shared the same task type but used different items. The children’s performance was examined and compared between groups in each experiment. Results showed that (1) 3-year-old Chinese children showed no significant tendency to take level 2 visual perspectives. Experiment 1 indicated that the traditional turtle task was fraught with difficulty for the children. That is, the participants significantly tended to report their own perspective when asked about others’ perspective in the pre-test. This result agreed with previous findings that children generally fail this task until age 4. Experiment 2 used a color-filter task. The participants randomly took others’ perspective or their own, thereby indicating that they had difficulty taking others’ perspectives. (2) Cooperation improved children’s level 2 visual perspective-taking. Experiment 2 found that their level 2 visual perspective-taking was enhanced after cooperation but not after competition. In the post-test, children who cooperated successfully took one another’s perspective, whereas those who competed performed randomly. The difference between groups was significant. Experiment 1 showed the same tendency, but no significance was observed. Present findings prompt us to update our knowledge of the early development of visual perspective-taking. First, results indicate that 3-year-old children continue to experience difficulty in level 2 visual perspective-taking. Second, cooperation considerably helps children take level 2 visual perspectives. Although children failed to independently take one another’s perspectives, they managed to do so with the help of a preceding task-irrelevant cooperation. This result clarifies the constructive impact of social interaction, thereby suggesting that the ability to take others’ perspectives could be specifically enhanced by cooperation. Thus, future studies should focus on the long-term effects of cooperation and how it constructs children’s developing representation of visual perspectives.

  • The relationship between leadership styles and engagement: A meta-analysis

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-05-16

    Abstract: This article fills the void in leadership and engagement literature through conducting a quantitative review to explore the disparities among relationships between different leadership styles and engagement. Based on a meta-analysis of 148 cases and 162 independent effect sizes (N = 84836). we found positive associations between various leadership styles and engagement, and the results of relative weights analysis suggest that engagement was decrementally predicted by empowering leadership, ethical leadership, transformational leadership, leader-member exchange, authentic leadership, transactional leadership, servant leadership and paternalistic leadership. Moderator analyses revealed that the particular engagement scale, design of research and cultural background all produce meaningful influences on the relationships in the meta-analysis. "