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  • The development of the correlation between visual-motor integration and reading

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2024-06-28

    Abstract: Visual-motor integration (VMI) refers to the integration and coordination of fine motor skills and visual perception skills. Numerous studies have consistently demonstrated a strong correlation between VMI ability and reading, and the degree of correlation is adjusted by age. The developmental trajectory of the correlation between VMI ability and reading varies across different writing systems. In alphabetic writing system, the correlation tends to decline with age, but remains significant until secondary school. Conversely, in Chinese writing system, the correlation increases with age: starting from an insignificant correlation in preschool and lower grades of elementary school, it becomes significant in upper grades of elementary school as well as during adulthood. Future studies need to: 1) adopt a multifaceted approach to measure VMI ability encompassing both process-oriented and outcome-based assessments; 2) focus on determining whether VMI ability serves as an essential foundation for supporting reading development; 3) and elucidate the behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying this correlation and its development.

  • Associations between Empathy and Negative Affect: Effect of Emotion Regulation

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2022-12-03


    Empathy refers to understanding, inferring and sharing others’ emotional states, which can be divided into affective and cognitive components. Although empathy contributes to prosocial behaviors and harmonious interpersonal relationships, it also increases an individual’s negative emotional experiences and affect distress. Emotion regulation, the psychological process of managing one’s own emotions, has been found to be closely associated with empathy. Cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression are two commonly used strategies to regulate emotions, of which cognitive reappraisal is effective in reducing negative emotional experiences while expressive suppression is usually correlated with more affective distress. However, the roles of emotion regulation strategies in the empathic response are still unclear.

    We conducted two studies to investigate the roles of emotion regulation on the negative affect related to empathy using self-report questionnaires and experimental task respectively. Study 1 administered the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy (QCAE), the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) to 442 college students. The moderating effects of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression on the association between empathy and negative affect were examined separately. Study 2 adopted the Chinese version of the Empathic Accuracy Task (EAT) to further examine the effect of emotion regulation (i.e. cognitive reappraisal) on cognitive empathy and affective responses. The EAT requires participants to continuously rate targets’ emotional valence in video clips as a second person and rate emotional valence and arousal of both targets and themselves after each video. Seventy-five participants (33 for experiment 1 and 42 for experiment 2) were recruited to perform the EAT under two conditions, i.e., naturally viewing without any instructions and applying cognitive reappraisal while viewing the scenarios. Paired sample t tests and repeated-measure ANOVA were performed to examine the effect of cognitive reappraisal on task performance.

    Findings from Study 1 showed that affective empathy was significantly correlated with higher levels of anxiety and stress, while empathic concern was correlated with less anxiety, stress and depression. However, when participants endorsed cognitive reappraisal more frequently, such positive association between affective empathy and stress was reduced, while the negative association between empathic concern and anxiety was strengthened. Cognitive empathy was significantly correlated with reduced depression. Expressive suppression strengthened the negative association between cognitive empathy and depression. Moreover, a negative correlation between cognitive empathy and anxiety as well as stress emerged for participants endorsing cognitive reappraisal more frequently. Findings from Study 2 showed that task performances of the EAT were significantly improved when participants endorsed cognitive reappraisal strategy compared to the condition of naturally viewing. Specifically, under the cognitive reappraisal condition participants scored higher empathic accuracy, experienced less negative affect in reaction to others’ affect distress, and experienced more positive affect in reaction to others’ positive emotions.

    Taken together, the findings from these two studies suggested that both cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression play a protective role in the associations between empathy and negative affect, and the endorsement of cognitive reappraisal would improve task performance on both cognitive and affective empathy. Our findings shed light on the psychological mechanisms of empathy and provide new approach for improving individuals’ social cognitive ability, especially for early intervention in clinical and subclinical populations.

  • Advances of Personal Identification Research in Organizations: The Development and Improvement of a Process Framework

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2021-07-25

    Abstract: Personal identification(PI)was defined as “perceived oneness with another individual, where one defines oneself in terms of the others”. Research shows that PI in organizations has substantial connection with work performance,work satisfaction and other work-related outcomes. Drawing from the extent literature,this paper counters former deficiency in the study for its dynamically construct and development in organizations,and divides PI in organizations into two different types,named one-way and both-way personal identification,and further constructs its specific function mechanism under the influence of various leadership and interaction between colleagues. After the development of such a process framework,this paper gives some future prospects for its improvement.

  • 发展性阅读障碍的听觉时间加工缺陷

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2021-01-27


  • The psychological typhoon eye effect in responses to terrorism

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology Subjects: Safety Science and Technology >> Public Safety submitted time 2020-07-14

    Abstract: Terrorist attacks can occur anywhere. As the threat of terrorism develops, the China–Eurasia Expo held in Urumqi, China, is attracting fewer potential visitors. A nationwide survey of 2034 residents from 31 provinces/municipalities in China was conducted to examine the relation between the distance to respondents’ city of residence from Urumqi and their levels of concern for safety and security concerning the expo. The two were found to be positively related: the closer the respondents lived to ?rümqi, the less concerned they were with the safety and security of the expo. This is consistent with the ‘psychological typhoon eye’ effect, which states that people living closer to the centre of an unfortunate event (whether natural or man-made hazards) are less concerned with the event’s negative consequences. This effect appears to hold for terrorism. There are implications of this finding for international counter-terrorism practice, tourism, and research.

  • 羞耻情绪对欺骗行为的影响:自我控制的作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2019-06-14

    Abstract: " Shame, as a typical moral emotion, has an influence on individual behavior that is both complex and controversial. Previous studies have found that shame produces both an unpleasant experience and a moral emotion that encourages individuals to produce positive behaviors. In recent years, Hooge’s research has proceeded from the perspective of motivation. He believes that, no matter how shame makes individuals perform, their motivation is to restore and protect the damaged self. Therefore, based on Hooge's theory, this research will examine this typical immoral behavior as an example to discuss the impact of shame upon it and its ways. In this study, students from a university were randomly selected as participants, and the number of each experiment’s participants was arranged according to the experimental requirements. Questionnaires and behavioral experiments were used throughout the experiment, and the experimental procedures were completed in accordance with the regulations of each experiment. The requirements for each experiment were different and the procedures for conducting the experiment were different. The statistical methods of the study were also based on the requirements of each experiment. Experiment 1 examines whether shame has an effect on deceptive behavior. Its results show that the number and tendency of deception in the shamed group were significantly lower than in the control group. To more fully explore the impact of shame on deceptive behavior in different contexts, Experiment 2 improved upon the deficiencies of Experiment 1 and divided shame situations into two types: moral anomie and lack of ability. It was found that the number of deceptions in the moral anomie shamed group was significantly lower than that in the control group, and the number of deceptions in the lack of ability shamed group was significantly higher than that in the control group. To examine the specific methods and mechanisms of shame in affecting deception, we propose that shamed individuals increase their self–control resources and, thus, reduce the theory of fraud. Experiment 3a examined the impact of shame on self–control resources and found that the self–control resources of the shamed group were significantly higher than those of the control group. Experiment 3b explored the specific mechanisms of shame affecting deceptive behavior. It was found that self–control resources played a complete mediating role in the process of shame in affecting deception. In summary, these findings suggest that shame can deter deception under certain conditions. The condition is that shame is caused by moral disorder rather than lack of ability; the mechanism of shame in affecting behavior may be: Individuals who feel shame will restore and protect the damaged moral self by mobilizing more self–control resources to influence behavior. " " "

  • Effects of Psychological Distance on the Negative Emotions of Immoral Events——A Study Based on Weibo Data

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2019-01-22

    Abstract: Construal Level Theory holds that the spatial and temporal difference affect the individual’s representation of events, leading to different levels of emotional intensity. According to the theory of psychological typhoon eye, with the increase of spatial distance, the emotional intensity of individuals becomes stronger, and those at the center of events become more calm. The study is based on Weibo and adopts the research method of big data. We select two fatal accidents of female passengers on DiDi ride-hailing service as research objects to analyze effects of psychological distance on negative emotions, in which psychological distance can be divided into two dimensions: temporal distance and spatial distance. The study found that the further away from the unethical event, the longer after the event, the higher intensity of negative emotions generated by individuals. "

  • “吃亏是福”— 传说乎?现实乎?

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2018-03-29


  • 熬夜人群更容易焦虑和抑郁:一项基于微博数据的研究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer Application Technology submitted time 2018-03-05

    Abstract:[目的] 利用微博大数据探索熬夜和焦虑、抑郁情绪的关系。 [方法] 本研究根据微博用户在夜间的活动状态, 把100万活跃用户分为熬夜组和非熬夜组,比较两组用户在所发微博中出现的体现焦虑和抑郁情绪的相关词词频。 [结果] 独立样本t检验结果显示,熬夜组的焦虑相关词词频显著高于非熬夜组,t=36.86,p<0.001;熬夜组的抑郁相关词词频显著高于非熬夜组,t=49.71,p<0.001。 [局限] 词频分析与用心理测量量表测量抑郁和焦虑的情感无法完全等同,基于大数据的词频分析虽然提供了一种高效的分析方法,但不能完全替代严格的心理测量。 [结论] 入睡时间过晚会影响睡眠质量;熬夜人群更容易受到焦虑和抑郁情绪的困扰。