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  • 时间与金钱概念对消费者购买决策的不同影响及其心理机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Time and money are two important resources that affect consumer decision-making differently. Based on the dual-process theory, this paper discusses the effect of time and money concepts on consumers' purchase decisions and its psychological mechanism through reviewing previous literature. Specifically, the effect of time and money would be differential in consumers’ the purchase decision process such as pre-purchase stage, purchasing stage, and post purchase stage. For pre-purchase decisions stage, the concept of time and money will affect consumers' product search and product evaluation strategy. When consumers search for products, currency of search (time or money) will moderate the effect of magnitude of search costs on people’s willingness to search. When the currency is money, lower (vs. higher) search costs will result in higher willingness to search. When the currency is time, this effect of search costs on willingness to search will be relatively weaker. As for consumer’s product evaluation, they will adopt an alternative-based evaluation strategy to evaluate product information after they are activated time concept and adopt an attribute-based evaluation strategy to evaluate product information after they are activated money concept. For purchasing decision stage, the impacts of priming time and money on product selection are different. Consumers will make different choices between virtue and vice products, hedonic and utilitarian products, experiential purchases and material purchases, and anthropomorphized products when they are activated time or money concepts. That is, if the time concept is activated, consumers tend to choose a virtue product, hedonic product, experiential purchases and prefer anthropomorphic products with no prominent functional purpose. If money is activated, consumers tend to choose vice products, utilitarian products, material purchases and prefer the anthropomorphic products with prominent functional purpose. For post-purchase decision stage, the concepts of time and money also have different effects on consumers' product attitude and the consistency of product preferences. Time priming leads to a more positive attitude toward products and a higher degree of consistency in preferences than money priming. However, for luxury goods, free goods and high materialists, money priming has a better effect than time priming. From the perspective of the dual-process theory, the psychological mechanism due to different cognitive processing modes and mindsets that are primed by time and money. Concretely, because of the value of time are more ambiguous, difficult to calculate, difficult to explain, irreplaceable and intangible than money, consumers are more dependent on the experience system to process time and product information heuristically, holistically and affectively and fall into emotional maximization mindset. Because the value of money is more specific, easy to analyze, replaceable and tangible than time, consumers are more dependent on the rational system to process money and product information analytically and fall into value maximization mindset. As a result, due to the difference of time and money concepts, different processing methods and thinking patterns further lead to consumers make different purchase decisions in three aspects: pre-purchase decision (product search and product evaluation strategy), purchasing decision (product selection) and post-purchase decision (product attitude and the consistency of product preferences). Future research should further explore the following issues: (1) Elaborating the different effects of priming time and money on purchase decisions. (2) Considering the impact from the tradeoff between time and money on purchase decisions. (3) Further exploring the different influences of priming time and money on the pre-purchase decision. (4) Exploring the neural mechanisms underlying the different effects of time and money on purchase decisions.

  • 时间与金钱概念对消费者购买决策的不同影响及其心理机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2021-09-26

    Abstract: Time and money are two important resources which could affect consumer decision-making differently. When consumers making purchase decisions, they are ususally influenced by the information of time or money which implied in the merchant’s slogan and the shopping environment. And these affect would be differential in consumers’ purchase decision process such as pre-purchase stage, purchasing stage, and post purchase stage. From the perspective of dual-process theory, the psychological mechanism may be due to different cognitive processing mindsets that primed by time and money. Future research should further explore the following issues: (1) Elaborating the different effects of priming time and money on purchase decisions. (2) Considering the impact from the trade-off between time and money on purchase decisions. (3) Further exploring the different influences of priming time and money on the pre-purchase decision. (4) Exploring the neural mechanisms underlying the different effects of time and money on purchase decisions. "

  • The effects of prosocial spending on subjective well-being and its mechanism

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2021-02-04

    Abstract: Prosocial spending refers to spending money on others in the form of gifts or charitable donations. Prosocial spending not only benefits the recipient but also exerts a positive effect on the giver’s subjective well-being. This effect depends on the type of recipient (individual vs. organization or society at large), and the universality and the persistence of the effect have been extensively investigated. Both internal and external factors have been shown to contribute to the boundary conditions facilitating the effect. Several theories, such as self-determination theory, social norm theory, evolution theory and social exchange theory, could be used to elucidate the mechanism underlying the effect of prosocial spending on subjective well-being. Future studies should focus on examining the boundary conditions of the effect, exploring the long-term positive effects of prosocial spending, and improving the ecological validity of research on prosocial spending.

  • 生长素对水稻锰积累及毒害的效应

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2020-08-03 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:为明确生长素与水稻锰毒及抗性的关系,揭示水稻锰毒调控机制,该研究采用水培方法研究了锰胁迫对水稻根尖游离生长素含量的影响及外源生长素萘乙酸对水稻幼苗锰吸收、积累和毒害的影响。结果表明:在 2000 μmol·L-1 MnCl2 溶液中培养的水稻,根尖游离吲哚乙酸含量显著下降,仅为对照处理的 47.7%;水稻根相对伸长率也显著减少,降至对照处理的 71.1%。在锰溶液中添加生长素极性运输抑制剂萘基邻氨甲酰苯甲酸后根尖锰含量显著增加,达到了对照处理的 1.5 倍。在锰溶液中添加萘乙酸后,虽然根尖细胞壁锰含量与对照处理间的差异不显著,但水稻根相对伸长率显著降低而植株锰吸收量、根尖锰含量、根尖细胞液中锰的分配比均显著增加。茎基部浸入锰溶液中的离体稻株叶片中的锰含量也在加入萘乙酸后显著提高。锰胁迫下外源添加萘乙酸后,水稻根尖 OsYSL2、OsYSL6 及 OsMTP8.1 的表达均显著增加。综上结果说明,过量的锰显著抑制水稻根伸长、降低水稻根尖游离态生长素水平,而生长素参与调控水稻对锰的吸收、转运及毒性。

  • 金庸小说人物的大五人格—基于文心系统的15部金庸小说分析

    Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology submitted time 2018-02-12

    Abstract:[目的]从心理学的角度全面分析金庸小说人物人格与创作阶段、性别之间的关系。[方法]本文通过创作阶段对金庸15部小说进行划分,采用基于数据挖掘的文学智能分析方法,通过中文心理分析系统对人物对话进行处理,得到人物的大五人格预测分数。[结果] 女性人物的神经质倾向高于男性人物;创作阶段影响小说人物的尽责性、外向性倾向。[局限]仅仅对小说中的人物进行了分析,没有和金庸本人生平经历和创作时代特点相结合。[结论]本文从心理学人格理论出发探讨金庸小说的人物描写特点,丰富了“金学”的研究成果,为研究金庸的人物刻画风格与偏好提供了新的视角。