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  • <p>Common problems and countermeasures of post-00 nursing interns in clinical practice</p>

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-10-16

    Abstract: to understand the common problems of the post-90s nursing interns in clinical practice, to summarize the corresponding countermeasures, to effectively improve the quality of practice, to impart relevant experience to the next intern.Methods 150 post-00s nursing interns were randomly selected to investigate the common problems of nursing students during their internship by self-made questionnaire.Results According to the survey, 28% of the students felt anxious, 41.33% had weak sense of self-protection and law, 56.67% needed to strengthen theory and operation, 22.67% could not communicate with patients effectively 1.33% could not communicate effectively with their teachers, 9.33% could not complete the tasks assigned by their teachers on time, 6.67% could not correct their mistakes, and 8.78% thought the health education for patients was dispensable From the results (p< 0.05) , it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between theory knowledge and technique operation and gender, and from the results ( p< 0.05) , it can be concluded that active participation in nursing operation, learning with an open mind, active thinking has a certain correlation with age, education, and school performance, and has a statistical difference.CONCLUSION The survey results mainly reflect the problems of the post-00s generation, such as lack of initiative and practical ability, poor practical ability, etc.

  • Eye-tracking in Human-computer Interaction: Status Quo, Roles, and Trends

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] Eye tracking is widely used in human-computer interaction research. The analysis of eye tracking in human-computer interaction research can deeply understand the research status of eye tracking in human-computer interaction, the role of eye tracking in this process, and the trend of future research.[Method/process] This paper used Web of Science and ACM as data sources. Python and VOSviewer were used to cluster topics of related research. Summarizing the content of related articles was also conducted. Research on eye-tracking in human-computer interaction was analyzed from the perspective of "quantity" and "quality".[Result/conclusion] Interactive input, output, and application directions were the main topics of related research. Research trends summarized based on the analysis of "quantity" and "quality" can provide reference for subsequent research on eye-tracking and human-computer interaction.

  • The solution to one-dimensional heat conduction problem bounded by the exponential decay condition and its application

    Subjects: Mechanics >> Applied Mechanics submitted time 2022-12-21 Cooperative journals: 《应用力学学报》


    For the one-dimensional heat conduction problem bounded by the exponential decay condition,it is hard to find the inversion of the product of the general solution of the universal equation and the image function of the boundary condition after Laplace transform,thus increasing the difficulty in solving the problem.The general theoretical solution of one-dimensional heat conduction problem is established by using properties of Laplace transform and operating the boundary condition during the transformation process with operators.For specific problems,the boundary conditions are substituted into the general theoretical solution to obtain the corresponding solutions.According to the solution when the boundary condition is exponential decay function,the transformation relationship between the solution and that of classical problem is discussed,and the corresponding parameter for the model is calculated by using the inflection point of the temperature measurement variation curve.The proposed solving method is convenient because the boundary conditions do not participate in the complicated transformation process.

  • 黄土高原小流域不同植物群落土壤生态化学计量的垂直 变化特征

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2022-05-21 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Soil nutrients and their stoichiometric characteristics are effective ways to evaluate the effect of vegetation restoration in small watersheds on the Loess Plateau. The study aims to analyze different soil depths(0-20 cm、20-40 cm、40-60 cm) of Stipa bungeana community, Leymus secalinus community, Medicago sativa community, Caragana korshinskii community, and Armeniaca sibirica community. The vertical variation characteristics of soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total potassium (TK) contents. Their ecological stoichiometry was analyzed utilizing variance analysis and linear regression, and the coupling relationship among each index was discussed. The results were as follows: (1) Soil SOC, TN, TP were affected by different communities, and soil depth affected soil SOC, TN, TP and TK, but only TN content was affected by their interaction. In the 0-20 cm soil layer, soil SOC and TN contents in Caragana korshinskii shrub were significantly higher than those in other communities (P<0.05). (2) In the vertical soil profile, except for C:N, the soil stoichiometric ratios decreased gradually with soil depth deepening. In the soil layers of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm, except for the soil C:N which was the highest in Leymus secalinus community (P<0.05), the soil C:P, N:P and N:K were all the highest in Caragana korshinskii community; In the 40-60 cm soil layer, the soil C:K of the Armeniaca sibirica community was significantly lower than other communities (P<0.05). (3) The contents of soil SOC, TN, TP and TK were positively correlated under different communities. Among them, SOC and TN contents, TN and TP contents, SOC and TP contents, TN and TK contents reached significant levels in the five communities (P<0.05). In different communities, there was a significant positive correlation between soil C:P and C:K, C:K and N:K, N:P and N:K (P<0.05), while there was a negative correlation between C:N and N:P, C:N and N:K, P:K and C:P, P:K and N:P. To sum up, the contents of SOC, TN, TP and TK in the soil in different communities gradually decrease with the soil depth deepening. The comprehensive ecological stoichiometry characteristics of the Caragana korshinskii community are more substantial, more conducive to improving the local soil quality.

  • 用户步行导航过程中的情感变化研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】优化用户体验, 提高用户对导航系统的持续使用性。【方法】采用用户实验和基于情感词典的情感分析方法, 使用程度副词系数量、中文情感词汇本体、极性短语的强度计算公式等对情感短语进行量化, 分析影响情感的因素及其变化规律。【结果】用户在步行导航过程中的情感变化主要受到系统因素和环境因素的影响,系统更新的不及时、定位不准、环境恶劣均会对用户的情感造成影响。【局限】情感是一个复杂而且涵盖广泛的概念, 仅通过文本分析可能存在不足。【结论】通过改进系统本身和增添人性化的设置提高用户对导航系统的持续使用性, 为系统未来的升级提供有效参考。

  • 基于GPS 定位的步行导航用户分心研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】分析定位准确度不一样的情况下用户分心的情况, 并提出有效减少用户分心的建议与策略。【方法】采用基于真实场景的模拟实验方式, 通过设置对照组, 使用描述性统计方法和差异性检验来分析和比较在是否开启GPS 定位的两种情况下, 用户分心次数和时长的情况。【结果】研究结果表明, 开启GPS 定位的情况下, 用户对地图路线依赖度会明显增加, 导致用户更加关注GPS 定位点的指向, 增加用户中途停留行为, 但是会减少操作地图的行为。【局限】实验设计中无法排除实验者个体因素对实验结果的影响, 并且可参考的理论依据较少。【结论】步行导航中出现分心会增加步行时长, 降低满意度, 增加错误率。为了减少用户分心, 不仅用户需要减少对手机地图规划的路线的依赖度, 地图导航系统应该提供具体化、全面化导航信息。

  • 基于出声思考法的步行导航关注点研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】研究用户步行导航中的关注点及变化, 检验出声思考法是否适用于研究室外真实环境下的用户信息行为, 并从用户关注点角度出发为移动地图APP 提供改进建议。【方法】设计三个室外真实环境下的步行导航实验, 要求用户一边操作一边出声思考。【结果】步行导航中用户对搜索系统的关注多于对外部信息的关注; 在步行导航过程中用户对搜索系统结果显示的关注高, 在步行前、中、后期对外部信息的主要关注呈现出“环境状况–位置–目的地情况”的变化。【局限】手工将数据按照三个时间段划分, 存在不可避免的误差。【结论】出声思考法适用于室外真实环境下的用户交互研究; 从用户关注的外部信息和搜索系统本身出发来优化地图功能, 可以给予用户更好的用户体验。

  • 移动地图交互中的步行路线规划情境研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】分析不同情境因素对用户步行路线规划的影响, 构建用户路线规划的情境模型。【方法】邀请30名用户完成室外步行导航实验, 对用户路线规划的情境和行为进行Spearman 相关性分析和多元线性回归分析。【结果】初始规划阶段, 目的地选择次数越多, 用户搜索时长越长; 对估计时间在意程度越高, 对路线的浏览时长越长。重新规划阶段, 不同性别和年龄的用户其主观时间压力不同; 任务困难度越高时其操作次数反而会减少。【局限】数据处理存在一定的主观性; 实验中其他因素给用户的心理和行为产生潜在影响, 可能会对实验结果造成一定的干扰。【结论】步行路线规划情境模型更关注行为因素, 揭示初始路线规划和重新规划路线的各个情境因素的关系, 为移动地图开发者提供参考价值。

  • 时间限制对步行导航信息行为的影响研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】研究有无时间限制如何影响用户的步行导航行为和交互体验。【方法】采用用户实验法, 招募20名大学生并随机分成两组(时间限制组和非时间限制组)参与户外导航实验, 并完成两个不同类型的导航任务: 室外导航和室内导航任务。【结果】实验结果发现, 时间限制会产生时间压力, 但是对产生的时间压力的强度并没有显著性的影响; 当用户既不知道自己要去某地且不知某地的具体位置时, 时间限制对用户的任务完成时长、文本页面的停留时长和滑动次数有显著性影响; 当用户寻找一个不知道具体位置的地点时, 时间限制对用户的导航行为没有显著性影响; 室内导航中, 时间限制对用户的缩放次数和上滑次数有显著性影响。【局限】实验用户规模较小。【结论】时间限制影响用户的导航行为, 当时间限制时, 用户会通过减少屏幕操作次数从而加快到达目的地。

  • 移动阅读工具对大学生学术文献阅读效率的影响研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】研究大学生使用不同尺寸的手机屏幕和阅读类APP 对学术文献阅读效率的影响。【方法】通过问卷调查法、访谈法和实验法分析用户阅读学术文献的时间、理解率与记忆率。【结果】手机屏幕尺寸对阅读时间有影响, 对阅读理解率与阅读记忆率无显著影响; APP 的用户体验对阅读理解率有影响, 对阅读时间与阅读记忆率无显著影响。【局限】实验用户类型和数量有限, 阅读理解率与记忆率的测评方式不够客观。【结论】屏幕大小和阅读类APP 影响着阅读效率的不同方面, 优化移动阅读工具及APP 的用户体验, 可提高用户的阅读效率。

  • 移动阅读工具对大学生学术文献阅读效率的影响研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】研究大学生使用不同尺寸的手机屏幕和阅读类APP 对学术文献阅读效率的影响。【方法】通过问卷调查法、访谈法和实验法分析用户阅读学术文献的时间、理解率与记忆率。【结果】手机屏幕尺寸对阅读时间有影响, 对阅读理解率与阅读记忆率无显著影响; APP 的用户体验对阅读理解率有影响, 对阅读时间与阅读记忆率无显著影响。【局限】实验用户类型和数量有限, 阅读理解率与记忆率的测评方式不够客观。【结论】屏幕大小和阅读类APP 影响着阅读效率的不同方面, 优化移动阅读工具及APP 的用户体验, 可提高用户的阅读效率。

  • 用户移动搜索与桌面搜索行为对比研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-10-11 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract: [Objective] This study investigated the advantages of desktop search for the purpose of improving mobile search services. [Methods] We analyzed the differences between mobile and desktop search behaviors through user search experiment. [Results] The mobile and desktop search behaviors are different in search platforms, types of searched information, search situation, search process, user experience, search result precision, and user satisfaction, etc. [Limitations] The types and number of experimental population are limited, thus, further studies are needed to generalize our findings to a larger population. [Conclusions] Both mobile search and desktop search

  • 生长期秦川牛能量代谢规律与需要量研究

    Subjects: Biology >> Zoology submitted time 2017-10-10 Cooperative journals: 《动物营养学报》

    Abstract:本试验旨在研究生长期秦川牛能量代谢规律与需要量。选择30头体况良好、体重[(336.33±18.28) kg]相近的生长期秦川牛公牛,随机分为5组,每组6头牛,分别饲喂按我国《肉牛饲养标准》(NY/T 815-2004)提供的预期平均日增重900 g/d所需净能的85.0%(Ⅰ组)、92.5%(Ⅱ组)、100.0%(Ⅲ组)、107.5%(Ⅳ组)、115.0%(Ⅴ组)配制的5种试验饲粮。采用饲养试验和消化代谢试验测定秦川牛生长性能及能量代谢指标,并建立消化能和代谢能需要量预测模型。预试期10 d,正试期42 d。结果表明,Ⅲ组秦川牛平均日增重为880.15 g/d,较预期的结果略低;Ⅳ组平均日增重达到最大值(1 160.10 g/d),能量利用效率最高;总能消化率、总能代谢率和消化能代谢率平均值分别为(76.44±3.23)%、(66.75±3.16)%、(87.31±0.54)%;秦川牛的消化能和代谢能需要量的回归方程分别为:DER=0.778W0.75+37.05ADG;MER=0.668W0.75+33.49ADG[DER为消化能需要量(MJ/d),MER为代谢能需要量(MJ/d),W0.75为单位代谢体重(kg),ADG为平均日增重(kg/d)]。综合得出,生长期秦川牛的维持消化能和代谢能需要量分别为0.778、0.668 MJ/(kg W0.75),每千克增重的消化能和代谢能需要量分别为37.05、33.49 MJ。