您选择的条件: 2020-02-28
  • 情节模拟对预期伴侣反应性及依恋安全感的影响

    分类: 心理学 >> 发展心理学 提交时间: 2020-02-28

    摘要: 当依恋对象不在身边时,个体可以通过内部表征的方式通达依恋对象的可得与反应性,获得依恋安全感。然而,现有研究对内部表征通达途径的考察忽略了情节模拟的作用。该研究采用实验组控制组前后测设计,考察是否依恋相关的情节模拟可以通达依恋对象的可得与反应性,帮助个体获得依恋安全感。研究招募正处于恋爱关系中且恋爱时长超过6个月的大学生46名。前测评定依恋相关的困境情境;三天后实验组被试进行依恋相关的情节模拟任务,控制组被试进行情境结果的撰写任务,并再次对情境进行评定。结果发现,相比于控制组,情节模拟组预期伴侣的反应性和依恋安全感有更大提升。以上的研究结果表明,依恋相关的情节模拟可以通达伴侣可得与反应性并帮助个体获得依恋安全感。

  • Confirmed asymptomatic carrier of SARS-CoV-2

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 临床医学 提交时间: 2020-02-28

    摘要: Here we reported a case of asymptomatic carrier of SARS-CoV-2 infection. A 50-year old woman, lived with her husband in Anqing(Anhui, China) with no significant past medical history, travel history to Wuhan or adjacent area, or exposure to wild animals. She took throat swab test for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid due to her husband’s close contact with patients who had SARS-CoV-2 infection. Her results were confirmed positive on February 6, 2020. But she did not report elevation of temperature measurement, nor respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms and her chest CT scan showed no significant abnormalities. She was hospitalized on February 6 and treated with antiviral agents. During her hospitalization, apart from a mild elevation of liver enzymes after 10-day treatment of lopinavir/ritonavir, she was asymptomatic, with her blood cell count, live and renal function largely normal. Her subcutaneous oxygen saturation stayed above 97%. Chest CT scan was repeated on February 11 and 20, and both were negative for signs of viral pneumonia. Notably, a second set of throat swabs and anal swabs were sent to test for SARS-CoV-2 on February 19, and the results were still confirmed positive. This is a confirmed case of asymptomatic carrier of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Her persistent positive findings in both throat and anal swabs suggested the possibility of healthy carrier of the virus, which adds to the difficulty in preventing transmission of the disease.

  • Transplantation of ACE2- mesenchymal stem cells improves the outcome of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 临床医学 提交时间: 2020-02-28

    摘要: A coronavirus (HCoV-19) has caused the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan, China, Preventing and reversing the cytokine storm may be the key to save the patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been shown to possess a comprehensive powerful immunomodulatory function. This study aims to investigate whether MSC transplantation improve the outcome of 7 enrolled patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Beijing YouAn Hospital, China from Jan 23, 2020. to Feb 16, 2020. The clinical outcomes, as well as changes of inflammatory and immune function levels and adverse effects of 7 enrolled patients were assessed for 14 days after MSC injection. MSCs could cure or significantly improve the functional outcomes of seven patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in 14 days without observed adverse effect. The pulmonary function and symptoms of all patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were significantly improved in 2 days after MSC transplantation. Among them, two common and one severe patient were recovered and discharged in 10 days after treatment. After treatment, the peripheral lymphocytes were increased and the overactivated cytokine-secreting immune cells CXCR3 CD4 T cells, CXCR3 CD8 T cells, and CXCR3 NK cells were disappeared in 3-6 days. And a group of CD14 CD11c CD11bmid regulatory DC cell population dramatically increased. Meanwhile, the level TNF-α is significantly decreased while IL-10 increased in MSC treatment group compared to the placebo control group. Furthermore, the gene expression profile showed MSCs were ACE2- and TMPRSS2- which indicated MSCs are free from COVID-19 infection. Thus, the intravenous transplantation of MSCs was safe and effective for treatment in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, especially for the patients in critically severe condition.

  • 基于移动平均预测限预判新型冠状病毒感染疫情趋势与适时风险分级

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 预防医学与公共卫生学 分类: 统计学 >> 生物与医学统计学 提交时间: 2020-02-28

    摘要: 目的 建立一种数据驱动的实用方法预测突发全新传染性疾病的疫情趋势,通过动态预判疫情风险与分级为防控策略提供量化依据。方法 在移动平均法的基础上予以改进,提出一种移动平均预测限(Moving Average Prediction Limits, MAPL)方法,采用既往重症急性呼吸综合征(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)疫情数据验证MAPL方法对疫情趋势和风险预判的实用性。追踪本次新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)感染疫情从2020年1月16日起的官方公布数据,采用MAPL方法预判疫情变动趋势与疫区适时风险分级。 结果 基于MAPL方法分析显示,2020年2月初全国COVID-19感染疫情达到峰值。经过前期积极防控,2月中旬起全国疫情整体呈下降趋势。到2月下旬各地疫情有明显的区域性差异。与湖北地区相比,非湖北地区新增病例数下降速度快且未来疫情加重的风险相对较小。在几个重要的疫情输入省份,新增确诊病例数和可疑病例数的发展趋势一致,但消减速度在各省份间存在差异。 结论 MAPL方法可以辅助判断疫情趋势并适时预判风险分级,各疫情输入区可结合当地实际与疫情风险分级规划落实差异化精准防控策略。

  • 晚期肺癌患者药物治疗前后尿蛋白质组的变化

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物化学 提交时间: 2020-02-28

    摘要: 肺癌作为一种严重威胁人类生命健康的疾病,尽管治疗方法种类较多,但如何把握治疗时机,为患者确定最有效的治疗用药仍然是一个难题。尿液蛋白质组可以敏感的反映机体的生理变化,有希望反映药物治疗后机体的病理或生理变化。为了研究晚期肺癌患者使用不同的药物进行治疗时其尿液蛋白质组的变化情况,通过收集晚期肺癌患者治疗前后的不同时间的尿液样本,使用液相色谱联用质谱(LC-MS / MS)来检测其尿蛋白组的变化。比较结果发现,当不同的患者使用不同药物治疗后,差异蛋白的变化各不相同,其差异蛋白反映的生物学过程变化和患者的临床表现变化较为一致。这项研究结果表明,(1)能够通过尿蛋白的变化反映不同药物治疗后患者的病理生理变化;(2)当不同患者使用相同药物治疗后,尿蛋白的变化能够反映出患者体内不同的病理生理变化,且和患者的临床病情评估结果较为一致。这些发现有可能为辅助临床治疗提供重要信息。