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  • 基于Sentinel-2 的青铜峡灌区水稻和玉米种植分布早期识别

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2024-05-31 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:及时准确地掌握灌区内作物种植分布对于灌溉水资源高效配置、农田精准管理具有重要指导意义。以宁夏青铜峡灌区为研究对象,利用多时相Sentinel-2卫星数据,通过水稻和玉米早期特征分析,提取关键的“水淹”信号和“植被”信号,构建时序归一化差异水体指数(MNDWI)和归一化植被指数(NDVI)特征值数据集,并通过样本分析关键特征阈值,构建水稻和玉米早期种植分布决策树模型,提取2022年宁夏青铜峡灌区水稻和玉米种植的空间分布。结果表明(: 1)玉米和水稻苗期的后半段5月15—31日,水淹信号和植被信号是区分二者关键时期。(2)基于早期作物物候特征的方法,在5月16—31日获取的水稻和玉米图像制图精度高于90%,用户精度超过91%,总体精度超过90%,Kappa系数高于0.88,明显高于同时期随机森林方法的分类精度。(3)本研究提出的方法在早期水稻和玉米种植分布提取方面具有较强的适用性,并且能够在时空尺度上以较少的实地样本进行延展,同时在时间上也更有优势。因此,该方法为青铜峡灌区水稻和玉米种植分布早期调查提供了重要的方法支撑。

  • Chinese herbal medicine hot package therapy and nursing management for a patient with cold-dampness stasis type abdominal cold pain caused by chronic pelvic inflammatory disease

    Subjects: Nursing >> Nursing submitted time 2023-06-12

    Abstract: This paper reviewed the Chinese herbal medicine hot package therapy and nursing management for a patient with cold-dampness stasis type abdominal pain caused by chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome differentiation and identification of syndrome type, the Chinese herbal medicine hot package therapy combined with comprehensive interventions such as dietary care, life support, and psychological care were carried out to relieve the cold-pain symptoms and improve the recovery of the patient.

  • Multi-scale characteristics and influencing mechanism of spatial pattern on research and practice bases in China

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2023-05-17 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: China’s research and practice bases is a major source of research tourism in China. Comprehensive use of geospatial analysis methods to systematically explore the spatial distribution and influencing factors of China’s research and practice bases at different spatial scales show the following results: (1) On the national scale, the research and practice bases demonstrate a spatial distribution trend from“northeast to southwest”, and different types of research and practice bases demonstrate substantial agglomeration characteristics, forming a highdensity area with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the Yangtze River Delta as the core. (2) On the regional scale, the research and practice bases demonstrate a pattern of“more in the east and west, less in the middle” among the three major zones and a decreasing distribution pattern from the coastal areas to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and then to the northwest inland areas among the eight regions. (3) On the provincial scale, the distribution of research and practice bases has substantial spatial autocorrelation characteristics. The hot spots are distributed in an“L-shaped”belt pattern, whereas the cold spots are distributed in a“V-shaped” piece pattern. (4) On the city scale, the research and practice bases are concentrated in type I and II metropolitan areas, and the hot spots are concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. (5) Regional economic development level, potential tourist market, tourism industry scale, and policy support all have a considerable impact on the spatial distribution of research and practice bases, with the economic development level having the greatest impact, and the influence intensity of each factor exhibiting some spatial heterogeneity. The research results have considerable references for optimizing the spatial layout of research and practice bases in China and promoting the high-quality development of research tourism destinations.

  • 次要任务对词类判断任务中权力空间表征激活的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: There is much evidence suggesting that power is represented as vertical space in our brain, specifically, verbal-spatial coding (amodal representation) and visuospatial coding (modal representation). Both codes are context-dependent, and the activation of which depends on the concurrent task. Studies using the dual-task paradigm have revealed that the explicit power judgment task activates both codes, whereas the semantic category judgment task mainly activates the verbal-spatial codes. However, it is still unclear whether the semantic category judgment task can activate the visuospatial codes when excluding the verbal-spatial codes. Thus, the aim of the present study is to explore whether the semantic category judgment task can activate the visuospatial codes when excluding verbal-spatial information. Using the dual-task paradigm, the present study tested the effect of visuospatial and verbal secondary task on the power-space interactions after excluding the verbal-spatial codes. In the experiment, a power word was presented in the center of the screen with two response labels (“human” and “animal”) at the up or down side of the target word. The response labels were mapping to the up and down cursor keys in the keyboard. The locations of the two labels exchanged from trial to trial. This manipulation could exclude the activation of the verbal-spatial codes. Participants were required to judge the semantic category of the word in three task conditions: the single task, the visual dual task, and the verbal dual task. It is hypothesized that the power-space interactions would be affected by the visual secondary task, but not by the verbal secondary task. Consistent with our prediction, the results showed that the power-space interactions during the semantic category judgment task were affected by the visual secondary task, but not by the verbal secondary task. The findings suggested that (1) the semantic category judgment task could activate visuospatial codes (modal representations) individually after excluding the verbal spatial-codes and (2) the visuospatial codes were only interfered by the visuospatial secondary task.

  • The Effect of Secondary Task on the Power-space Interactions during the Semantic Category Judgment Task

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2022-01-22


    There is much evidence suggesting that power is represented as vertical space in our brain, specifically, verbal-spatial coding (amodal representation) and visuospatial coding (modal representation). Both codes are context-dependent, and the activation of which depends on the concurrent task. Studies using the dual-task paradigm have revealed that the explicit power judgment task activates both codes, whereas the semantic category judgment task mainly activates the verbal-spatial codes. However, it is still unclear whether the semantic category judgment task can activate the visuospatial codes when excluding the verbal-spatial codes.  Thus, the aim of the present study is to explore whether the semantic category judgment task can activate the visuospatial codes when excluding verbal-spatial information.

    Using the dual-task paradigm, the present study tested the effect of visuospatial and verbal secondary task on the power-space interactions after excluding the verbal-spatial codes. In the experiment, a power word was presented in the center of the screen with two response labels (“human” and “animal”) at the up or down side of the target word. The response labels were mapping to the up and down cursor keys in the keyboard. The locations of the two labels exchanged from trial to trial. This manipulation could exclude the activation of the verbal-spatial codes. Participants were required to judge the semantic category of the word in three task conditions: the single task, the visual dual task, and the verbal dual task. It is hypothesized that the power-space interactions would be affected by the visual secondary task, but not by the verbal secondary task.

    Consistent with our prediction, the results showed that the power-space interactions during the semantic category judgment task were affected by the visual secondary task, but not by the verbal secondary task.

    The findings suggested that (1) the semantic category judgment task could activate visuospatial codes (modal representations) individually after excluding the verbal spatial-codes and (2) the visuospatial codes were only interfered by the visuospatial secondary task.

  • 玛纳斯河流域绿洲区耕地扩张的CA-Markov 模型参数敏感性分析

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2020-12-17 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:元胞自动机模型是土地利用变化模拟最有效和常用的方法之一,其模拟精度受元胞大小、时间间隔和邻域结构及大小等参数的影响。以玛纳斯河流域绿洲区耕地为研究对象,基于1975年、1995年、2005年、2010年及2015年土地利用数据构建耕地扩张CA模型,定量分析CA模型的参数敏感性。结果表明:(1)CA模型模拟精度具有时空尺度依赖性,时间间隔越短,精度越高,其中时间间隔为5 a的数量精度、位置精度及Kappa精度分别比时间间隔为20 a的高13.89%、2.63%和8.49%;空间尺度上,元胞大小越小,模拟精度越高,元胞大小为30 m的Kappa系数值(0.8671)高于120 m的模拟结果(0.8259)。(2)邻域结构及大小模拟结果表明,摩尔邻域模拟精度优于冯诺依曼邻域;同等邻域下,邻域大小为7×7模拟精度比3×3邻域模拟精度高,7×7摩尔邻域是模拟耕地的最优选择。(3)耕地模拟结果表明,2020年耕地面积较2015年相比减少149.29 km2,耕地占比已由2015年的67.40%降至66.18%,表现出因增长饱和而逐渐减缓的趋势。此研究可为全面了解元胞自动机模型敏感性提供一定的理论基础。

  • 基于CA-Markov模型的多时间跨度土地利用变化模拟

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2019-11-15 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:土地利用/覆被变化(Land Use and Cover Change, LUCC)模拟是LUCC研究的主要内容和重要手段。时间间隔是模拟过程中的重要参数,对模拟结果精度有何影响,有待深入研究。以新疆玛纳斯河流域典型绿洲区四道河子镇为例,基于遥感影像提取1975、1985、1995、2000、2005、2010年和2015年的土地利用数据,分别以20 a、15 a、10 a和5 a为时间间隔构建CA-Markov模型,模拟2015年土地利用结构,定量探讨时间间隔对CA-Markov模型精度的影响。结果表明:1975—2015年,四道河子镇LUCC以耕地和草地为主,期间耕地、建设用地迅速扩张,林地、草地和未利用地大幅减少,水域在1985—2000年呈现小幅增长。耕地的增加和草地及林地的减少是研究区近40 a LUCC最显著的特征。对比模拟结果与实际结果,时间间隔为20 a、15 a、10 a、5 a的TFOM分别为70.35%,69.18%,76.32%和88.00%。基于2005—2010年转移概率的模拟结果更接近于2015年实际结果,适合模拟四道河子镇未来的土地利用变化。土地利用模拟应依据区域LUCC特征确定最佳的时间间隔,提高模拟精度。

  • 基于模糊聚类的新疆典型高寒草原土壤pH值空间制图

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-11 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:准确、高效地掌握草原土壤属性的空间分布能够为草地资源境管理提供基础信息和参考依据。相比于传统土壤调查方法,基于模糊逻辑的土壤—环境推理能够提高野外采样效率和预测制图精度,被广泛应用于数字土壤制图。但由于土壤自身的空间变异性及其与环境条件间的非线性,现有推理模型的稳定性较低,尚未在高寒草原区进行应用。选择新疆巴音布鲁克典型亚高山草原地区约4 km2区域为研究区,以高程、坡度、坡向、沿剖面曲率、沿等高线曲率、地形湿度指数6个地形因子为土壤环境因子,采用模糊[WTBX]C[WTBZ]均值聚类(Fuzzy C-means Clustering,FCM)方法对环境因子聚类,得到9个环境因子组合,并在隶属度值高的环境因子组合中心共设置18个典型点。运用土壤—环境推理方法模拟研究区表层土壤pH值空间分布,其变化范围在7.170~8.186之间。选取35个独立样本进行精度检验(均匀采样点16个,横截面采样点9个,垂直带采样点10个),模拟结果与实测值基本吻合,且基于模糊聚类和土壤—环境推理方法的模拟精度高于普通克里格法和反距离权重法。通过基于模糊逻辑和土壤—环境推理的数字土壤制图方法在小尺度区域的运用验证,结果表明基于典型点的采样方案能够快速、有效地对区域土壤属性进行空间模拟,该方法对于类似小尺度的研究区同样有效。

  • 基于无人机影像的荒漠地表类型信息提取

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-10 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:基于无人机可见光影像对古尔班通古特沙漠地表类型信息进行提取,运用面向对象的多尺度分割,在提取样本的光谱、形状、纹理、植被指数特征的基础上,建立规则提取地表类型信息。结果表明:① 荒漠地表类型不同,最佳分割尺度不同;② 不同荒漠化程度地表类型特征相似,无法运用单个特征进行区分,需选用多种特征组合提取地表类型;③ 面向对象的多尺度分割方法相对于基于像元的最大似然法分类有明显提高,面向对象轻度沙漠区总体分类精度为93.00%,中度沙漠化区为91.83%,重度沙漠化区为93.50%,较基于像元的最大似然方法分别提高了10.34%、11.86%和12.50%。表明针对无人机可见光影像,面向对象的多尺度分割方法能高精度地提取荒漠地表类型信息。