• Exploring and Examining the Public Sense of Gain on YB Conservation and Development based on CSS2019

    分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2021-03-03

    摘要: Ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin (abbreviated to YB Conservation and Development) has been determined as another major national strategies of China, and public sense of gain (PSG) has been generally accepted as a macro-criterion of good governance in China New Time. This paper explored to construct the transmission mechanism of the PSG and YB conservation and development, suggested to take the PSG as a better regulation and guidance for the sound development of the Yellow River Basin. Based on the data of Chinese Social Survey in 2019 (CSS2019), this paper tried to exam the PSG on YB Conservation and Development at the beginning of this Chinese major strategy. An evaluation index system including 5 factor dimensions and 25 indices was constructed, and the normal distribution was used to describe the survey data, after that, the dominance matrix method was applied to make decision based on PROMETHEEⅡ. The empirical analysis results indicated that the PSG of the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River was lower than the overall level of China, while that of Henan and Shandong in the lower Yellow River were both higher than its national average; and the public generally had a higher sense of gain on government public service and social civilization, however, the PSG on individual self-fulfillments of Henan and Shandong and that on economic situations of the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River were both at a lower level.

  • 基于动态磁耦合的驰振能量收集器动力学分析

    分类: 力学 >> 应用力学 提交时间: 2023-03-20 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 为了提高能量收集系统在低风速下的能量收集效率,将动态磁铁非线性引入到驰振能量收集系统中。在悬臂梁的末端和底座上分别安装一对磁极相斥的磁铁,其中安装在底座上的磁铁与弹簧相连,可随着磁斥力的变化而垂直移动。首先,根据能量法建立了磁耦合驰振能量收集系统的多场耦合振动控制方程。其次,通过Runge-Kutta数值计算方法比较分析了低风速下动态磁耦合驰振能量收集系统(DM-GEH)和固定磁耦合驰振能量收集系统(FM-GEH)的电压输出。DM-GEH 系统的切入风速提前了81.82% ,在1 m/s ~ 5 m/s风速范围内能量收集效率提高了124.22%。最后,针对弹簧支撑刚度进行参数优化,提升了低风速下的能量收集效率。结果表明,通过改变磁铁支撑方式至弹性支撑将改变系统的振动频率并且降低切入风速,相较于弹簧刚度为1000 N/m时,弹簧刚度为500 N/m时的系统的切入风速降低了54.55% ,能量收集效率提高了15.35% 。

  • 我国五种仙茅科植物叶形态及其分类学意义

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 >> 应用植物学 提交时间: 2022-03-18 合作期刊: 《广西植物》

    摘要: 为澄清仙茅科属间系统关系的分类学问题,本文选择了我国仙茅科三属五种植物为研 究对象,利用显微镜、扫描电镜和石蜡切片技术,观察了其叶形态、叶表皮显微特征和叶解 剖特征,结果如下:(1)叶形态有三种:小型平整叶、中型波状叶、大型折扇状叶。(2) 叶表皮毛状体结构为单细胞单列,可分为三类:长柔毛、糙伏毛和星状柔毛。(3)叶表皮 细胞有六边形和五边形,气孔为平列型、椭圆形,气孔大小和密度呈反比。(4)蜡质纹饰 有四类:光滑、颗粒、屑状和壳状。(5)叶中脉横切面分平整型和龙骨型,维管束有圆形 和长圆形,叶表皮厚度和表皮细胞具相关性。五种植物的叶形态和叶解剖特征比较分析认为, 一些特征组合有助于理解属间亲缘关系,其余特征则适用于种间物种鉴定。

  • 基于分子与形态证据的傣药“傣百解”基原考证

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 >> 应用植物学 提交时间: 2022-03-18 合作期刊: 《广西植物》

    摘要: “傣百解”是傣医常用的一种解药,其基原植物最早记录是夹竹桃科苦绳(Dregea sinensis),后 来被鉴定是夹竹桃科通光散(Marsdenia tenacissima)。为了进一步澄清“傣百解”的基原植物,该研究 结合形态与分子证据对“傣百解”基原植物及近缘种进行了整合分析。结果表明:(1) 利用三个DNA 片段(psbD-trnT, trnL-trnF, ITS) 重建牛奶菜属(Marsdenia)及其它牛奶菜族物种的系统发育关系显示, “傣百解”样品与通光散样品构成一个独立的单系分支,并与灵药牛奶菜(Marsdenia cavaleriei)构成姐 妹类群。(2) 结合形态性状与模式标本的对比分析发现“傣百解”基原植物与通光散模式标本基本一致, 而其形态特征与姐妹种灵药牛奶菜存在明显差异。(3)进一步确定了“傣百解”的基原植物是通光散, 其叶形态与花部性状差异可作为区分通光散和灵药牛奶菜的重要特征。该研究通过整合形态特征与分 子证据完成了对“傣百解”的正本清源,可用于市场药材的快速准确鉴定,也为“傣百解”今后的开 发利用奠定了基础。