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Your conditions: 2021-8
  • 环境光照对情绪的影响及其作用机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2021-08-31

    Abstract: Ambient light broadly modulates individuals’ physiological and psychological functions as a zeitgeber, and its non-image-forming (NIF) effects on individuals’ mood attract wide attention recently. Previous studies have demonstrated that illuminance, correlated color temperature, and wavelength are key physical factors influencing mood. Unusual light patterns such as short lighting periods, artificial lighting during the night, and constant lighting or darkness may lead to affective disorders. In addition, the NIF effects of ambient light on mood are also modulated by exposure duration, timing, individual characteristics, subjective preferences, and gene types. The potential mechanisms that underlie the modulatory effects of light on mood are discussed from two aspects: on the one hand, the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells may project light signals to the brain areas responsible for emotional regulation. On the other hand, ambient light may regulate mood by altering circadian rhythms, hormone secretion, neurotransmission, and sleep. Future efforts are necessary to address the effects of short-term light exposure on mood by introducing more objective and diverse emotional measurement techniques, integrating visual and non-visual neural pathways, and further exploring the therapeutic effects of light among people with mood disorders.

  • The neural mechanisms for human voice processing —— Neural evidence from sighted and blind subjects

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2021-08-31

    Abstract: The human voice, as an important part of one’s auditory environment, contains a large amount of paralinguistic information to help identify individuals. Especially for blind individuals, the lack of visual face experience makes voice information the main source of perceiving another person's individual characteristics. By combining the research on voice-selective and voice-identity processing among both sighted and blind individuals, the present study attempts to reveal the general human voice processing mode and specific voice processing mechanism among blind persons. It also shows that the fusiform gyrus related to visual face processing are involved in voice tasks in both groups. The auditory-visual integration model and cross-modal reorganization hypothesis based on the “unmasking effect”, provide respective explanation mechanisms for the different neural bases of voice processing between the two subjects. Future, researchers should further investigate the voice processing strategies of blind individuals and the role of the left superior temporal sulcus/gyrus in voice processing.

  • A Review of the Methodological Research on the Mediation Effect in Chinese Mainland

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology submitted time 2021-08-26

    Abstract: The mediation effect analysis is able to reveal the process and mechanism of the impact of independent variables on a dependent variable. As an important statistical method, the mediation effect analysis has become a hot topic in methodology research in the last twenty years. The development of domestic research on the methodology of mediation effect was systematically reviewed from the five aspects, including testing method, effect size, the mediation effect test of categorical variables and longitudinal data, and model expansion. Specifically, model expansions include multiple mediation models, multilevel mediation models, moderated mediation model and mediated moderation model. Finally, recent progresses of foreign methodological studies on mediation effect and the future research directions were discussed.

  • Understanding mechanisms of prediction error cost in Chinese reading for older adults

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2021-08-24

    Abstract: An important question for research on reading across the lifespan concerns whether mechanisms of cognitive processing undergo only quantitative changes or also qualitative changes with aging. To process written language effectively, readers use their existing knowledge to make predictive inferences about linguistic information. As Older adults appear to rely more heavily on lexical prediction during reading. However, it is currently unknown whether, like young adults, they experience a processing cost due to predictive error, and whether the magnitude of this cost differs across age adult groups. Accordingly, the present research aims to understand the processing consequence of predictive error in both young and older adults. This will be achieved using novel co-registration methods that synchronize the recording of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals with eye movements. In particular, this approach will enable the analysis of fixated-related potentials (FRPs), which are averaged EEG waveforms time-locked to a fixation on a target word in a sentence during normal reading. Study 1 will manipulate the degree to which the prior linguistic constrains the probable identity of a word, to investigate age differences (young versus older adults) in predication error cost on word recognition in reading. Study 2, the parafoveal information availability, working memory load and the language ability will be manipulated to investigate the why the older adults produce prediction error cost. Study 3 will use linear mixed-effects modelling, and data-mining methods, to assess the effects of aging and these key individual differences variables on the effects of contextual constraint in reading (using data from Study 1 and 2). The findings from these studies will provide important insights into the nature of aging and individual difference effects on neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying word prediction in reading, and will form the basis for future models of these effects in Chinese reading.

  • Construction of social impact assessment of scientific papers in China based on Altmetrics from the perspective of to break “SCI first” and “five only”

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Philology submitted time 2021-08-23

    Abstract: " In recent 20 years, China's scientific and technological evaluation has been kidnapped by “SCI”, resulting in the adverse consequences of academic orientation, scientific and technological achievements and talent evaluation deviating from the main battlefield of the country. National ministries proposed to break the "SCI supremacy" and " the five only" in real time. By combing the research progress of Altmetrics and the social impact of scientific and technological achievements and scientific and technological papers domestic and at abroad, combined with the analysis of the social environment and ways of social impact of scientific and technological papers in China, this paper puts forward economic contribution, policy reference, social value, social evaluation, social communication, civic quality, cultural exchange, cultural contribution and other eight dimensions to analyze the composition of social impact of scientific and technological papers, mine and obtain relevant indicators, and quantify the qualitative social impact indicators by using literature analysis method, investigation method, big data mining method and quantitative research method; Through statistical analysis, find the correlation and mode between the data, combined with the communication behavior of scientific and technological papers, the "influence path" and influence level to the audience, determine the weight of each index by using analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method, build the social influence evaluation model of scientific and technological papers, evaluate the social influence of scientific and technological papers, and build the social impact assessment system of scientific and technological papers. Only by combining the academic influence and social impact of scientific and technological papers can we comprehensively evaluate the contribution of scientific and technological papers, establish a scientific evaluation system, and effectively guide Chinese researchers to "write papers on the land of the motherland".

  • 资源保存理论在组织行为学中的应用:演变与挑战

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2021-08-23

    Abstract: "

  • Effects of emotion on intertemporal decision-making: Explanation from the single dimension priority model

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2021-08-23

    Abstract: Studies show that significant differences are found in intertemporal choice between people in positive and negative emotions. However, the mechanism underlying this effect is underexplored. This study aimed to reveal the process mechanism of emotions on intertemporal decision making on the basis of the single dimension priority model by using a process-oriented method–a visual analog scale. We conducted three studies, where emotions were induced by video clip-induced technique to trigger target emotions (positive, neutral and negative). In study 1, the effects of emotions on intertemporal choice was investigated. This study used a 3 (emotion: positive, neutral, negative) ×2 (delay amount: 100, 1000 yuan) ×5 (delay time: 10, 30, 90, 180, 360 days) mixed design with emotion as a between-subjects variable. Participants were randomly assigned to positive, neutral, and negative conditions and were asked to complete the delay discounting task. In study 2, the process mechanism of emotions on intertemporal choice with a between-subjects design (emotion: positive, negative) was explored. Participants in each condition were asked to complete the delay discounting task and to compare the difference in the delay dimension with that on the outcome dimension. In studies 3a and 3b, 2 (emotion: positive, negative) ×2 (priming: time priming/money priming, no priming) between-subjects designs were used to manipulate the difference-comparing process and explore whether the effect of emotions on intertemporal choice disappeared. The results were observed as follows: (1) Emotions affected intertemporal choice significantly. Participants in the positive condition preferred the delay reward more than participants in the negative and neutral condition. (2) The difference-comparing process played a mediating role in the relationship between emotion and intertemporal decision making. Participants in positive emotion perceived that the difference in outcome dimension was greater than that of delay dimension and preferred the delay option. Participants in negative emotions perceived opposite and tended to choose the immediate choice. (3) The effect of emotions on intertemporal decision making disappeared when the difference-comparing process was manipulated. In summary, this study revealed the psychological mechanism of emotions on intertemporal decision making from the perspective of decision-making process and added important procedural evidence to the single dimension priority model. "

  • The relationship between methylation of dopamine-related genes, family environment and creativity

    Subjects: Psychology >> Educational Psychology submitted time 2021-08-21

    Abstract: Although the debate over “nature versus nurture” has been an intense focus of creativity research and great efforts have been made to identify genes and environmental factors that contribute to creativity, the molecular biological mechanisms by which environment and gene-environment interaction may influence creativity are still unknown. Recently, with the development of epigenetic studies, identification of the epigenetic basis of complex traits and behaviors has been one of the leading issues in psychological research. As a potential mediator between environment and genome, the epigenetic approach provides an opportunity to reveal how the complex interactions of genes, epigenetics and environment give rise to individual differences in creativity. Based on this notion, by investigating the relationship between methylation of dopamine-related genes, family environment and creativity, the present study aims to reveal the epigenetic basis of creativity and the molecular biological mechanisms by which environment and gene-environment interaction may influence creativity. To this purpose, the present study employs a two-stage design. Stage 1 is designed to systematically investigate the association between methylation of dopamine-related genes and creativity, and aims to identify the gene whose methylation is associated with creativity. Stage 2 focuses on the identified gene whose methylation is associated with creativity, and is designed to investigate the relationship between family environment, genotypes, methylation and creativity. It is expected that findings of the present study would help to demonstrate the epigenetic basis of creativity and to provide important insight into the mechanisms by which genes and environmental factors interplay with each other to influence creativity. "

  • 一种星系形态分类的新方法-GMC

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2021-08-20 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract:在天文学研究领域,星系的分类一直是一个热点和难点问题。近年来有学者将机器学习应用到星系形态的简单分类任务上,但在分类过程中出现特征选择困难、特征遗漏、分类器选择困难等一系列难题。星系在视觉形态上可以分为椭圆星系、旋涡星系、透镜星系以及不规则星系,本文针对SDSS DR16、Galaxy Zoo2、EFIGI目录中星系的测光图像,提出了一种分类精度更高的星系形态分类的方法GMC(Galaxy Morphological Classification)。我们首先对图像进行了剪裁、去噪处理,然后采用旋转、平移、缩放等方法进行数据增强,最后搭建了星系形态分类网络GMC-net对图像进行分类。从实验分类结果来看,旋涡星系、椭圆星系、透镜星系以及不规则星系分类精确率分别为98.29%、98.49%、99.18%、99.91%,召回率分别为98.44%、99.03%、98.89%、99.34%;对单独来自EFIGI目录中四种形态星系的分类准确率也达到了99.34%。实验结果表明GMC相较于其他分类方法表现更好,可以更有效地用于星系的形态分类。

  • 基于JPL行星历表的殷卜辞乙巳日食观测的研究

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2021-08-20 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract: 对于殷商甲骨文卜辞中存在的唯一可考的一次日食的记载,作者利用美国航空航天局(NASA)喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory,JPL)发布的DE422行星历表,解算了记载涉及此乙巳日食的主要参数,给出了日食带在地球上的覆盖范围。进一步确认了此次日食在殷都安阳的可视性,验证了殷卜辞对此次日食预测的准确度。

  • 一种双流CNN的太阳黑子群磁类型分类方法

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2021-08-20 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract: 太阳耀斑大多数发生在磁极复杂的黑子群上空,因此黑子群磁类型可作为预测太阳耀斑的重要依据。针对同时具有白光图和磁图数据的太阳黑子分类,提出了一种双流CNN的黑子群磁类型分类方法。该方法通过两个网络分支同时提取白光图和磁图特征,在全连接层对二类特征进行融合,最后用于训练和分类。实验表明该方法能较好避免单通道网络模型的信息损失以及使用双通道图像合成出现的白光图和磁图的相互影响,加权F1分数可达84.87%,平均准确率可达84.93%。

  • Confucian ideal personality traits (Junzi personality): Exploration of psychological measurement

    Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology submitted time 2021-08-19

    Abstract: Confucian philosophy is a vital key in understanding China. The Confucianism classics have probably exercised a greater influence on Chinese people than any other literary or philosophical work. Junzi is the central focus of The Analects (Confucius’ collected sayings and the most significant text in Confucianism), and it may be the best method to comprehend The Analects. Junzi is not only just a historical notion but also a mainstream academic subject in contemporary China. In this study, we defined Junzi personality as ideal personality traits in Chinese culture (particularly Confucianism) and utilized modern psychological approaches to shed light on the operational conceptualization of Junzi personality. First, we collected all the Confucius’ statements about Junzi personality from The Analects and utilized them to create a preliminary questionnaire with 80 items written in modern Chinese. Second, we asked 499 Chinese participants to self-report how much they endorsed each item, to describe themselves on a 7-point scale, before performing exploratory factor analysis using principal axis factoring and a Promax rotation. Third, we invited 319 and 663 participants to fill in a 30-item questionnaire and conducted two confirmatory factor analyses. Lastly, we examined criterion-related validity using several correlation analyses on two samples of 202 and 233 participants. The findings revealed that the Junzi personality is composed of five factors: (A) “wisdom, benevolence, and courage,” describing the traits of people who have rational attitudes that give full play to the autonomy of their minds and wise attitudes that illuminate things and are able to put these into practice; (B) “respectfulness and propriety,” describing the traits of people who maintain respectful, humble, cautious, and honest attitudes toward social norms, social order, and social life; (C) “conversancy with righteousness and cherishment of benign rule,” describing the traits of people who know that they should act appropriately and maintain their inherent goodness; (D) “refraining from what should not be done,” describing the traits of people who understand the boundaries and bottom lines of their behaviors and do not violate them; (E) “self-cultivation rather than contentions with others,” describing the traits of people who find problems in themselves and endeavor to change the status quo when managing transactions, solving problems, and encountering difficulties or setbacks and understand that contentions with others do not help solve problems. The confirmatory factor analyses results indicated that the Inventory of Junzi Personality in Confucius’ Thought had good reliability, construct validity, and discrimination validity. Correlation analyses revealed that Junzi personality was significantly positively correlated with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, Chinese values, self-flexibility, cooperative personality tendencies, and prosocial inclinations. Moreover, Junzi personality was significantly negatively correlated with neuroticism, discordance between self and experience, self-rigidity, and excessive competitiveness. These findings supplemented and improved understandings of Junzi personality meanings and internal structures and offered a reliable and valid assessment for quantitative empirical Junzi personality research."

  • 礼之用,和为贵?和谐管理理论视角下团队亲社会违规氛围对团队绩效的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2021-08-17

    Abstract: " " "

  • How Ritual Actions, Symbolic Meanings, and Positive Emotions Enhance Perceived Control: A Dual Path Way Mechanism

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2021-08-17

    Abstract: " Perceived control is an important psychological resource for human beings when faced with various natural disasters and social and cultural pressures. As a main component of culture, rituals are an important factor in helping people acquire and enhance their perceived control. Guozhuang worship is an essential part of life for the Pumi people, an ethnic group living in southwest China. Guozhuang is a rectangular piece of white stone in front of the huotang in Pumi family, and it is regarded as the incarnation of ancestors of Pumi people. In Guozhuang worship, Pumi people call the names of their ancestors and invite them to enjoy a tribute. To explore the influence of ritual on perceived control, this study examined the ritual of worshiping Guozhuang among the Pumi people and explored the influence of rituals on perceived control as well as the mediating role of positive emotions from two aspects, namely, ritual action and the symbolic meaning of the ritual. This study conducted three experiments. In Experiment 1, we examined 73 Pumi adolescents and used the recall task to ask participants to describe their experience of worshiping Guozhuang. The results revealed that the perceived control in the high-involvement group was significantly higher than that in the low-involvement group. In Experiment 2, we created a novel ritual to manipulate ritual action and symbolic meaning and conducted a 2 (ritual action: action for ancestor worship vs. no action for ancestor worship) x 3 (symbolic meaning: gratitude vs. blessing vs. no meaning expression) behavior experiment with 105 Pumi adolescents and discussed the mediating role of positive emotions. We found that performing ritual actions could directly enhance Pumi adolescents’ perceived control, while the meaning of prayer could only enhance perceived control through the full mediation of positive emotions. In Experiment 3, middle-aged and elderly Pumi people were given a recall task to initiate the experience of worshiping Guozhuang. The results revealed that the perceived control in the high-involvement group was significantly higher than that in the low-involvement group. Further analysis indicated that when middle-aged and elderly people expressed their gratitude to their ancestors in worshiping Guozhuang they could affect their perceived control through the full mediation of positive emotions. This study concluded that there is a dual-path way mechanism in the influence of ritual actions and symbolic meaning on peoples’ perceived control. Ritual actions directly enhance perceived control, while symbolic meaning enhances perceived control through the full mediation of positive emotions. The influence that the subjects of the ritual and the symbolic meanings of the ritual that the positive emotion plays have on the perceived control varies depending on the experience of ritual practitioners: adolescents tend to express blessings, while middle-aged and older adults tend to express gratitude. "

  • A New Interpolation Approach and Corresponding Instance-Based Learning

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Other Disciplines of Computer Science Subjects: Information Science and Systems Science >> Other Disciplines of Information Science and Systems Science submitted time 2021-08-17

    Abstract: Starting from finding approximate value of a function, introduces the measure of approximation-degree between two numerical values, proposes the concepts of "strict approximation" and "strict approximation region", then, derives the corresponding one-dimensional interpolation methods and formulas, and then presents a calculation model called "sum-times-difference formula" for high-dimensional interpolation, thus develops a new interpolation approach  ADB interpolation. ADB interpolation is applied to the interpolation of actual functions with satisfactory results. Viewed from principle and effect, the interpolation approach is of novel idea, and has the advantages of simple calculation, stable accuracy, facilitating parallel processing, very suiting for high-dimensional interpolation, and easy to be extended to the interpolation of vector valued functions. Applying the approach to instance-based learning, a new instance-based learning method  learning using ADB interpolation  is obtained. The learning method is of unique technique, which has also the advantages of definite mathematical basis, implicit distance weights, avoiding misclassification, high efficiency, and wide range of applications, as well as being interpretable, etc. In principle, this method is a kind of learning by analogy, which and the deep learning that belongs to inductive learning can complement each other, and for some problems, the two can even have an effect of “different approaches but equal results” in big data and cloud computing environment. Thus, the learning using ADB interpolation can also be regarded as a kind of “wide learning” that is dual to deep learning.

  • 排名列表项目展示方式对于项目评价的极化效应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2021-08-16

    Abstract: "

  • The decision-making process of offering help in the workplace

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2021-08-16

    Abstract: Based on the dynamic psychological contract theory, this project considers workplace helping decision-making as a social venture investment process rather than a transient behavior. We also argue that a vital function of human resource management is to create and maintain a sustainable investment environment within organizations for social venture investment among employees. To test these ideas, this project will develop a helping decision-making process model in the Chinese context and further explore the main differences between this model and those proposed by previous studies. Furthermore, from the perspective of human resource management practice, this project will explore the influential mechanisms of work design and payment management in helping decision-making. Finally, based on the results of this project, we will develop suggestions for human resource management to effectively promote employees’ helping behavior."

  • The influence of perception of luck on consumers' behavior and its theoretical explanation

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology Subjects: Management Science >> Other Disciplines of Management Science submitted time 2021-08-15

    Abstract: The behaviors of pursuing luck have been widely existing in a great many aspects of human social life from the past to the present, among them many manifested as consumer behaviors, and can be explained by the theoretical achievements regarding the effects of perception of luck on consumer behaviors. However, few extant studies systematically reviewed the relevant literature, to some extent which has restricted research efforts and marketing practices in this area. In this paper, we summarized five categories of consumer behaviors: risk-taking, uniqueness seeking, contagion effects, attitude towards product with luck meaning, lucky consumption. Furthermore, we pointed out theoretical explanations which from various perspectives uncover the linkage and reasoning behind the perception of luck and consumer behavior: attribution theory, personality trait theory, cognitive priming theory, the theory of counterfactual thinking, social comparison theory, the theory of locus of controland heuristics theory. We give three suggestions to the further research: to deepen the mechanism of perception of lucky, to expand the boundary conditions, and to examine both the advantages and disadvantages of luck consumption.

  • 数理心理学第二公设:认知对称性

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Educational Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2021-08-15


  • On the Generalized Uncertainty Principle

    Subjects: Physics >> General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc. submitted time 2021-08-13

    Abstract: Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP), which manifests a minimal Planck length in quantum spacetime, is central in various quantum gravity theories and has been widely used to describe the Planck-scale phenomenon. Here, we propose a thought experiment based on GUP – as a quantum version of Galileo's falling bodies experiment – to show that the experimental results cannot be consistently described in quantum mechanics. This paradox arises from the interaction of two quantum systems in an interferometer, a photon and a mirror, with different effective Planck constants. Our thought experiment rules out the widely used GUP, and establishes a Quantum Coupling Principle that two physical systems of different effective Planck constants cannot be consistently coupled in quantum mechanics. Our results point new directions to quantum gravity.