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  • “Good Pressure, Bad Pressure?”The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Algorithmic Regulatory Pressure on Service Performance

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2024-06-24

    Abstract: Gig workers generally face algorithmic regulatory pressure, specifically referring to the pressure exerted ongigworkers through a series of algorithmic management practices by the platform such as automatic task allocation, real-time regulatory guidance, and continuous tracking and evaluation. The platform expects to improve the serviceperformance of gig workers through algorithmic regulatory pressure, but is the outcome really as expectedbytheplatform? To answer this question, based on the Job Demand-Resource (JD-R) model, this paper deeply exploresthe impact and mechanism of algorithmic regulatory pressure on the service performance of gig workers. TheJD-Rtheory divides job characteristics into job demands and job resources, and different types of job demands havedifferent influences on individual behaviors, while the gain of job resources can effectively buffer the negativeeffects brought by job demands. Based on this, we hypothesize that algorithmic regulatory pressure, as a typeof jobdemand in the gig context, has dual attributes and will have both positive and negative impacts on serviceperformance by stimulating different job reconfiguration behaviors of gig workers. Especially when two resources, algorithmic transparency, and online community support, are supplemented, its double-edged sword effect becomesmore obvious. We conducted three studies to test our hypotheses. Considering that the gig works’ regulation pressure is anemerging concept, we first used an exploratory interview (Study 1). Fifteen ride-hailing drivers fromDiDi and12takeaway riders from Meituan were involved in the first phase of the in-depth interview. Then we used anopen-ended questionnaire to collect more data. Study 1 finally got answers from 100 participants, which we usedtoexplore the relationship between the variables. In Study 2, to examine the causal relationship between gigworkers’regulation pressure and job crafting behaviors, a scenario-based experiment was conducted. The participants (481takeaway riders) were recruited from an online survey platform (Credamo) and randomly assigned to one of thetwo scenarios (gig workers’ regulation pressure: high vs. medium). They reported their demographics, readthescenario, and provided responses to manipulation checks and questions regarding job-crafting behaviors. Study3involved a three-wave multi-source survey to test the proposed model and objective statistics of customerperformance were used. Each survey wave was separated by a four-week interval. The participants (450ride-hailing drivers) were recruited from a ride-hailing platform. At Time 1, drivers assessed their demographics, regulation pressure, time pressure, alienation pressure, physical & mental pressure, proactive personality, algorithmic transparency, and online community support. Four weeks later at Time 2, they assessed theirapproaching job crafting and avoidance job crafting. Finally, four weeks later at Time 3, we got the divers’serviceperformance which was automatically calculated by the algorithm. Finally, the data comprised 350 drivers. In study 1, we used Nvivo to code the interviews. In Studies 2 and 3, we used SPSS and Mplus to apply ANOVAanalysis, linear regression, confirmatory factor analysis, and Bayesian estimation to analyze the data. Resultsshowed the double-edged sword effect of gig workers’ regulation pressure on service performance. Specifically, regulation pressure has a positive impact on service performance through approach job crafting behavior andhasanegative impact on service performance through avoidance job crafting behavior. These relationships werestrengthened by algorithmic transparency and online community support. This study has the following theoretical contributions. Firstly, this study deepens the understanding of the effect ofalgorithmic regulatory pressure in the gig context. Algorithmic regulatory pressure combines the dual attributesofhindering job demands and challenging job demands and has a double-edged sword effect on service performance. This finding is conducive to viewing the effect of algorithmic regulatory pressure dialectically and enriches thetheoretical framework of existing research on job stress. Secondly, based on the JD-R model, this paper revealsthe“black box” of the double-edged sword effect of algorithmic regulatory pressure on service performance anddiscloses the mediating role of job crafting between the dualistic and integrated algorithmic regulatory pressureandservice performance, expanding the application context and verification effectiveness of the JD-Rmodel. Thirdly, by deeply exploring the moderating role of algorithmic transparency and online community support, it reveals thegatekeeping role that the two key resources play in exerting the “good” and “bad” effects of algorithmic regulatorypressure. Finally, this paper expands the category of job resources in the JD-R model to “technical resources”and“social resources”, enriching the types of job resources in the JD-R model.

  • Online leader territorial behavior’s conceptualization, measurement, antecedents, and effects

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2024-06-19

    Abstract: Online work has progressively emerged as a prevalent work pattern. Although physical separation from the organization grants employees a high degree of autonomy, it erodes leaders’ sense of control and creates uncertainties. How leaders maintain control in virtuality and thus maintain managerial effectiveness has become a hot topic recently. However, little research has integrated “online work” with “territorial behavior,” which limits the understanding of online control and manifestations of online leader territorial behavior. The present research aims to, first, develop an online leader territorial behavior measurement that fits with the current online work era, providing an empirical measurement tool. Second, this research discusses and analyzes the association between online work and online leader territorial behavior. Moreover, while online leader territorial behavior can alleviate leader concerns about control, it violates employee expectations for autonomy. Therefore, this research proposes and analyzes its double-edged-sword effect. Finally, this research investigates the moderating effect of digital human resource management. Focusing on the topic of online leader territorial behavior can provide meaningful insights for online control.

  • Warm-up or distraction? The influence of workplace state transition activities on daily work efficiency

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2024-04-08

    Abstract: In recent years, employees how to effectively role transition and improve work efficiency have received widespread attention from managers and researchers. Previous research mainly focused on state transition activities during commuting time from the perspective of role transition theory, and researchers found that these activities do help employees transition roles and improve work efficiency, providing useful guidance for management practices. However, a few studies have focused on state transition activities in the workplace, which are widespread and have a significant impact on employees’ daily work efficiency, but existing research knows little about these activities. To fill these research gaps, we integrate role transition theory and resource conservation theory to explore the mechanisms and boundary conditions of workplace state transition activities and attempt to explore how employees can achieve higher work efficiency by engaging in workplace state transition activities./t/nWe conducted a field study of a technology-based company in southern China using experience sampling methods. We collected data using the Positive and Negative Affect Scale, Work engagement Scale, and Work Goal Progress Scale. Firstly, we collected control variables (gender, age, organizational tenure, job category) on the weekend, while asking participants to report on the activities they engaged in during the time between arriving at the office and starting work. We referred to these activities as state transition activities. Secondly, during a two-week daily survey period, participants evaluated their positive and negative emotions at 7:30 a.m., their morning state transition activities, types of state transition activities, and work engagement at 12:30 p.m., their afternoon state transition activities, types of state transition activities, work engagement, work goal progress, and task completion for the whole day at 6:00 p.m. The final sample included 603 usable observations collected from 70 employees. To test the proposed hypotheses, we conducted two-level path-analyses using Mplus 7.0 and performed a Monte Carlo simulation procedure using R software./t/nGiven that individual-level data nested within individuals, we used a multilevel linear model to test our hypotheses. As indirect effect tests involve multiple variables, we used the block variable method to bundle variables and conducted 20,000 Monte Carlo simulations to generate a 95% Monte Carlo confidence interval in R3.5. Based on the results, our research presents three conclusions: (1) At the individual level, the relationship between morning and afternoon work state transition activities time and morning and afternoon work engagement was inverted U-shaped. (2) The effect of work state transition activity on work engagement depended on activities time and activities habituality: when the habituality of role transition activities was high, there was an inverted U-shaped relationship between employees’ morning role transition activities time and job engagement. When the habituality of role transition activities was low, there was an inverted U-shaped relationship between employees’ afternoon role transition activities time and job engagement. (3) The indirect effect of work state transition activities on the work goal progress by influencing work engagement was partly moderated by the chronotype of employees: Morning chronotype employee had a positive impact on the work goal progress through morning work engagement; No matter what kind of employees’ chronotype, afternoon work state transition activities can positively affect the work goal progress through afternoon work engagement./t/nThe current study has several theoretical contributions. First, this study extends the existing literature on state transition activities by exploring a new context of role transitions, analyzing the time spent on state transition activities before entering work and proposing an inverted U-shaped relationship between the time spent on these activities and subsequent work engagement. Second, this study enriches the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of state transition activities. Previous literature mainly explored how employees could better complete role transitions from a role perspective. This study analyzes from a resource perspective, considering both resource transfer and depletion during the activities. By analyzing the time and psychological resources in these activity processes, this study proposes that the habituality and timing of state transition activities jointly affect subsequent work engagement. Habituality refers to the degree to which employees’ state transition activities are habitual behaviors that are triggered and repeated in work situations. Third, previous research has focused on describing the process of employees transitioning from family roles to work roles. However, lunch break is an important part of the workday, and transitioning from non-work state to work state is also required when entering work in the afternoon. To fully describe the role transition process throughout the day, this study analyzes morning and afternoon state transition activities separately, explores how morning and afternoon state transition activities affect morning and afternoon work engagement, and thus impact work efficiency for the day.

  • Job replacement or job transformation? Definition, consequences, and sources of technology-driven job insecurity

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: During the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises, effectively alleviating and coping with employee job insecurity is crucial for building harmonious and stable labor relations. Although traditional job insecurity research has extensively examined the sources and consequences of job insecurity, it has paid little attention to the rapid development and application of artificial intelligence technology, which is an essential context for the current organizational management practice and research. This study innovatively puts forward a new concept of technology-driven job insecurity in the context of artificial intelligence, reflecting individual perceived job insecurity due to the development and application of artificial intelligence technology. Based on this, this study has three objectives. First, we theorize the definition and dimensionality of technology-driven job insecurity. Considering that artificial intelligence technology leads to two types of job changes (i.e., AI automation and AI augmentation), we distinguish job replacement insecurity from job transformation insecurity, thus expanding the research on the conceptualization and dimensionality of job insecurity. Second, we examine the impact of technology-driven job insecurity on employee work outcomes and career outcomes. Drawing upon signaling theory, we suggest that technology-driven job insecurity conveys information about employees’ career prospects and influences employee work and career outcomes via their perceptions of the occupational future (i.e., occupational future time perspective). Two dimensions of occupational future time perspective, namely focus on limitations and focus on opportunities, are examined. We expect that job replacement insecurity has negative indirect effects on work engagement, job performance, proactive career behavior, and career satisfaction via activated focus on limitations and deactivated focus on opportunities. In contrast, job transformation insecurity has negative indirect effects on work engagement, job performance, proactive career behavior, and career satisfaction via activated focus on limitations and in the meanwhile, has positive indirect effects on these outcomes via activated focus on opportunities. In addition, these effects are contingent on developmental human resource practices such that developmental human resource practices strengthen the positive indirect effects of technology-driven job insecurity and buffer its adverse indirect effects on employee outcomes. In doing so, this study can not only enrich the theoretical perspectives of job insecurity research but also reveal the unique consequences of technology-driven job insecurity. Finally, we investigate how job characteristics of the current job and technology-related personal characteristics impact employee technology-driven job insecurity. In light of cognitive appraisal theory, we suggest that high information-processing demands, low job complexity, and low problem-solving demands are associated with increased job automation expectations and subsequently heighten job replacement insecurity. Conversely, low information-processing demands, high job complexity, and high problem-solving demands are related to increased job augmentation expectations and subsequently heighten job transformation insecurity. Regarding employee personal characteristics, we expect that smart technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and algorithms (STARA) awareness is associated with increased technology-driven job insecurity, while technology readiness is associated with decreased technology-driven job insecurity. Besides, job and personal characteristics have interactive effects on technology-driven job insecurity. Specifically, STARA strengthens the impacts of job characteristics on technology-driven job insecurity, while technology readiness mitigates these impacts. By revealing the opposite effects of the same job characteristic on job replacement and job transformation insecurity and identifying the boundary conditions for these effects, this study deepens the understanding of how job characteristics are associated with technology-driven job insecurity. Together, this study not only enriches the research on job insecurity in the context of artificial intelligence but also has implications for building harmonious and stable labor relations and improving employee well-being at work during the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises. Key words

  • 员工睡眠剥夺的损耗效应:组织管理研究的新主题

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Sleep deprivation, a generally neglected topic in organizational research, has brought about increasingly salient social dilemma. Nowadays plenty of employees are working without enough sleep. The state of diminished capacity induced by insufficient sleep would damage employees’ psychological state, behavior and performance, and thus influence organizational effectiveness and management practices. By reviewing the existing research, we clarify the definition, measurement, basic theoretical framework, and mechanisms of sleep deprivation within the organizational and management context. Next, we summarize the specific factors affecting employees’ sleep deprivation, and its effects on individual, leadership, and team level. Then, we conclude the prevention and mitigation strategies for organizational sleep management. Finally, we suggest that future research could explore the types of concept, antecedents, process mechanism, research methods and research levels.

  • 员工真诚对同事关系的双刃剑效应:共事时间的调节作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: There has been an upsurge of both public and academic interest in authenticity at work. The key assumption in the burgeoning literature is that authenticity helps engender trust and decrease suspicion, thus drawing people closer to each other. In this study, however, we argued that employee authenticity can exert both positive and negative influences on coworker relationships. Using interpersonal help and interpersonal exclusion to represent positive and negative coworker interactions, respectively, we postulated that employee authenticity induces both coworkers’ helping and exclusionary behaviors toward the focal employees. Building on social penetration theory and the literature of attributional ambiguity, we proposed suspicion of ulterior motives and knowledge- based trust to be the theoretical mechanisms explaining coworkers’ behavioral responses to employee authenticity. Further, we suggested that coworkers’ behavioral responses to employee authenticity depend largely on the coworker relationship duration. Specifically, when relationships are new, employee authenticity may cause coworkers to mistrust the focal employees and be suspicious of their ulterior motives, thus decreasing coworkers’ helping behavior and increasing exclusionary behavior. Conversely, when coworkers have worked together for a long time, employee authenticity may increase coworkers’ trust in the focal employees and decrease suspicion, thus facilitating helping behavior and reducing exclusionary behavior. We conducted two independent studies to examine the hypothesized effects. First, a two-wave round-robin survey study was conducted to test the mediating role of suspicion of ulterior motives in the relationship between employee authenticity and coworkers’ behavioral responses. In the round-robin design, the team members rated each of their teammates, thus capturing the dyadic interactions between the focal employees and coworkers. We collected data from 299 members of 63 work teams in a large company. The final sample consisted of 1027 dyads. To alleviate the effects of common method bias, we used multiple data sources to measure our variables. Employee authenticity and suspicion of ulterior motives were assessed using self-reports at Time 1. Interpersonal helping behavior was measured using other-rating and exclusionary behavior with self-reports at Time 2. Coworker relationship duration was measured at both times. In Study 2, an experimental study was conducted to test the full model. Employee authenticity and the coworker relationship duration were manipulated. Specifically, the critical incident technique was used to identify the focal employees whose authenticity was high or low and whose relationship duration with the participants was long or short. The participants served as coworkers and were asked to answer questions about the focal employees. The measures used were adapted from Study 1. In support of the theoretical model, the results showed that the coworker relationship duration moderated the effect of employee authenticity on coworkers’ suspicion of ulterior motives and knowledge-based trust. Employee authenticity was related positively to suspicion and negatively to trust when the relationship duration was short, and related negatively to suspicion and positively to trust when the relationship duration was long. Further, suspicion of ulterior motives was related to interpersonal exclusionary behavior, and knowledge-based trust to interpersonal helping behavior. This research advances the existing understanding of authenticity in three aspects. First, research on coworker relationships has focused largely on social exchange and similarity attraction theories and suggested that employee authenticity facilitates positive coworker interactions. Our study departs from the main perspectives and builds on social penetration theory to propose that time is required for authenticity to exert its positive influence on coworker interaction. Second, our study contributes to social penetration theory in general. This theory was proposed and has been used mainly to explicate how self-disclosure in communication advances interpersonal relationships. This research uses the theory to understand whether and how the action of manifesting one’s inner true self (employee authenticity) affects coworker interactions. Third, this study helps reconcile the inconsistent findings regarding how coworkers react to employee authenticity by stressing the moderating role of the coworker relationship duration.

  • 领导感激表达能提高员工的追随行为吗?情绪表达真诚性的作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Gratitude, as a traditional virtue of Chinese nation, has been widely focused by scholars in recent years. Scholars have begun to shift from a focus on trait gratitude and state gratitude to a focus on the interpersonal interaction outcomes of gratitude expression. A limited number of studies have explored leader gratitude expression on employees’ outcomes toward the organization (including job satisfaction, OCB toward the organization, and turnover intentions), however, there is a lack of research examining leader gratitude expression on employees’ outcomes toward the leader (e.g., followership behavior). To address this theoretical gap, we drew on the dual strategy theory of social rank and the perspective of emotional expression authenticity, and hypothesized that leader gratitude expression has a positive impact on positive followership behavior via perceived leader prestige and has a negative impact on negative followership behavior via perceived leader dominance. Also, we further expected that the above relationship is stronger when employees perceived their leaders’ emotional expression authenticity is high. We tested these hypotheses in an experimental study (N = 184) and a field sample of leader?employee dyads (N = 192). In Study 1, a between-participant scenario experimental design was used to manipulate the independent variable leader gratitude expression with the scenario material developed by Ritzenh?fer et al. (2017) (leader gratitude expression condition vs. neutral condition), and 200 participants were invited to participate in the experimental study. When administering the test, participants will be randomly assigned to a scenario in order to eliminate the effect of their own differences on the experimental results. 184 participants who passed the attention test were retained. In Study 2, we collected 192 leader?employee dyadic data at two time points. At Time 1, employees need to report leader gratitude expression and perceived authenticity, as well as provided their demographic information. At Time 2, employees need to report perceived leader prestige and dominance, and leader need to report employees’ followership behavior. We applied analysis of variance, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and bootstrap methods via SPSS 24.0 and Mplus8.4 software to analyze the data. The results were as follows: leader gratitude expression positively impacted employees’ positive followership behavior via perceived leader prestige and negatively impacted employees’ negative followership behavior via perceived leader dominance. In addition, perceived authenticity moderates the direct effect between leader gratitude expression and perceived leader prestige and dominance, and moderates the indirect effects between leader gratitude expression on employees’ positive and negative followership behaviors through perceived leader prestige and dominance. That is, when perceived authenticity is high, the positive effect of leader gratitude expression on positive followership behavior via employees’ perceived leader prestige is stronger, and the negative effect of leader gratitude expression on negative followership behavior via employees’ perceived leader dominance is weaker. This study has the following theoretical contributions: First, this study examines the effectiveness of leader gratitude expression, and expands the research on the outcomes of leader gratitude expression. Second, based on the dual strategy theory of social rank, we reveal the mediating mechanism of leader gratitude expression on employees’ followership behavior, responding to Yoshimura and Berzins (2017)’s call to examine the influence of leader gratitude expression in the process of interpersonal interactions based on a power and status perspective. Third, this study examined the boundaries of leader gratitude expression based on the perspective of emotional expression authenticity. In the process of emotional expression, many scholars focus on the potency (positive or negative) and intensity (strong or weak) of emotion, but ignore the role of emotional expression authenticity. This study answers the call of Locklear et al. (2022) and enriches the empirical research of emotional expression authenticity.

  • 创新期望差距与团队突破性创新:自我调节理论视角

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: In today’s competitive marketplace, organizations considerably rely on radical innovation in a team to gain and maintain competitive advantages. Although scholars have studied the mechanism by which such innovation forms from different perspectives, few studies have focused on the potential impact of innovation expectation discrepancy and the self-regulation processes of team leaders. Drawing on self-regulation theory, the current research investigated creative process engagement among leaders as a vital mechanism through which innovation expectation discrepancy affects team radical innovation. We also examined the co-moderating effect of the perceived overqualification of leaders and criteria for organizational promotion on the relationship between innovation expectation discrepancy and team radical innovation. This examination was intended to ascertain at which point such discrepancy drives the strongest radical innovation in a team.To test our hypothesized model, we carried out an experiment (Study 1) and a field survey (Study 2). In Study 1, participants were randomly allocated to one of 68 teams, which were randomly assigned to one of three conditions (performance above expectations, below expectations, no discrepancy). Innovation expectation discrepancy was manipulated via expert evaluations of the outcomes of a creative task executed by different teams. In Study 2, our sample comprised 76 R&D teams from various organizations. At point 1, team leaders filled out scales about innovation expectation discrepancy, creative process engagement, perceived overqualification, and other control variables. One month later, at point 2, team superior leaders rated the radical innovation of these teams. At the same time, team leaders and team members assessed organizational promotion criteria. The results indicated that innovation expectation discrepancy has a U-shaped impact on a team leader’s creative process engagement. Such engagement mediates the U-shaped relationship between innovation expectation discrepancy and team radical innovation. Perceived overqualification and organizational promotion criteria jointly moderate the U-shaped effect of innovation expectation discrepancy on team radical innovation via creative process engagement. Compared with the situation of high perceived overqualification and absolute promotion criteria and the situation of low perceived overqualification and relative promotion criteria, the indirect effect of innovation expectation discrepancy on team radical innovation through creative process engagement is stronger when perceived overqualification is high and the organization implements relative promotion criteria. Beyond our expectations, there is no significant difference in the impact of innovation expectation discrepancy on team radical innovation in the case of high perceived overqualification and relative promotion criteria and in the case of low perceived overqualification and absolute promotion criteria. Our study contributes to the literature in several distinct ways. First, it derived novel insights into the cultivation of radical innovation in a team by focusing on the effects of innovation expectation discrepancy from the perspective of a team leader. Second, this study enriched extant knowledge about how team leaders promote radical innovation through self-regulation. Specifically, it identified the creative process engagement of a leader as an important mechanism by which innovation expectation discrepancy affects team radical innovation. Third, this research found that when organizations implement relative promotion criteria and a team leader’s perceived overqualification is high, the impact of innovation expectation discrepancy on team radical innovation via creative process engagement can be strengthened, which helps companies determine how to achieve radical innovation in teams.

  • 领导感激表达能提高员工的追随行为吗?情绪表达真诚性的作用

    submitted time 2023-03-16 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Gratitude, as a traditional virtue of Chinese nation, has been widely focused by scholars in recent years. Scholars have begun to shift from a focus on trait gratitude and state gratitude to a focus on the interpersonal interaction outcomes of gratitude expression. A limited number of studies have explored leader gratitude expression on employees’ outcomes toward the organization (including job satisfaction, OCB toward the organization, and turnover intentions), however, there is a lack of research examining leader gratitude expression on employees’ outcomes toward the leader (e.g., followership behavior). To address this theoretical gap, we drew on the dual strategy theory of social rank and the perspective of emotional expression authenticity, and hypothesized that leader gratitude expression has a positive impact on positive followership behavior via perceived leader prestige and has a negative impact on negative followership behavior via perceived leader dominance. Also, we further expected that the above relationship is stronger when employees perceived their leaders’ emotional expression authenticity is high. We tested these hypotheses in an experimental study (N = 184) and a field sample of leader?employee dyads (N = 192). In Study 1, a between-participant scenario experimental design was used to manipulate the independent variable leader gratitude expression with the scenario material developed by Ritzenh?fer et al. (2017) (leader gratitude expression condition vs. neutral condition), and 200 participants were invited to participate in the experimental study. When administering the test, participants will be randomly assigned to a scenario in order to eliminate the effect of their own differences on the experimental results. 184 participants who passed the attention test were retained. In Study 2, we collected 192 leader?employee dyadic data at two time points. At Time 1, employees need to report leader gratitude expression and perceived authenticity, as well as provided their demographic information. At Time 2, employees need to report perceived leader prestige and dominance, and leader need to report employees’ followership behavior. We applied analysis of variance, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and bootstrap methods via SPSS 24.0 and Mplus8.4 software to analyze the data. The results were as follows: leader gratitude expression positively impacted employees’ positive followership behavior via perceived leader prestige and negatively impacted employees’ negative followership behavior via perceived leader dominance. In addition, perceived authenticity moderates the direct effect between leader gratitude expression and perceived leader prestige and dominance, and moderates the indirect effects between leader gratitude expression on employees’ positive and negative followership behaviors through perceived leader prestige and dominance. That is, when perceived authenticity is high, the positive effect of leader gratitude expression on positive followership behavior via employees’ perceived leader prestige is stronger, and the negative effect of leader gratitude expression on negative followership behavior via employees’ perceived leader dominance is weaker. This study has the following theoretical contributions: First, this study examines the effectiveness of leader gratitude expression, and expands the research on the outcomes of leader gratitude expression. Second, based on the dual strategy theory of social rank, we reveal the mediating mechanism of leader gratitude expression on employees’ followership behavior, responding to Yoshimura and Berzins (2017)’s call to examine the influence of leader gratitude expression in the process of interpersonal interactions based on a power and status perspective. Third, this study examined the boundaries of leader gratitude expression based on the perspective of emotional expression authenticity. In the process of emotional expression, many scholars focus on the potency (positive or negative) and intensity (strong or weak) of emotion, but ignore the role of emotional expression authenticity. This study answers the call of Locklear et al. (2022) and enriches the empirical research of emotional expression authenticity.

  • Can leader gratitude expression improve employee followership behavior? The role of emotional expression authenticity

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2023-03-03

    Abstract: Gratitude, as a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, has been widely focused on by scholars, who in recent years have begun to shift their focus from trait gratitude and state gratitude to the interpersonal interaction outcomes of gratitude expression. We drew on the dual-strategy theory of social rank and the social functions of emotion and hypothesized that leader gratitude expression has a positive impact on positive followership behavior via perceived leader prestige and a negative impact on negative followership behavior via perceived leader dominance. Furthermore, we expected that the above relationship is stronger when employees perceive that the emotional expression authenticity of their leaders is high. We tested these hypotheses in an experimental study (N = 184) and a field sample of leader−employee dyads (N = 192). In Study 1, a between-participant scenario experimental design was used to manipulate the independent variable, namely, leader gratitude expression, with the scenario material developed by Ritzenhöfer et al. (2017) (leader gratitude expression condition vs. neutral condition), and 200 participants were invited to participate in the experimental study. When the test was administered, the participants were randomly assigned to a scenario to eliminate the effect of their own differences on the experimental results. A total of 184 participants who passed the attention test were retained. In Study 2, we collected 192 leader−employee dyadic data at two time points. At Time 1, employees needed to report leader gratitude expression and perceived authenticity as well as provide their demographic information. At Time 2, employees needed to report perceived leader prestige and dominance, while the leader needed to report the followership behavior of employees. We applied analysis of variance, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and Monte Carlo method to analyze the data. The results were as follows: leader gratitude expression positively impacted the positive followership behavior of employees through perceived leader prestige and negatively impacted the negative followership behavior of employees through perceived leader dominance. Perceived authenticity also moderated the direct effects between leader gratitude expression and perceived leader prestige and dominance as well the indirect effects between leader gratitude expression on the positive and negative followership behaviors of employees through perceived leader prestige and dominance. Specifically, when perceived authenticity is high, the positive effect of leader gratitude expression on positive followership behavior is stronger via the perceived leader prestige of employees, while the negative effect of leader gratitude expression on negative followership behavior via the perceived leader dominance of employees is weaker. This study has the following theoretical contributions. First, this study examined the effectiveness of leader gratitude expression and expanded the research on the outcomes of such expression. Second, based on the dual-strategy theory of social rank, we revealed the mediating mechanism of leader gratitude expression on the followership behavior of employees, thus responding to Locklear et al.’s (2022) call that “further research is needed to understand fully the mechanisms underlying the effects of gratitude.” Third, this study examined the boundaries of leader gratitude expression based on the social functions of emotion and found that the perceived emotional expression authenticity of leaders plays a moderating role. In the process of emotional expression, many scholars focus on the potency (positive or negative) and intensity (strong or weak) of emotion but ignore the role of emotional expression authenticity. This study answers the call of Locklear et al. (2022) and enriches the empirical research on emotional expression authenticity.

  • Job replacement or job transformation? Definition, consequences, and sources of technology-driven job insecurity

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2023-02-18


    During the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises, effectively alleviating and coping with employee job insecurity is crucial for building harmonious and stable labor relations. Although traditional job insecurity research has extensively examined the sources and consequences of job insecurity, it has paid little attention to the rapid development and application of artificial intelligence technology, which is an essential context for the current organizational management practice and research. This study innovatively puts forward a new concept of technology-driven job insecurity in the context of artificial intelligence, reflecting individual perceived job insecurity due to the development and application of artificial intelligence technology. Our study has three objectives. First, we theorize the definition and dimensionality of technology-driven job insecurity and propose job replacement insecurity and job transformation insecurity as the two core dimensions of technology-driven job insecurity. Second, we examine the effects of technology-driven job insecurity on employee work and career outcomes. Third, we explore the sources of technologydriven job insecurity. This study not only enriches the research on job insecurity in the context of artificial intelligence but also has implications for building harmonious and stable labor relations and improving employee well-being at work during the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises.

  • Innovation Expectation Discrepancy and Team Radical Innovation: A Self-Regulatory Perspective

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2022-09-01

    Abstract: In today’s competitive marketplace, organizations considerably rely on radical innovation in a team to gain and maintain competitive advantages. Although scholars have studied the mechanism by which such innovation forms from different perspectives, few studies have focused on the potential impact of innovation expectation discrepancy and the self-regulation processes of team leaders. Drawing on self-regulation theory, the current research investigated creative process engagement among leaders as a vital mechanism through which innovation expectation discrepancy affects team radical innovation. We also examined the co-moderating effect of the perceived overqualification of leaders and criteria for organizational promotion on the relationship between innovation expectation discrepancy and team radical innovation. This examination was intended to ascertain at which point such discrepancy drives the strongest radical innovation in a team. To test our hypothesized model, we carried out an experiment (study 1) and a field survey (study 2).  In study 1, participants were randomly allocated to one of 68 teams, which were randomly assigned to one of three conditions (performance above expectations, below expectations, no discrepancy). Innovation expectation discrepancy was manipulated via expert evaluations of the outcomes of a creative task executed by different teams. In study 2, our sample comprised 76 R&D teams from various organizations. At point 1, team leaders filled out scales about innovation expectation discrepancy, creative process engagement, perceived overqualification, and other control variables. One month later, at point 2, team superior leaders rated the radical innovation of these teams. At the same time, team leaders and team members assessed organizational promotion criteria. The results indicated that innovation expectation discrepancy has a U-shaped impact on a team leader’s creative process engagement. Such engagement mediates the U-shaped relationship between innovation expectation discrepancy and team radical innovation. Perceived overqualification and organizational promotion criteria jointly moderate the U-shaped effect of innovation expectation discrepancy on team radical innovation via creative process engagement. Compared with the situation of high perceived overqualification and absolute promotion criteria and the situation of low perceived overqualification and relative promotion criteria, the indirect effect of innovation expectation discrepancy on team radical innovation through creative process engagement is stronger when perceived overqualification is high and the organization implements relative promotion criteria. Beyond our expectations, there is no significant difference in the impact of innovation expectation discrepancy on team radical innovation in the case of high perceived overqualification and relative promotion criteria and in the case of low perceived overqualification and absolute promotion criteria. Our study contributes to the literature in several distinct ways. First, it derived novel insights into the cultivation of radical innovation in a team by focusing on the effects of innovation expectation discrepancy from the perspective of a team leader. Second, this study enriched extant knowledge about how team leaders promote radical innovation through self-regulation. Specifically, it identified the creative process engagement of a leader as an important mechanism by which innovation expectation discrepancy affects team radical innovation. Third, this research found that when organizations implement relative promotion criteria and a team leader’s perceived overqualification is high, the impact of innovation expectation discrepancy on team radical innovation via creative process engagement can be strengthened, which helps companies determine how to achieve radical innovation in teams.

  • The Double-edged Sword of Employee Authenticity in Coworker Interactions: The Moderating Role of Relationship Duration

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2022-01-21


    There has been an upsurge of both public and academic interest in authenticity at work. The key assumption in the burgeoning literature is that authenticity helps engender trust and decrease suspicion, thus drawing people closer to each other. In this study, however, we argued that employee authenticity can exert both positive and negative influences on coworker relationships. Using interpersonal help and interpersonal exclusion to represent positive and negative coworker interactions, respectively, we postulated that employee authenticity induces both coworkers’ helping and exclusionary behaviors toward the focal employees. Building on social penetration theory and the literature of attributional ambiguity, we proposed suspicion of ulterior motives and knowledge-based trust to be the theoretical mechanisms explaining coworkers’ behavioral responses to employee authenticity. Further, we suggested that coworkers’ behavioral responses to employee authenticity depend largely on the coworker relationship duration. Specifically, when relationships are new, employee authenticity may cause coworkers to mistrust the focal employees and be suspicious of their ulterior motives, thus decreasing coworkers’ helping behavior and increasing exclusionary behavior. Conversely, when coworkers have worked together for a long time, employee authenticity may increase coworkers’ trust in the focal employees and decrease suspicion, thus facilitating helping behavior and reducing exclusionary behavior.

    We conducted two independent studies to examine the hypothesized effects. First, a two-wave round-robin survey study was conducted to test the mediating role of suspicion of ulterior motives in the relationship between employee authenticity and coworkers’ behavioral responses. In the round-robin design, the team members rated each of their teammates, thus capturing the dyadic interactions between the focal employees and coworkers. We collected data from 299 members of 63 work teams in a large company. The final sample consisted of 1,027 dyads. To alleviate the effects of common method bias, we used multiple data sources to measure our variables. Employee authenticity and suspicion of ulterior motives were assessed using self-reports at Time 1. Interpersonal helping behavior was measured using other-rating and exclusionary behavior with self-reports at Time 2. Coworker relationship duration was measured at both times. In Study 2, an experimental study was conducted to test the full model. Employee authenticity and the coworker relationship duration were manipulated. Specifically, the critical incident technique was used to identify the focal employees whose authenticity was high or low and whose relationship duration with the participants was long or short. The participants served as coworkers and were asked to answer questions about the focal employees. The measures used were adapted from Study 1.

    In support of the theoretical model, the results showed that the coworker relationship duration moderated the effect of employee authenticity on coworkers’ suspicion of ulterior motives and knowledge-based trust. Employee authenticity was related positively to suspicion and negatively to trust when the relationship duration was short, and related negatively to suspicion and positively to trust when the relationship duration was long. Further, suspicion of ulterior motives was related to interpersonal exclusionary behavior, and knowledge-based trust to interpersonal helping behavior. This research advances the existing understanding of authenticity in three aspects. First, research on coworker relationships has focused largely on social exchange and similarity attraction theories and suggested that employee authenticity facilitates positive coworker interactions. Our study departs from the main perspectives and builds on social penetration theory to propose that time is required for authenticity to exert its positive influence on coworker interaction. Second, our study contributes to social penetration theory in general. This theory was proposed and has been used mainly to explicate how self-disclosure in communication advances interpersonal relationships. This research uses the theory to understand whether and how the action of manifesting one’s inner true self (employee authenticity) affects coworker interactions. Third, this study helps reconcile the inconsistent findings regarding how coworkers react to employee authenticity by stressing the moderating role of the coworker relationship duration.

  • Will newcomer job crafting bring positive outcomes? The role of leader-member exchange and traditionality

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2020-01-29

    Abstract: A considerable number of college graduates enter the workforce every year. Given increasingly heightened competition, understanding how to transform college graduates into engaged and productive organizational employees is crucial. Although numerous studies on organizational socialization exist, most are generally focused on organizational control. However, as work roles become increasingly dynamic in the changing environment, successful organizational socialization requires newcomers to develop an innovative role orientation to be able to constantly shape their role in the workplace and better serve organizational goals. Drawing on the self-expression perspective, this study attempted to explore whether newcomer job crafting could facilitate role performance (i.e., task performance and creativity). Moreover, we examined how initial leader-member exchange (LMX) and individual traditionality jointly influence newcomer job crafting. We conducted a four-wave survey among 256 newcomers from a large machinery manufacturer in China. The final matched sample size was 125. Results showed that (a) newcomer job crafting was significantly related to work engagement, which in turn, resulted in high levels of task performance and creativity; (b) LMX positively affected job crafting only in newcomers with high levels of traditionality; and (c) traditionality moderated the positive indirect effect of LMX on task performance and creativity via job crafting and work engagement. That is, positive indirect effects were significant in newcomers with high levels of traditionality. Our study provides several theoretical contributions. First, we examine an employee-centered organizational socialization process from the perspective of self-expression. Second, this research develops a comprehensive newcomer job crafting model including the antecedents and consequences of newcomer job crafting. Third, we add to the employee creativity literature by highlighting how to promote newcomer creativity from the lens of job crafting. Besides its theoretical implications, this study presents practical implications on how to quickly transform new hires into productive and creative employees. Moreover, our study recommends organizations to encourage newcomers to craft their job during organizational entry to engender high levels of task performance and to tap into the creativity of new hires. However, managers should be aware that the quality of LMX is likely to be influential in promoting job crafting among newcomers with high levels of traditionality.

  • Collective psychological ownership, status conferral criteria and team creativity

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-01-29

    Abstract: " Collective psychological ownership has been studies as the latest issue in the field of psychology. Existing studies have not yet explored the mechanism of how collective psychological ownership affects team creativity. This study aims to address the above gaps by examining whether, when and how Collective psychological ownership has impacted on team creativity. Based on the Motived Information Processing in Group Model, this paper first empirically explores the mechanism of collective psychological ownership on team creativity. This study theorizes that collective psychological ownership could affect information elaboration, and in turn enhanced team creativity. At the same time, criteria for status promotion would moderated the positive relationship that collective psychological ownership affects team creativity through information elaboration. In order to test our hypothesized model, we invited 101 Knowledge–based team leaders and their 800 subordinates who came from 16 big companies located in Wuhan, Zhengzhou and Guangzhou to participate in this research survey. In the end, we got 91 leader–followers dyads. As for scale to measure criteria for status promotion, we learned from Liu et al. (2013) measurement method of how to measure criteria for status promotion. Also, we adopte two items which are Adapted from the scale of Pierce et al (2004) to measure collective psychological ownership ,as well as other measurements were well–established scales. Confirmatory factor analyses showed satisfactory model fit indices. Inter–rated agreement(Rwg) and intra–class correlation (ICC) value justified the aggregation of team information elaboration, Collective psychological ownership, Relationship conflict, Team Learning Behavior and Team Creativity. A hierarchical regression analysis method is adopted to test the hypothesized model. Results showed that collective psychology ownership has a positive impact on team creativity, and information elaboration mediates the relationship between collective psychological ownership and team creativity. Criteria for status promotion moderates the relationship between collective psychological ownership and information elaboration. However, criteria for status promotion does not significantly moderates the relationship between collective psychological ownership and team creativity through information elaboration. The present research makes some contributions to the Existing literature. First, by examining the positive effect of Collective psychological ownership on team creativity, this research proves the effectiveness of Collective psychological ownership beyond past literatures. Second, this study indicates the mediating role of information elaboration as well as its boundary conditions. For the practical implications, this research suggests that strengthening awareness of collective psychological ownership is conducive to the promotion of information elaboration and team creativity, also leaders should realize that criteria for status promotion will lead to different levels of competition, which impacts the relationship between collective psychological ownership and information elaboration. "