• Visual perception in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Bayesian and predictive coding-based perspective

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2024-04-09

    Abstract: Bayesian and predictive coding theories have been instrumental in elucidating sensory processing aberrations observed in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, these theories have sparked considerable debate within the scientific community. In this paper, we focus on non-social visual information, presenting a comprehensive examination of theoretical nuances and consolidating empirical evidence across three key dimensions: Bayesian inference, predictive coding processes, and predictive coding precision. Generally, hypo-priors and sharper likelihood hypothesis based on Bayesian inference merely provide descriptive insights into visual processing abnormalities associated with ASD. While perspectives emphasizing the predictive coding process enhance the specificity of visual processing aberrations, they fall short of offering a fully explanatory framework. On the other hand, hypotheses centered on predictive coding precision provide theoretical foundations, yet require further refinement of the theoretical details and their validity necessitates testing through refined empirical studies. Future research should generalize the specificity of predictive processing in ASD, test the theoretical content from the perspective of subjective experience of ASD, and examine the changes of predictive functioning in the growth of ASD through a developmental perspective.

  • Intervention strategies for health rumors: An overview based on the information lifecycle theory

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2024-01-04

    Abstract: Intervening in the proliferation of health rumors presents a significant challenge in the era of social media. This paper delves into the multifaceted aspects of health rumor dynamics, identifying driving factors at the intersection of information and information processing entities. Utilizing the Information Lifecycle Theory, we delineate this phenomenon into three distinct stages: generation, evaluation, and dissemination. A systematic exploration of intervention strategies is undertaken across these stages. During the generation phase, a preventative approach takes precedence, emphasizing activities such as instilling psychological resilience in the public and enhancing individual health literacy. Shifting to the evaluation stage, the focus sharpens on individual agency, with particular attention to information accuracy and the promotion of analytical processing. In the dissemination phase, precision in debunking is achieved through bolstering the credibility of refutation information, effectively employing refutation texts, and regulating individual emotional states. Future research endeavors are encouraged to further innovate intervention strategies under the framework of the information lifecycle. This involves a meticulous examination of refined intervention methods tailored to diverse rumor types and susceptible populations. Additionally, emphasis is placed on the synthesis and validation of real-world application effects, leveraging insights from behavioral science and online platforms to establish enduring mechanisms for effectively intervening in health rumors.

  • Power analysis in structural equation modeling: Principles and methods

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology submitted time 2022-03-14


    Structural equation modeling (SEM) is an important statistical tool in psychology, management, and sociology. However, the lack of analyses and reports of statistical power in many studies using SEM has reduced the probative power of the study results. There are three main types of statistical power analysis methods for SEM: the Satorra–Saris, MacCallum, and Monte Carlo methods. The Satorra–Saris method applies to cases where the alternative model is clear, analysis object is simple, and the statistic to be examined is based on the χ2 distribution. The MacCallum method is applicable to the case of χ2-based overall model fit tests with unknown alternative models. Further, the Monte Carlo method applies to cases where the analysis object is complex, or the test is performed using simulation or resampling methods. In practice, researchers should clarify the purposes and methods of the test as well as the availability of alternative models as a priority. The research method can then be determined on the basis of the above information.

  • Controversies in terror management theory research and its implications for research on the psychology of death

    Subjects: Psychology >> Clinical and Counseling Psychology submitted time 2020-11-09

    Abstract: Abstract: Psychology of death remains a complex psychological state of cognition, emotion and behavioral intention in the face of death and death-related events. Currently, the most comprehensive and scientific death psychology research is the Terror Management Theory (TMT). However, TMT has the following controversies: (1) In terms of three basic cognitive aspects of death, the theory presents inconsistent research results on whether death is independent of uncertainty, whether death causes fear, and whether individual survival is a central issue for human beings; (2) On the socio-cultural level, the cultural background of the Terror Management Theory was that there was a general denial of death. However, cross-cultural studies demonstrate that other cultures treat death with attitudes such as acceptance and contempt; (3) Finally, there exist a lot of contradictions in the research results of fear management theory. This indicates that there are important regulatory factors which are not involved in the present study. On this basis, the possible research directions of death psychology can be summarized from the aspects of cognition, behavior, and society. In the future, the death psychology can consider the research attitude that attaches equal importance to science and culture, combine the content and process of death psychology, pay attention to the psychological laws of the group in the face of death as well as carry out the intervention research of physical and mental health under the influence of death psychology.