  • 析“群内本性相异论”

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 分类: 心理学 >> 心理学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-07-19

    摘要: 生物本性假设是生物进化论的理论基石和中心议题。达尔文的自然选择理论最初是个体选择论,以生物本性利己为基本假设,由于无法解释蜂类蚁类的“利他主义行为”导致了致命的“利他主义难题”,也称为“达尔文主义难题”。为了破解难题,学者们又提出了群体、亲缘、基因和多层次等多种选择论。除个体选择论之外,各种选择论都认为生物中存在着“利他本性”,可统称为“利他本性存在论”。运用这种理论解释生物乃至人类的行为依然矛盾重重,论战不休。只有彻底破除“利他本性存在论”,坚持“利他本性不存在论”,也称“利己本性论”或“本性一元论”,才能摆脱困扰,破解难题。笔者将“利他本性存在论”分为“群内本性利他论”、“群内本性相异论”和“本性二元论”三个分支。限于篇幅,采用三篇论文分析。本文从违反自然科学原理、实验研究前提无一具备、假设数据不能代表真实总体等方面充分论证了“群内本性相异论”的谬误。

  • 析“群内本性利他论”

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 分类: 心理学 >> 心理学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-07-19

    摘要: 生物本性假设是生物进化论的理论基石和中心议题。达尔文的自然选择论最初是个体选择论,以生物本性利己为基本假设,由于无法解释蜂类蚁类的“利他主义行为”导致了致命的“利他主义难题”,也称为“达尔文主义难题”。为了破解难题,学者们又提出了群体、亲缘、基因和多层次等多种选择论。除个体选择论之外,各种选择论都认为生物中存在着“利他本性”,可统称为“利他本性存在论”。运用这种理论解释生物乃至人类的行为依然矛盾重重,论战不休。只有彻底破除“利他本性存在论”,坚持“利他本性不存在论”,也称“利己本性论”或“本性一元论”,才能摆脱困扰,破解难题。笔者将“利他本性存在论”分为“群内本性利他论”、“群内本性相异论”和“本性二元论”三个分支。限于篇幅,采用三篇论文分析。本文以生物进化论、需要运动论、自然科学原理和生物行为为依据,充分论证了“群内本性利他论”不能成立。

  • High-resolution CT-scan data reveals the tooth replacement pattern of the Late Jurassic tyrannosauroid Guanlong wucaii (Dinosauria, Theropoda)

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 提交时间: 2024-07-16

    摘要: The Tyrannosauridae, which is characterized by specialized pachydont dentition and putative bone-cracking predatory strategies, is one of the most extensively studied theropod lineages. Although tooth replacement patterns, crucial for understanding feeding behaviors, have been thoroughly studied in this group, studies on non-tyrannosaurid tyrannosauroids are relatively scarce. This study utilizes high-resolution CT data to investigate the tooth replacement pattern in two specimens of Guanlong wucaii, a Late Jurassic tyrannosauroid, and provides insights into the evolution of tooth replacement across Tyrannosauroidea. Second-generation replacement teeth, a rarity observed mainly in giant predatory theropods (e.g. some tyrannosaurids), were detected in the dentary dentition of the juvenile Guanlong. Zahnreihen reconstructions display a consistent cephalad alternating tooth replacement pattern in the maxilla and the dentary of both of the examined individuals, with Z-spacing values exceeding 2.0. As Guanlong grows, the Z-spacing value in the maxillary dentition increases, resembling the ontogenetic changes documented in the Tyrannosauridae. Additionally, like Tarbosaurus, Guanlong also displays a discontinuity between the tooth replacement waves at the premaxilla-maxilla boundary. This study thus demonstrates that some tyrannosaurid-like tooth replacement patterns were acquired before the origin of the Tyrannosauridae.

  • 高层次主体选择论

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 提交时间: 2024-07-01

    摘要: 达尔文自然选择论最初是个体选择论,但是不能合理解释生物的“利他主义行为”,由此产生了著名的“达尔文主义难题”。学者们又提出了群体、亲缘、基因、多层次等多种选择论,难题依然未解。本文提出了高层次主体选择论,指出生物和人类的体内和体外存在不同层次的主体,每一层次主体都可以成为自主需要主体,成为支配生物发生适应自然行为的高层次主体,成为自然选择单位。生物本性是利己,是最大限度地满足自身需要。依据这一理论可以圆满解答“达尔文主义难题”以及一切生物行为和生物进化事实。

  • Osteology of Turfanodon bogdaensis (Dicynodontia)

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 提交时间: 2024-05-31

    摘要: Within the dicynodont genus Turfanodon, there are two recognized species, T.bogdaensis and T. jiufengensis. Both species are known by relatively complete cranial materials, but the mandibles and most postcranial bones have been described only for T. jiufengensis. This paper reports new dicynodont specimens from Turpan, Xinjiang, referring them to T. bogdaensis. They can clearly be differentiated from T. jiufengensis by the flatter lateral surface of the snoutregion, a prominent swelling on the lateral dentary shelf, and the rounded femoral head. Thediagnosis of Turfanodon is revised. The combination of a flat circumorbital rim, posterior portionof anterior pterygoid rami with converging ventral ridges, and a possible autapomorphy, a deepnotch on scapula forming procoracoid foramen, are confirmed. It also differentiated from alldicynodonts other than Myosaurus, Kembawacela and Lystrosaurus by having accessory ridgeslateral to the median palatal ridge.

  • A taxonomical revision of ’Dongfangaspis qujingensis’from the Lower Devonian of Qujing, Yunnan Province

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 提交时间: 2024-03-21

    摘要: The affinity of ‘Dongfangaspis qujingensis’, initially assigned to Dongfangaspisbut later to Laxaspis, has long been controversial. However, the taxonomical revision raisesa new problem of junior homonym since the type species of Laxaspis is L. qujingensis. Here,we describe some new materials of ‘Dongfangaspis qujingensis’ and Damaspis vartus fromthe Xishancun Formation (early Lochkovian, Early Devonian) in Qujing, Yunnan Province.‘Dongfangaspis qujingensis’ strikingly resembles Damaspis vartus in the slightly longerheadshield, bifurcated ends of the lateral transverse canals, unconnected V-shaped posteriorsupraorbital canals, and at least seven pairs of lateral transverse canals issuing from the lateraldorsal canal. These similarities indicate that ‘D. qujingensis’ is more suggestive of Damaspis thanDongfangaspis and Laxaspis. Therefore, we propose to remove ‘Dongfangaspis qujingensis’ fromLaxaspis to Damaspis. The new specimens of Damaspis vartus reveal five long lateral transversecanals on the right side, corroborating that the asymmetric sensory canal system in the holotype isthe intraspecific variation.

  • A possible new amphicyonid from the Miocene of the Linxia Basin

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 提交时间: 2024-03-20

    摘要: Here we report a new form of amphicyonid from an uncertain locality in the LinxiaBasin. The derived dental traits imply an affinity to Magericyon, previously known from Europe and possibly southern Asia. The specimen suggests a higher diversity of amphicyonids in eastern Asia than previously thought, and more discovery with stratigraphic information will be needed to elucidate the evolution of Amphicyonidae in eastern Asia.

  • Taxonomic revision of Sinoeugnathus kueichowensis from the Middle Triassic of Guizhou and Yunnan, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 提交时间: 2024-03-15

    摘要: The previously alleged ‘eugnathid amiiform’ Sinoeugnathus kueichowensis is asmall-sized halecomorph from the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) marine deposits of Guizhou andYunnan, China. A morphological redescription and taxonomic revision of this taxon are providedbased on a detailed examination of 15 new specimens. Among them, IVPP V24315 (standardlength = 64 mm) is appointed as the neotype, given that the holotype is missing. Studies of thesespecimens revealed some morphological details previously undescribed or misidentified forthis taxon, including a hatchet-shaped antorbital, two broad suborbitals, a sensory canal in themaxilla, and three pairs of extrascapulars. For the first time, Sinoeugnathus was incorporatedinto an analysis of halecomorph phylogeny, and the results recover it as the sister taxon of theAnisian Subortichthys from Luoping, Yunnan, and both are grouped with two Ladinian generaAllolepidotus and Eoeugnathus from the Monte San Giorgio area into a monophyletic group(namely Subortichthyidae fam. nov. herein) at the base of Ionoscopiformes. This taxonomicreassessment of Subortichthys provides new insights into the phylogeny and paleogeographicevolution of Ionoscopiformes.

  • A restudy of Rhinocerotini fossils from the Miocene Jiulongkou Fauna of China

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 提交时间: 2024-03-15

    摘要: All the extant rhino species belong to Rhinocerotini and either have one horn (a nasal horn) or two horns (a nasal horn and frontal horn). So far, the earliest Rhinocerotini to have been identified in China is the “Dicerorhinus” cixianensis, which was based on a juvenile skull with an associated mandible from the Middle Miocene locality of Jiulongkou in Cixian County, HebeiProvince of northern China. Our analyses suggest that there are similarities between this specimenand the modern genus, Dicerorhinus, but it differs in several cranial traits and therefore cannotbe assigned to the modern genus. Instead, it is closer to the Middle Miocene Lartetotheriumfrom Europe, especially the specimen from La Retama in Spain and should be assigned to thatgenus, indicating the presence of intracontinental dispersal at this time. The Jiulongkou faunais the only Middle Miocene fauna with Rhinocerotini in China, and, together with the faunalcomposition, this implies a more humid and closed environment, in contrast to those found inwestern China. We suggest that the position of the posterior border of the nasal notch is a goodindication of the specimen’s evolutionary level in Rhinocerotini. The anterior position of the nasalnotch as seen in modern Dicerorhinus, together with its certain similarities to L. cixianensis aswell as its differences with more specialized species of the Dihoplus-Pliorhinus-Stephanorhinus-Coelodonta lineage, supports the conclusion that Dicerorhinus experienced little change during anearly 10 Myr evolutionary history, possibly due to the low selection pressure seen in the tropical/subtropical forests in southeastern Asia.

  • Evolutionary Tinkering Enriches the Hierarchical and Interlaced Structures in Amino Acid Sequences

    分类: 信息科学与系统科学 >> 信息科学与系统科学基础学科 分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 分类: 生物学 >> 生物数学 分类: 物理学 >> 交叉学科物理及相关领域的科学与技术 分类: 生物学 >> 遗传学 提交时间: 2023-10-15

    摘要: Background: In bioinformatics, tools like multiple sequence alignment and entropy methods probe sequence information and evolutionary relationships between species. Although powerful, they might miss crucial hierarchical relationships formed by the reuse of repetitive subsequences like duplicons and transposable elements. Such relationships are governed by evolutionary tinkering'', as described by Fran c{c}ois Jacob. The newly developed Ladderpath theory provides a quantitative framework to describe these hierarchical relationships.Results: Based on this theory, we introduce two indicators: order-rate $ eta$, characterizing sequence pattern repetitions and regularities, and ladderpath-complexity $ kappa$, characterizing hierarchical richness within sequences, considering sequence length. Statistical analyses on real amino acid sequences showed: (1) Among the typical species analyzed, humans possess relatively more sequences with large $ kappa$ values. (2) Proteins with a significant proportion of intrinsically disordered regions exhibit increased $ eta$ values. (3) There are almost no super long sequences with low $ eta$. We hypothesize that this arises from varied duplication and mutation frequencies across different evolutionary stages, which in turn suggests a zigzag pattern for the evolution of protein complexity. This is supported by our simulations and examples from protein families such as Ubiquitin and NBPF.Conclusions: Our method emphasizes how objects are generated'', capturing the essence of evolutionary tinkering and reuse. The findings hint at a connection between sequence orderliness and structural uncertainty, and suggest that different species or those in varied environments might adopt distinct protein elongation strategies. These insights highlight our method's value for further in-depth evolutionary biology applications.

  • 利用全基因组数据解码新型肺炎冠状病毒的进化和传播

    分类: 生物学 >> 病毒学 分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 分类: 生物学 >> 遗传学 提交时间: 2020-02-21

    摘要: Background. The outbreak of COVID-19 started in mid-December 2019 in Wuhan, Central China. Up to February 18, 2020, SARS-CoV-2 has infected more than 70,000 people in China, and another 25 countries across five continents. In this study, we used 93 complete genomes of SARS-CoV-2 from the GISAID EpiFluTM database to decode the evolution and human-to-human transmissions of SARS-CoV-2 in the recent two months. Methods. Alignment of coding-regions was conducted haplotype analyses using DnaSP. Substitution sites were analyzed in codon. Evolutionary analysis of haplotypes used NETWORK. Population size changes were estimated using both DnaSP and Arlequin. Expansion date of population size was calculated based on the expansion parameter tau (τ) using the formula t=τ/2u. Findings. Eight coding-regions have 120 substitution sites, including 79 non-synonymous and 40 synonymous substitutions. Forty-two non-synonymous substitutions changed the biochemical property of amino acids. No evident combination was found. Fifty-eight haplotypes were classified as five groups, and 31 haplotypes were found in samples from both China and other countries, respectively. The rooted network suggested H13 and H35 to be ancestral haplotypes, and H1 (and its descendent haplotypes including all samples from the Hua Nan market) was derived H3 haplotype. Population size of SARS-CoV-2 were estimated to have a recent expansion on 6 January 2020, and an early expansion on 8 December 2019. Interpretation. Genomic variations of SARS-CoV-2 are still low in comparisons with published genomes of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Phyloepidemiologic analyses indicated the SARS-CoV-2 source at the Hua Nan market should be imported from other places. The crowded market boosted SARS-CoV-2 rapid circulations in the market and spread it to the whole city in early December 2019. Furthermore, phyloepidemiologic approaches have recovered specific direction of human-to-human transmissions, and the import sources of international infectious cases.

  • 错误的时代:揭示关于古花及其对被子植物系统学的启示的真相

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物进化论 提交时间: 2018-04-20

    摘要: 古花Archaeanthus是1984年由Dilcher和Crane根据美国堪萨斯州白垩纪Albian-Cenomanian期的化石材料建立起来的被子植物化石属。当时其胚珠/种子被解释成是沿着果实的腹缝线着生的。这种解释在当时听起来很合理,尤其是考虑到当时盛行的被子植物演化理论。但是Dilcher和Crane关于胚珠/种子着生位置的说法连他们自己的证据都不支持。考虑到古花较早的时代、在古植物学和植物系统学中的重要性和影响力,有必要重新确认古花中胚珠的着生位置及其对心皮同源性及被子植物起源的启示。对于古花模式标本的重新观察表明,除了前人所说的腹面着生外,古花中至少有些胚珠是着生在果实的背面的。这个信息动摇了原作者认为的古花与木兰类之间的亲缘关系,也否定了其对传统的被子植物心皮同源性理论的支持。仔细分析前人关于早期被子植物化石(包括古果、古花和其他化石)的错误解读,可以发现当年Arber和Parkin想当然提出的所谓理论是一百多年以来长期折磨植物学和植物学家的元凶。