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  • 注意和记忆对孤独症儿童发展滞后的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Vocabulary delay is prevalent in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), yet there is no converging evidence regarding its underlying mechanisms. Although there is evidence that they can employ word learning constraints such as mutual exclusivity, cross-situational statistical learning to learn words, children with ASD still demonstrate vocabulary delay. This discrepancy can be ascribed to atypical general learning mechanisms supporting word acquisition in children with ASD. Attention and memory are two general cognitive mechanisms involved in word learning. Numerous studies have shown that atypical attention and memory are observed in children with ASD, which may have a downstream cascading effect on their word learning. Social attention provides critical information for word learning. Typically developing children can follow others’ gaze and show sustained attention to target objects in joint attention episodes to establish word-referent associations, whereas children with ASD show diminished sustained attention to target objects although they exhibit intact gaze following behavior. In addition, children with ASD are easily distracted by salient but irrelevant stimuli in the environment and have difficulty with attentional disengagement. As a result, word-referent relationships established by children with ASD are weak. After building word-referent associations, the consolidation of these associations is also critical to word learning. According to Complementary Learning Systems (CLS) account, episodic memory and semantic memory are involved in the consolidation of new words. At the initial stage of learning, also known as rapid initial familiarization stage, new words are encoded as discrete episodes of experiences in the episodic memory network. At the slow lexical consolidation stage, individuals experience a more systematic, lexicalized coding of the memory representation that occurs in the neocortex during sleep. In typically developing children, sleep contributes to the consolidation of new words, while children with ASD receive less benefit form sleep-associated consolidation specific to new words. Abnormalities in sleep might have negative consequences on children with ASD’s word consolidation and retention. Drawing upon these observations, we reasoned that word-referent links established by children with ASD are weak due to altered attention and these weak lexical traces may not be able to access consolidation through sleep, resulting in higher forgetting rate and vocabulary delays in children with ASD. Accumulating evidence suggests that vocabulary delay in children with ASD might be attributed to attenuated attention and memory, yet so far, the majority of studies have separately investigated the role of attention and memory in word learning and research that examines whether atypical attention contributes to poor consolidation of new words remains limited, which calls for more empirical evidence. In addition, further work is required to investigate the developmental trajectory and mechanisms underlie the link between joint attention and word learning, the influence of existing lexical knowledge of children with ASD on word retention. Moreover, previous studies on children with ASD’s word learning have extensively focused on whether children could use lexical constraints to learn words while the role of parent behaviors in children with ASD’s word learning is understudied. Therefore, in children with ASD, child-parent coordination and the contribution of parent behaviors in the word learning process require further investigation. Further, since language development in children with ASD is heterogeneous, future studies should investigate the influence of attention and memory on word learning in children with ASD with a wide range of cognitive and language abilities, which can inform the practitioners to develop targeted language interventions. Finally, it is also worth investigating whether attention and memory play a role specific to word learning but not in other domains of language acquisition such as grammar acquisition, which will enhance our understanding of the mechanisms of language acquisition.

  • The influence of atypical attention and memory on vocabulary delay in children with autism spectrum disorder

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2022-06-06


    Vocabulary delay is prevalent in children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD), yet there is no converging evidence regarding its underlying mechanisms. Attention and memory are two general cognitive mechanisms involved in word learning. Numerous studies have shown that atypical attention and memory are observed in children with ASD, which may have a cascading downstream effect on their word learning. Children with ASD show diminished sustained attention to targets objects in joint attention dyads and they are easily distracted by salient but irrelevant stimuli in the environment. Consequently, word-referent relationships established by children with ASD are inaccurate and weak. Moreover, the weak word-referent relationships and sleep disorders might have negative consequences on children with ASD’s word consolidation and retention. Further work is required to investigate the developmental trajectory and mechanisms underlie the link between joint attention and word learning, the influence of existing lexical knowledge on word retention and explore the role of parent behaviors in children with ASD’s word learning. "


  • An Overview on the Computing Method of the Lexical Chain Text Representation Model

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《知识管理论坛》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] Text representation is an important step in intelligence processing. An excellent text representation model can reflect the document content precisely and sufficiently. Besides, it can improve the processing effect. It can be broadly applied in the fields of automatic abstracting and text segmentation. [Method/process] In this article, we collected the related documents and analyzed them. The construction methods and disambiguation in the lexical chain computing were classified and concluded. The computing method of the lexical chain relation included the computing method based on semantic association, the computing method based on statistical information and the computing method based on charts. The semantic disambiguation was important in the construction of the lexical chain, which directly affected the results and efficiency of the lexical chain construction. [Result/conclusion] The lexical chain text representation can be easily constructed and broadly applied. There are still some problems in the text representation model of the lexical chain. For example, there are many limitations to construct it by dictionaries, which does not take the context into consideration. The lexical chain model will possibly develop towards the fusion semantic relation method, the statistical algorithm and the context analysis of distributed semantics in the future.

  • The Discovery of Subject Basic Vocabulary from the Perspective of Keyword Co-occurrence Network

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-07-26 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] Subject basic vocabulary is an important cornerstone of subject knowledge. It is of great significance to understand the composition of the knowledge system of discipline, to clarify the knowledge context of discipline and to promote discipline education. However, for a long time, it mainly relies on manual summarization and cannot be automatically mined within a certain discipline.[Method/process] This paper proposes a method to use the keyword co-occurrence network to discover basic vocabularies within the discipline. This method takes advantage of the relatively low word frequency of the basic vocabulary and the relatively high degree of centrality in the network, and automatically obtains the subject basic vocabulary from the subject keyword dataset.[Result/conclusion] The validity of this method is verified by using the keyword datasets in the fields of computer(full dataset), user interfaces and information search and retrieval from ACM's 1969-2012 theses. Moreover, this method can use simpler steps to discover the global basic vocabulary in the data set.

  • 图词间隔时间影响口语产生中语义效应的机制:图词干扰范式研究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: A controversial in word production is that how speakers retrieve words from the mental lexicon. The picture-word interference (hereafter PWI) paradigm has been broadly used to investigate this issue. In this task, speakers are instructed to name pictures while ignoring written distractor words superimposed onto the pictures. A typical finding is the semantic interference effect, which is that categorically related distractors (e.g., bus) slow down picture naming (e.g., car) relative to unrelated distractors (e.g., pen). By varying stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between pictures and distractors, studies have reported semantic facilitation effect when semantically related distractors were presented before pictures such as 400 ms (-400 ms), and semantic interference effect when semantically related distractors were presented closely to pictures. Lexical competition hypothesis assumes that semantic interference reflects the lexical selection competition among co-activated semantically related lexical representations during lemma retrieval, while response exclusion hypothesis assumes that semantically related distractors are more difficult to exclude from the response buffer than unrelated ones. It assumes that semantic facilitation effect arises at the conceptual processing. However, little is known about the temporal courses of both effects. The present study aims to examine the influence of SOA on semantic effect with the PWI task using electrophysiological measures. Forty-five undergraduate and graduate students participate in the experiment (22 males, average 22.85 years). Forty-two black and white line pictures were chosen from a standardized picture database as targets with disyllabic names. Each target picture was paired with a semantically related distractor word and an unrelated distractor word. Context words in the semantically related condition were then recombined with the picture names to form unrelated conditions. Target pictures and context words are basic-level concepts selected from 14 semantic categories. The experimental design included relatedness (semantically related vs. semantically unrelated), SOA (-400 vs. 0 ms) and repetition (first vs. second) as within-participants factors. Behavioral results indicated a typical semantic interference effect at SOA of 0 ms while the semantic effect was absent at SOA of -400 ms. Electrophysiological results showed that at SOA of 0 ms semantically related distractors elicited a smaller modulated waveform than unrelated ones in the time window of 344~414 ms in the first repetition and 356~418 ms in the second repetition. There was a larger waveform in the semantically related distractors than unrelated ones in the time window of 462~594 ms in the first repetition and 460~544 ms in the second repetition. At SOA of -400 ms, results showed an early semantic effect in the time window of 0~76 ms in the first repetition but disappeared in the second repetition, and a late semantic effect in the time window of 284~390 ms in the first repetition and 274~382 ms in the second repetition. In sum, the present findings indicated that there is a semantic facilitation effect arising at the conceptual processing (0~200 ms) and a semantic interference effect arising at the lexical selection stage (250~450 ms) in Chinese spoken word production. Our findings firstly provide evidence for lexical competition hypothesis rather than response exclusion hypothesis. Furthermore, with high-time resolution measures, we firstly provide electrophysiological evidence for the trade-off of semantic facilitation and interference effect in spoken word production.

  • Distinct effects of age of acquisition in Chinese object and action picture naming: An ERP study

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-01-09

    Abstract: Age of Acquisition (AoA) refers to the age at which a concept is learned. Early-acquired words have an advantage over late-acquired words in processing accuracy and speed. Which stage of AoA playing its role in spoken word production remains controversial. The phonological completeness hypothesis assumes that AoA may have a phonological locus, while the semantic hypothesis assumes that AoA affects semantic processing (i.e., conceptual preparation, lexical selection). The network plasticity hypothesis assumes that AoA arises at multiple processing levels, in spoken word production.In a picture naming task, we used the event-related potential (ERP) technique to examine the loci of AoA effect in object and action pictures naming. Twenty-eight participants (9 males, mean range: 22.18, SD: 2.56) participated in this study. We selected a total of 188 words and their corresponding black and white line pictures, half of which were object pictures, and half were action pictures. Within each type of picture, half were early acquired, and half were late acquired. Therefore, the age of acquisition of picture names (early vs. late) and word type (noun vs. verb) served as within-participants variables. During the experiment, participants were asked to name each picture as accurately and quickly as possible. Behavioral data indicated a typical AoA effect in object pictures naming, showing that object pictures corresponding to early-acquired nouns were named faster than those corresponding to late-acquired ones. In contrast, action pictures corresponding to early-acquired verbs were named slower than those corresponding to late-acquired verbs. ERP data also showed distinct AoA effect patterns in object and action picture naming. For object picture naming, late-acquired nouns elicited a larger positivity than early-acquired nouns between 250~300 ms over left-prefrontal regions. In contrast, for action picture naming, early-acquired verbs evoked a larger positivity than late-acquired verbs within 200~250 ms, 300~400 ms and 450~600 ms time windows over the left hemisphere. We suggest that the AoA effect in object naming may originate in the lexical selection of spoken word production, supporting the semantic hypothesis. In contrast, the AoA effects in action naming may originate in multiple processes, such as lexical selection, phonological encoding and phonetic encoding, supporting the network plasticity hypothesis. The distinct AoA effects between the naming of object and action pictures probably relate to the distinct semantic networks that represent objects and actions. Therefore, the AoA effect in action picture naming is much more complicated than in object picture naming and needs further investigation.

  • 自我相关性影响情绪加工的时间进程

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: In successful social interactions, distinguishing between our own and another person's emotions is important. For individuals, both self-related information (such as self-name) and emotional stimuli with high sociality or adaptive meaning can automatically capture one's attention, leading to prior and deep processing. Previous studies have confirmed that self-relevance can affect the processing of emotional words. However, there is currently no research using name as a self-relevance clue to investigate whether and how name influences the cognitive processing of emotional words. In the current study, we used names as self-relevance clues to explore the dynamic temporal characteristics of self-related information affecting emotional information and its integration mechanism. In this study, we used ERP technology and created a 3 (name type: self, friend, unknown) � 3 (emotion type: positive, neutral, negative) within-subjects design. A total of 21 college students (9 males, Mage = 20.4) participated in the experiment. Prior to the experiment, we gathered the participants' own names and their best friends' names, then we found a name that we confirmed was unfamiliar to all participants. All names included three characters. The experimental stimuli were 171 two-character words taken from the Chinese Affective Words System, which included 57 positive, 57 negative and 57 neutral words. The participants were asked to silently read the names (self-name, friend-name and unfamiliar name) and emotional words (positive, neutral and negative) presented in succession, unaware that the presented words were emotional words, while their EEG was recorded. The ERP results showed the following. (1) The main effect of the emotional words was significant in the early processing stage, and the negative words elicited larger EPN amplitudes (200-300 ms) than the positive and neutral words. (2) In the late processing stage, the emotional words were further processed. The negative words elicited reduced N400 (300-450 ms) compared to the neutral words, and they enhanced LPP compared with the neutral and positive words during 450-650 ms. (3) More importantly, a significant interaction between the names and emotional words was discovered in the LPP time window. The negative words paired with self-names elicited significantly more positive LPP than the neutral words paired with self-names, while the negative words paired with friend-names elicited significantly larger LPP than the positive words and neutral words paired with friend-names. Nevertheless, no significant difference was found among the LPP amplitudes elicited by the three kinds of emotional words paired with unknown names. Overall, our study demonstrates that there is a processing advantage for negative words in different stages, and self-relevance contained in a name can affect the cognitive processing of emotional words, which mainly occurs in the late stage of emotional lexical processing. Importantly, it seems that individuals first filter information according to whether it is self-related and then process the emotional content (especially negative stimuli) related to themselves or their friends more deeply and elaborately. The negative bias can be explained by the fact that negative stimuli are considered to carry greater informational value than positive stimuli. Therefore, negative stimuli automatically capture more attention and cognitive resources than neutral and positive stimuli, resulting in higher order coding.

  • 神经重用假说的汉语情绪加工证据

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: The two main theoretical views of emotional word processing are conflicting. According to standard psycholinguistics, emotions are elicited within the reading network itself after semantic activation. However, neural reuse theories suggest that emotional words can be directly processed by the brain region that is activated in emotional information processing, similar to how emotional images, smell, and faces are processed. This means that emotional effects to words occur before semantics, which benefits human adaptability. The processing of emotional words in phonetic characters supports the view of neural reuse, but the processing of emotional words in ideographic texts has no evidence. An event-related potential experiment and a behavioral experiment were conducted to explore the processing of emotional information while reading at an implicit level. A total of 262 Chinese words were selected from the Chinese Affective Stimulus System. Among these words, 128 were disgust-related words, 100 were neutral words, and 34 were transportation-related words. We then selected 35 neutral words, 35 disgust-related words, and 24 transportation-related words that were matched on the basis of valence and arousal. Twenty Chinese college students (10 female) participated in the EEG experiment. They were asked to press the response button using their right index finger when the words they read were related to transportation (Go trials). Otherwise, they should not respond (No-go trials). Another 30 healthy individuals (15 female) participated in the behavioral experiment. However, they were asked to silently read the presented words and press the response button using their right index finger only when a given word was not related to transportation (Go trials). Otherwise, they should not respond (No-go trials). The EEG experiment showed that differences between disgust and neutral words appeared as early as 170 ms after the onset of stimulus. No significant effect of emotion was found on P100 (the early ERP component). However, a significant main effect of emotion was found for the early posterior negativity (EPN). Disgust-related words evoked a larger right EPN than neutral words did. A negative going wave reflecting the processing of meaning was found at approximately 400 ms, and source localization indicated a cortical generator of emotion effect near the left anterior insula. The inhibition response to disgust-related words generated greater late positive component than the response to neutral words. Specifically, disgust-related words evoked a much larger P600 amplitude compared with neutral words. Behavioral experiment results showed a significant difference between the reaction time to disgust-related words and neutral words. Participants responded faster to disgust-related words than to neutral words. Results indicate that negative emotional words have an advantage in processing over neutral words. Emotional response to negative emotional words occurs before the processing of their semantics. The processing of negative emotional words supports theory of neural reuse. This finding shows that the nervous system is highly flexible and can process information in an appropriate manner according to the needs in an actual situation. Moreover, when processing emotional information, ideographic Chinese emotional words start earlier and activate a wider range of brain regions than phonetic Western emotional words.

  • 汉字识别中亚语音和语义信息在N170上的神经适应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: The event-related potential (ERP) studies have revealed a component (N170) near tempo-occipital electrodes was sensitive to visual words. However, its role in word reading is still controversial. A common view is that the N170 engaged in the visual/orthographic processing, whereas some evidence has shown the N170 involved in phonological and semantic processing. By taking advantage of the Chinese writing system's ideographic property, the current study directly examined whether the N170 was sensitive to the phonological and semantic processing in reading Chinese characters. Two ERP experiments were conducted in a neural adaption paradigm by manipulating the repetition of the sub-lexical phonetic/semantic radical. The ERP data were collected while participants performed a phonological judgment task on the 4th character after silently reading the four characters consecutively. The phonological similarity (Experiment 1) and semantic similarity (Experiment 2) were manipulated among the four characters. Experiment 1 examined the neural adaption of the four characters sharing the phonetic radical (e.g., 敏, 侮, 悔, 莓), the character's pronunciation (e.g., 妹, 枚, 镁, 莓), both of them (e.g., 酶, 梅, 霉, 莓), or neither (e.g., 淮, 崛, 郎, 莓) respectively. Experiment 2 examined the neural adaption of the four characters sharing the semantic radical (e.g., 狡, 狂, 猜, 狒), the character's meaning (e.g., 豹, 鹿, 羚, 狒), both of them (e.g., 狮, 狼, 狐, 狒), or neither (e.g., 淮, 崛, 郎, 狒) respectively. In both experiments, the results showed a significant neural adaption at N170 in all of the four conditions. The amplitude of the N170 observed in the 1st character decreased in the 2nd - 4th characters. In Experiment 1, the N170 neural adaptation at the left PO7 electrode was sensitive to the repetition of the phonetic radical, and the repetition of the character's pronunciation, but not to the repetition of both. These results indicated the left mid-fusiform gyrus might be sensitive to the visual/orthographic and phonological processing but not to the orthography-to-phonology mapping in Chinese character reading. In Experiment 2, the N170 neural adaption at the left PO7 electrode was only sensitive to the repetition of the character’s meaning, which indicated the semantic processing might modulate the left N170 in character reading. The N170 neural adaption at the right PO8 electrode was sensitive to the repetition of the semantic radical and the character's meaning, which suggested that right N170 was involved in visual/orthographic and semantic processing in reading characters. In sum, the findings showed that the N170 was involved in the visual/orthographic processing and engaged in the phonological and semantic processing in Chinese character reading. Furthermore, the left N170 was sensitive to the character's phonological and semantic information, whereas the right N170 was sensitive to the character’s meaning and its semantic radical.

  • N170 adaptation effect of the sub-lexical phonological and semantic processing in Chinese character reading

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2021-03-04

    Abstract: The event-related potential (ERP) studies have revealed a component (N170) near tempo-occipital electrodes was sensitive to visual words. However, its role in word reading is still controversial. A common view is that the N170 engaged in the visual/orthographic processing, whereas some evidence has shown the N170 involved in phonological and semantic processing. By taking advantage of the Chinese writing system's ideographic property, the current study directly examined whether the N170 was sensitive to the phonological and semantic processing in reading Chinese characters. Two ERP experiments were conducted in a neural adaption paradigm by manipulating the repetition of the sub-lexical phonetic/semantic radical. The ERP data were collected while participants performed a phonological judgment task on the 4th character after silently reading the four characters consecutively. The phonological similarity (Experiment 1) and semantic similarity (Experiment 2) were manipulated among the four characters. Experiment 1 examined the neural adaption of the four characters sharing the phonetic radical (e.g., 敏, 侮, 悔, 莓), the character's pronunciation (e.g., 妹, 枚, 镁, 莓), both of them (e.g., 酶, 梅, 霉, 莓), or neither (e.g., 淮, 崛, 郎, 莓) respectively. Experiment 2 examined the neural adaption of the four characters sharing the semantic radical (e.g., 狡, 狂, 猜, 狒), the character's meaning (e.g., 豹, 鹿, 羚, 狒), both of them (e.g., 狮, 狼, 狐, 狒), or neither (e.g., 淮, 崛, 郎, 狒) respectively. In both experiments, the results showed a significant neural adaption at N170 in all of the four conditions. The amplitude of the N170 observed in the 1st character decreased in the 2nd – 4th characters. In Experiment 1, the N170 neural adaptation at the left PO7 electrode was sensitive to the repetition of the phonetic radical, and the repetition of the character's pronunciation, but not to the repetition of both. These results indicated the left mid-fusiform gyrus might be sensitive to the visual/orthographic and phonological processing but not to the orthography-to-phonology mapping in Chinese character reading. In Experiment 2, the N170 neural adaption at the left PO7 electrode was only sensitive to the repetition of the character's meaning, which indicated the semantic processing might modulate the left N170 in character reading. The N170 neural adaption at the right PO8 electrode was sensitive to the repetition of the semantic radical and the character's meaning, which suggested that right N170 was involved in visual/orthographic and semantic processing in reading characters. In sum, the findings showed that the N170 was involved in the visual/orthographic processing and engaged in the phonological and semantic processing in Chinese character reading. Furthermore, the left N170 was sensitive to the character's phonological and semantic information, whereas the right N170 was sensitive to the character's meaning and its semantic radical.

  • Dynamic collaboration of reading neural pathways driven by the processing demands

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2023-09-14

    Abstract: Constructing unified cognitive and neurophysiological models is the central problem in the cognitive neuroscience of word reading. The cognitive models agree that reading is the collaborative outcome of phonological and semantic processing pathways, and studies of cognitive neuroscience have also shown that reading results from a dynamic collaboration between dorsal and ventral neural pathways. To systematically clarify this dynamic collaboration mechanism within the reading network, the latest developments in neurological function and physiological basis was integrated into the following three aspects. Firstly, it points out that the underlying processing demand is the essence of the dynamic collaboration of dorsal/ventral neural pathways. Subsequently, it further clarifies that the processing demand drives the division of labor between dorsal/ventral neural pathways at different orthographic depths. Finally, it delves into the exploration of how processing demand forms the dynamic collaboration between neural pathways shaped by language experience. In conclusion, the essence of the division and collaboration between neural pathways might be driven by processing demand under the specific task. It might become a universal cross-language word reading model.

  • Good and Evil in Chinese Culture: Personality Structure and Connotation

    Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology submitted time 2019-06-06

    Abstract: " "

  • 视觉经验缺失对盲人听觉识别的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Auditory vocabulary recognition involves complex cognitive processing. Blind people have been reported to exhibit specific advantages in auditory vocabulary processing. However, because of the lack of visual experience, blind people exhibit weaker semantic processing and understanding of some vision-related words (such as color words) compared with individuals with normal vision. Future research should focus on the following issues: examining the visual relevance of vocabulary recognition; carrying out in-depth explorations of cognitive and neurophysiological processing mechanisms at different levels, including phonology, orthography, and semantics; developing auditory vocabulary processing models that reflect the characteristics of blind people's perception; and expanding developmental studies with people of different ages. Taken together, this research may be useful for revealing the mechanisms underlying the influence of blindness on auditory vocabulary recognition among blind people.

  • The effect of blindness on auditory word recognition

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2021-07-30

    Abstract: Auditory word recognition involves complex cognitive processing. Blind people have certain advantages of auditory compensatory in word processing. However, due to the lack of visual input, the blind suffer more challenges in auditory word processing related with visual perceptual experience (e.g., color terms). Future research should focus on (1) the word categorization based on the relationship with visual experience; (2) the multifaceted effects and neuropsychological mechanisms of factors in auditory word recognition, including phonology, orthography, and semantics, in order to develop the special model of spoken word processing conforming to the perceptual characteristics of the blind; (3) developmental studies in different ages. Finally, to reveal the overall mechanism of the effect of blindness on auditory word recognition of the blind.

  • 一种分布式语义增强的链文本表示模型构建方法

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】利用分布式语义关联计算词衔接关系, 解决目前词汇链构建时存在的词间关系探测深度不够等问 题, 提高词汇链构建质量。【方法】对词汇链构建的技术方法进行归纳, 利用 WordNet 词典关系来计算文本中语 言单元的语义关联, 利用分布式记忆模型来计算语言单元之间的潜在语义关系, 将这两种语义关系结合起来实 现词汇链文本表示模型的构建。同时在理论研究的基础之上选择医学领域科技论文进行对比实验。【结果】在文 本主题描述方面, 本文方法的词汇链构建结果要优于非贪婪算法, 算法耗时与非贪婪算法相当。【局限】算法耗 时较长; 没有完整考虑词衔接关系; 只在对医学领域科技文献的主题识别中验证了该方法的有效性, 还需要在 更多领域进行证明。【结论】分布式语义关联可以识别潜在语义, 对使用多元短语构建词汇链也有较大的帮助, 能 有效地增强词汇链构建效果。

  • Psychological structure of social mindfulness in Chinese culture

    Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology submitted time 2021-04-26

    Abstract: Social mindfulness refers to the ability of an individual to sense others’ states during interpersonal interactions, his or her willingness to respect others’ choices, and his or her ability to transfer rights. Exploring the psychological structure of social mindfulness against the background of Chinese culture is important for cultivating a friendly and harmonious society. This study explored the psychological structure of social mindfulness with a lexical method. In Study 1, 59 high- and 24 low-social mindfulness words were selected by word frequency analysis and multiple rounds of discussions. After being evaluated by 43 professionals and 232 nonprofessionals, 40 social mindfulness words were selected. In Study 2, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with Sample 1 (n = 351) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with Sample 2 (n = 307) were conducted to obtain a three-factor structure for social mindfulness; these structures include kindness and respect, tolerance and understanding, and optimism and open-mindedness. Additionally, a social mindfulness lexical rating scale (SMLRS) with 18 words was formed. In Study 3, we used the same method as in Study 2 to explore the structure of social mindfulness (EFA: Sample 1, n = 377; CFA: Sample 2, n = 220) through scenario descriptions. Then, a new 17-item social mindfulness self-report scale (SMSRS) and a model with two second-order factors and four first-order factors for the internalization of social mindfulness were generated. Both the SMLRS and SMSRS have good reliability and validity and can be used as measurement tools in follow-up research. Through lexical analysis and psychometric analysis, we explored the psychological structure of social mindfulness, which contains two second-order factors and four first-order factors, in Chinese culture. In this model, the two second-order factors were agreeableness and extraversion, and the four first-order factors were kindness and respect, humility, optimism and open-mindedness, and tolerance and understanding. From a theoretical point of view, we established a vocabulary of social mindfulness, verified social mindfulness’s second-order four-factor psychological structure, provided a new empirical basis for the higher-order factor theory of personality, and enriched our knowledge of personality and social behavior against the background of Chinese culture. From a practical point of view, the definition of social mindfulness plays a positive role in moral education in the field of education, in the training of employees in the field of organization and in the construction of mentality in the sociology field.

  • 基于条件随机场的汉语特征研究

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Integration Theory of Computer Science submitted time 2019-05-10 Cooperative journals: 《计算机应用研究》

    Abstract: In Chinese written expression, there is no word segmentation between vocabularies, so the principle of writing (or called lexical features) is what it needs to process the segmentation of Chinese content. Former researches usually mark the lexical features into training content to improve the performance, which increases the manual processing flow and the workload of the algorithm transplantation. Based on Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and the simple tags, this paper improves the recognition performance by concluding the lexical features of Chinese and transforming them to complicated functions which used by CRF. Experiments show that applying complex lexical features in Chinese word segmentation can effectively improve recognition performance and provide a new way to improve the portability of recognition algorithms in applications.

  • How semantic prosody is acquired in novel word learning: Evidence from the “Double-Jujube Tree” Effect

    Subjects: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics >> Linguistics and Applied Linguistics submitted time 2024-01-05

    Abstract: Generally, a word’s meaning consists of at least two components. The first is denotative meaning, representing the definitional meaning found in dictionaries and serving as the word’s fundamental meaning. The second component involves semantics that a word “absorbs” from its linguistic context, not constrained by definitions; this is known as semantic prosody, described as “a consistent aura of meaning with which a form is imbued by its collocates” (Louw, 1993, p. 157). While theories and empirical studies have shed light on mechanisms supporting the acquisition of the first word meaning component, the acquisition of the connotative meaning engendered by semantic prosody has been overlooked. It remains unclear whether readers can unconsciously acquire the semantic prosody (or emotional connotations) of a novel word after encountering it consistently in a context with a strong emotional polarity.
    Against this backdrop, we conducted a word learning experiment, manipulating context emotionality (negative vs. neutral vs. positive) and context variability (same-repeated vs. varied contexts) as crucial contextual variables. This aimed to address two understudied questions in vocabulary acquisition: (1) Does transfer of affect to a word from its linguistic context take place through reading exposures, facilitating the acquisition of semantic prosody for the word? If so, is such transfer influenced by context variability? (2) Does the acquired semantic prosody for words affect the acquisition of word forms and meanings, and is this acquisition modulated by context variability? This experiment involved two sessions: a reading-and-learning phase and a testing phase. During the reading-and-learning session, participants read emotionally charged passages, simultaneously learning embedded target words. The testing session included an immediate posttest, incorporating four vocabulary tests—valence rating, orthographic choice, definition matching, and definition generation. A total of 196 Chinese speakers participated in the experiment.
    Mixed-effects models were utilized to analyze data from the valence rating task and the other three vocabulary knowledge tests. The findings revealed that, within the same-repeated context, manipulating context emotionality (positive vs. neutral vs. negative) significantly influenced valence ratings, showing significantly higher ratings in the positive condition compared to neutral and negative conditions. Conversely, in the varied context, no significant differences in valence ratings were observed. This result supports the hypothesis of the “Double-Jujube Tree” effect, emphasizing the effect of repetitive texts compared to multiple texts. However, in the varied context, valence ratings played a role in influencing participants’ performances in the vocabulary tests, leading to better outcomes as valence ratings increased. In the same-repeated context, valence ratings had minimal effect on accuracy in the orthographic choice test and the definition prompting test.
    We posit that the effective mechanism for learning the semantic-prosody-engendered connotations of words involves the transfer of affect from their collocations. However, this transfer seems to be contingent on context variability, occurring only in the same-repeated context and not in the varied context. Furthermore, we illustrate that the emotionality of context influences the quality of both orthographic and semantic word learning, with words being better learned in positive contexts as opposed to negative or neutral ones.

  • 共现频率视角下语义联想效应及其神经机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Word recognition and memory are influenced by the semantic associative relationship between words. The free association method has some limitations in establishing lexical semantic associations. Researchers have proposed a new method called co-occurrence association. This study analyzed the semantic association effect and its neural mechanism from the perspective of lexical co-occurrence frequency. The results showed that the number and intensity of semantic association influenced the processing of words. Words with a large number of semantic associations led to an increase in the amplitude of P200 and a decrease in the amplitude of N400. The brain regions involved in semantic association processing are mainly the superior frontal gyrus and the left medial temporal lobe. Future research should discuss the differences between free and co-occurrence association in establishing a semantic association. Based on co-occurrence association, the behavioral characteristics and neural mechanisms of semantic association are further explored. Research on the semantic association effect and neural mechanism from the perspective of co-occurrence association is recommended.

  • 学习材料组块方式对相似词长时记忆的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: The successful memorisation of similar words is critical for individuals’ vocabulary acquisition. Previous studies have found that individuals perform significantly better in an immediate serial memory test for dissimilar words than similar words. However, the memory advantage for dissimilar words in those studies was mainly based on the comparison of two sets of different learning materials (i.e., similar and dissimilar words). Therefore, whether similar words are memorised better in a similar chunking condition (similar words are successively presented) or dissimilar chunking condition (similar words are alternately presented by other dissimilar words) is unclear.To address the above question, we performed four experiments in this study, in which within-subject design and study-test paradigm were used. Experiment 1A aims to explore the effects of chunking strategy on the memory of similar words. In this experiment, two matched sets of similar English pseudowords were used for the similar and dissimilar chunking conditions, respectively. In the similar chunking condition, similar words were successively presented, whereas in the dissimilar chunking condition, similar words were alternately presented with other dissimilar words. Participants were instructed to memorise the words during the study phase. A recognition memory test was administered one hour after the study phase. Experiment 1B aims to investigate the memory advantage of the dissimilar chunking condition for long-term retention. Experimental materials and tasks were the same with those of Experiment 1A, but the interval between study and test was prolonged to one week. Experiment 2 used Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm to examine whether the dissimilar chunking strategy facilitated the memory of similar words by improving the memory of individual words or enhancing the memory of shared parts across similar words. Experiment 3 included unfamiliar Korean characters as materials to further disentangle the contributions of visual and phonological similarities on the memory of similar words.Results show that: 1) Compared with the similar chunking strategy, the dissimilar chunking strategy show better memory performance on similar words, which can be maintained for at least one week. 2) The dissimilar chunking strategy improves the memory of similar words and results in a high false memory for similar lures. 3) The memory advantage for dissimilar chunking strategy is evident for phonologically similar words (i.e., English pseudowords) but not for visually similar words (i.e., Korean characters).The results suggest that the dissimilar chunking strategy improves the memorisation of phonologically similar words by enhancing the memory of common parts across similar words. In other words, the dissimilar chunking strategy may be an effective way to improve the memorisation of similar words. These findings have important implications for language learning and education.