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半耳箬竹(竹亚科)的形态补充描述 postprint

Abstract: In the protologue of Indocalamus semifalcatus (H. R. Zhao et Y. L. Yang) T. P. Yi, there were only parts of vegetative organs reported. Based on field investigation, stereoscopic anatomy and scanning electron microscope (SEM), its reproductive organs, complete vegetative organs and micromorphological features of the abaxial leaf epidermis, were described and illustrated herein, and its geographical distribution was also updated. The results were as follows: (1) Reproductive organs: panicle, spikelet and spike densely white pubescent, glume, the first and the second lemma both smooth and glabrous, stamens 3, anthers purple, stigmas 2, white, feathery; (2) Vegetative features: culms up to 4.5 m tall, up to 2 cm in diameter, culm sheath erect close to culm, culm sheath auricle semifalcate or weak, foliage auricle weak or absent, ligule margin with densely ciliate, both sides of leaf blade homochromatic and glabrous; (3) Micromorphology of the abaxial leaf: stomatal apparatus invisible, eight to ten elongated papillae covered the stomatal apparatus, silica bodies saddle-shaped, micro-hairs and macro-hairs both absent; (4) The new distribution area was Guanyin Mountain of Guiyang in Guizhou. The species is similar to Indocalamus longiauritus Hand.-Mazz., differed by culm sheath and foliage sheath with auricles semifalcate or rare, culm up to 4-5 m tall and 2 cm in diameter.

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