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  • Interdisciplinary Analysis of Library and Information Science Based on Social Media

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-07-26 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] With the development of Web2.0, informal academic exchanges under social media have become a new field for scholarly academic exchanges. Therefore, analyzing interdisciplinary characteristics in the field of Library and Information Science can be used as a supplement and reference for the research of traditional academic exchanges.[Method/process] This paper takes as the representative, and constructs discipline phylogenetic tree from three aspects, such as user friendship, review relationship and recommendation relationship. Then, the interdisciplinary characteristics of Library and Information Science are analyzed by using the diversity index of discipline phylogenetic tree.[Result/conclusion] Through this study, it was found that there is a strong correlation between the user's discipline phylogenetic tree and the friend's discipline phylogenetic tree, while the correlation between the review group and the recommend group is obvious. In addition, Computer Science, Management Science and Engineering, Macro Management and Policy are the most related disciplines of Library and Information Science.

  • Research on Interdisciplinary User Recommendation Model in Academic Social Media Combining Content and Relations

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] With the rapid development of academic social media, when users do interdisciplinary research or seek interdisciplinary cooperation, many scientific research cooperation starts from the acquaintance or attention in social media, so it is very meaningful to research on interdisciplinary user recommendation in academic social media. There are two main types of data in social media:media (represents content) and social (represents relationship). Therefore, this paper recommended interdisciplinary users integrating content and relations. [Method/process] After user modeling based on Vector Space Model, this paper calculated user specialization with user content information, measured user's interdisciplinary distance based on relational data, then gave recommendation results combined with PageRank value of user relationship network. [Result/conclusion] Taking the science blog as an example, an interdisciplinary user recommendation model in five fields of "Library and Information", "Computer", "News and Media", "Higher Education" and "Biology" been implemented, which has been tested by artificial experiments, and showed that the recommendation results can meet the recommendation requirements to some extent.

  • 融合内容与用户手势行为的用户画像构建系统设计与实现

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】开发移动端的文献阅读系统, 通过利用在移动端的用户手势行为数据及手势行为对应的内容, 挖掘用户兴趣, 构建用户兴趣画像。【应用背景】融合内容与用户行为的用户画像构建系统能够挖掘用户在阅读文献时的兴趣, 并进行用户画像构建。【方法】以移动平台下的Web 阅读系统为工具, 通过收集用户在移动设备上浏览文献产生的用户手势行为(单击、双击、滑动、拖动、放大/缩小等)数据以及与用户手势行为相对应的文本内容, 结合对应文本内容的浏览时间构建用户模型。【结果】用户在使用文献阅读系统时可以发现自己在阅读文献过程中的阅读兴趣, 进行用户兴趣画像构建。【结论】初步研究结果表明使用用户手势行为可以在一定程度上反映用户的阅读兴趣, 并进行用户建模。该研究结论可以提高市场营销和个性化推荐系统的效果。

  • 融合内容与用户手势行为的用户画像构建系统设计与实现

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】开发移动端的文献阅读系统, 通过利用在移动端的用户手势行为数据及手势行为对应的内容, 挖掘用户兴趣, 构建用户兴趣画像。【应用背景】融合内容与用户行为的用户画像构建系统能够挖掘用户在阅读文献时的兴趣, 并进行用户画像构建。【方法】以移动平台下的Web 阅读系统为工具, 通过收集用户在移动设备上浏览文献产生的用户手势行为(单击、双击、滑动、拖动、放大/缩小等)数据以及与用户手势行为相对应的文本内容, 结合对应文本内容的浏览时间构建用户模型。【结果】用户在使用文献阅读系统时可以发现自己在阅读文献过程中的阅读兴趣, 进行用户兴趣画像构建。【结论】初步研究结果表明使用用户手势行为可以在一定程度上反映用户的阅读兴趣, 并进行用户建模。该研究结论可以提高市场营销和个性化推荐系统的效果。

  • 面向在线社交网络用户生成内容的饮食话题发现研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】通过大规模文本聚类技术进行话题检测, 并自动拣选优质话题。【方法】以新浪微博上与饮食相关的微博内容为数据源, 结合文本聚类与深度学习知识进行话题检测。通过匹配微博发布的月份, 将微博划分为四季微博; 使用向量空间模型和文本聚类方法, 对不同季节的微博进行话题检测, 获得候选话题; 结合深度学习知识, 提出主题覆盖率概念, 用以自动评价话题质量, 去除低质量话题。【结果】基于主题覆盖率的话题筛选结果符合人工拣选预期, 抽取获得主题覆盖率高于0.5 的优质话题。【局限】话题检测质量的评价主要以定性评价为主。【结论】通过计算主题覆盖率来自动选择优质话题, 该方法效率高, 通用性强, 获得的话题便于理解, 较好地揭示了四季中饮食微博的话题分布。

  • 基于菜谱与微博用户评论的饮食社区挖掘研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-10-11 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】以大规模真实社交网络数据作支撑研究饮食社区结构。【方法】使用“美食杰”网站的菜谱信息和新浪微博上与菜有关的微博数据, 完成用户与菜之间的“提及”关系构建后, 分别在省份地区维度和地区菜系维度进行映射, 并运用社区发现算法进行社区挖掘。【结果】在省份地区关系网和地区菜系关系网上存在明显的社区结构。【局限】实验过程中发达地区人数与边缘地区人数悬殊太大, 对本文所得结论有一定的影响。【结论】实证结果发现: 省份地区被划分成“其他口味”、“鲜咸味”、“香辣味”三个口味地区; “川菜”、“云贵菜”因辅料独特很少与其他菜系被一起点餐, “京菜”、“沪菜”、“鲁菜”、“东北菜”常被一起点餐, 除此之外, 地区菜系之间存在一定程度的地理位置近邻性。

  • 微博用户标签与博文内容相关度研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-10-11 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract: [Objective] This study aims to explore the relationship between the user tags and microblog post topics, with the purpose of improving subject identification and automatic tag recommendation services. [Methods] We first used crawlers to retrieve user profiles and posts in the field of “natural language processing” from the Sina Weibo. Second, extracted words from the posts and semantically extended user tags. Finally, matched the tags and posts by the edit distance algorithm. [Results] There was correlation between user tags and posts in natural language processing field. [Limitations] We only studied one academic field and the Sina Weibo, more research is needed in the future to generalize the results. [Conclusions] The tag recommendation system can use microblog posts as an