• 锥(Castanopsis chinensis)低磷胁迫响应基因的功能及代谢通路分析

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2019-03-14 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:磷是限制南亚热带常绿阔叶林植物生长的关键营养元素,研究森林群落中优势木本植物对低磷胁迫响应的内在分子机制具有重要意义。该研究以鼎湖山20ha 固定监测样地常绿阔叶林中优势种锥(Castanopsis chinensis)为研究对象,利用高通量测序技术结合生物信息学软件对锥基因组序列进行深入分析,完成锥基因组参考序列的草图拼接,并结合大样地土壤有效磷数据,共筛选出37 个显著性磷响应基因。对筛选出的锥磷响应基因进行GO 功能注释分析,结果发现30 个GO 注释分类中属分子功能类的基因数最多,共有13 条,所涉及的预测功能包括磷脂酶D 活性、细胞色素c 氧化酶活性、光电子传递、过氧化物酶活性等。对锥磷响应基因进行KEGG 富集分析,结果显示,显著性富集的1 条代谢通路为psbD 基因参与调控的植物光合代谢途径。该研究表明,在锥生长期中,有众多基因与磷代谢相关, 并参与调控多种生物途径。其中psbD 基因作为锥叶片主要的磷响应基因可通过调控光合作用来调节植物生长,但其功能有待今后进一步验证。

  • 八种红树植物幼苗的叶片可溶性蛋白和抗氧化酶活性对光强的响应

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2022-07-05 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: The restoration and reconstruction of mangrove wetland ecosystems is one of the key research fields in ecological restoration in the coastal zones of South China. How to optimize the assembly of mangrove species is the priority to be concerned in the restoration and transformation of mangrove forest community. In order to reveal the physiological and ecological strategies to light conditions of mangrove plant species and provide theoretical guidance for optimal assembly of mangrove community structure, the characteristics of leaf total soluble protein content and activities of five antioxidant enzymes in seedlings of eight mangrove plant species (Sonneratia apetala, Kandelia candel, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Aegiceras corniculatum, Acanthus ilicifolius, Acrostichum aureum, Heritiera littoralis and Hibiscus tiliaceus) under different light intensities (100%, 45%, 30%, and 10% of natural sunlight) were studied using shading control experiment. The results were as follows: (1) Low light intensities had little impact on the leaf total soluble protein content of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Acanthus ilicifolius and Acrostichum aureum, whereas the other five species showed a decreasing trend in the leaf soluble protein content with the decline in light intensity. (2) The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in the leaves of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Acanthus ilicifolius and Acrostichum aureum in 10% of natural light intensity were not significantly from control, while the other five mangrove species showed a decreasing trend in activities of all the five antioxidant enzymes. In conclusion, our results indicate that Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Acanthus ilicifolius and Acrostichum aureum are suitable for planting under the forest with high canopy density, while Sonneratia apetala, Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum, Heritiera littoralis, Hibiscus tiliaceus are suitable to be planted under forest with lower canopy density or planted as upper layer tree species in mangrove.