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  • The effects of gender nonconformity on adolescent peer evaluation and related dynamics

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Inherent gender is an important dimension of self-identity and social categorization, and has a huge impact on individual psychology, interpersonal relationships, intergroup behaviors and social development. Gender stereotypes, gender socialization and gender attitudes have been stable themes in disciplines, such as social psychology, developmental and educational psychology and sociology. Gender is the core component of the self-concept and an important dimension of social categorization. Gender Nonconformity is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals display gender norms that do not correspond or are inconsistent with their birth sex. In recent years, the phenomenon of Gender Nonconformity has become increasingly prominent among adolescents, and previous studies have shown that Gender Nonconformity adolescents face challenges in social adjustment such as peer relationships. Although some research paradigms and theoretical findings have been accumulated in the area of Gender Nonconformity and related areas, there are still limitations. Although some research paradigms and theoretical findings have been accumulated in the area of Gender Nonconformity and related areas, there are still limitations. Firstly, previous studies have mainly adopted the traditional binary approach of gender conformity and non-conformity; secondly, there is a lack of cognitive-motivational pathways to examine the prototypical matching and avoidance intentions of Gender Nonconformity in influencing adolescents' peer evaluations; thirdly, previous studies have mainly adopted a static perspective on gender-biased peer evaluations, ignoring the dynamic processes of gender-biased generation and evolution. To address these limitations, this study will break through the gender binary category and explain the psychological mechanisms of static effects and dynamic changes of Gender Nonconformity on peer evaluation from the perspective of the relationship between basic attributes and gender attributes, and provide possible interventions to change the negative peer evaluation of Gender Nonconformity individuals. The specific aims of the study include: firstly, to develop and provide neurophysiological evidence for the basic attributes of Gender Nonconformity; secondly, to reveal the cognitive-motivational dual-path mechanism of prototype matching and avoidance intention in the process of Gender Nonconformity influencing peer evaluation; and thirdly, to explore the dynamic evolutionary mechanism of Gender Nonconformity influencing peer evaluation. Focusing on the above three research aims, this study systematically examines the influence of Gender Nonconformity on peer evaluation and its evolutionary psychological mechanisms according to a progressive research hierarchy of "realization layer - algorithmic layer - computational layer". The study includes three aspects. (1) A polymorphic refinement examines the effects of Gender Nonconformity on peer evaluation, constructs a view of the underlying attributes of Gender Nonconformity and provides behavioral and neurophysiological evidence of the layers of realization. (2) A dual cognitive-motivational pathway mechanism for Gender Nonconformity to influence peer evaluation is revealed at the algorithmic level. The social cognitive paradigm is used to explore the cognitive activation of "prototype matching" and the motivational activation of "intention to avoid" in the process of Gender Nonconformity influencing peer evaluation through questionnaires, behavioral experiments and situational experiments. (3) Exploring the dynamic evolutionary mechanisms of Gender Nonconformity in peer evaluation from the abstract computational level. Using reinforcement learning paradigms, computational modelling, implicit measurement, contextual experiments and live experiments, the prototype formation process of Gender Nonconformity peer evaluations is simulated using reinforcement learning models based on a dual pathway of cognition and motivation to explore the dynamic evolutionary mechanisms of gender-biased peer evaluations and possible intervention pathways for negative peer evaluations of gender-biased individuals. The findings of this study can provide some managerial and educational insights into the effective promotion of youth gender development, peer relationships and mental health based on a gender perspective.

  • The preference and development for societal-type cues in 3- to 8-year-olds’ perception of groups

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:基于社会分类的直觉理论和群体实体性的观点, 本研究建构了物质性和社会性线索类型。两个子研究结合量化和质化方法, 从社会分类视角探索了3~8岁儿童对群体认知线索的偏好及其发展。研究发现, 3~8岁儿童总体上存在社会性线索偏好, 但其稳定性受到了研究选取的线索样例影响。儿童的社会性线索偏好随年龄增长而提升, 自5~6岁开始更为突出和稳定。上述结果既说明了物质性和社会性线索框架的有效性, 又在引导儿童的积极社会互动方面具有实践价值。

  • The role of syntactic structure and verb overlap in spoken sentence production of 4- to 6-year-olds: Evidence from syntactic priming in Mandarin

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:4~6岁是幼儿句法习得的关键期, 此阶段的句法表征是否受到词汇信息的影响尚存理论争议。采用句法启动范式中的句子重复-图片描述任务, 以句法选择比率为指标, 借助汉语及物结构(主动句、把字句和被动句), 分析了幼儿在句子产生时句法结构和动词重复的作用。结果显示三种句法结构都诱发了抽象启动效应, 证实幼儿在习得汉语句法知识时不依赖词汇信息。同时, 动词重复只有在大龄幼儿(5~6岁)主动句的启动中才能提升启动量, 表明动词增强效应与幼儿年龄以及句法结构偏好有关。此外, 因句法结构偏好差异, 三种结构间产生了逆偏好效应。以上结果可以从内隐学习理论的角度进行解释。

  • The preference and development for societal-type cues in 3- to 8- year-olds' perception of groups

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-05-17

    Abstract: Perception of groups develops from an early age. Previous studies focused on groups with perceptual-salient cues like gender and race. As highlighted in the intuitive theories of social categorization, children perceive social groups as natural kinds or serving functional roles of social obligation. However, the priority ofthese two aspects affecting children’s group perception is yet to be explored. Our current research summarized these two aspects into physical-type and societal-type cues. Physical-type cues are identified by perceptual-salient attributes related to people like color, gender, and socioeconomic status (SES). Societal-type cues reflect shared attitudes, beliefs, and values among group members, such as common interests, group belongings, and norms. It has previously been found that children start to endorse prescriptive norms around age five. Therefore, we assume that children’s preferences for societal-type cues will increase across ages 3 to 8, with a critical period of 5 to 6 years of age. Study 1 was tested online. A total of 215 children (108 males) ages 3 to 8 were recruited. Three physical-type and three societal-type cues were paired under nine experimental conditions. Two tasks were conducted in random order between the participants: The Triad ClassificationTask and the Exclusion Task. Both tasksrequired participantsto categorize targets based on one of the two given cues (each represented by one cue-type). In the Triad Classification Task, children needed to select one target from two peers, and in the Exclusion Task, they needed to exclude one target. Study 2 tested 3- to 8-year-old children offline (3- to 4-year-olds: 32 children; 5- to 6-year-olds: 21 children; 7- to 8-year-olds: 20 children). Six cues were combined into two experimental conditions(gender × color × norm vs. SES × common interest × belonging). Children were tested using the Opening Social Categorization Task, in which they categorized eight targets into two groups, and reported the reasons for categorization. Results of the two studies demonstrated that 3-to 8-year-olds could apply physical-type and societal-type cuesto group perception. Specifically, childrenrely more on societal-type cues than physical-type cues as they grow up. The 3- to 4-year-olds preferred societal-type cues in social categorization tasks with two choices (Study 1), and physical-type cues in tasks offering three choices(Study 2). Children aged 5 to 8 displayed preferencesforsocietal-type cuesin the tasks of Study 1, whereasshowed no cue preferences in Study 2. Therefore, for young children (3- to 6- year-olds), their preferencesforsocietal-type cues were sensitive to the number of cues provided in the social categorization tasks, and offline versus online measurements. Moreover, children’s cue-type preferences differed significantly between 3- to 4-year-olds (preferred physical-type cues) and 7- to 8-year-olds(preferredsocietal-type cues). Thus, the critical period for developing a preference for societal cues was 5 to 6 years of age. Thisstudy constructs a new framework of physical-type and societal-type cues to understand children’ssocial categorization and group perception. These two types of cues reflect children’s perceptual and conceptual foundation in theirsocial categorization. Across ages, children’s ability to apply physical-type and societal-type cuessupportsthe intuitive theory of social categorization that children are naturally perceived as groups from two aspects. Physical and societal aspects may be the basic dimensions of group perception. Future research could extend the present findingsto othersocial categories, and more importantly, provide more neurobiological evidence for children’s biases toward societal-type cues.

  • 新世纪20年国内结构方程模型方法研究与模型发展

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Structural equation modeling (SEM) is an important statistical method in social science research. In the first two decades of the 21st century, great progress has been made in methodological research on SEM in China’s mainland. The publications cover five aspects: model development, parameter estimation, model evaluation, measurement invariance and the special data processing in SEM. SEM development includes the research on measurement models, structural models, and complete models, as well as the SEM in population heterogeneity studies and longitudinal studies. The research on the measurement models involves bi-factor model, exploratory structural equation model, measurement models for special design (e.g., random intercept factor analysis model, fixed-links model, and the Thurston model), and formative measurement models. The research on the structural models involves the actor-partner interdependence model. The research on the complete models focuses on item parceling. The SEM in the study of population heterogeneity involves latent class/profile model, factor mixture model, and multi-level latent class model. The SEM in longitudinal studies includes models describing development trajectories and differences, such as the latent growth model, the piecewise growth model, the latent class growth model, the growth mixture model, the piecewise growth mixture model, the latent transition model and the cross-lagged model. The publications on parameter estimation methods mainly involve the introduction of methodology (including the partial least square method and the Bayesian method) and the comparison of different parameter estimation methods. Advances in the model evaluation include fit indices and their corresponding critical values, selection of fit indices, model evaluation criteria beyond fit indices, and comparison and selection among alternative models. The development of measurement invariance involves three topics: (1) the introduction of different models with testing process and model evaluation criteria for measurement invariance analysis; (2) measurement invariance analysis in a particular model or data (e.g., second order factor model and ordered categorical data); (3) new methods of measurement invariance analysis (e.g., alignment and projection method). In addition, research into special data processing methods in SEM addresses issues of missing data, non-continuous data, non-normal data, and latent variable scores. Finally, recent advances in SEM methodological research abroad are introduced to help researchers understand some cutting-edge topics in this field, which offers implications for future directions of SEM methodological research.

  • Methodological research and model development of structural equation models in China’s mainland from 2001 to 2020

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Psychological Measurement submitted time 2022-03-08


    In the first two decades of the twenty-first century, the hotspots of the methodological research on structural equation models (SEM) in China's mainland generally involve the following five aspects: model development, parameter estimation, model evaluation, measurement invariance and special data processing. Remarkably, there is more progress in model development (i.e., different variations of SEM) amongst the above aspects. After an overview of the background knowledge of these hotspots, we presented the main research topics and methodological achievements under each hotspot. We also discussed the recent progress of the foreign methodological studies on SEM and the future research directions.

  • Controlling for Clustering in Single Level Study: Design-Based Methods

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology submitted time 2022-03-01


    In social science research fields, single-level research often adopts cluster sampling or multi-stage sampling to obtain samples, resulting in the fact that the data structure is multi-level. Thus, researchers have to control for errors from the higher level in their single-level studies.

    Hierarchical linear model (HLM) suffers from limitations in dealing with such issue. First, HLM's unique advantage to focus on random effects and cluster-specific inferences cannot be reflected in single-level research. Second, the disadvantages of HLM are amplified in single-level research. (1) HLM's assumptions about random effects are harder to satisfy and test. Violation of these assumptions may result in parameter estimation bias. (2) HLM is more likely to produce convergence problems. (3) For single-level studies, HLM is complex in theory, modeling, software operation and interpretation of results. Thus, HLM is difficult to generalize in a single level study with multi-level error.

    Design-based methods (DBM), including cluster-robust standard errors (CRSE), generalized estimation equation (GEE), and fixed effects model (FEM), represent a category of logical and valid procedures to analyze multi-level data. By correcting for the standard errors of fixed effects, DBM circumvents the issues of partitioning residuals and variables into different levels while accurately estimate parameters. Thus, DBM can address multi-level data within the single-level framework, which is very friendly to single-level researchers.

    Contrast to HLM, DBM is more parsimonious in modeling, simpler in operating, more efficient in running and more robust in estimating for single-level research. Therefore, at least under the condition of single-level research with multi-level error, DBM is an ideal alternative to HLM.

    After a detailed introduction of DBM and its advantages, a simulation data set were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of DBM in controlling for multi-level error in single-level mediation studies (i.e., 1-1-1 mediation model). The results showed that although both HLM and DBM were accurate in estimating the within-cluster component of the mediating effect, the former underestimated the standard errors of mediating effect and each mediating path coefficient. In addition, all of the DBMs are simpler than HLM in terms of operations, especially the FEM. FEM is not only possible to operate through SPSS, but also unnecessary to center the variables in level 1 and control between-cluster variables. What’s more, through the popular SPSS mediating analysis macro PROCESS, FEM can realize both casual steps approach and coefficients product approach with bootstrap confidence interval for various complex mediation models.

    Finally, following suggestions were given for practitioners to select appropriate methods to accommodate clustering in single-level research. (1) DBM is suggested to control the multi-level error in single-level study, especially FEM. (2) If researchers are interested in between-cluster fixed effects, CRSE and GEE is recommended. (3) When researchers have sufficient background knowledge of HLM, and need to focus on random effects, they should collect multi-level data deliberately, especially to ensure that the sample size of level 2 is sufficient. (4) It is recommended to retain the cluster identification information when collecting data, so as to prevent the actual level of data from exceeding the expectant level, leading to the failure to control the multi-level error.

  • The second type of mediated moderation

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology submitted time 2022-02-02


    "Mediated moderation is frequently used in psychological research to reveal the phenomenon of a moderating effect being indirectly realized through mediating variables. This paper introduces the concept and advantages of a second type of mediated moderation (meMO-II). Then, we compare meMO-II with other models that combine mediation and moderation. Additionally, we propose the meMO-II modeling approach and analysis process, which we then demonstrated with a real example. We also introduce meMO-II analysis methods based on latent variables, advances in meMO-II modeling approaches, and variations in meMO-II. This offers a valuable contribution to moderating mechanism research.

  • 成像激光雷达标定系统中三维升降转台的性能研究

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2021-09-29 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract:三维升降转台是高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO)广角切伦科夫望远镜阵列(WFCFA)成像激光雷达标定系统的核心组成部分,主要由慢控子系统、机械子系统和标准零点子系统构成,用于精确控制激光束的出射方向。本文采用高精度数字图像处理技术对三维升降转台的性能进行研究,结果表明其旋转和升降定位精度分别为0.005°和0.056 mm、重复精度分别为0.003°和0.075 mm,满足成像激光雷达标定系统的实验要求。三维升降转台的自动控制巡航功能,有效减少了人工干预,提高了系统远程使用的可靠性和效率。标准零点的校准功能可以有效地监测三维升降转台的定位精度并且在失准的情况下,能够实现远程校准,以确保三维升降转台长期高精度稳定运行。

  • Equivalence testing——A new perspective on structural equation model evaluation and measurement invariance analysis

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Psychological Measurement submitted time 2020-07-28

    Abstract: "

  • 关于我国新型国防决策咨询体系建设的初步思考

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-05 Cooperative journals: 《智库理论与实践》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] The construction of the national defense decision-making consultation system is an important part of the national defense and military construction, and the establishment of the Chinese new decision-making consultation system is of great significance for comprehensively deepening the reform of the national defense and the armed forces.[Method/process] This paper analyzed the basic construction situation of the Chinese national defense decision-making consultation system. It figured out that the establishment of the new system would have far-reaching significance in China, and finally put forward some suggestions for the establishment of this system.[Result/conclusion] It is shown that the following measures are important to the establishment of the Chinese new system of the national defense decision-making consultation: adhereing to Xi Jinping’s series of important discourses as the guiding ideology; determining the target and principles; promoting the “Four Systems” construction; improving and perfecting these key elements; strengthening domestic and international influence.

  • 氧化应激与自噬

    Subjects: Biology >> Zoology submitted time 2017-10-11 Cooperative journals: 《动物营养学报》


  • 关于我国新型国防决策咨询体系建设的初步思考

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-07-13 Cooperative journals: 《智库理论与实践》

    Abstract:[目的 /意义]国防决策咨询体系是国防和军队建设发展的重要支撑力量,建立新型国防决策咨询体系对国防和军队全面深化改革和长远发展具有深远影响。[方法 /过程]分析了我国国防决策咨询体系建设概况,探讨了我国新型国防决策咨询体系对新型智库建设、全面深化改革和特色军事变革的重大意义,并提出了我国新型国防决策咨询体系建设的初步建议。[结果 /结论 ]坚持以习近平同志系列重要论述为指导思想、确定目标原则、推动"四化"建设、健全关键要素以及强化国内外影响,作为我国新型国防决策咨询体系建设的重要举措。