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  • 视觉形状知觉在近似数量系统和计算流畅性关系中的作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Educational Psychology submitted time 2021-12-06

    Abstract: A large number of studies have revealed the correlation between the approximate number system and arithmetical fluency, but systematic tests and arguments for the causes of the relationship are lacking. The hypothesis of visual form perception differs from the traditional domain-specific explanation of number, and it is believed that the fast perception of forms is a common cognitive mechanism of the approximate number system and arithmetical fluency, that is, the fast perceptual ability of visual forms can explain the correlation between the two. Both the approximate number system and arithmetical fluency rely on the fast perception of forms and involve fast processing of complex visual stimuli during processing. The hypothesis of visual form perception is supported by the results of a series of studies but is limited to the exploration of the relationship between visual form perception and the approximate number system and arithmetical fluency, where the processing mechanisms underlying the role of visual form perception in the relationship between the two remain unclear. Therefore, future research needs to combine multiple research methods and techniques to comprehensively explore from multiple perspectives the cognitive and brain mechanisms underlying the role of visual form perception in the relationship between the two and to apply the findings to mathematics classroom teaching and interventions for dyscalculia."