• Two sides of testing: The influence of interim tests on the misinformation effect and its mechanism

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: The misinformation effect is the idea that post-event misinformation changes individuals' memory of the original event. In the classical misinformation paradigm, interim tests have two distinct effects on the misinformation effect: In some studies, participants who received an interim test were less likely to respond correctly on the final memory test and more likely to report misinformation, which is referred to as “retrieval enhanced suggestibility” (RES). In other studies, interim tests instead weakened the misinformation effect and improved participants' memory performance, which is referred to as “Protective effect of testing” (PET). This paradox makes the effect of misinformation on primary memory more uncertain on the one hand, and calls into question the well-proven test effect in the field of learning on the other. Therefore, it is necessary to further clarify the effect of interim tests on the misinformation effect and its mechanism.First, a systematic review of the theoretical explanations of RES and PET and their underlying mechanisms reveals that these two phenomena can be explained by the reconsolidation account, the attention capture hypothesis, and the retrieval fluency hypothesis (for RES), or by the memory strength theory, the retrieval effort theory, and the discrepancy detection theory (for PET). For RES, existing explanations include two main perspectives: On the one hand, an interim test may reduce the accessibility of the original memory, resulting in participants' inability to report the original information correctly. On the other hand, an interim test may enhance participants' learning of misinformation by promoting dissociation, increasing attention, and stimulating motivation, making individuals more likely to report misinformation. For the PET, when the original memory is sufficiently strong or when participants expend sufficient cognitive effort to retrieve the memory, the interim test can prompt participants to become aware of the differences between the information and thus reduce suggestibility. Further, the interim test is more conducive to weakening the misinformation effect when the same type of test is used as the final test. Second, the existing theories adopted different explanatory perspectives of “encoding” or “extraction” to explore the mechanisms of the interim test in different stages of the misinformation paradigm. Based on the differences in focus and the linkage of the underlying mechanisms, the existing theories are incorporated into a new, more macroscopic theoretical model that unifies the two different phenomena of RES and PET, and elucidates in more detail the mechanism of the effect of an interim test on the misinformation effect. Finally, the boundary conditions for the role of an interim test include the original information material, the type of interim test, and the characteristics of misinformation, which are potential influencing factors for the separation of RES and PET.Future research should be conducted in the following two areas. First, the new theoretical model needs further empirical study to validate and improve it, so future research can directly validate each path in the model or further explore the interrelationships and relative contributions between different paths. Second, in order to broaden the scope of research, future research should further examine the effects of individual differences and social factors (e.g., need for cognition, information sources), and develop targeted interventions to reduce the negative impact of misinformation in everyday life.

  • Time course of the integration of the morpho-semantics and the meaning of two-character Chinese compound words

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Previous studies have shown that morpho-semantic information can be activated automatically and influence the access of word meaning in compound word recognition. However, the time course underlying the morpho-semantic activation and its subsequent integration is not clear yet. In particular, little is known about how morpho-semantic information involves in word semantic integration processing. The present study examined the time course of morpho-semantic information of the first and the second characters who participated in whole-word semantic integration processing using event-related potential (ERP) technology. We selected three types of two-character words: transparent, opaque compound words, and monomorphemic words. For the transparent words (e.g., 炽热), both two characters’ meanings (both 炽 and 热 mean hot) were identical or similar to the word meaning (炽热 means hot). As for the opaque words (e.g., 风流), the meaning of the first character (风means wind), the second character (流 means flow), and the compound word (风流 means amorousness) were completely different. The monomorphemic words (e.g., 伶俐) were materials as the control condition with two characters that cannot be split into two morphemes. Participants were instructed to complete a visual lexical decision task. ERP results showed that the first character processing revealed the morphological effect in the early (300~400 ms) and the late (460~700 ms) time window, in which two types of compound words induced more negative amplitude than the monomorphemic words. During the second character processing, a significant semantic transparency effect was observed in the early stage (260~420 ms), that the opaque words evoked more negative-going waveform than the transparent ones. Whereas at the late phase (480~700 ms), a reversed morphological effect emerged that the two types of compound words evoked more positive amplitude than the monomorphemic words. The present study shed light on the time course of morpho-semantic integration in Chinese compound word recognition. The results indicated that the morpho-semantic processing began at the early stage of processing the first character. The transparent morpho-semantic of the first character influences the second character’s morpho-semantic activation and subsequently facilitates the semantic access of the compound words.

  • 从毕生发展的视角看健康的贫富差距

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Socioeconomic disparities in health are the realities individuals have to deal with throughout the life span, and are issues all the nations need to face worldwide. Theories and empirical work have attempted to understand socioeconomic disparities in health from life-span perspective. In studies from life-span perspective, socioeconomic disparities in health have its unique definitions and assessment tools. Key theories include cumulative (dis) advantage hypothesis, cumulative inequality model, and cultural cycle model of social classes. Researchers have examined socioeconomic disparities in health in childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, and old age. Future directions of research from life-span perspective should focus on the interaction between socioeconomic status in childhood and adulthood, the distinction of long-term and temporary socioeconomic status, and the potential of psychosocial interventions for health equality across disciplines. Research on socioeconomic disparities in health from life-span perspective may deepen the understanding for the developmental roots of socioeconomic disparities in health and should serve as an important theoretical basis for promoting health and implementing clinical practical work on health equality.

  • 孙中山的心理建设思想及其现实意义

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Dr. Sun Yat-sen was one of the three greatest figures in the modern Chinese history and has made tremendous contribution to the independence, liberation and revival of modern China. In the past decades, Sun's ideologies have been well researched in academic fields such as philosophy and politics. However, there is a lack of discussion about Sun’s thoughts from a psychological perspective. The theory of mind construction plays an extremely important role in Sun's strategies of political revolution and nation building. Sun emphasized the importance of social psychology in social politics and the importance of mind construction in human development. The mind construction theory can be seen as an important theoretical guide and practical reference to the rejuvenation of modern China. The theory of mind construction is concerned with the development of people and society, with the main purposes to educate people, change conservative mindsets, unite people's heart and strength, and eventually promote the common progress of society. The key to this ideological breakthrough was the establishment of the doctrine of "difficult to know and easy to do", which embodies Sun's understanding of the relationships between knowledge and practice, and emphasizes the difficulties and importance of scientific exploration. The mind construction theory is a concise summary of Sun’s experience in revolutionary politics and history, and is characterized by the following features: the integration and innovation of Chinese and Western civilizations, the convergence of material and ethical civilization, and the emphasis on the relationship between human psychology and politics. It is the development and innovation of the spirit of the times. It enlightens us to draw wisdom from our efforts to build a new society that is closely integrated with the highly developed material civilization and the vigorous humanistic spirit. Sun's thoughts of nation building, as the first step in mind development, explored the unique Chinese way to political success, and provided important inspiration for the sacred cause of the Chinese Renaissance in the 21st century. It is noteworthy to know that Dr. Sun Yat-sen was aware of the dialectical relationship between material and ethical civilizations, the energy of the spirit, and the importance of material construction. Moreover, we must pay attention to the positive role of mind construction in current social governance policies. Thus, it is of important theoretical and practical values to revisit, inherit, and creatively implement Sun's mind construction thought.

  • 左侧额中回参与汉字视觉空间分析的fNIRS证据

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: The left middle frontal gyrus (MFG) is a typical region identified in the brain mechanism of Chinese character reading. A common view suggests that the MFG is responsible for visual-spatial processing in reading Chinese characters, since the Chinese writing system has extremely complex structures. However, this explanation has not received direct evidence. Moreover, which kind of visual-spatial analysis underlying the MFG's activation is not clear. The current functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) study examined the functional role of the MFG in Chinese character reading by directly manipulating the spatial frequency characteristics of the Chinese character materials.The experiment adopted a 3 (characters type: Real, Pseudo, and Artificial character) by 3 (spatial frequency: Full, Low, and High spatial frequency) within-participant factorial design. All Real characters were phonograms containing two components: phonetic and semantic radicals. The phonetic radical was not pronounceable and meaningless. The semantic radical was not pronounceable and meaningful that can provide the meaning category. The Pseudo characters were created by switching the position of radicals from Real characters. The Artificial characters were scrambled strokes from Pseudo characters. Each type of character was presented in three ways with different spatial frequencies: Full, Low, and High spatial frequency. In the Full spatial frequency, items were typical stimuli. In the Low and High spatial frequency, items were spatially filtered by Gaussian filter to remain the low/high spatial frequency features. Each type of character has 60 stimuli. All 540 stimuli for nine conditions were presented in 6 runs. Each run contained 1~2 blocks for each condition and lasted for about 8 minutes. Thirty-one participants took part in the experiment to perform a one-back task in each block by detecting whether the current stimulus was the same as the previous one. Meanwhile, a multi-channel fNIRS system was used to record brain activity at the left MFG.The results found a significant main effect of character type at left MFG. The activation of MFG was stronger for Pseudo characters than for Real and Artificial characters. The left MFG also showed a significant interaction between character type and spatial frequency. The difference among the three types of characters was significant for Low spatial frequency but not for Full and High spatial frequency. For materials presented in Low spatial frequency, Pseudo characters elicited more robust activation than Real and Artificial characters. These results suggested that the left MFG was sensitive to the spatial information of Chinese characters, especially for materials presented in low spatial frequency and for materials that required more graphemic/orthographic processing.In sum, the finding provided direct evidence that the left MFG engaged in visual-spatial processing in Chinese character reading.

  • 消极刻板印象对老年人医疗决策的影响及归因偏差的作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: The quality of decision-making in older people decreases with age. In medical decision-making, poor medical decisions in older adults can have a range of adverse effects. Therefore, exploring the influencing factors of the quality of medical decision-making is necessary. Aging stereotypes are closely related to the quality of decision-making. Negative aging stereotypes will have a negative impact on the decision-making of older adults. However, the relationship between aging stereotypes and the quality of medical decision-making has not been fully studied, and the mechanism between the two remains unclear. As an important concept in social cognitive psychology, attribution bias is closely related to aging stereotypes and medical decision-making. When encountering behaviors or phenomena consistent with stereotypes, people are more inclined to attribute such behaviors internally to maintain the stereotypes. Furthermore, attribution bias is an important factor in decision-making, and the attribution bias of the older adults will have a significant impact on their subsequent treatment decisions. Nevertheless, the role of attribution bias in the relationship between aging stereotypes and medical decision-making in older adults remains unknown. Thus, this study attempts to clarify the relationship between aging stereotypes and medical decision-making and reveal the mediating role of attribution bias in the relationship between aging stereotypes and medical decision-making. This study has two experiments. Experiment 1 attempted to explore the relationship between aging stereotypes, attribution bias, and quality of medical decision-making in older adults. Experiment 2 attempted to verify further the relationship between the three by training attribution bias. Seventy-eight older adults (26 males and 52 females) were recruited as participants in Experiment 1. All participants were randomly assigned to the stereotypes threat group or the control group. Attribution bias and the quality of medical decisions in both groups were then measured. Eighty participants (30 males and 50 females) were recruited in Experiment 2. All participants were randomly assigned to the stereotypes threat group or the attribution bias intervention group. First, the aging stereotypes of all participants were activated. Participants in the stereotype threat group completed the same measurement as Experiment 1. Participants in the attribution bias intervention group completed attribution bias measurement and medical decision-making tasks after attribution bias control training. SPSS 25.0 was used for the statistical analysis of the data. Experiment 1 found that the aging stereotypes negatively predicted the quality of medical decisions and increased the internal attribution bias. The internal attribution bias in the stereotype threat group was significantly higher than that in the control group, and the quality of medical decision-making was substantially lower than that in the control group. The study also found that internal attribution bias was mediating in the relationship between aging stereotypes and medical decision quality. Results of Experiment 2 show that the internal attribution bias of participants in the attribution bias intervention group was significantly lower than that in the stereotypes threat group, and the quality of medical decision-making was significantly higher than that in the stereotypes threat group. That is, aging stereotypes negatively affected the quality of medical decisions, and internal attribution played a mediating role between the two. Furthermore, the control training of attribution bias can effectively alleviate the adverse effects of stereotypes in old age. This study enriches the previous research on the influence of stereotypes on decision-making. It has certain practical value for alleviating the negative effect of stereotypes in older adults and improving the quality of individual medical decision-making.

  • 汉字识别中亚词汇语音和语义信息在N170上的神经适应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: The event-related potential (ERP) studies have revealed a component (N170) near tempo-occipital electrodes was sensitive to visual words. However, its role in word reading is still controversial. A common view is that the N170 engaged in the visual/orthographic processing, whereas some evidence has shown the N170 involved in phonological and semantic processing. By taking advantage of the Chinese writing system's ideographic property, the current study directly examined whether the N170 was sensitive to the phonological and semantic processing in reading Chinese characters. Two ERP experiments were conducted in a neural adaption paradigm by manipulating the repetition of the sub-lexical phonetic/semantic radical. The ERP data were collected while participants performed a phonological judgment task on the 4th character after silently reading the four characters consecutively. The phonological similarity (Experiment 1) and semantic similarity (Experiment 2) were manipulated among the four characters. Experiment 1 examined the neural adaption of the four characters sharing the phonetic radical (e.g., 敏, 侮, 悔, 莓), the character's pronunciation (e.g., 妹, 枚, 镁, 莓), both of them (e.g., 酶, 梅, 霉, 莓), or neither (e.g., 淮, 崛, 郎, 莓) respectively. Experiment 2 examined the neural adaption of the four characters sharing the semantic radical (e.g., 狡, 狂, 猜, 狒), the character's meaning (e.g., 豹, 鹿, 羚, 狒), both of them (e.g., 狮, 狼, 狐, 狒), or neither (e.g., 淮, 崛, 郎, 狒) respectively. In both experiments, the results showed a significant neural adaption at N170 in all of the four conditions. The amplitude of the N170 observed in the 1st character decreased in the 2nd - 4th characters. In Experiment 1, the N170 neural adaptation at the left PO7 electrode was sensitive to the repetition of the phonetic radical, and the repetition of the character's pronunciation, but not to the repetition of both. These results indicated the left mid-fusiform gyrus might be sensitive to the visual/orthographic and phonological processing but not to the orthography-to-phonology mapping in Chinese character reading. In Experiment 2, the N170 neural adaption at the left PO7 electrode was only sensitive to the repetition of the character’s meaning, which indicated the semantic processing might modulate the left N170 in character reading. The N170 neural adaption at the right PO8 electrode was sensitive to the repetition of the semantic radical and the character's meaning, which suggested that right N170 was involved in visual/orthographic and semantic processing in reading characters. In sum, the findings showed that the N170 was involved in the visual/orthographic processing and engaged in the phonological and semantic processing in Chinese character reading. Furthermore, the left N170 was sensitive to the character's phonological and semantic information, whereas the right N170 was sensitive to the character’s meaning and its semantic radical.

  • 感恩与社会幸福感的双向关系:来自长期追踪法和日记法的证据

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: As a critical positive psychological construct, gratitude is crucial for health and well-being. Previous studies have shown a significant positive correlation between gratitude and social well-being. Although it is proven that gratitude causes higher social well-being, little research has explored the effect of social well-being on gratitude. Based on the personal and social relationships model and self-determination theory, our research proposed that social well-being is an antecedent to gratitude. Thus, in this study, we aimed to examine the longitudinal relationship between gratitude and social well-being. The hypotheses are as follows: 1) Gratitude has a direct effect on social well-being; 2) Social well-being has a direct effect on gratitude; or 3) Gratitude and social well-being have reciprocal effects on each other. Two studies were designed to test the hypotheses. Study 1 adopted a two-wave cross-lagged design to explore the relationship between trait gratitude and social well-being. A sample of 563 undergraduate students was enrolled online and volunteered to participate in this research. According to the purpose of this study, participants were asked to fill in the gratitude and social well-being scales and to fill in the two scales again after a 7-month interval. The cross-lagged path analysis suggested the reciprocal effects between trait gratitude and social well-being. To reduce common method bias, we adopted a daily diary method in study 2. And in this study, 274 young adults completed daily gratitude and social well-being measures once a day for 21 consecutive days. Study 1 showed that trait gratitude at T1 significantly positively predicted social well-being at T2, while social well-being at T1 also significantly predicted trait gratitude at T2 over a long period. After controlling for age and gender, these effects remained significant. Consistent with study 1, study 2 indicated that state gratitude on the previous day could positively predict social well-being (γ = 0.09, SE = 0.03, t = 2.90, p = 0.004) on the next day. Social well-being on the previous day could also positively predict state gratitude (γ = 0.03, SE = 0.01, t = 2.84, p = 0.005) on the next day. Moreover, these relationships were stable after controlling for dates. In conclusion, the result supports the hypotheses. These observations show reciprocal predictive effects between gratitude and social well-being from the longitudinal research and daily diary method. In summary, gratitude is a significant antecedent variable in promoting individual social well-being. Thus, social well-being can be enhanced by gratitude interventions or gratitude education programs. In addition, social well-being also reinforces gratitude, which develops an upward spiral model. The findings of this study further expand the research on the relationship between gratitude and social well-being and provide a new way to improve personal social well-being.

  • 感恩与社会幸福感的双向关系:来自长期追踪法和日记法的证据

    submitted time 2023-03-16 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: As a critical positive psychological construct, gratitude is crucial for health and well-being. Previous studies have shown a significant positive correlation between gratitude and social well-being. Although it is proven that gratitude causes higher social well-being, little research has explored the effect of social well-being on gratitude. Based on the personal and social relationships model and self-determination theory, our research proposed that social well-being is an antecedent to gratitude. Thus, in this study, we aimed to examine the longitudinal relationship between gratitude and social well-being. The hypotheses are as follows: 1) Gratitude has a direct effect on social well-being; 2) Social well-being has a direct effect on gratitude; or 3) Gratitude and social well-being have reciprocal effects on each other. Two studies were designed to test the hypotheses. Study 1 adopted a two-wave cross-lagged design to explore the relationship between trait gratitude and social well-being. A sample of 563 undergraduate students was enrolled online and volunteered to participate in this research. According to the purpose of this study, participants were asked to fill in the gratitude and social well-being scales and to fill in the two scales again after a 7-month interval. The cross-lagged path analysis suggested the reciprocal effects between trait gratitude and social well-being. To reduce common method bias, we adopted a daily diary method in study 2. And in this study, 274 young adults completed daily gratitude and social well-being measures once a day for 21 consecutive days. Study 1 showed that trait gratitude at T1 significantly positively predicted social well-being at T2, while social well-being at T1 also significantly predicted trait gratitude at T2 over a long period. After controlling for age and gender, these effects remained significant. Consistent with study 1, study 2 indicated that state gratitude on the previous day could positively predict social well-being (γ = 0.09, SE = 0.03, t = 2.90, p = 0.004) on the next day. Social well-being on the previous day could also positively predict state gratitude (γ = 0.03, SE = 0.01, t = 2.84, p = 0.005) on the next day. Moreover, these relationships were stable after controlling for dates. In conclusion, the result supports the hypotheses. These observations show reciprocal predictive effects between gratitude and social well-being from the longitudinal research and daily diary method. In summary, gratitude is a significant antecedent variable in promoting individual social well-being. Thus, social well-being can be enhanced by gratitude interventions or gratitude education programs. In addition, social well-being also reinforces gratitude, which develops an upward spiral model. The findings of this study further expand the research on the relationship between gratitude and social well-being and provide a new way to improve personal social well-being.

  • How interpersonal factors impact the co-development of depression and non-suicidal self-injury in Chinese early adolescents

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2021-01-26

    Abstract: Adolescent depresseion and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) are major public health concerns worldwide. Identifying the developmental trajectories that lead to these problems can help to design effective prevention programs. Previous research has reported 3 to 6 developmental trajectories of depressed mood and 3 to 4 developmental trajectories of NSSI. However, depressed mood and NSSI often co-occur, and little research has explored their joint developmental trajectories. Importantly, various interpersonal factors may affect the development of both depression and NSSI. For example, research has suggested that adolescents’ relationships with their parents and peers plays a crucial role in developing depression and NSSI. Yet, to date, no research has examined the effect of teacher-student relationships. Therefore, the present study aimed to characterize the joint developmental trajectories of adolescents’ depressed mood and NSSI, and examine the importance of peer, parent and teacher relationships in these trajectories. A sample of 859 adolescents (56.43% males; Mage = 14.73, SD = 0.43) was followed up for three years from the first year to the third year of junior middle school, in a central western Chinese city, Xi’an. Participants reported their depressed mood and NSSI at three time points, one year apart. They also completed self-measures of friendship quality, parent relationships and teacher relationships at Time 1, and nominated their classmates’ peer status at Time 1. All measures were conducted anonymously and approved by school administrators. Latent class growth analysis was used to identify the independent and joint developmental trajectories of depressed mood and NSSI, while logistic regression was used to examine the effects of relations with parents, peers and teachers. We found 4 developmental trajectories of depressed mood and 3 developmental trajectories of NSSI. Moreover, we identified three joint developmental trajectories of adolescents’ depressed mood and NSSI. The first trajectory class (91%), labeled “low depression- low NSSI- stable”, included adolescents with low depression and NSSI across all timepoints. The second trajectory class (5%), labeled “moderate depression-moderate NSSI- decrease”, consisted of adolescents whose depression and NSSI were moderate at baseline and then decrease over time. The third trajectory class (4%) labeled “low depression- low NSSI- increase”, consisted of adolescents whose depression and NSSI were low at baseline and then increase over time. Furthermore, the level of parental psychological control differentiated adolescents in the first joint trajectory class from those in the second and third joint trajectory class. In addition, peer acceptance distinguished adolescents in the third joint trajectory class from those in the first and second joint trajectory class. This study examined the independent and joint developmental trajectories of depressed mood and NSSI during adolescence and revealed important roles of parents and peers in these developmental processes. These findings extend our knowledge of the dynamic relationships between depression and NSSI, and the interpersonal factors that influence this. By improving adolescents’ relationships with their parents and peers, school practitioners can reduce rates of depression and NSSI in this group.