• The impact of the construal level of negative feedback in vision communication on subordinates’ vision pursuit

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2024-05-01

    Abstract: The presence of negative feedback in vision communication is quite common in managerial practices and has increasingly garnered scholarly attention in recent years. However, prior investigations into this domain remain in their infancy. While some studies suggest that subordinates might lower their goal expectations after receiving negative feedback, there is also evidence suggesting that such feedback can motivate subordinates to enhance their performance. Consequently, the precise impact of negative feedback on subordinates’ perception of the leader’s vision remains unclear. To optimize the use of negative feedback, it is imperative to explore negative feedback strategies that are beneficial to subordinates’ vision expectations. The construal level of the message plays a pivotal role in shaping the receiver’s motivation and cognition. Drawing on fantasy realization theory, this study investigates the mechanisms through which the construal level of negative feedback in vision communication affects subordinates’ vision pursuit, particularly under favorable and unfavorable organizational conditions. This exploration aims to offer guidance for leaders to improve organizational communication.
    To examine the influence of negative feedback’s construal level on subordinates’ vision pursuit, three studies were conducted. The first study employed a scenario experiment, involving 76 participants divided into four groups. Subjects were exposed to stimuli related to organizational conditions and leader’s speeches. In the second study, 301 participants completed surveys at two time points. At Time 1, they reported the construal level of negative feedback of their immediate superiors during vision communication and evaluated the organizational conditions. At Time 2, they reported their perceptions of vision expectations and vision pursuit. The third study involved a broader survey with 619 valid responses, using refined scales and a sample-split technique to minimize common method bias.
    The results showed that: (1) For vision communication under favorable organizational conditions, the construal level of negative feedback had a negative relationship with subordinates’ vision expectations. (2) Under unfavorable organizational conditions, the construal level of negative feedback had a positive relationship with subordinates’ vision expectations. (3) The construal level of negative feedback further affected subordinates’ vision pursuit behavior through vision expectations. (4) This mediating effect is moderated by organizational conditions.
    This study makes several contributions. First, it examines the influence of leaders’ negative feedback on subordinates’ expectations and behaviors through the lens of wording strategy, thereby advancing the research on negative feedback. Second, it explores the boundary conditions of negative feedback’s construal level in vision communication. By integrating negative feedback with vision communication, this study has built a theoretical bridge for the integration of multiple communication strategies. Additionally, this study extends the application of fantasy realization theory to workplace contexts.

  • 迈向汽车强国——对《汽车工业中长期发展规划》的几点建议

    Subjects: Management Science >> Enterprise Management submitted time 2018-01-11 Cooperative journals: 《智库理论与实践》

    Abstract:[目的/意义]《汽车工业中长期发展规划》的出台后,我国汽车行业面对新的发展机遇,同时,行业内部也产生了新的发展挑战,传统行业面临洗牌和产业的重新定位。本文试对行业的薄弱点和将来的发展方向做探讨。 [方法/过程]通过对汽车生产工业、整装品牌、行业规范、绿色发展的等薄弱环节的探讨和分析,对将来的汽车行业品牌化和自主化进行了可行性分析。 [结果/结论]在政府政策、产业聚集、服务业发展等方向展开了论证,并结合笔者观点提出了建议。