Submitted Date
  • Analysis on Features and Influence of Papers with High Altmetric Scores

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-08-26 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] Investigating the main features and the correlation with conventional bibliometric indicators of Altmetrics, the variation of features and correlation with the time, and its comprehensive evaluation on both social and academic influences of academic papers are crucial for both development and improvement of Altmetrics.[Method/process] In this paper, we took Altmetric Top 100 papers from 2014 to 2016 as samples, analyzed their source journal, discipline category, access method and authors' affiliation, and further discussed their social influence. At the same time, we investigated the relationship between Altmetric scores of these Altmetric Top 100 papers and their citation counts from Web of Science, and the variation of such relationship with the time.[Result/conclusion] The results showed that most papers with high Altmetric scores are from high-profile journals with high impact factors, and are in fields of medical & health sciences and biological sciences. Most authors of these papers with high Altmetric scores are from the institutes with high research level in United States of America, United Kingdom and Germany. The fraction of free-accessed papers in the papers with high Altmetric scores increases annually. Altmetric score can quantitatively reflect the amount of attention that the social medias pay to the academic papers, which to some extent indicates the social influence of these academic papers. Altmetric scores of Altmetric Top 100 papers positively correlate their citation counts, implying that these papers with high Altmetric scores have significant academic influence.

  • Is the Contribution of the Non-Citable Items to the Impact Factor Significant or not—— an Empirical Study Based on Large Samples in the Past Five Years

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Philology submitted time 2023-01-13


    Purpose/Significance Based on the controversy about the formula of impact factor in academics, this paper explores if the contribution of the non-citable items to the journal’s impact factor is abnormal, making the journal’s impact factor can not correctly reflect the academic impact of the journal itself. Method/Process Using the citation data of all types of journal articles from 2017 to 2021 published in the Web of Science core database, the contribution to the journal impact factors made by non-citable items in the recent five years were calculated and analyzed. Results/Conclusion On the whole, the contribution of non-citable items to the impact factors in the past five years was at a low level and little changed, and there were no obvious signs that exist the behavior of manipulating influencing factors. Therefore, it is not necessary to question the rationality of the calculation formula of the impact factor due to worry that the impact factor is being manipulated.

  • Research on the Influencing Mechanism of Users' Recognition of Answers in E-learning Community

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-07-26 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] Study of the influencing mechanism of users' recognition of answers is helpful to identify central path and edge path, to retain users with high influence power, to guarantee high quality questions and answers, then to increase community activity.[Method/process] After building a theoretical model about answer recognition, collecting data from 1964 posts on the NPC Economic Forum, Smartpls software is used to analyze the data.[Result/conclusion] User activity can affect user influence and answer quality separately, thus affecting the degree of answer recognition in E-learning communities. Answer quality affects user influence as well. The impact of user influence power on answer recognition is far more than that of answer quality, that is, the edge path has a greater impact than the central path.

  • 积极刻板印象会产生消极?

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Positive stereotypes are defined as positive traits describing social groups. Previous research on stereotypes has mainly focused on negative stereotypes while overlooking positive stereotypes, especially their negative effects. Here, we will discuss positive and negative effects of positive stereotypes from racial, gender and aging stereotypes and conditions for their emergence and further future research. The positive effects of positive stereotypes are mainly evinced through the stereotype boost. For example, activation of positive racial stereotypes, positive gender stereotypes and positive aging stereotypes has a positive effect on targets’ minds and behaviors. The negative effects of positive stereotypes on targets’ behaviors and cognition are caused by the choking under pressure effect and compensation effect of social cognition, respectively. For example, targets with positive racial stereotypes have negative attitudes and evaluations towards the stereotyper. Targets are prone to underperform in stereotyped domains in positive gender stereotypes situation. As for positive aging stereotypes, the mental and psychical health of targets can be adversely affected. Generally, positive stereotypes still induce negative effect similar to negative stereotypes in certain conditions, although having the positive side. The effects (positive or negative) of positive stereotypes depend on the following four moderators: (1) Activation of positive stereotypes. Compared with the subtle activation of positive stereotypes, blatantly activating positive stereotypes easily cause the “choking under pressure” of targets and their sense of being depersonalized, finally resulting in a negative impact. (2) Accuracy of expressing positive stereotypes. Compared with accurately expressing positive stereotypes, the one who states positive stereotypes in an extreme way tends to generate the feeling of untruth, resulting in conflicted response of targets. (3) Individuals who state positive stereotypes. Compared with an ingroup member, positive stereotypes stated by an outgroup member easily cause the prejudice by targets, which then result in targets’ negative attitudes and evaluations towards the stereotyper. (4) Culture context of positive stereotypes. Compared with collectivistic culture, positive stereotypes in individualistic culture are prone to have a sense of being depersonalized and be thread. Further research on positive stereotypes can be discussed from the following aspects: (1) Exploration of effects of positive stereotypes in collectivistic culture. For example, China is the representative country of collectivistic cultures which emphasize “fundamental connectedness of human beings to each other”, and positive stereotypes as positive beliefs about members of social groups based on the category membership. Therefore, the Chinese feel less depersonalized when the stereotyper describe them in ways related positive stereotypes. (2) Exploration of positive stereotypes from research fields and targets, such as fields of sexual orientation and academic discipline. Academic discipline stereotypes deem that science students are superior to arts students in science, and arts students are superior to science students in arts. As a result, male science students may underperform on the science test and female arts students may underperform on the arts test when priming their major and gender identities simultaneously, due to the feeling of untruth present when activating two positive stereotypes. In addition, researchers can explore positive stereotypes of children as there are no stereotype awareness of children under 7 ages. That is one of the prerequisites for positive stereotypes having influence on targets. (3) Exploration of interventions of negative effects reduced by positive stereotypes. By far there is no research on the interventions of negative effects of positive stereotypes. However, it is not hard to assume that would be difficult to reduce the negative effects of positive stereotypes because of the complimentary nature of positive stereotypes. (4) Exploration of positive effects of negative stereotypes. Based on our knowledge, only two studies have found that negative stereotypes have positive consequences. Once more empirical evidence to support the findings can be confirmed, this would play a significant role in the domain of stereotype research, especially for the interventions of negative effects of stereotypes.

  • 试论传媒对地方经济发展的

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》


  • Institutional Benchmarking by Using ESI and InCites Databases

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《知识管理论坛》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] This paper aims to build a model for benchmarking analysis of two institutions by using ESI and InCites databases. It provides a feasible approach for comprehensive, quantitative and public comparison and analysis of the international delivery performance of benchmarking institutions. [Method/process] We used the index provided by ESI and InCites, including Web of Science documents, citation times, category normalized citation impact. According to the different literature contribution, we proposed three new concepts, all documents, leading documents and not-leading documents. We put forward a new index—participation rate to measure the paper competitiveness of the agencies. We compared the general paper competitiveness, the affiliated author, the cooperative organization and the publication of journals of two universities. [Result/conclusion] In this paper, Web of Science documents are used to describe the quantity of the document issued by the organization. The category normalized citation impact and citation times are used to describe the quality of the document issued by the organization. For A university, the number of documents is dominant, and for B university quality is dominant. According to the author’s data analysis, B’s top authors of international publications have greater influence, ranking in the front row. According to the data analysis of the cooperation institution, the cooperation between the best cooperation institutions in B is more efficient, and the cooperation between the two sides makes the international ranking more advanced. It is the main reason for the quality of published papers of B university that the impact factors of the periodicals where papers of B university published are much higher.

  • 自强还是自嘲?名人代言如何提升社会化媒体广告的营销效果

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Recent years have witnessed the increasing prevalence of celebrity endorsement as advertising in China. The reason for this increased prevalence is that celebrity endorsements can boost the credibility and attractiveness of advertisements and therefore lead to increased profits for companies in most cases. In the social media environment, the influence of celebrities is amplified remarkably by the following of their fans. Previous studies have demonstrated that the effect of celebrity endorsements is mostly positive or self-enhancing. However, this effect does not always apply in social media platforms. For example, several celebrity endorsements actually contain self-deprecating content. In this study, we explored the role of self-enhancement and self-deprecation in celebrity endorsement effectiveness and examined their impact on consumers’ intent to share. Furthermore, we introduce the moderating effect of product types, namely, whether a product is utilitarian or hedonic. To obtain preliminary insights, we collected 86 micro-blog posts with celebrity endorsements and coded them as either self-enhancing or self-deprecating posts. Analysis of secondary data showed that consumers shared numerous self-enhancing celebrity endorsement posts with regard to hedonic products, and consumers shared many self-deprecating celebrity endorsement posts with regard to utilitarian products. Subsequently, we conducted laboratory studies to validate our hypothesis further. First, we performed a robust test on the effect of different celebrity endorsements on consumers’ intent to share. The results of the two types of celebrity endorsements (self-enhancing and self-deprecating) indicated the effect of self-deprecating celebrity endorsement on consumers’ intent to share was stronger than that of self-enhancing celebrity endorsement. Second, we examined the interactive effect of celebrity endorsements and product types and the mediating role of social influence. As expected, the 2 (celebrity endorsements: self-enhancing vs. self-deprecating) × 2 (product types: utilitarian vs. hedonic) subject design experiment suggested that participants in the utilitarian product condition were willing to share self-deprecating content, and this effect was caused by informative influence. On the contrary, participants in the hedonic product condition were willing to share self-enhancing content, and this effect was driven by normative influence. Our research contributes to literature on celebrity endorsement in social media by focusing on consumers’ sharing intention rather than purchase behavior. First, this research explores whether self-deprecating celebrity endorsement can strengthen consumers’ intent to share or not. Second, this study provides a new perspective on celebrity endorsement by differentiating its content into two types: self-enhancing and self-deprecating. Third, this research examines the impact of product difference in celebrity advertisement. It reveals that consumers in different product conditions might share different celebrity endorsement advertisements. Finally, we demonstrated the mediation mechanism of the interaction between celebrity endorsement and product type by examining consumers’ sharing intention. Aside from this empirical demonstration, our research also presents many useful implications for companies with regard to the design of celebrity endorsement.

  • 健康传播中的社交机器人:特征、与治理

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》

    Abstract:近年来社交机器人广泛活跃在网络之中,已经成为网络环境的一部分。2019年的一项研究报告显示,71%提到美国股市趋势的推特用户,很可能是机器人 [1] ;我国学者张洪忠等发现,在推特有关中美贸易谈判议题的讨论中,社交机器人占13%,发布内容占比接近20%。 [2] 社交机器人既让网络信息生态开始向“人机共生”转变,也因传播虚假信息、扰乱政治、危害公共健康等负面影响受到了各界的广泛关注。本文主要关注健康传播领域,围绕当前备受关注的社交机器人,在梳理社交机器人的定义、特征和对健康传播所产生的影响的基础上,提出相应的治理策略。

  • 5G时代对新闻传播的与思考

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》


  • 新媒体对科技传播的探究

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》


  • Analysis on the Effectiveness of Citation Evaluation Methods in the Research Field Identification by Co-Citation Network

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] To investigate field-normalized reference influence indicators on the level of papers, the effectiveness of a citation evaluation method (Relative Citation Ratio, RCR) based on the research field identification by co-citation network is analyzed.[Method/process] In order to test the effectiveness of RCR in the evaluation of academic impact, the paper chose iCite, F1000, InCites, then took 739 604 articles as a sample, and analyzed the correlation among RCR, Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) and journal impact factor (JIF) by the R language.[Result/conclusion] The paper shows that RCR strongly correlates with CNCI, and poorly correlates with journal impact factor, which indicate the similarities and differences between RCR and CNCI and confirm that it is a good practice for implementing San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment and assessing research on its own merits rather than on the basis of the journal in which the research is published. It also turns out the inverse relationship of the correlation and the number of interdisciplinary subjects between RCR and journal impact factor in interdisciplinary science, and lower correlation between RCR and journal impact factor than in a single discipline, which appears the applicability and effectiveness of RCR in evaluating the influence of academic papers in interdisciplinary science. The paper concludes that RCR based on research field identification by co-citation network provides new solution for the evaluation of paper influence, especially for interdisciplinary research outputs.

  • 步入大科学时代的诺贝尔奖

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-05 Cooperative journals: 《智库理论与实践》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance]This paper aims to cultivate the environment breeding the Nobel Prize. We should be quiet clear on how the time of big science influence the Nobel Prize. The time of big science exerts great influence on the Nobel Prize which was established in the time of small science. On this basis, we can formulate relative policies.[Method/process]We studied relative theories, cases and data to explain how the Nobel Prize was influenced by the time of big science. [Result/conclusion]There are three principal aspects:first, the organizations of scientific research become more complex and bulky, which makes the prize more controversial; second, scientific research is not scientists’ personal preference any more, and it relies on the support of society, especially the government; third, science and technology become inseparable, and a lot of scientists got the prize by applied research. The award-winning controversy of scientists such as Tu Youyou, the recovery plan of the Nobel Prize by the Japanese government and lots of prizes in semicoductor research prove these three aspects respectively.

  • 微小RNA对肠道健康的及作用机制

    Subjects: Biology >> Zoology submitted time 2017-10-11 Cooperative journals: 《动物营养学报》


  • 步入大科学时代的诺贝尔奖

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-07-13 Cooperative journals: 《智库理论与实践》

    Abstract:[目的 /意义]要营造能够培育诺贝尔奖的科技环境,我国需要明确大科学时代对诺贝尔奖产生的巨大影响,从而有针对性地进行政策倾斜。[方法 /过程]笔者梳理了相关理论案例和数据,探讨大科学时代对诺贝尔奖产生的影响。[结果 /结论]影响主要有3方面:第一,科学研究组织愈发复杂和庞大,使得科学家的获奖争议越来越多;第二,科学已经不再只是科学家的兴趣研究,更加依赖社会支持,政府在科学家获奖过程中扮演了重要角色;第三,科学与技术已经密不可分,大量获奖者通过应用研究获奖。屠呦呦等科学家的获奖争议、日本政府的诺贝尔奖振兴计划、20世纪半导体研究大量获奖分别有力说明了以上三大影响。

  • Analysis of the Effects of Peak Load Regulation on Nuclear power Units

    Subjects: Nuclear Science and Technology >> Nuclear Science and Technology submitted time 2024-06-20

    Abstract: In recent years,the rate of energy cleaning in China has been continuously improved. The output of large-scale new energy represented by wind power and photovoltaic has obvious volatility and uncertainty. While the demand、growth and total amount of power grid load fail to reach the expected level, which poses new tests and challenges to the peak load regulate ability of the power grid. In order to ensure the safety of the power plant and the power grid, the participation of nuclear power units in peak load regulation is becoming increasingly frequent,this poses new challengs to the nuclear safety of nuckear power units, and may even affect the long-term development of chinese nuclear power industry. This paper analyzes the possible effects of nuckear power units participating in power grid peak load regulation on the safety and system equipment of the power plant, focusing on the effects of peak load regulation on the safety、reliability、economy and the treatment of three wastes of the power plant, and puts forward reasonable suggestions and improvement directions, providing a reference for the participation of peak load regulation of nuclear power units in China.

  • 浅谈如何提高互联网新闻传播的

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》


  • 浅析现代摄影技术对摄影发展的

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> New Media submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国传媒科技》


  • Analysis of Altmetrics Indicators Based on Academic Books

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-08-27 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] This paper aims to explore the effectiveness of Altmetrics in revealing the impact of academic books, and then put forward reasonable suggestions for academic book evaluation. [Method/process] Four Altmetrics indicators, Twitter reference, Mendeley reading, text review and libcitation are collected. After analyzing the coverage, quantiles and other statistics of books, the correlation between book citation and Altmetrics indicators is carried out. Books of high indicator values are evaluated from the aspects of published year, discipline and subject in order to explore the application of these indicators in the use of book impact evaluation. [Result/conclusion] The low correlation between book citation and Altmetrics indicators shows that Altmetrics can be used as a new perspective for evaluating academic books, and different Altmetrics indicators reveal different dimensions of book impact. It is suggested to combine Altmetrics indicators and citation and make more use of the characteristics of books such as year and discipline in the future research of book impact evaluation.

  • The Z-index of Books and Its Application in the Study of Influence Evaluation

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-08-27 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] Based on the thought of academic credit, this paper puts forward Z-index of books, which can measure the academic influence of books accurately. [Method/process] According to the list of high influence (h-index ≥ 5) scholars in library and information science, the paper collects the citation information of these scholars' books from the CSSCI, calculates the Z-index of all books by using the batch statistical method, and certificates the validity and application value of the Z-index of book from the authors, publishers, institutions and other perspectives. [Result/conclusion] The results show that the application of Z-index to evaluate books can describe the number and academic status of the citers, provide a precise measure tool to evaluate the academic influence of different books, and have a certain application value in evaluating academic influence of authors and institutions.

  • 中国城镇居民信息消费的空间相关性与因素分析——基于动态空间杜宾面板模型的实证研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract:【目的】信息消费已成为日益增长的消费热点, 为了促进城镇居民的信息消费水平, 对其影响因素进行研究。【方法】分析中国城镇居民信息消费的发展状况及空间相关性, 以及当期信息消费会受到的三种内、外部影响, 构建相应的理论模型, 进一步基于动态空间杜宾模型进行实证研究。【结果】当期信息消费支出对相邻地区并没有产生空间溢出效应, 信息消费表现出耐用性特征, 而居民信息消费会受相邻地区居民信息消费习惯的影响; 影响因素中物价和收入的提升, 短期内会促使本地居民信息消费支出增加; 而受教育水平和信息基础设施水平的提升, 短期内会对相邻地区产生显著的正向空间溢出效应; 长期效应中, 只有物价和收入对本地居民信息消费支出有影响。【局限】由于数据的可获得性, 选用物价指数、受教育水平、信息基础设施、网民人数、收入等5 个因素进行分析, 未考虑的因素可能会对分析结果产生影响。【结论】在研究居民消费的影响因素时, 必须考虑空间效应的各种影响, 否则估计结果可能是有偏的。