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Composition and floristic characteristics of national key protected wild plants distributed in Hainan Province, China postprint

Abstract: Based on the ‘National Key Protected Wild Plants List’ and related data in 2021, combined with field investigation, the ‘National Key Protected Wild Plants List of Hainan Province’ was integrated, and its composition and floristic characteristics were analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) Among the national key protected wild plants, the original Cycas changjiangensis, C. hainanensis, C. lingshuigensis and C. taiwaniana were incorporated into C. taiwaniana; compared with the National Key Protected Wild Plant List in 1999, the original Semiliquidambar cathayensis and Amphicarpaea linearis were removed from the protection category, and Bretschneidera sinensis was degraded from the Category I protection to the Category II protection.127 species of national key protected wild plants were added, and a total of 173 species ( including varieties ) were added, belonging to 53 families and 83 genera, including 8 species of national Category I protected wild plants. There are 165 species of national Category II protected wild plants and 32 endemic species in Hainan Province, which belong to 4 groups. Among them, the angiosperm species are the most abundant, with 129 species. (2) Based on years of field investigation information and the results of this survey, Cycas rumphii, C. shanyagensis, Alsophila costularis and Paphiopedilum purpuratum have not been investigated. (3) The life forms of 173 protected plants were divided into 5 types, mainly phanerophytes ( 115 species ), followed by hemicryptophytes ( 34 species ) and hemicryptophytes ( 22 species ), and hemicryptophytes and cushion plants were the least ( 1 species ). (4) At the family level, Orchidaceae had the most species, including 47 species ( 27.17% ). At the genus level, Dendrobium has the largest number of species, including 21 species ( 12.14% ). (5) The floristic elements are complex and have obvious tropical characteristics. The families are mainly distributed in the pantropics and their variants. The genera are mainly distributed in tropical Asia and its variants. In summary, the tropical nature and unique phenomena of national key protected wild plants in Hainan Province are obvious, and there are many new protected species. Therefore, background investigation and dynamic monitoring should be carried out continuously, law enforcement should be strengthened, human factors should be reduced to interfere with and destroy habitats, and in-situ and ex-situ protection measures should be taken to strengthen protection and management.

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