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  • 矮紫金牛的开花生物学与繁育系统研究

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany submitted time 2022-09-08 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Ardisia humilis is an excellent wild ornamental plant. For the purpose of fully utilization of this elite germplasm, the flowering biology and breeding system of this plant had been expre in this study. We conducted field investigation in the flowering phenology, floral morphology, and floral visitor on Ardisia humilis individuals introduced in homogeneous garden. Furthermore, pollen viability and stigma receptivity were detected by pollen germination in vitro and by benzidine-hydrogen peroxide method, respectively. Combined with artificial pollination,the self-compatibility and the self-pollination of Ardisia humilis were also analyzed in this study. The results were as follows: (1) The florescence of Ardisia humilis was from mid-late May to early June. The flowering span of the population, single plant and single flower were approximately 25 d, 8 d and 1 d, respectively. (2) Ardisia humilis developed protogynic bisexual flowers, with partial overlap on mature stage of pistil and that of stamen, while stigma remained receptivity until 1 d after stamens fall. (3) With a OCI value of 4 and pollen / ovule value of 5.61�103, the breeding system of Ardisia humilis were considered to be outcrossing, with partial self-compatibility, and the pollinator insects were essential. Lasioglossum sp.1, Lasioglossum sp.2 and Halictus sp. were the most observed floral visitors on Ardisia humilis.(4) In artificial pollination, The seed set of natural pollination ranked the highest level (averaged 52.96%), followed by that of autogamy (52.29%) and of artificial cross pollination (50.33%), while that of artificial geitonogamy (28.67%) was the lowest one. This study indicated that, beside of being excellent flowering plant, Ardisia humilis is also a potentially important ornamental fruit plant due to the generalized pollination system and the strongly autogamy ability which enhance the high success of fruits development from blossoms.

  • 罗汉果叶片挥发性成分与访花昆虫:雌雄株差异及其生态影响

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2019-06-17 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:为探究罗汉果(Siraitia grosvenorii) 自然授粉不良的形成原因,对其雌株和雄株的访花昆虫及叶片的挥发性成分进行了比较分析。采用定点定时方法调查罗汉果雌雄株访花昆虫,同时以GC-MS 分析雌雄株叶片的挥发性成分。结果表明:在雄株观察到访花昆虫102 种,分属8目29 科,其中包括了蜜蜂科、眼蝶科、夜蛾科和天蛾科等传粉昆虫类群;在雌株观察到访花昆虫69 种,分属7 目16 科,但未观察到上述传粉昆虫类群。雄株访花昆虫的物种丰富度、多度和Shannon-Wiener 多样性均显著高于雌株(P < 0.05),Jaccard 相似性分析显示雌株和雄株访花昆虫达到中等不相似水平。在雄株叶片中鉴定出挥发性成分17 种,优势成分为萜烯类化合物,占总含量的67.31%;雌株叶片则鉴定出挥发性成分12 种,优势成分为烷烃类化合物,占总含量的44.27%。雄株具有较多特有成分,包括7 种萜烯类和3 种酯类成分,占总体成分的45.45%;雌株的特有成分较少,只包括4 种烷烃类和1 种酯类成分,占总体成分种类的22.72%。Jaccard相似性分析显示,雌株和雄株的挥发性成分总体上达到中等不相似水平,其中萜烯类和酯类的相似度更低,达到极不相似水平。进一步分析表明,在罗汉果雌雄株之间,由于挥发性化合物在优势成分上的重要差异,以及特有成分的大量存在,可能导致了它们访花昆虫类群的显著差异,并进而影响了罗汉果的自然传粉过程。

  • 青藏高原:从热带动植物乐土到冰期动物群摇篮

    Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Resource Sciences >> Environmentology submitted time 2017-09-20 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract:在我国藏北渐新世地层中发现了攀鲈和鲃类新属种,其现生近缘类型都生活在亚洲和非洲的热带地区。这不仅在鱼类的系统发育和动物地理上具有重要意义,并且表明青藏高原腹地在距今26 Ma前仍然为温暖湿润的低地,伴生的棕榈、菖蒲等植物化石也指示同样的环境,说明当时由印度洋来的暖湿气流至少可以深入到藏北地区。自那时起,高原内部的地理特征与自然环境经历了巨大的变化。青藏高原在中新世持续隆升,至上新世达到现代高度,形成冰冻圈环境。在札达盆地的上新世沉积中发现了披毛犀、雪豹、北极狐和盘羊的祖先类型,显示适应严寒环境的第四纪冰期动物群起源于青藏高原,由此提出和进一步完善了寒冷适应性动物起源与扩散的“走出西藏”理论。