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Cognitive neurological process associated with behavioral inhibition and psychopathology in children

Abstract: Abstract: Children with behavioral inhibition are more likely to suffer from internalizing behavioral problems during mid-childhood and adolescence, and appear to be at higher developmental risk. Compared to children without behavioral inhibition, these children show more withdrawal motivation, longer anticipatory process and pre-attention process, less attention control, more attention bias to negative information, hyperactive error detection process and slower habituation process. These similar cognitive neurological processes are important links between behavioral inhibition and psychological disorders in children. It can be used as predictors to screen individuals with higher developmental risk. In addition to children's own characteristics, environmental factors can also influence children's developmental outcomes by shaping cognitive neurological processes. Therefore, in future studies, in order to identify protective factors for the children with behavioral inhibition from both temperamental factors and environmental factors, we may consider the differences of cognitive neurological processes between children's behavioral inhibition and psychopathology under different cultural conditions.

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[V1] 2019-12-24 23:46:15 ChinaXiv:201912.00035V1 Download
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