您选择的条件: Jennifer I-Hsiu Li
  • The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: The Black Hole Mass$-$Stellar Mass Relations at $0.2\lesssim z\lesssim 0.8$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We measure the correlation between black-hole mass $M_{\rm BH}$ and host stellar mass $M_*$ for a sample of 38 broad-line quasars at $0.2\lesssim z\lesssim 0.8$ (median redshift $z_{\rm med}=0.5$). The black-hole masses are derived from a dedicated reverberation mapping program for distant quasars, and the stellar masses are estimated from two-band optical+IR HST imaging. Most of these quasars are well centered within $\lesssim 1$kpc from the host galaxy centroid, with only a few cases in merging/disturbed systems showing larger spatial offsets. Our sample spans two orders of magnitude in stellar mass ($\sim 10^9-10^{11}\,M_\odot$) and black-hole mass ($\sim 10^7-10^9\,M_\odot$), and reveals a significant correlation between the two quantities. We find a best-fit intrinsic (i.e., selection effects corrected) $M_{\rm BH}-M_{\rm *,host}$ relation of $\log (M_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm \odot})=7.01_{-0.33}^{+0.23} + 1.74_{-0.64}^{+0.64}\log (M_{\rm *,host}/10^{10}M_{\rm \odot})$, with an intrinsic scatter of $0.47_{-0.17}^{+0.24}$dex. Decomposing our quasar hosts into bulges and disks, there is a similar $M_{\rm BH}-M_{\rm *,bulge}$ relation with a slightly larger scatter, likely caused by systematic uncertainties in the bulge-disk decomposition. The $M_{\rm BH}-M_{\rm *,host}$ relation at $z_{\rm med}=0.5$ is similar to that in local quiescent galaxies, with negligible evolution over the redshift range probed by our sample. With direct black-hole masses from reverberation mapping and a large dynamical range of the sample, selection biases do not appear to affect our conclusions significantly. Our results, along with other samples in the literature, suggest that the locally-measured black-hole mass$-$host stellar mass relation is already in place at $z\sim 1$.

  • Directly tracing cool filamentary accretion over >100 kpc into the interstellar medium of a quasar host at z=1

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report the discovery of giant (50-100 kpc) [O II] emitting nebulae with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) in the field of TXS 0206-048, a luminous quasar at z=1.13. Down-the-barrel UV spectra of the quasar show absorption at velocities coincident with those of the extended nebulae, enabling new insights into inflows and outflows around the quasar host. One nebula exhibits a filamentary morphology extending over 120 kpc from the halo toward the quasar and intersecting with another nebula surrounding the quasar host with a radius of 50 kpc. This is the longest cool filament observed to-date and arises at higher redshift and in a less massive system than those in cool-core clusters. The filamentary nebula has line-of-sight velocities >300 km/s from nearby galaxies but matches that of the nebula surrounding the quasar host where they intersect, consistent with accretion of cool inter- or circum-galactic medium or cooling hot halo gas. The kinematics of the nebulae surrounding the quasar host are unusual and complex, with redshifted and blueshifted spiral-like structures. The emission velocities at 5-10 kpc from the quasar match those of inflowing absorbing gas observed in UV spectra of the quasar. Together, the extended nebulae and associated redshifted absorption represent a compelling case of cool, filamentary gas accretion from halo scales into the extended interstellar medium and toward the nucleus of a massive quasar host. The inflow rate implied by the combined emission and absorption constraints is well below levels required to sustain the quasar's radiative luminosity, suggesting anisotropic or variable accretion.

  • A hidden population of high-redshift double quasars unveiled by astrometry

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galaxy mergers occur frequently in the early universe and bring multiple supermassive black holes (SMBHs) into the nucleus, where they may eventually coalesce. Identifying post-merger-scale (i.e., 2, but critical to constraining the progenitors of SMBH mergers. The redshift z~2 also marks the epoch of peak activity of luminous quasars, hence probing this spatial regime at high redshift is of particular significance in understanding the evolution of quasars. However, given stringent resolution requirements, there is currently no confirmed 2. Here we report two sub-arcsec double quasars at z>2 discovered from a targeted search with a novel astrometric technique, demonstrating a high success rate (~50%) in this systematic approach. These high-redshift double quasars could be the long-sought kpc-scale dual SMBHs, or sub-arcsec gravitationally-lensed quasar images. One of these double quasars (at z=2.95) was spatially resolved with optical spectroscopy, and slightly favors the scenario of a physical quasar pair with a projected separation of 3.5 kpc (0.46"). Follow-up observations of double quasars discovered by this targeted approach will be able to provide the first observational constraints on kpc-scale dual SMBHs at z>2.

  • The SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper Reverberation Mapping Project: Unusual Broad-Line Variability in a Luminous Quasar

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a high-cadence multi-epoch analysis of dramatic variability of three broad emission lines (MgII, H$\beta$, and H$\alpha$) in the spectra of the luminous quasar ($\lambda L_{\lambda}$(5100\r{A}) = $4.7 \times 10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$) SDSS J141041.25+531849.0 at $z = 0.359$ with 127 spectroscopic epochs over 9 years of monitoring (2013-2022). We observe anti-correlations between the broad emission-line widths and flux in all three emission lines, indicating that all three broad emission lines "breathe" in response to stochastic continuum variations. We also observe dramatic radial velocity shifts in all three broad emission lines, ranging from $\Delta{v}$ $\sim$400 km s$^{-1}$ to $\sim$800 km s$^{-1}$, that vary over the course of the monitoring period. Our preferred explanation for the broad-line variability is complex kinematics in the broad-line region gas. We suggest a model for the broad-line variability that includes a combination of gas inflow with a radial gradient, an azimuthal asymmetry (e.g., a hot spot), superimposed on the stochastic flux-driven changes to the optimal emission region ("line breathing"). Similar instances of line-profile variability due to complex gas kinematics around quasars are likely to represent an important source of false positives in radial velocity searches for binary black holes, which typically lack the kind of high-cadence data we analyze here. The long-duration, wide-field, and many-epoch spectroscopic monitoring of SDSS-V BHM-RM provides an excellent opportunity for identifying and characterizing broad emission-line variability, and the inferred nature of the inner gas environment, of luminous quasars.

  • Empirical constraints on the turbulence in QSO host nebulae from velocity structure function measurements

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the first empirical constraints on the turbulent velocity field of the diffuse circumgalactic medium around four luminous QSOs at $z\!\approx\!0.5$--1.1. Spatially extended nebulae of $\approx\!50$--100 physical kpc in diameter centered on the QSOs are revealed in [OII]$\lambda\lambda\,3727,3729$ and/or [OIII]$\lambda\,5008$ emission lines in integral field spectroscopic observations obtained using MUSE on the VLT. We measure the second- and third-order velocity structure functions (VSFs) over a range of scales, from $\lesssim\!5$ kpc to $\approx\!20$--50 kpc, to quantify the turbulent energy transfer between different scales in these nebulae. While no constraints on the energy injection and dissipation scales can be obtained from the current data, we show that robust constraints on the power-law slope of the VSFs can be determined after accounting for the effects of atmospheric seeing, spatial smoothing, and large-scale bulk flows. Out of the four QSO nebulae studied, one exhibits VSFs in spectacular agreement with the Kolmogorov law, expected for isotropic, homogeneous, and incompressible turbulent flows. The other three fields exhibit a shallower decline in the VSFs from large to small scales. However, with a limited dynamic range in the spatial scales in seeing-limited data, no constraints can be obtained for the VSF slopes of these three nebulae. For the QSO nebula consistent with the Kolmogorov law, we determine a turbulence energy cascade rate of $\approx\!0.2$ cm$^{2}$ s$^{-3}$. We discuss the implication of the observed VSFs in the context of QSO feeding and feedback in the circumgalactic medium.