Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2024-04-23

    Abstract: With the rapid development of economy and society, human beings have put forward higher requirements for the living environment. Environmental conditions are closely related to human psychological activities,have a direct impact on human physical and mental health and economic benefits by intervening in human physical and mental health and economic benefits. Environmental psychology is committed to studying the relationship between environment and human system, exploring the law between people’s thinking, behavior and emotion and environmental materials in different social cultures and environments, and reveals the relationship between human activities and their surrounding environment, so as to seek a sustainable model of mutual adaptation to human and the environment. In order to explore the development of environmental psychology This paper puts to use CNKI database as the research object, uses CiteSpace bibliometry to objectively analyze the relevant literature of environmental psychology, and discusses the research status, research popular projects and development trend of environmental psychology. The results show that: 1) environmental psychology will continue to develop in the direction of people-oriented and steadily embark on the road of humanization, emotional value and spiritual experience; 2) the relevant theories and methods of environmental psychology will be applied to landscape design to optimize environmental quality and promote the coordinated development between people and environment; 3) environmental psychology examines people’s psychological quality and psychological problems under different social environment conditions, which can provide a reference value for improving ideological education and maintaining mental health.

  • 基于三维电子沙盘的参与式乡村历史景观评估:以贵州省对门山村为例

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Basic Disciplines of Agriculture submitted time 2017-11-10 Cooperative journals: 《中国生态农业学报》

    Abstract:梳理乡村历史景观的变化规律可以为乡村可持续发展提供决策治理依据和路径。如何利用被当地村民更容易接受的方式挖掘其景观记忆和乡土知识, 复原其乡村历史景观, 并对其进行整体评估, 至今存在研究方法和支撑手段的难点。本文以贵州省贞丰县对门山村为例, 利用自主研发的三维电子沙盘工具, 结合参与式乡村评估技术, 由当地村民自主复原了1958 年、1980 年、1995 年和2015 年4 个时期的历史景观。使用三维电子沙盘的分析工具对复原的历史景观进行土地利用、生态服务价值和景观格局指标的分析。结果显示: 不同时期历史景观客观评估数据的变化与本村导致景观变化的重要历史事件具有极强的关联性: 虽然1980 年分田到户, 但由于当地条件限制, 村民的生产生活方式并没有结构性变化, 也使得村庄的景观没有明显变化。 而1995 年开始大范围种植烟草后, 对门山村水田比例快速下降, 现阶段基本和旱地比例持平。这也直接导致水田(湿地的一种类型)作为生态服务价值重要贡献者数量减少, 整个范围生态服务价值下降明显。此外, 由于近20 年来, 各类公共管理与服务设施的快速增加和均匀分布, 使得 景观多样性呈显著增长。可以认为, 三维电子沙盘在本次对乡村历史景观调查中首次获得了较好的应用, 通过有效的技术手段解决了以往规划者与当地村民信息交流和沟通过程不畅的技术问题。