• The Cost of the Perfect Body: Influence Mechanism of Internalization of Media Appearance Ideals on Eating Disorder Tendencies in Adolescents

    分类: 心理学 >> 临床与咨询心理学 提交时间: 2023-05-30

    摘要: Some studies have examined the relationship between internalization of media appearance ideals and eating disorders. However, few have discussed the relationship between eating disorder tendencies. To fill this research gap, the aim of this study was to explore the influencingmechanisms of internalization of media appearance ideals on adolescents eating disorder tendencies in Chinese cultural context. The Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire, Eating Attitude Test-26, Physical Self-Description Questionnaire, Body Image Depression Questionnaire and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support were employed in this study to investigate 1523 adolescents. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 24.0. The results showed that: 1) internalization of media appearance ideals had a significant positive predictive effect on adolescents eating disorder tendencies; 2) internalization of media appearance ideals significantly influenced adolescents' eating disorder tendencies through the mediating role of body esteem and body image disturbance respectively, and also influencedeating disorder tendencies through the chain mediating of both; and 3) social support playeda moderating role between body image disturbance and eating disorder tendency. Our findings suggest distinct pathways through which internalization of media appearance ideals may influence adolescents' eating disorder tendencies. It is suggested that reducing body image disturbance and enhancing social support can help reducing eating disorder tendency.

  • A combinatorial algebraic approach for the modified second-generation time-delay interferometry

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We generalize the combinatorial algebraic approach first proposed by Dhurandhar et al. to construct various classes of modified second-generation time-delay interferometry (TDI) solutions. The main idea behind the algorithm is to enumerate, in a given order, a specific type of commutator between two monomials defined by the products of particular time-displacement operators. On the one hand, the above commutators can be systematically rewritten as the elements of a left ideal, defined by the l.h.s. of the relevant equation for the TDI solution. On the other hand, these commutators are shown to vanish if we only keep up the first-order contributions regarding the rate of change of armlengths. In other words, each commutator furnishes a valid TDI solution pertaining to the given type of modified second-generation combinations. In this work, the original algorithm, which only involves time-delay operators, is extended by introducing the time-advance ones and then utilized to seek solutions of the Beacon, Relay, Monitor, Sagnac, and fully symmetric Sagnac types. We discuss the relation between the present scheme's solutions and those obtained by the geometric TDI approach, a well-known method of exhaustion of virtual optical paths. In particular, we report the results on novel Sagnac-inspired solutions that cannot be straightforwardly obtained using the geometric TDI algorithm. The average response functions, floor noise power spectral densities, and sensitivity functions are evaluated for the obtained solutions.

  • A combinatorial algebraic approach for the modified second-generation time-delay interferometry

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We generalize the combinatorial algebraic approach first proposed by Dhurandhar et al. to construct various classes of modified second-generation time-delay interferometry (TDI) solutions. The main idea behind the algorithm is to enumerate, in a given order, a specific type of commutator between two monomials defined by the products of particular time-displacement operators. On the one hand, the above commutators can be systematically rewritten as the elements of a left ideal, defined by the l.h.s. of the relevant equation for the TDI solution. On the other hand, these commutators are shown to vanish if we only keep up the first-order contributions regarding the rate of change of armlengths. In other words, each commutator furnishes a valid TDI solution pertaining to the given type of modified second-generation combinations. In this work, the original algorithm, which only involves time-delay operators, is extended by introducing the time-advance ones and then utilized to seek solutions of the Beacon, Relay, Monitor, Sagnac, and fully symmetric Sagnac types. We discuss the relation between the present scheme's solutions and those obtained by the geometric TDI approach, a well-known method of exhaustion of virtual optical paths. In particular, we report the results on novel Sagnac-inspired solutions that cannot be straightforwardly obtained using the geometric TDI algorithm. The average response functions, floor noise power spectral densities, and sensitivity functions are evaluated for the obtained solutions.

  • On second-order combinatorial algebraic time-delay interferometry

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Inspired by the combinatorial algebraic approach proposed by Dhurandhar et al., we propose two novel classes of second-generation time-delay interferometry (TDI) solution as well as their further generalization. The primary strategy of the algorithm is to enumerate specific types of residual laser frequency noise associated with second-order commutators in products of time-displacement operators. The derivations are based on analyzing the delay time residual when expanded in time derivatives of the armlengths order by order. It is observed that the solutions obtained by such a scheme are primarily captured by the geometric TDI approach and therefore possess an intuitive interpretation. Nonetheless, the fully-symmetric Sagnac and Sagnac-inspired combinations inherit the properties from the original algebraic approach, and subsequently lie outside of the scope of geometric TDI. Moreover, at its lowest order, the solution is furnished by commutator of rather compact form. Besides the original Michelson-type solution, we elaborate on other types of solutions such as the Monitor, Beacon, Relay, Sagnac, fully-symmetric Sagnac, and Sagnac-inspired ones. The average response functions, residual noise power spectral density, and sensitivity curves are evaluated for the obtained solutions. Also, the relations between the present scheme and other existing algorithms are discussed.

  • Cosmological-model-independent tests of cosmic distance duality relation with Type Ia supernovae and radio quasars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we investigate the possible deviations of the cosmic distance duality relation (CDDR) using the combination of the largest SNe Ia (Pantheon) and compact radio quasar (QSO) samples through two model-independent approaches. The deviation of CDDR is written as $D_L(z)/D_A(z)(1+z)^{-2}=\eta(z)$ and $\eta(z)=e^{\tau(z)/2}$, with the parameterizations of $F_1$ ($\tau(z) = 2\epsilon_1 z$) and $F_2$ ($\tau(z) = (1+z)^{2\epsilon_2}-1$). Furthermore, in order to compare the two resulting distances, two cosmological-model-independent methods, i.e., the nearby SNe Ia method and the GP method are employed to match the two distinct data at the same redshift. Our findings indicate that, compared with the results obtained in the literature, there is an improvement in precision when the latest SNe Ia and QSO samples are used. Specially, in the framework of nearby SNe Ia method, the CDDR would be constrained at the precision of $\Delta\epsilon_{1} = 0.013$ in Model $F_1$ and $\Delta\epsilon_{2}=0.018$ in Model $F_2$. Regarding the GP method, one observes that a larger data size would produce more stringent constraints on the CDDR parameters. Therefore, accompanied by further developments in cosmological observations and the analysis methods, our analysis provides an insight into the evidence for unaccounted opacity sources at an earlier stage of the universe, or at the very least the new physics involved.

  • On second-order combinatorial algebraic time-delay interferometry

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Inspired by the combinatorial algebraic approach proposed by Dhurandhar et al., we propose two novel classes of second-generation time-delay interferometry (TDI) solution as well as their further generalization. The primary strategy of the algorithm is to enumerate specific types of residual laser frequency noise associated with second-order commutators in products of time-displacement operators. The derivations are based on analyzing the delay time residual when expanded in time derivatives of the armlengths order by order. It is observed that the solutions obtained by such a scheme are primarily captured by the geometric TDI approach and therefore possess an intuitive interpretation. Nonetheless, the fully-symmetric Sagnac and Sagnac-inspired combinations inherit the properties from the original algebraic approach, and subsequently lie outside of the scope of geometric TDI. Moreover, at its lowest order, the solution is furnished by commutator of rather compact form. Besides the original Michelson-type solution, we elaborate on other types of solutions such as the Monitor, Beacon, Relay, Sagnac, fully-symmetric Sagnac, and Sagnac-inspired ones. The average response functions, residual noise power spectral density, and sensitivity curves are evaluated for the obtained solutions. Also, the relations between the present scheme and other existing algorithms are discussed.