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图书馆参与科学文化建设的比较与思考 postprint

Abstract: Purpose/Significance The library community can contribute greatly to scientific culture construction. This paper aims to systematically analyze the connotation of scientific culture construction and explore the potential space where libraries can participate in scientific culture construction. give some enlightenment to libraries in our country. Method/Process This research adopts the methods of literature research, network research and systematic literature review. First, this study extracts Chinese keywords based on the Chinese literature about "scientific culture" and analyzes its connotations. Second it builds a list of English and Chinese keywords containing the sub concepts of "scientific culture". After retrieving, classifying and reading the literature about practice of libraries' participation in scientific culture construction carefully, this study compares the practice of Euro-American libraries and Chinese libraries, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for Chinese libraries to bridge the gap. Results/Conclusions Scientific culture includes three layers: scientific culture as basic literacy, scientific culture as research ethics and scientific culture as workplace culture of researchers. Libraries can play an important role to support all of them. However, considering the present situation, Chinese public libraries are significantly insufficient in participating in the constructing of scientific culture as basic literacy. University libraries are the main actors in constructing scientific culture as research ethics and scientific culture as workplace culture of researchers, but the practical results did not meet expectations. The important problems include few researchers embrace data management and planning, few researchers pay attention to the reproducibility crisis, research integrity education is not enough, and research evaluation services is a lack of standards. Learning from the experience of other foreign libraries and combining the situation of Chinese libraries, this study proposes that Chinese public libraries can increase their participation in scientific culture construction through promoting ideology, strengthening links with the scientific community, increasing the proportion of STEM activities, absorbing ethics related courses, and carrying out citizen science and other comprehensive science popularization activities. Chinese academic libraries can provide the academic integrity support service of "trinity of facilities, resources and services". Besides that, the construction of the academic evaluation service standard of academic libraries and practicing responsible scientific measurement can maintain the fairness of the academic workplace so as to promote the scientific culture as research ethics and scientific culture as workplace culture of researchers. Our future work will conduct thematic research around the medium and micro levels of scientific culture. The preliminary direction is the standard of responsible scientific measurement.

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[V1] 2023-09-05 16:44:06 ChinaXiv:202309.00104V1 Download
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