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  • 北京昌平农业景观传粉服务供给和需求评估研究

    Subjects: Biology >> Ecology submitted time 2017-11-29 Cooperative journals: 《中国生态农业学报》

    Abstract: The diversity of bees has declined in recent years around the world. This has raised concerns about pollination service, which is closely linked with sustainable agricultural production. To understand the supply and demand of regional pollination service and laid the basis for developing a regional pollination management strategy, we investigated seven common habitat types, which were forest, woodland, grassland, orchard, greenhouse, road boundary, field margin, and one non-habitat land in Changping District of Beijing in 2016. The data including bee (species, flying distance, nesting preference and active season), vegetation (vegetation composition, flowering season, nectar/pollen resources), nesting suitability (soil compaction) and crop area were collected. The supply of pollination service in the study area was evaluated by using the InVEST model, which was based on species composition, flight distance, nesting preference and activity season of wild bees. The model also used data of plant resources and nesting suitability in the habitat to estimate the dependent degree of crops on pollination. The demand for pollination service was evaluated based on planting area and dependence on pollination service of crops. Furthermore, the match between pollination service supply and demand was studies by stacking the levels of supply and demand. The results showed that natural forests were the most suitable habitat for wild bee production, followed by woodlands, grasslands and border habitats. Orchards too were wild bee habitats and also had high demand for pollination service. Greenhouse barely provided pollination service, but had a high demand for it. The supply and demand match results showed that in Changping area, pollination service supply exceeded demand. The areas where supply level was higher than demand level accounted for 34.17%, mostly distributed in mountain areas. The areas with the highest supply and lower demand for pollination service was worthy for protection. The areas with lower supply than demand accounted for 27.76% and were distributed in plain regions near mountains. Although such areas had a relatively high supply, demand was the highest. Areas with the same supply-demand accounted for 47.27%, distributed in plain areas far from mountains. In these areas, the supply and demand for pollination service were basically in balanced match because of the high proportion of semi-natural habitats. Finally, some management strategies were suggested to improve pollination service in the study area. For the areas with higher supply and medium/lower demand (key protected region), it was suggested to develop organic agricultural with less management to protect habitat. For medium/lower supply and higher demand areas (key improved and generally improved regions), it was necessary to improve pollination service by breeding bee and increase natural/semi-natural habitat, and strengthen connectivity among habitats through ecological corridor construction. For the area with balanced supply and demand, (key maintained, and generally maintained regions), decreasing management intensity of agricultural area and increasing connectivity among habitats were important for keeping sustainable pollination service supply.

  • 农业景观生物多样性功能和保护对策

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Basic Disciplines of Agriculture submitted time 2017-11-09 Cooperative journals: 《中国生态农业学报》

    Abstract:研究表明, 农业集约化生产和农业景观均质化导致农业景观生物多样性降低, 致使生物多样性相关野生资源保护、自然授粉、害虫调节、水土涵养等生态系统服务功能受损, 进而影响了农业可持续发展。本 文对国内外农业景观生物多样性及其生态系统服务功能研究和实践进行了综述。分别探讨了农业景观在生物多样性保护、授粉服务、调节服务、水土涵养等多方面生态服务功能中发挥的作用及其生物多样性保护的意义, 总结了欧美在农业景观生物多样性保护所采取的实践措施, 指出中国虽然在生物多样性保护方面做出很多努力, 但却忽略了对农业景观的保护, 近些年的城市化和集约化发展都进一步加剧了农业景观生物多样性的丧失, 亟需借鉴欧美国家经验提出我国的农业景观生物多样性保护策略。我们认为保护和提高农业景观生物多样性的生态集约化对维护农作物产量, 改善品种具有重要的作用。农业景观生物多样性保护需要从农田生态系统和农业景观两个尺度上开展农业景观综合管理, 提高农田作物和景观植物多样性和异质性, 恢复和提高生物多样性及其生态服务功能。最后, 针对我国农业可持续发展面临的问题和需求, 建议从政策和法规、监测和评估、工程技术研发、技术集成示范、生态补贴制度、培训和推广等方面, 开展农业景观生物多样性保护。

  • 农业景观生物多样性功能和保护对策

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Basic Disciplines of Agriculture submitted time 2017-11-09 Cooperative journals: 《中国生态农业学报》

    Abstract:研究表明, 农业集约化生产和农业景观均质化导致农业景观生物多样性降低, 致使生物多样性相关野生资源保护、自然授粉、害虫调节、水土涵养等生态系统服务功能受损, 进而影响了农业可持续发展。本 文对国内外农业景观生物多样性及其生态系统服务功能研究和实践进行了综述。分别探讨了农业景观在生物多样性保护、授粉服务、调节服务、水土涵养等多方面生态服务功能中发挥的作用及其生物多样性保护的意义, 总结了欧美在农业景观生物多样性保护所采取的实践措施, 指出中国虽然在生物多样性保护方面做出很多努力, 但却忽略了对农业景观的保护, 近些年的城市化和集约化发展都进一步加剧了农业景观生物多样性的丧失, 亟需借鉴欧美国家经验提出我国的农业景观生物多样性保护策略。我们认为保护和提高农业景观生物多样性的生态集约化对维护农作物产量, 改善品种具有重要的作用。农业景观生物多样性保护需要从农田生态系统和农业景观两个尺度上开展农业景观综合管理, 提高农田作物和景观植物多样性和异质性, 恢复和提高生物多样性及其生态服务功能。最后, 针对我国农业可持续发展面临的问题和需求, 建议从政策和法规、监测和评估、工程技术研发、技术集成示范、生态补贴制度、培训和推广等方面, 开展农业景观生物多样性保护。

  • 农田缓冲带规划建设与天敌保护效果研究

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Basic Disciplines of Agriculture submitted time 2017-11-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国生态农业学报》

    Abstract:缓冲带建设可以提供多种生态服务功能, 是国内外现代生态农业发展的重要实践措施。论文以北京市 顺义区都市型现代农业示范区建设项目为例, 探讨农田缓冲带的规划和建设方法, 并针对天敌保护效果进行监测, 旨在探索村镇尺度下生态农业建设的景观规划途径。主要研究结论: 1)经过目标确定、现状调查、总体空间布局设计、工程设计、施工监管与管护5 个步骤,在研究区完成了渠道、道路和防护林3 种类型共7 种模式的农田缓冲带空间布局规划、种植模式设计与建设; 2)害虫与天敌取样监测结果表明, 人工林地缓冲带具有最大的蜘蛛活动密度, 渠道、道路缓冲带等人工边界的天敌/蚜虫比例最高, 初步证明了农田缓冲带建设的天敌保护效果; 3)今后的生态农业建设应当加强农田缓冲带等生态景观化技术的大尺度空间规划与集成示范,其生态服务功能提升效果还需要针对不同农田类型进行长期监测试验进行验证。