您选择的条件: Jiang-Hao Yu
  • Revisiting Dark Matter Freeze-in and Freeze-out through Phase-Space Distribution

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We revisit dark-matter production through freeze-in and freeze-out by solving the Boltzmann equations at the level of the phase-space distribution $f(p,t)$. Using the $2\to2$ annihilation and the $1\to2$ decay processes for illustration, we compare the resulting dark-matter relic abundance with that from the number-density approach. In the transition regime between freeze-in and freeze-out, we find the difference can be quite significant, or even by orders of magnitude if the annihilation of dark-matter particles or the decaying mediator is neglected. The freeze-in production in the $2\to2$ and the $1\to 2$ processes can also result in non-thermal phase-space distributions, or even multi-modal ones with out-of-equilibrium decay, which can potentially affect structure formation at late times. We also investigate how elastic scatterings can distort such non-thermal distributions.

  • Neutrino non-standard interactions meet precision measurements of $N_{\rm eff}$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The number of relativistic species, $N_{\rm eff}$, has been precisely calculated in the standard model, and would be measured to the percent level by CMB-S4 in future. Neutral-current non-standard interactions would affect neutrino decoupling in the early Universe, thus modifying $N_{\rm eff}$. We parameterize those operators up to dimension-7 in the effective field theory framework, and then provide a complete, generic and analytical dictionary for the collision term integrals. From precision measurements of $N_{\rm eff}$, the most stringent constraint is obtained for the dimension-6 vector-type neutrino-electron operator, whose scale is constrained to be above about 195 (331) GeV from Planck (CMB-S4). We find our results complementary to other experiments like neutrino coherent scattering, neutrino oscillation, collider, and neutrino deep inelastic scattering experiments.

  • Gravitational waves from patterns of electroweak symmetry breaking: an effective perspective

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The future space-borne gravitational wave (GW) detectors would provide a promising probe for the new physics beyond the standard model that admits the first-order phase transitions. The predictions for the GW background vary sensitively among different concrete particle physics models but also share a large degeneracy in the model buildings, which motivates an effective model description on the phase transition based on different patterns of the electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB). In this paper, using the scalar $N$-plet model as a demonstration, we propose an effective classification for three different patterns of EWSB: (1) radiative symmetry breaking with classical scale invariance, (2) Higgs mechanism in generic scalar extension, and (3) higher dimensional operators. We conclude that a strong first-order phase transition could be realized for (1) and (2) with a small quartic coupling and a small isospin of an additional $N$-plet field for the light scalar field model with and without the classical scale invariance, and (3) with a large mixing coupling between scalar fields and a large isospin of the $N$-plet field for the heavy scalar field model.