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  • 生态银行---绿水青山就是金山银山的价值转化途径

    分类: 环境科学技术及资源科学技术 >> 环境工程学 提交时间: 2023-01-11

    摘要: 在生态文明建设背景下,落实习近平总书记绿水青山就是金山银山理念,探索基于生态银行模式下的生态资源价值的实现对乡村振兴事业的发展至关重要。本文对已有生态资源价值转化模式和实践,即生态资产产权交易模式、生态产业实践模式、多元化产品价值实现模式、生态补偿实践模式进行梳理,分析归纳四种模式存在的政府资金缺口大、金融属性不强和投资经营积极性不高的问题。在此基础上,设计出新时期创新性生态银行模式下的生态资源价值转化新路径。该模式可以带动生态资源价值转化及乡村振兴事业的发展,为乡村地区带来生态效益和经济效益。

  • 流域生态系统空间结构量化研究进展及新指标体系

    分类: 生物学 >> 生态学 提交时间: 2020-05-18

    摘要: 流域和流域生态学作为山-水-林-田-湖-草生命共同体的载体和理论支撑,在国家生态文明建设中正在发挥着日益重要的作用。流域生态系统空间结构-过程-功能-机制-调控相互联系和递进的研究是流域生态学的研究范式。然而,流域生态学没有建立起自己学科内生的、使流域生态系统各结构成分、陆地和水体、上游和下游、陆生和水生生物关系有机联系起来的流域生态系统空间结构指标体系模型框架,致使流域生态学的研究分散在淡水生态学、陆地生态系统、水土保持、农业环境学、水利工程学等学科中,没有形成核心理论。本研究分析了流域生态学发展中的瓶颈,回顾了基于地理学和景观生态学的流域生态系统空间结构数量特征的研究方法和成果,分析了流域生态学利用等级机构理论和集合生态系统理论,对流域生态系统空间结构数量特征的研究现状。构建了流域生态系统空间结构数量特征整体指标、流域各结构成分指标和结构成分间关系指标,为量化流域生态系统空间结构和结构成分之间关系提供了方法。

  • Biochar concrete: a new technique for carbon sequestration

    分类: 环境科学技术及资源科学技术 >> 环境科学技术基础学科 提交时间: 2020-03-01

    摘要: Carbon sequestration, including geological, oceanic, and terrestrial ecosystem sequestrations, plays an important role in mitigating global warming. However, the applications of geological and oceanic sequestrations are limited owing to high costs and technique complexity. In this study, a new sequestration technique,biochar concrete, was developed. Nine different percentages (0%-30%) of biochar were used to replace cement in concrete production, and the performance and carbon sequestration of the resulting concrete were investigated. The results show that the compressive strength of the biochar concrete increased with increasing biochar amounts of 0%-5%. The strength of the biochar concrete meets the national standard for replaced cement amounts of 5%-30%. Further, the durability of the biochar concrete increased with increasing biochar amounts of 0%-25%. The porosity and water absorption of the biochar concrete exhibited a slight increase, whereas the slump experienced a slight decrease with increasing biochar amount. If biochar concrete is applied to new buildings and in the renovation of existing buildings in China, the biochar made from organic wastes that will quickly decompose and discharge 1,060,000,000 tons CO2, will be permanently sequestrated in concrete, which is equivalent to 1.5% of a standard forest area. Moreover, biochar applied to concrete can also decrease the consumption of cement; hence, saving energy and reducing the discharge of CO2 in cement production.