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  • 棒与星系整体恒星形成性质关系的 统计研究

    分类: 天文学 提交时间: 2024-03-26 合作期刊: 《天文学进展》

    摘要: 盘状星系中的棒结构特征与星系自身所处环境及整体恒星形成特征之间存在复杂的相互关系。利用细致的星系形态特征测量计划Galaxy Zoo DECaLS 中的数据构建了一组目前最大的具有同样恒星质量分布的强棒、弱棒和无棒星系样本。通过引入星系所处暗晕质量及相空间特征来控制星系所处的环境效应之后,进一步对比研究强棒、弱棒和无棒星系的恒星形成特征。研究表明,有棒星系中的恒星形成熄灭的比例系统地高于无棒星系,且强棒的效应更为明显。但是,对于仍处于恒星形成主序上的星系来说,强棒、弱棒和无棒星系的恒星形成特征并没有显著差别。以上结果表明,星系中的棒特征在其存在的时标中可能使部分星系迅速地从恒星形成转入熄灭状态。

  • 棒与星系整体恒星形成性质关系的 统计研究

    分类: 天文学 提交时间: 2024-03-22 合作期刊: 《天文学进展》

    摘要: 盘状星系中的棒结构特征与星系自身所处环境及整体恒星形成特征之间存在复杂的相互关系。利用细致的星系形态特征测量计划Galaxy Zoo DECaLS 中的数据构建了一组目前最大的具有同样恒星质量分布的强棒、弱棒和无棒星系样本。通过引入星系所处暗晕质量及相空间特征来控制星系所处的环境效应之后,进一步对比研究强棒、弱棒和无棒星系的恒星形成特征。研究表明,有棒星系中的恒星形成熄灭的比例系统地高于无棒星系,且强棒的效应更为明显。但是,对于仍处于恒星形成主序上的星系来说,强棒、弱棒和无棒星系的恒星形成特征并没有显著差别。以上结果表明,星系中的棒特征在其存在的时标中可能使部分星系迅速地从恒星形成转入熄灭状态。

  • yonder: A python package for data denoising and reconstruction

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a standalone implementation of a data-deconvolution method based on singular value decomposition. The tool is written in python and packaged in the open-source yonder package. yonder receives as input two matrices, one for the data and another for the errors, and outputs a denoised version of the original dataset. In this Research Note, we briefly describe the methodology and show a demonstration of the yonder on a simulated dataset.

  • SCONCE: A cosmic web finder for spherical and conic geometries

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The latticework structure known as the cosmic web provides a valuable insight into the assembly history of large-scale structures. Despite the variety of methods to identify the cosmic web structures, they mostly rely on the assumption that galaxies are embedded in a Euclidean geometric space. Here we present a novel cosmic web identifier called SCONCE (Spherical and CONic Cosmic wEb finder) that inherently considers the 2D (RA,DEC) spherical or the 3D (RA,DEC,$z$) conic geometry. The proposed algorithms in SCONCE generalize the well-known subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) method and primarily address the predominant filament detection problem. They are intrinsic to the spherical/conic geometry and invariant to data rotations. We further test the efficacy of our method with an artificial cross-shaped filament example and apply it to the SDSS galaxy catalogue, revealing that the 2D spherical version of our algorithms is robust even in regions of high declination. Finally, using N-body simulations from Illustris, we show that the 3D conic version of our algorithms is more robust in detecting filaments than the standard SCMS method under the redshift distortions caused by the peculiar velocities of halos. Our cosmic web finder is packaged in python as SCONCE-SCMS and has been made publicly available.