您选择的条件: Alaina L. Henry
  • The mass-metallicity relation at cosmic noon in overdense environments: first results from the MAMMOTH-Grism HST slitless spectroscopic survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The MAMMOTH-Grism slitless spectroscopic survey is a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) cycle-28 medium program, which is obtaining 45 orbits of WFC3/IR grism spectroscopy in the density peak regions of three massive galaxy protoclusters at $z=2-3$ discovered using the MAMMOTH technique. We introduce this survey by presenting the first measurement of the mass-metallicity relation (MZR) at high redshift in overdense environments via grism spectroscopy. From the completed MAMMOTH-Grism observations in the field of the BOSS1244 protocluster at $z=2.24\pm0.02$, We secure a sample of 36 protocluster member galaxies at $z\sim2.24$, showing strong nebular emission lines ([O III], H$\beta$ and [O II]) in their G141 spectra. Using the multi-wavelength broad-band deep imaging from HST and ground-based telescopes, we measure their stellar masses in the range of $[10^{9},10^{10.4}]M_\odot$, instantaneous star formation rates (SFR) from 10 to 240$M_\odot yr^{-1}$, and global gas-phase metallicities [$\frac{1}{3}$,1] of solar. Compared with similarly selected field galaxy sample at the same redshift, our galaxies show on average increased SFRs by $\sim$0.06dex and $\sim$0.18dex at $\sim$10$^{10.1}M_\odot$ and $\sim$10$^{9.8}M_\odot$, respectively. Using the stacked spectra of our sample galaxies, we derive the MZR in the BOSS1244 protocluster core as $12+\log({\rm O/H})=(0.136\pm0.018)\times\log(M_\ast/M_\odot)+(7.082\pm0.175)$, showing significantly shallower slope than that in the field. This shallow MZR slope is likely caused by the combined effects of efficient recycling of feedback-driven winds and cold-mode gas accretion in protocluster environments. The former effect helps low-mass galaxies residing in overdensities retain their metal production, whereas the latter effect dilutes the metal content of high-mass galaxies, making them more metal poor than their coeval field counterparts.

  • First Census of Gas-phase Metallicity Gradients of Star-forming Galaxies in Overdense Environments at Cosmic Noon

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report the first spatially resolved measurements of gas-phase metallicity radial gradients in star-forming galaxies in overdense environments at $z\gtrsim2$. The spectroscopic data are acquired by the \mg\ survey, a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) cycle-28 medium program. This program is obtaining 45 orbits of WFC3/IR grism spectroscopy in the density peak regions of three massive galaxy protoclusters (BOSS 1244, BOSS 1542 and BOSS 1441) at $z=2-3$. Our sample in the BOSS 1244 field consists of 20 galaxies with stellar-mass ranging from $10^{9.0}$ to $10^{10.3}$ \Msun\ , star formation rate (SFR) from 10 to 240 \Msun\,yr$^{-1}$, and global gas-phase metallicity (\oh) from 8.2 to 8.6. At $1\sigma$ confidence level, 2/20 galaxies in our sample show positive (inverted) gradients -- the relative abundance of oxygen increasing with galactocentric radius, opposite the usual trend. Furthermore, 1/20 shows negative gradients and 17/20 are consistent with flat gradients. This high fraction of flat/inverted gradients is uncommon in simulations and previous observations conducted in blank fields at similar redshifts. To understand this, we investigate the correlations among various observed properties of our sample galaxies. We find an anticorrelation between metallicity gradient and global metallicity of our galaxies residing in extreme overdensities, and a marked deficiency of metallicity in our massive galaxies as compared to their coeval field counterparts. We conclude that the cold-mode gas accretion plays an active role in shaping the chemical evolution of galaxies in the protocluster environments, diluting their central chemical abundance, and flattening/inverting their metallicity gradients.