您选择的条件: Jean-Eric Campagne
  • The Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array: design, operation and performance of a prototype transit radio interferometer

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array is a radio interferometer designed to test techniques for 21~cm intensity mapping in the post-reionization universe as a means for measuring large-scale cosmic structure. It performs drift scans of the sky at constant declination. We describe the design, calibration, noise level, and stability of this instrument based on the analysis of about $\sim 5 \%$ of 6,200 hours of on-sky observations through October, 2019. Beam pattern determinations using drones and the transit of bright sources are in good agreement, and compatible with electromagnetic simulations. Combining all the baselines, we make maps around bright sources and show that the array behaves as expected. A few hundred hours of observations at different declinations have been used to study the array geometry and pointing imperfections, as well as the instrument noise behaviour. We show that the system temperature is below 80~K for most feed antennas, and that noise fluctuations decrease as expected with integration time, at least up to a few hundred seconds. Analysis of long integrations, from 10 nights of observations of the North Celestial Pole, yielded visibilities with amplitudes of 20-30~mK, consistent with the expected signal from the NCP radio sky with $<10\,$mK precision for $1 ~\mathrm{MHz} \times 1~ \mathrm{min}$ binning. Hi-pass filtering the spectra to remove smooth spectrum signal yields a residual consistent with zero signal at the $0.5\,$mK level.

  • JAX-COSMO: An End-to-End Differentiable and GPU Accelerated Cosmology Library

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present jax-cosmo, a library for automatically differentiable cosmological theory calculations. It uses the JAX library, which has created a new coding ecosystem, especially in probabilistic programming. As well as batch acceleration, just-in-time compilation, and automatic optimization of code for different hardware modalities (CPU, GPU, TPU), JAX exposes an automatic differentiation (autodiff) mechanism. Thanks to autodiff, jax-cosmo gives access to the derivatives of cosmological likelihoods with respect to any of their parameters, and thus enables a range of powerful Bayesian inference algorithms, otherwise impractical in cosmology, such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Variational Inference. In its initial release, jax-cosmo implements background evolution, linear and non-linear power spectra (using halofit or the Eisenstein and Hu transfer function), as well as angular power spectra with the Limber approximation for galaxy and weak lensing probes, all differentiable with respect to the cosmological parameters and their other inputs. We illustrate how autodiff can be a game-changer for common tasks involving Fisher matrix computations, or full posterior inference with gradient-based techniques. In particular, we show how Fisher matrices are now fast, exact, no longer require any fine tuning, and are themselves differentiable. Finally, using a Dark Energy Survey Year 1 3x2pt analysis as a benchmark, we demonstrate how jax-cosmo can be combined with Probabilistic Programming Languages to perform posterior inference with state-of-the-art algorithms including a No U-Turn Sampler, Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference,and Neural Transport HMC. We further demonstrate that Normalizing Flows using Neural Transport are a promising methodology for model validation in the early stages of analysis.