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  • Practice and suggestion of spirit-inherited type special issues published by Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> Internet Journals submitted time 2024-01-31

    Abstract: Purposes This paper aims to find the feasible path of high quality special issues published by the ordinary sci-tech journals. Methods Taking Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment (JESE) as an example, the academic influences of 9 spirit-inherited type special issues commemorating sb. or sth. with strong academic influences were assessed based on statistical data. Findings  Compared with other issues published from 2020 to 2023, the quality of 9 spirit-inherited type special issues published by JESE at the same time are higher. Conclusion For ordinary sci-tech journals publishing high quality special issue, the spirit-inherited type special issue is great choice; the excellent experts contribute to the success rate of soliciting contribution; three examinations and three proofreading should be executed strictly; the design on external presentation form of special issue can widens communication effects; the subjective initiative of editor should be developed adequately and preferentially.