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  • Thoughts on Constructing Self-reliance and Self-strengthening Marine Scientific Observation and Detection Technology System

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The marine area is a strategic area of China. To build China into a strong maritime country, we should enhance the capacity for exploiting marine resources, develop the maritime economy, protect the marine ecological environment, and resolutely safeguard national maritime rights and interests. Promoting marine science and technology to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance is an inevitable requirement for accelerating the construction of maritime country. The marine scientific observation and exploration is the basic means of understanding the ocean, and is also an important basis for the marine resources development, environmental protection and rights and interests protection. This paper reviews the important progresses of global and national ocean observation and exploration program and network, with a view to highlight the practice of ocean scientific observation and exploration technology system construction in Chinese Academy of Sciences, and puts forward thoughts and suggestions on next steps. To build up China’s strength in ocean scientific observation and exploration technology system, we should further strengthen the top-level design to drive the “twin engines” of national strategic needs and frontier trends in science and technology, redouble efforts on developing scientific and technological breakthroughs to make continued efforts to solve the most urgent key problems, and innovate improve institutions and mechanisms to make full use of China’s strategic science and technology capabilities in the marine field, so as to provide strong scientific and technological support for the construction of China as a maritime power.

  • Give Full Play to National Strategic S&T Force to Provide Vigorous Support for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Scientific and technological innovation plays key supporting and leading roles to achieve “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goals (referred to as “dual carbon”). It is necessary to make sustained efforts in the three aspects, namely energy structure adjustment, energy consumption, and carbon sequestration, and build a novel multi-energy-integrated energy production and utilization system based on hydrogen energy, energy storage, and methanol, in which the main lines are clean and efficient utilization of fossil energy, large-scale utilization and complementation of clean energy, low-carbon reconstruction of industrial processes, and intelligent multi-energy integration of building and transportation. In 2022, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has launched the scientific and technological action plan to support dual carbon goals. By implementing eight major actions including strategic research, cross-innovation of basic frontiers, breakthroughs in key technologies, comprehensive demonstration of new technologies and other scientific and technological innovation, deploying talent team building, international cooperation, improvement of innovation system capabilities, and popular science and dissemination actions, the action plan is to provide vigorous scientific and technological support for China’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.

  • Accelerating Biosafety Capacity Building to Ensure National Biosecurity

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Biosafety is an essential part of the national security system, which is related to people’s lives and health, the country’s long#2;term stability, and sustainable development, which is the bottom line that must be guaranteed. The international biosafety situation is grim and complex, while domestic biosafety faces challenges. Therefore, biosafety capacity building has become an international hot spot, among which scientific and technological innovation, talent training, and infrastructure platform construction are the top priorities. Although China has achieved strategic results in the rapid identification of pathogens, research, and development of specific vaccines and medicine in fighting against COVID-19 by relying on scientific research, it has shown the urgency for scientific and technological innovation in biosafety. Therefore, China has developed a strategic plan on“promoting the modernization of the national security system and capabilities, resolutely safeguarding national security and social stability” included in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Hence, it is suggested to promote biosafety capacity building further to improve China’s biosecurity system, protect people’s health, ensure national security, and maintain long-term peace and stability by improving the layout of scientific and technological frontiers, promoting the construction of biosafety discipline, training of more special talents, and infrastructure platform construction.

  • Innovative Policy System to Ensure the Development of Synthetic Biology

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-19 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary field that combines life science and engineering to study the mechanism of life, and addresses a wide range of industry sectors and types of applications, such as energy, chemicals, medicine, environment and agriculture. It will also relate public policy issues range across R&D investment and commercialization, education and training, biosafety and biosecurity, intellectual property issues, and public perception. This paper reviews the policies for the development and application of synthetic biology, proposes suggestions for strategic planning, enacting the technical and market standards, the professional training and education,risk assessment and science communication platform, to established innovative policy and governance system.

  • Science Applications and Challenges of SKA Big Data

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-19 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope to be built soon is the largest astronomical observing facility, and it is expected to make revolutionary breakthroughs in the major frontiers of natural sciences to answer fundamental questions of origins, such as the origin of the Universe, the origin of life, the origin of the cosmic magnetic field, the nature of gravity, and search for extraterrestrial civilization. The unprecedented power of the SKA, characterized by the extremely high sensitivity, wide field of view, ultra-fast survey speed, super high time, space, and frequency resolutions ensures the leading position of the SKA in radio astronomy in next decades, which also produces a vast amount of observational data at ExaByte (EB) level. The transportation, storage, reading, writing, computing, management, archiving of the SKA-level data and the release of SKA science products have posed serious challenges on the technologies in the field of information and computers. China SKA science team will work together with the information, communication, and computer industry to tackle the challenges of the SKA big data, as not only promotes major original scientific discoveries, but also applies the derived technological achievements to stimulate the national economy.

  • Progress of Synthetic Biology Research in Medical Applications

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-19 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: In the field of medical applications, synthetic biology researchers design genetic circuits to modify human cells, or to modify synthetic organisms such as bacteria and viruses and make them interact with the human body. These artificially designed organisms are capable of perceiving disease-specific signals or artificial signals, targeting abnormal cells and foci, expressing reporter molecules or releasing therapeutic drugs, thus enabling the monitoring of human physiological conditions and the diagnosis and treatment of typical diseases such as tumors, metabolic diseases, and drug-resistant bacteria infections. This article will comprehensively describe some recent research progress.

  • 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)概述

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2017-02-08 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》


  • 关于加强我国高等级生物安全实验室体系规划的思考

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2016-11-04 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》
