• Study of a GPU-based parallel computing method for the Monte Carlo program

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2023-06-18 合作期刊: 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》

    摘要: The Monte Carlo method can be widely applied to particle transport through numerous simulated data processing operations. However, this process consumes much time. Traditional parallel computing based on multi-CPU or multi-core CPU can effectively address this issue, but it is limited by inadequate computer hardware. Nonetheless, the current programmability and parallel processing capability of digital graphics processing units (GPUs) can sustain general computing applications such as Monte Carlo program simulation. This paper presents a method that facilitates the parallel computation of the Monte Carlo procedure through GPUs. Its feasibility is verified through a sample of simplified photon transport program, the results indicate that execution time can be shortened by approximately 90 times. Based on the general Monte Carlo program Geant4, the photon and electronic coupled transport module was examined, analyzed, and rewritten using the GPU programming language OpenCL to generate a Geant4 parallel tool [base on GPU parallel computing tool (BOGPT)]. The simulation results of the standard examples demonstrated that the outcomes of the BOGPT program are similar to those of Geant4 and the simulation time can be reduced by approximately three times. Finally, the GPU programming-based parallel computing method for Monte Carlo applications is accelerated and implementation prospects are broadened following further optimization.

  • Development of spectrum unfolding code for multi-sphere neutron spectrometer using genetic algorithms

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2023-06-18 合作期刊: 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》

    摘要: In the process of neutron spectrum measurement using the multi-sphere neutron spectrometer, energy response functions and detector readings should be applied to neutron spectrum unfolding. Mathematically, there can be multiple solutions to this problem, but only one actual neutron spectrum exists. Compared with common numerical spectrum unfolding methods, genetic algorithms have the characteristics of global optimization and probabilistic search. Therefore, they are chosen to be the spectrum unfolding algorithms for the multi-sphere neutron spectrometer (MNS IL100) developed by Tsinghua University. Firstly, the detector and different size polyethylene spheres of MNS IL100 were modeled to calculate the energy response functions by applying Monte Carlo simulation. Then based on the physical and mathematical properties of the spectrum unfolding problem by using genetic algorithms, effective search space and proper fitness function were determined to improve the efficiency of search and iteration. The elitism replacement scheme was used to ensure convergence and the pseudo-parallel strategy was used to inhibit premature convergence. According to the algorithms mentioned above, a spectrum unfolding code was developed and tested with several typical neutron spectra. At last, MNS IL100 and the spectrum unfolding code were used in actual experiment of 252Cf neutron source spectrum measurement. The experimental result is in good agreement with the 252Cf standard neutron spectrum, verifying the effectiveness and practicality of using genetic algorithms to unfold the neutron spectrum with combination of several processing strategies.

  • Characterization study of a broad-energy germanium detector at CJPL

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-08-31

    摘要: The ability of background discrimination using pulse shape discrimination (PSD) in broad-energy germanium (BEGe) detectors makes them as competitive candidates for neutrinoless double beta decay (0{\nu}\b{eta}\b{eta}) experiments. The measurements of key parameters for detector modeling in a commercial p-type BEGe detector are presented in this paper. Point-like sources were used to investigate the energy resolution and linearity of the detector. A cylindrical volume source was used for the efficiency calibration. With an assembled device for source positioning, a collimated 133Ba point-like source was used to scan the detector and investigate the active volume. A point-like source of 241Am was used to measure the dead layer thicknesses, which are approximately 0.17 mm on the front and 1.18 mm on the side. The described characterization method will play an important role in the 0{\nu}\b{eta}\b{eta} experiments with BEGe detectors at China JinPing underground Laboratory (CJPL) in the future.