• The evolution of a spot-spot type solar active region which produced a major solar eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar active regions (ARs) are the main sources of large solar flares and coronal mass ejections. It is found that the ARs producing large eruptions usually show compact, highly-sheared polarity inversion lines (PILs). A scenario named as collisional-shearing is proposed to explain the formation of this type of PILs and the subsequent eruptions, which stresses the role of collision and shearing induced by relative motions of different bipoles in their emergence. However, in observations, if not considering the evolution stage of the ARs, about one third of the ARs that produce large solar eruptions govern a spot-spot type configuration. In this work, we studied the full evolution of an emerging AR, which owned a spot-spot type configuration when producing a major eruption, to explore the possible evolution gap between collisional shearing process in flux emergence and the formation of the spot-spot type, eruption-producing AR. It was found that the AR was formed through three bipoles emerged sequentially. The bipoles were arranged in parallel on the photosphere, so that the AR exhibited an overall large bipole configuration. In the fast emergence phase of the AR, the shearing gradually occurred due to the proper motions of the polarities, but no significant collision occurred due to the parallel arrangement of the bipoles. Nor did the large eruption occur. After the fast emergence, one large positive polarity started decay. Its dispersion led to the collision to a negative polarity which belonged to another bipole. A huge hot channel was formed through precursor flarings around the collision region. The hot channel erupted later, accompanied by an M7.3-class flare. The results suggest that in the spot-spot type AR, along with the shearing induced by the proper motions of the polarities, a decay process may lead to the collision of the polarities, driving the subsequent eruptions.

  • The evolution of a spot-spot type solar active region which produced a major solar eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar active regions (ARs) are the main sources of large solar flares and coronal mass ejections. It is found that the ARs producing large eruptions usually show compact, highly-sheared polarity inversion lines (PILs). A scenario named as collisional-shearing is proposed to explain the formation of this type of PILs and the subsequent eruptions, which stresses the role of collision and shearing induced by relative motions of different bipoles in their emergence. However, in observations, if not considering the evolution stage of the ARs, about one third of the ARs that produce large solar eruptions govern a spot-spot type configuration. In this work, we studied the full evolution of an emerging AR, which owned a spot-spot type configuration when producing a major eruption, to explore the possible evolution gap between collisional shearing process in flux emergence and the formation of the spot-spot type, eruption-producing AR. It was found that the AR was formed through three bipoles emerged sequentially. The bipoles were arranged in parallel on the photosphere, so that the AR exhibited an overall large bipole configuration. In the fast emergence phase of the AR, the shearing gradually occurred due to the proper motions of the polarities, but no significant collision occurred due to the parallel arrangement of the bipoles. Nor did the large eruption occur. After the fast emergence, one large positive polarity started decay. Its dispersion led to the collision to a negative polarity which belonged to another bipole. A huge hot channel was formed through precursor flarings around the collision region. The hot channel erupted later, accompanied by an M7.3-class flare. The results suggest that in the spot-spot type AR, along with the shearing induced by the proper motions of the polarities, a decay process may lead to the collision of the polarities, driving the subsequent eruptions.

  • On the nature of photospheric horizontal magnetic field increase in major solar flares

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Rapid increase of horizontal magnetic field ($B_h$) around the flaring polarity inversion line is the most prominent photospheric field change during flares. It is considered to be caused by the contraction of flare loops, the details behind which is still not fully understood. Here we investigate the $B_h$-increase in 35 major flares using HMI high-cadence vector magnetograms. We find that $B_h$-increase is always accompanied by the increase of field inclination. It usually initiates near the flare ribbons, showing step-like change in between the ribbons. In particular, its evolution in early flare phase shows close spatio-temporal correlation to flare ribbons. We further find that $B_h$-increase tends to have similar intensity in confined and eruptive flares, but larger spatial-extent in eruptive flares in a statistical sense. Its intensity and timescale have inverse and positive correlations to the initial ribbon separations, respectively. The results altogether are well consistent with a recent proposed scenario which suggests that the reconnection-driven contraction of flare loops enhances photospheric $B_h$ according to the ideal induction equation, providing statistical evidence to the reconnection-driven origin for $B_h$-increase for the first time.

  • The Rotation of Magnetic Flux Rope Formed during Solar Eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The eruptions of solar filaments often show rotational motion about their rising direction, but it remains elusive what mechanism governs such rotation and how the rotation is related to the initial morphology of the pre-eruptive filament (and co-spatial sigmoid), filament chirality, and magnetic helicity. The conventional view regarding the rotation as a result of a magnetic flux rope (MFR) under-going the ideal kink instability still has confusion in explaining these relationships. Here we proposed an alternative explanation for the rotation during eruptions, by analyzing a magnetohydrodynamic simulation in which magnetic reconnection initiates an eruption from a sheared arcade configuration and an MFR is formed during eruption through the reconnection. The simulation reproduces a reverse S-shaped MFR with dextral chirality, and the axis of this MFR rotates counterclockwise while rising, which compares favorably with a typical filament eruption observed from dual viewing angles. By calculating the twist and writhe numbers of the modeled MFR during its eruption, we found that accompanied with the rotation, the nonlocal writhe of the MFR's axis decreases while the twist of its surrounding field lines increases, and this is distinct from the kink instability, which converts magnetic twist into writhe of the MFR axis.

  • Resolving Two Distinct Thermal X-ray Components in A compound Solar Flare

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: X-ray emission provides the most direct diagnostics of the energy-release process in solar flares. Occasionally, a superhot X-ray source is found to be above hot flare loops of ~10 MK temperature. While the origin of the superhot plasma is still elusive, it has conjured up an intriguing image of in-situ plasma heating near the reconnection site high above the flare loops, in contrast to the conventional picture of chromospheric evaporation. Here we investigate an extremely long-duration solar flare, in which EUV images show two distinct flare loop systems that appear successively along a Gamma-shaped polarity inversion line (PIL). When both flare loop systems are present, the HXR spectrum is found to be well fitted by combining a hot component (Te ~12 MK) and a superhot component (Te ~30 MK). Associated with a fast CME, the superhot X-ray source is located at top of the flare arcade that appears earlier, straddling and extending along the long "arm" of the Gamma-shaped PIL. Associated with a slow CME, the hot X-ray source is located at the top of the flare arcade that appears later and sits astride the short "arm" of the Gamma-shaped PIL. Aided by observations from a different viewing angle, we are able to verify that the superhot X-ray source is above the hot one in projection, but the two sources belong to different flare loop systems. Thus, this case study provides a stereoscopic observation explaining the co-existence of superhot and hot X-ray emitting plasmas in solar flares.