  • Photon return on-sky test for by-product Rayleigh plume of sodium laser guide star

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The sodium laser guide star (sLGS) adaptive optics (AO) system has become an essential component for large ground-based optical/infrared telescope. The performance of the AO system can be significantly hindered if the on-sky spot profile of its sLGS is degraded by the turbulence along the laser launching uplink path. One effective method to overcome this problem is to perform real-time pre-correction on the laser before it is launched onto the sky to counter this turbulence effect especially for the lower altitude where turbulence is stronger. The by-product Rayleigh backscatter generated by large molecule and aerosols at low altitude when projecting sLGS is a perfect candidate for real time detection of low altitude turbulence. It is therefore important to evaluate whether this by-product of a sodium laser guide star could achieve suitable performance for wavefront sensing. In this paper, we attempt to answer the question regarding to the achievable photon return of such Rayleigh backscattered plume. A comparison between results from our field test and theoretical model of MSISE-90 was presented. We showed that the greatest differences is less than 20% which hints the applicability of using the defocused Rayleigh plume as wavefront sensing signal for different turbulence strengths. The result also showed that in case of strong (Fried parameter (r0) of 5 cm) or moderate (r0 of 10 cm) turbulence, the optimum center for range gating is 9 km, and the corresponding value of range gate depths are 3 km, 1.1 km, 0.56 km and 0.28 km when subaperture sizes are 3 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm and 10 cm, with the maximum pulse repetition frequency at 1500 Hz.

  • Fast localization and single-pixel imaging of the moving object using time-division multiplexing

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: When imaging moving objects, single-pixel imaging produces motion blur. This paper proposes a new single-pixel imaging method, which can achieve anti-motion blur imaging of a fast-moving object. The geometric moment patterns and Hadamard patterns are used to alternately encode the position information and the image information of the object with time-division multiplexing. In the reconstruction process, the object position information is extracted independently and combining motion-compensation reconstruction algorithm to decouple the object motion from image information. As a result, the anti-motion blur image and the high frame rate object positions are obtained. Experimental results show that for a moving object with an angular velocity of up to 0.5rad/s relative to the imaging system, the proposed method achieves a localization frequency of 5.55kHz, and gradually reconstructs a clear image of the fast-moving object with a pseudo resolution of 512x512. The method has application prospects in single-pixel imaging of the fast-moving object.

  • A Rapid and Large-Amplitude X-ray Dimming Event in a z ~ 2.6 Radio-Quiet Quasar

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report a dramatic fast X-ray dimming event in a z=2.627 radio-quiet type 1 quasar, which has an estimated supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass of $6.3\times 10^{9} M_\odot$. In the high X-ray state, it showed a typical level of X-ray emission relative to its UV/optical emission. Then its 0.5-2 keV (rest-frame 1.8-7.3 keV) flux dropped by a factor of $\approx7.6$ within two rest-frame days. The dimming is associated with spectral hardening, as the 2-7 keV (rest-frame 7.3-25.4 keV) flux dropped by only $17\%$ and the effective power-law photon index of the X-ray spectrum changed from $\approx2.3$ to $\approx0.9$. The quasar has an infrared (IR)-to-UV spectral energy distribution and a rest-frame UV spectrum similar to those of typical quasars, and it does not show any significant long-term variability in the IR and UV/optical bands. Such an extremely fast and large-amplitude X-ray variability event has not been reported before in luminous quasars with such massive SMBHs. The X-ray dimming is best explained by a fast-moving absorber crossing the line of sight and fully covering the X-ray emitting corona. Adopting a conservatively small size of $5 {G} M_{\rm BH}/c^2$ for the X-ray corona, the transverse velocity of the absorber is estimated to be $\approx 0.9c$. The quasar is likely accreting with a high or even super-Eddington accretion rate, and the high-velocity X-ray absorber is probably related to a powerful accretion-disk wind. Such an energetic wind may eventually evolve into a massive galactic-scale outflow, providing efficient feedback to the host galaxy.

  • NuSTAR Observations of Intrinsically X-ray Weak Quasar Candidates: An Obscuration-Only Scenario

    分类: 天文学 >> 天体物理学 提交时间: 2023-02-21

    摘要: We utilize recent NuSTAR observations (co-added depth 55-120 ks) of PG 1001+054, PG 1254+047, and PHL 1811 to constrain their hard X-ray (≳5 keV) weakness and spectral shapes, and thus to investigate the nature of their extreme X-ray weakness. These quasars showed very weak soft X-ray emission, and they were proposed to be intrinsically X-ray weak, with the X-ray coronae producing weak continuum emission relative to their optical/UV emission. However, the new observations suggest an alternative explanation. The NuSTAR 3-24 keV spectral shapes for PG 1001+054 and PHL 1811 are likely flat (effective power-law photon indices \Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.0^{+0.5}_{-0.6} and \Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.4^{+0.8}_{-0.7}, respectively), while the shape is nominal for PG 1254+047 (\Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.8\pm0.3). PG 1001+054 and PHL 1811 are significantly weak at hard X-ray energies (by factors of 26-74 at rest-frame 8 keV) compared to the expectations from their optical/UV emission, while PG 1254+047 is only hard X-ray weak by a factor of 3. We suggest that X-ray obscuration is present in all three quasars. We propose that, as an alternative to the intrinsic X-ray weakness + X-ray obscuration scenario, the soft and hard X-ray weakness of these quasars can be uniformly explained under an obscuration-only scenario. This model provides adequate descriptions of the multi-epoch soft and hard X-ray data of these quasars, with variable column density and leaked fraction of the partial-covering absorber. We suggest that the absorber is the clumpy dust-free wind launched from the accretion disk. These quasars probably have super-Eddington accretion rates that drive powerful and high-density winds.