Your conditions: Mengyao Liu
  • Simulation and reconstruction of particle trajectories in the CEPC drift chamber

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2024-06-02

    Abstract: The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is designed to precisely measure the properties of the Higgs boson, study electroweak interactions at the Z-boson peak, and search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. As a component of the 4th Conceptual CEPC detector, the drift chamber facilitates the measurement of  charged particles. This study implemented a Geant4-based simulation and track reconstruction for the drift chamber. For the simulation, detector construction and response were implemented and added to the CEPC simulation chain. The development of track reconstruction involved track finding using the Combinatorial Kalman Filter method and track fitting using the tool of GenFit. Using the simulated data, the tracking performance was studied. The results showed that both the reconstruction resolution and tracking efficiency satisfied the requirements of the CEPC experiment.

  • The SOFIA Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey. IV. Isolated Protostars

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We present $\sim10-40\,\mu$m SOFIA-FORCAST images of 11 isolated protostars as part of the SOFIA Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey, with this morphological classification based on 37 $\mu$m imaging. We develop an automated method to define source aperture size using the gradient of its background-subtracted enclosed flux and apply this to build spectral energy distributions (SEDs). We fit the SEDs with radiative transfer models, developed within the framework of turbulent core accretion (TCA) theory, to estimate key protostellar properties. Here, we release the sedcreator python package that carries out these methods. The SEDs are generally well fitted by the TCA models, from which we infer initial core masses $M_c$ ranging from $20-430\:M_\odot$, clump mass surface densities $\Sigma_{\rm cl}\sim0.3-1.7\:{\rm{g\:cm}}^{-2}$ and current protostellar masses $m_*\sim3-50\:M_\odot$. From a uniform analysis of the 40 sources in the full SOMA survey to date, we find that massive protostars form across a wide range of clump mass surface density environments, placing constraints on theories that predict a minimum threshold $\Sigma_{\rm cl}$ for massive star formation. However, the upper end of the $m_*-\Sigma_{\rm cl}$ distribution follows trends predicted by models of internal protostellar feedback that find greater star formation efficiency in higher $\Sigma_{\rm cl}$ conditions. We also investigate protostellar far-IR variability by comparison with IRAS data, finding no significant variation over an $\sim$40 year baseline.

  • Star Formation in a Strongly Magnetized Cloud

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We study star formation in the Center Ridge 1 (CR1) clump in the Vela C giant molecular cloud, selected as a high column density region that shows the lowest level of dust continuum polarization angle dispersion, likely indicating that the magnetic field is relatively strong. We observe the source with the ALMA 7m-array at 1.05~mm and 1.3~mm wavelengths, which enable measurements of dust temperature, core mass and astrochemical deuteration. A relatively modest number of eleven dense cores are identified via their dust continuum emission, with masses spanning from 0.17 to 6.7 Msun. Overall CR1 has a relatively low compact dense gas fraction compared with other typical clouds with similar column densities, which may be a result of the strong magnetic field and/or the very early evolutionary stage of this region. The deuteration ratios, Dfrac, of the cores, measured with N2H+(3-2) and N2D+(3-2) lines, span from 0.011 to 0.85, with the latter being one of the highest values yet detected. The level of deuteration appears to decrease with evolution from prestellar to protostellar phase. A linear filament, running approximately parallel with the large scale magnetic field orientation, is seen connecting the two most massive cores, each having CO bipolar outflows aligned orthogonally to the filament. The filament contains the most deuterated core, likely to be prestellar and located midway between the protostars. The observations permit measurement of the full deuteration structure of the filament along its length, which we present. We also discuss the kinematics and dynamics of this structure, as well as of the dense core population.

  • SiO Outflows as Tracers of Massive Star Formation in Infrared Dark Clouds

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: To study the early phases of massive star formation, we present ALMA observations of SiO(5-4) emission and VLA observations of 6 cm continuum emission towards 32 Infrared Dark Cloud (IRDC) clumps, spatially resolved down to $\lesssim 0.05$ pc. Out of the 32 clumps, we detect SiO emission in 20 clumps, and in 11 of them the SiO emission is relatively strong and likely tracing protostellar outflows. Some SiO outflows are collimated, while others are less ordered. For the six strongest SiO outflows, we estimate basic outflow properties. In our entire sample, where there is SiO emission, we find 1.3 mm continuum and infrared emission nearby, but not vice versa. We build the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of cores with 1.3 mm continuum emission and fit them with radiative transfer (RT) models. The low luminosities and stellar masses returned by SED fitting suggest these are early stage protostars. We see a slight trend of increasing SiO line luminosity with bolometric luminosity, which suggests more powerful shocks in the vicinity of more massive YSOs. We do not see a clear relation between the SiO luminosity and the evolutionary stage indicated by $L/M$. We conclude that as a protostar approaches a bolometric luminosity of $\sim 10^2 \: L_{\odot}$, the shocks in the outflow are generally strong enough to form SiO emission. The VLA 6 cm observations toward the 15 clumps with the strongest SiO emission detect emission in four clumps, which is likely shock ionized jets associated with the more massive ones of these protostellar cores.