Your conditions: Liping Yang
  • On the scaling and anisotropy of two subranges in the inertial range of solar wind turbulence

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Intermittency and anisotropy are two important aspects of plasma turbulence, which the solar wind provides a natural laboratory to investigate. However, their forms and nature are still under debate, making it difficult to achieve a consensus in the theoretical interpretation. Here, we perform higher-order statistics for the observations in the fast solar wind at 1.48 au obtained by Ulysses and in the slow solar wind at 0.17 au obtained by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). We find that two subranges clearly exist in the inertial range and they present distinct features with regard to the intermittency and anisotropy. The subrange 1 with smaller scale has a multifractal scaling with the second index $\xi(2) \sim 2/3$ and the subrange 2 with larger scale is also multifractal but with $\xi(2) \sim 1/2$. The break between two subranges locates at the same spatial scale for both Ulysses and PSP observations. Subrange 1 is multifractal in the direction perpendicular to the local magnetic field with $\xi_{\perp}(2) \sim 2/3$ and seems to be monoscaling in the parallel direction with $\xi_{\parallel}(2) \sim 1$. Subrange 2 is multifractal in both parallel and perpendicular directions with $\xi_{\perp}(2) \sim 1/2$ and $\xi_{\parallel}(2) \sim 2/3$. Both subrange 1 and subrange 2 present power and wavevector anisotropies. The distinct features of two subranges suggest that a transition from weak to strong turbulence may occur and the spatial scale of the break may not evolve with the solar wind expansion. These new results update our knowledge of the inertial range and provide strong observational constraints on the understanding of intermittency and anisotropy in solar wind turbulence.

  • Large Amplitude Switchback Turbulence: Possible Magnetic Velocity Alignment Structures

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Switchbacks are widely acknowledged phenomena observed by the Parker Solar Probe and appear to occur in patches. Previous studies focused on the fluctuations at the magnetic reversals. However, the nature of the fluctuations inside the switchbacks remains unknown. Here we utilize the magnetic field data and plasma data measured by the Parker Solar Probe in the first four encounters. We investigate the fluctuations in the switchback intervals of 100 s with BR>0 at every instant and compare them to the fluctuations in the nonswitchback intervals of 100 s with theta_RB>160o at every instant. We calculate normalized cross-helicity sigma_c, normalized residual energy sigma_r, correlation coefficient C_vb between dvA and dv, Alfven ratio rA, and the amplitude of magnetic and kinetic fluctuations. We find that the switchback intervals exhibit a distribution of sigma_c similar with the nonswitchback intervals. However, the rA of switchback intervals is around 0.35, while the nonswitchback intervals have rA around 0.65, indicating the fluctuations in the switchbacks are more magnetically dominated. We also find that the distribution pattern of pixel average amplitude of both dvA and dv of switchback intervals in the C_vb-sigma_r plane show a vertical stripe feature at C_vb>0.8, illustrating the possible magnetically dominant magnetic-velocity alignment structure. These results will help us to understand the nature and the formation of the switchback turbulence.

  • On the scaling and anisotropy of two subranges in the inertial range of solar wind turbulence

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Intermittency and anisotropy are two important aspects of plasma turbulence, which the solar wind provides a natural laboratory to investigate. However, their forms and nature are still under debate, making it difficult to achieve a consensus in the theoretical interpretation. Here, we perform higher-order statistics for the observations in the fast solar wind at 1.48 au obtained by Ulysses and in the slow solar wind at 0.17 au obtained by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). We find that two subranges clearly exist in the inertial range and they present distinct features with regard to the intermittency and anisotropy. The subrange 1 with smaller scale has a multifractal scaling with the second index $\xi(2) \sim 2/3$ and the subrange 2 with larger scale is also multifractal but with $\xi(2) \sim 1/2$. The break between two subranges locates at the same spatial scale for both Ulysses and PSP observations. Subrange 1 is multifractal in the direction perpendicular to the local magnetic field with $\xi_{\perp}(2) \sim 2/3$ and seems to be monoscaling in the parallel direction with $\xi_{\parallel}(2) \sim 1$. Subrange 2 is multifractal in both parallel and perpendicular directions with $\xi_{\perp}(2) \sim 1/2$ and $\xi_{\parallel}(2) \sim 2/3$. Both subrange 1 and subrange 2 present power and wavevector anisotropies. The distinct features of two subranges suggest that a transition from weak to strong turbulence may occur and the spatial scale of the break may not evolve with the solar wind expansion. These new results update our knowledge of the inertial range and provide strong observational constraints on the understanding of intermittency and anisotropy in solar wind turbulence.

  • Possible Generation Mechanism for Compressional Alfv\'enic Spikes as Observed by Parker Solar Probe

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: The solar wind is found by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) to be abundant with Alfv\'enic velocity spikes and magnetic field kinks. Temperature enhancement is another remarkable feature associated with the Alfv\'enic spikes. How the prototype of these coincident phenomena is generated intermittently in the source region becomes a hot topic of wide concerns. Here we propose a new model introducing guide-field discontinuity into the interchange magnetic reconnection between open funnels and closed loops with different magnetic helicities. The modified interchange reconnection model not only can accelerate jet flows from the newly opening closed loop but also excite and launch Alfv\'enic wave pulses along the newly-reconnected and post-reconnected open flux tubes. We find that the modeling results can reproduce the following observational features: (1) Alfv\'en disturbance is pulsive in time and asymmetric in space; (2) Alfv\'enic pulse is compressible with temperature enhancement and density variation inside the pulse. We point out that three physical processes co-happening with Alfv\'en wave propagation can be responsible for the temperature enhancement: (a) convection of heated jet flow plasmas (decrease in density), (b) propagation of compressed slow-mode waves (increase in density), and (c) conduction of heat flux (weak change in density). We also suggest that the radial nonlinear evolution of the Alfv\'enic pulses should be taken into account to explain the formation of magnetic switchback geometry.