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  • Minute-cadence Observations of the LAMOST Fields with the TMTS: I. Methodology of Detecting Short-period Variables and Results from the first-year Survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Tsinghua University-Ma Huateng Telescopes for Survey (TMTS), located at Xinglong Station of NAOC, has a field of view upto 18 deg^2. The TMTS has started to monitor the LAMOST sky areas since 2020, with the uninterrupted observations lasting for about 6 hours on average for each sky area and a cadence of about 1 minute. Here we introduce the data analysis and preliminary scientific results for the first-year observations, which covered 188 LAMOST plates ( about 1970 deg^2). These observations have generated over 4.9 million uninterrupted light curves, with at least 100 epochs for each of them. These light curves correspond to 4.26 million Gaia-DR2 sources, among which 285 thousand sources are found to have multi-epoch spectra from the LAMOST. By analysing these light curves with the Lomb-Scargle periodograms, we identify more than 3700 periodic variable star candidates with periods below 7.5 hours, primarily consisting of eclipsing binaries and Delta Scuti stars. Those short-period binaries will provide important constraints on theories of binary evolution and possible sources for space gravitational wave experiments in the future. Moreover, we also identified 42 flare stars by searching rapidly-evolving signals in the light curves. The densely-sampled light curves from the TMTS allow us to better quantify the shapes and durations for these flares.

  • Heralded entanglement distribution between two absorptive quantum memories

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Owing to the inevitable loss in communication channels, the distance of entanglement distribution is limited to approximately 100 kilometres on the ground. Quantum repeaters can circumvent this problem by using quantum memory and entanglement swapping. As the elementary link of a quantum repeater, the heralded distribution of two-party entanglement between two remote nodes has only been realized with built-in-type quantum memories. These schemes suffer from the trade-off between multiplexing capacity and deterministic properties and hence hinder the development of efficient quantum repeaters. Quantum repeaters based on absorptive quantum memories can overcome such limitations because they separate the quantum memories and the quantum light sources. Here we present an experimental demonstration of heralded entanglement between absorptive quantum memories. We build two nodes separated by 3.5 metres, each containing a polarization-entangled photon-pair source and a solid-state quantum memory with bandwidth up to 1 gigahertz. A joint Bell-state measurement in the middle station heralds the successful distribution of maximally entangled states between the two quantum memories with a fidelity of 80.4 $\pm$ 2.2 per cent ($\pm$1 standard deviation). The quantum nodes and channels demonstrated here can serve as an elementary link of a quantum repeater. Moreover, the wideband absorptive quantum memories used in the nodes are compatible with deterministic entanglement sources and can simultaneously support multiplexing, which paves the way for the construction of practical solid-state quantum repeaters and high-speed quantum networks.