您选择的条件: Dong-Ze He
  • Constraints on interacting dark energy models from time-delay cosmography with seven lensed quasars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Measurements of time-delay cosmography of lensed quasars can provide an independent probe to explore the expansion history of the late-time Universe. In this paper, we employ the time-delay cosmography measurements from seven lenses (here abbreviated as the TD data) to constrain interacting dark energy (IDE) models. We mainly focus on the scenario of vacuum energy (with $w=-1$) interacting with cold dark matter, and consider four typical cases of the interaction form $Q$. When the TD data alone are employed, we find that the IDE models with $Q\propto \rho_{\rm de}$ seem to have an advantage in relieving the $H_{0}$ tension between the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and TD data. When the TD data are added to the CMB$+$BAO$+$SN$+H_0$ data, we find that: (i) the coupling parameter $\beta$ in all the considered IDE models is positive within 1$\sigma$ range, implying a mild preference for the case of cold dark matter decaying into dark energy; (ii) the IDE model with $Q = \beta H_{0} \rho_{\rm c}$ slightly relieves the $S_8$ tension, but the other considered IDE models further aggravate this tension; (iii) the Akaike information criteria of the IDE models with $Q \propto \rho_{\rm c}$ are lower than that of the $\Lambda$CDM model, indicating that these IDE models are more preferred by the current mainstream data. We conclude that the considered IDE models have their own different advantages when the TD data are employed, and none of them can achieve good scores in all aspects.

  • Prospects for Constraining interacting dark energy cosmology with gravitational-wave bright sirens detected by future SKA-era pulsar timing arrays

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) have the potential to detect Nanohertz gravitational waves (GWs) that are usually generated by the individual inspiraling supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) in the galactic centers. The GW signals as cosmological standard sirens can provide the absolute cosmic distances, thereby can be used to constrain the cosmological parameters. In this paper, we analyze the ability of future SKA-era PTAs to detect the existing SMBHBs candidates assuming the root mean square of timing noise $\sigma_t=20\ {\rm ns}$, and use the simulated PTA data to constrain the interacting dark energy (IDE) models with energy transfer rate $Q = \beta H\rho_c$. We find that, the future SKA-era PTAs will play an important role in constraining the IDE cosmology. Using only the mock PTA data consisting of 100 pulsars, we obtain $\sigma(H_0)=0.239\ {\rm km} \ {\rm s}^{-1} {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ and $\sigma(\Omega_m)=0.0103$ in the I$\Lambda$CDM model, which are much better than the results from the Planck TT, TE, EE+lowE. However, the PTA data cannot provide a tight constraint on the coupling parameter $\beta$ compared with Planck, but the data combination of Planck+PTA can provide a rather tight constraint, i.e., $\sigma(\beta)=0.00232$, since the PTA data could break the parameter degeneracies inherent in CMB. In the I$w$CDM model, we obtain $\sigma(\beta)=0.00137$ and $\sigma(w)=0.0492$ from the Planck+PTA data combination. In addition, we also find that with the increase of the number of pulsars in PTA, the constraint results from the Planck+PTA will be further improved to some extent. We show that the observations of Nanohertz GWs with future SKA-era PTAs will provide a powerful tool for exploring the nature of dark energy and measuring the coupling between dark energy and dark matter.

  • Prospects for Constraining interacting dark energy cosmology with gravitational-wave bright sirens detected by future SKA-era pulsar timing arrays

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) have the potential to detect Nanohertz gravitational waves (GWs) that are usually generated by the individual inspiraling supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) in the galactic centers. The GW signals as cosmological standard sirens can provide the absolute cosmic distances, thereby can be used to constrain the cosmological parameters. In this paper, we analyze the ability of future SKA-era PTAs to detect the existing SMBHBs candidates assuming the root mean square of timing noise $\sigma_t=20\ {\rm ns}$, and use the simulated PTA data to constrain the interacting dark energy (IDE) models with energy transfer rate $Q = \beta H\rho_c$. We find that, the future SKA-era PTAs will play an important role in constraining the IDE cosmology. Using only the mock PTA data consisting of 100 pulsars, we obtain $\sigma(H_0)=0.239\ {\rm km} \ {\rm s}^{-1} {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ and $\sigma(\Omega_m)=0.0103$ in the I$\Lambda$CDM model, which are much better than the results from the Planck TT, TE, EE+lowE. However, the PTA data cannot provide a tight constraint on the coupling parameter $\beta$ compared with Planck, but the data combination of Planck+PTA can provide a rather tight constraint, i.e., $\sigma(\beta)=0.00232$, since the PTA data could break the parameter degeneracies inherent in CMB. In the I$w$CDM model, we obtain $\sigma(\beta)=0.00137$ and $\sigma(w)=0.0492$ from the Planck+PTA data combination. In addition, we also find that with the increase of the number of pulsars in PTA, the constraint results from the Planck+PTA will be further improved to some extent. We show that the observations of Nanohertz GWs with future SKA-era PTAs will provide a powerful tool for exploring the nature of dark energy and measuring the coupling between dark energy and dark matter.