您选择的条件: Misao Sasaki
  • New shape of parity-violating graviton non-Gaussianity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We show that the general vacuum states that respect the de Sitter symmetry, known as the {\alpha}-vacua, can introduce non-vanishing parity-violating tensor non-Gaussianities. This is due to the mixing by the Bogoliubov transformation of the positive and negative frequency modes of the Bunch-Davies vacuum. We calculate explicitly the bispectra of tensor perturbations and show that the amplitude can be exponentially enhanced for certain choices of the squeezing parameter {\alpha} and the phase {\phi} of the {\alpha}-vacua. We find a new shape for the parity-violating tensor bispectrum which peaks in the flattened configuration

  • One-loop tensor power spectrum from an excited scalar field during inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a consistent one-loop calculation for the inflationary tensor power spectrum in the presence of an excited spectator scalar field using the in-in formalism. We find that the super-horizon primordial power spectrum of the tensor mode can be scale-invariantly enhanced or reduced by the loop effects of a subhorizon scalar field. Our calculation also includes the scalar-induced gravitational wave spectrum classically computed in the previous literature, which is significant only near the scales where the scalar field is amplified. The super-horizon enhancement is a higher-order effect of the interaction Hamiltonian, which can be understood as a Bogoliubov transformation introduced by nonlinear interactions. On the other hand, the scale-invariant reduction of the tensor power spectrum may occur due to the fourth-order scalar-scalar-tensor-tensor coupling. This phenomenon can be understood as the evolution of an anisotropic Bianchi type-I background in the separate universe approach. Our result suggests that large-scale measurements may indirectly test the dramatic effects of small-scale cosmological perturbations through loop corrections. This possibility opens a new ground in probing the small-scale physics of the primordial Universe through gravitational wave detectors of cosmological scales.

  • Scale-invariant enhancement of gravitational waves during inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The inflationary 1-loop tensor power spectrum from an excited spectator scalar field is calculated. Recent studies on primordial black holes suggest that the inflationary curvature perturbation may be huge on small scales. An enhanced curvature perturbation may arise from a drastic enhancement of spectator scalar field fluctuations. In this letter, using the in-in formalism, we calculate 1-loop quantum corrections to primordial gravitational waves by such an excited spectator field with a sharp peak in momentum space. We find scale-invariant loop corrections in this full quantum setup, in contrast to the sharply peaked corrections in the previously calculated scalar-induced tensor modes. Especially, on super Hubble scales, the primordial gravitational waves are also amplified, which can be understood as a Bogolyubov transformation of the vacuum due to the excited scalar field. This mechanism allows us to probe the scalar field properties on extremely short-distance scales with the current and future cosmic microwave background and gravitational wave experiments, opening a novel window for inflationary cosmology.

  • Highly non-Gaussian tails and primordial black holes from single-field inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: For primordial perturbations, deviations from Gaussian statistics on the tail of the probability distribution can be associated with non-perturbative effects of inflation. In this paper, we present some particular examples in which the tail of the distribution becomes highly non-Gaussian although the statistics remains almost Gaussian in the perturbative regime. We begin with an extension of the ultra-slow-roll inflation that incorporates a transition process, where the inflaton climbs up a tiny potential step at the end of the non-attractor stage before it converges to the slow-roll attractor. Through this example, we identify the key role of the off-attractor behaviour for the upward-step transition, and then extend the analysis to another type of the transition with two slow-roll stages connected by a tiny step. We perform both the perturbative and non-perturbative analyses of primordial fluctuations generated around the step in detail, and show that the tiny but nontrivial transition may affect large perturbations in the tail of the distribution, while the perturbative non-Gaussianity remains small. Our result indicates that the non-Gaussian tails can have rich phenomenology which has been overlooked in conventional analyses. We also study the implications of this non-Gaussian tail for the formation of primordial black holes, and find that their mass fraction can be parametrically amplified by several orders of magnitudes in comparison with the case of the Gaussian distribution. Additionally, we also discuss a mechanism of primordial black holes formation for this upward step inflation model by trapping the inflaton in the bottom of the step.

  • Logarithmic Duality of the Curvature Perturbation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the comoving curvature perturbation $\mathcal{R}$ in the single-field inflation models whose potential can be approximated by a piecewise quadratic potential $V(\varphi)$ by using the $\delta N$ formalism. We find a general formula for $\mathcal{R}(\delta\varphi)$, consisting of a sum of logarithmic functions of the field perturbation $\delta\varphi$ at the point of interest, as well as of the field velocity perturbations $\delta\pi_*$ at the boundaries of each quadratic piece, which are functions of $\delta\varphi$ through the equation of motion. Each logarithmic expression has an equivalent dual expression, due to the second-order nature of the equation of motion for $\varphi$. We also clarify the condition under which $\mathcal{R}(\delta\varphi)$ reduces to a single logarithm, which yields either the renowned "exponential tail" of the probability distribution function of $\mathcal{R}$ or a Gumbel-distribution-like tail.

  • One Small Step for an Inflaton, One Giant Leap for Inflation: a novel non-Gaussian tail and primordial black holes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report a novel prediction from single-field inflation that even a tiny step in the inflaton potential can change our perception of primordial non-Gaussianities of the curvature perturbation. Our analysis focuses on the tail of probability distribution generated by an upward step transition between two stages of slow-roll evolution. The nontrivial background dynamics with off-attractor behavior is identified. By using a non-perturbative $\delta N$ analysis, we explicitly show that a highly non-Gaussian tail can be generated by a tiny upward step, even when the conventional nonlinearity parameters $f_{NL}$, $g_{NL}$, etc. remain small. With this example, we demonstrate for the first time the sensitive dependence of non-perturbative effects on the tail of probability distribution. Our scenario has an inconceivable application to primordial black holes by either significantly boosting their abundance or completely forbidding their appearance.

  • Primordial Black Hole Formation in Non-Minimal Curvaton Scenario

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In the curvaton scenario, the curvature perturbation is generated after inflation at the curvaton decay, which may have a prominent non-Gaussian effect. For a model with a non-trivial kinetic term, an enhanced curvature perturbation on a small scale can be realized, which can lead to copious production of primordial black holes (PBHs) and induce secondary gravitational waves (GWs). Using the probability distribution function which takes full nonlinear effects into account, we calculate the PBH formation. We find that under the assumption that thus formed PBHs would not overclose the universe, the non-Gaussianity of the curvature perturbation can be well approximated by the local quadratic form, which can be used to calculate the induced GWs. In this model the limit of large non-Gaussianity can be reached when the curvaton energy fraction $r$ is small at the moment of curvaton decay. We also show that the $r\to1$ limit of non-Gaussianity coincides with that of ultra-slow-roll inflation.

  • Beating the Lyth bound by parametric resonance during inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We propose a novel mechanism for enhancing the primordial gravitational waves without significantly affecting the curvature perturbations produced during inflation. This is achieved due to non-linear sourcing of resonantly amplified scalar field fluctuations. Our result is an explicit scale-dependent counter-example of the famous Lyth bound, which opens up a promising perspective of producing detectable inflationary tensor modes with low-scale inflation and a sub-Planckian field excursion. We explicitly demonstrate the testability of our mechanism with upcoming Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode observations.

  • One-loop tensor power spectrum from an excited scalar field during inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a consistent one-loop calculation for the inflationary tensor power spectrum in the presence of an excited spectator scalar field using the in-in formalism. We find that the super-horizon primordial power spectrum of the tensor mode can be scale-invariantly enhanced or reduced by the loop effects of a subhorizon scalar field. Our calculation also includes the scalar-induced gravitational wave spectrum classically computed in the previous literature, which is significant only near the scales where the scalar field is amplified. The super-horizon enhancement is a higher-order effect of the interaction Hamiltonian, which can be understood as a Bogoliubov transformation introduced by nonlinear interactions. On the other hand, the scale-invariant reduction of the tensor power spectrum may occur due to the fourth-order scalar-scalar-tensor-tensor coupling. This phenomenon can be understood as the evolution of an anisotropic Bianchi type-I background in the separate universe approach. Our result suggests that large-scale measurements may indirectly test the dramatic effects of small-scale cosmological perturbations through loop corrections. This possibility opens a new ground in probing the small-scale physics of the primordial Universe through gravitational wave detectors of cosmological scales.

  • Scale-invariant enhancement of gravitational waves during inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The inflationary 1-loop tensor power spectrum from an excited spectator scalar field is calculated. Recent studies on primordial black holes suggest that the inflationary curvature perturbation may be huge on small scales. An enhanced curvature perturbation may arise from a drastic enhancement of spectator scalar field fluctuations. In this letter, using the in-in formalism, we calculate 1-loop quantum corrections to primordial gravitational waves by such an excited spectator field with a sharp peak in momentum space. We find scale-invariant loop corrections in this full quantum setup, in contrast to the sharply peaked corrections in the previously calculated scalar-induced tensor modes. Especially, on super Hubble scales, the primordial gravitational waves are also amplified, which can be understood as a Bogolyubov transformation of the vacuum due to the excited scalar field. This mechanism allows us to probe the scalar field properties on extremely short-distance scales with the current and future cosmic microwave background and gravitational wave experiments, opening a novel window for inflationary cosmology.

  • Highly non-Gaussian tails and primordial black holes from single-field inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: For primordial perturbations, deviations from Gaussian statistics on the tail of the probability distribution can be associated with non-perturbative effects of inflation. In this paper, we present some particular examples in which the tail of the distribution becomes highly non-Gaussian although the statistics remains almost Gaussian in the perturbative regime. We begin with an extension of the ultra-slow-roll inflation that incorporates a transition process, where the inflaton climbs up a tiny potential step at the end of the non-attractor stage before it converges to the slow-roll attractor. Through this example, we identify the key role of the off-attractor behaviour for the upward-step transition, and then extend the analysis to another type of the transition with two slow-roll stages connected by a tiny step. We perform both the perturbative and non-perturbative analyses of primordial fluctuations generated around the step in detail, and show that the tiny but nontrivial transition may affect large perturbations in the tail of the distribution, while the perturbative non-Gaussianity remains small. Our result indicates that the non-Gaussian tails can have rich phenomenology which has been overlooked in conventional analyses. We also study the implications of this non-Gaussian tail for the formation of primordial black holes, and find that their mass fraction can be parametrically amplified by several orders of magnitudes in comparison with the case of the Gaussian distribution. Additionally, we also discuss a mechanism of primordial black holes formation for this upward step inflation model by trapping the inflaton in the bottom of the step.

  • One Small Step for an Inflaton, One Giant Leap for Inflation: a novel non-Gaussian tail and primordial black holes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report a novel prediction from single-field inflation that even a tiny step in the inflaton potential can change our perception of primordial non-Gaussianities of the curvature perturbation. Our analysis focuses on the tail of probability distribution generated by an upward step transition between two stages of slow-roll evolution. The nontrivial background dynamics with off-attractor behavior is identified. By using a non-perturbative $\delta N$ analysis, we explicitly show that a highly non-Gaussian tail can be generated by a tiny upward step, even when the conventional nonlinearity parameters $f_{NL}$, $g_{NL}$, etc. remain small. With this example, we demonstrate for the first time the sensitive dependence of non-perturbative effects on the tail of probability distribution. Our scenario has an inconceivable application to primordial black holes by either significantly boosting their abundance or completely forbidding their appearance.

  • Logarithmic Duality of the Curvature Perturbation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the comoving curvature perturbation $\mathcal{R}$ in the single-field inflation models whose potential can be approximated by a piecewise quadratic potential $V(\varphi)$ by using the $\delta N$ formalism. We find a general formula for $\mathcal{R}(\delta\varphi)$, consisting of a sum of logarithmic functions of the field perturbation $\delta\varphi$ at the point of interest, as well as of the field velocity perturbations $\delta\pi_*$ at the boundaries of each quadratic piece, which are functions of $\delta\varphi$ through the equation of motion. Each logarithmic expression has an equivalent dual expression, due to the second-order nature of the equation of motion for $\varphi$. We also clarify the condition under which $\mathcal{R}(\delta\varphi)$ reduces to a single logarithm, which yields either the renowned "exponential tail" of the probability distribution function of $\mathcal{R}$ or a Gumbel-distribution-like tail.