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  • 华南国家植物园植物引种及迁地保育

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2023-07-26 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Based on the analysis of introduction and survival records, this paper reports the status of introduction, survival, and ex-situ conservation of plant species in the South China National Botanical Garden (SCNBG). The results show that: (1) A total of 19 154 species, 99 subspecies and 136 varieties (80 597 accession number) of vascular plants belonging to 325 families and 3 952 genera have been introduced since 1956, of which 11 581 species, 52 subspecies and 80 varieties (24 352 accession number) belonging to 290 families and 2 777 genera are surviving currently; the introduction records include 565 species of National Key Protected Wild Plants (421 species survived), covering 95% (36/38) of the first-class National Key Protected Wild Plants (29 species survived), 76.4%(269/352)of the second-class National Key Protected Wild Plants (269 species survived), and 54.3%(547/1 008)threatened species (414 species survived) in South China; (2) The most species are introduced from Guangdong Province (7 193 accession numbers, 2 523 species), followed by Hainan Province (3 658 accession numbers, 1 593 species), Guangxi Province (4 744 accession numbers, 1 559 species) and other surrounding provinces; the SCNBG has obtained some precious plant resources from the same latitude regions by introducing and exchanging species with 61 countries around the world; (3) 14 specialized gardens for ex-situ conservation based on plant taxa (e.g. Magnolia Garden) show a high level in terms of introduction quantity and survival rate; (4) The correlation between the number of surviving species and the frequency of introduction is extremely significant (r = 0.85***); (5) The survival rate of introduced species distributed naturally in South China is higher than that in other provinces. In the future, the SCNBG needs to strengthen the ex-situ conservation of plants through following points: (1) On the basis of investigation, cataloguing, evaluation and research, strengthen the introduction and collection of rare and endangered plants, native plants, and economically important plants in tropical and subtropical regions, further improving the quantity and quality of ex-situ conservation; (2) Establish an ex-situ conservation network system for plants in South China to effectively protect plant diversity in this region; (3) Improve the infrastructure and information management system of ex-situ conservation for higher efficiency; (4) Enhance international scientific research cooperation and species exchange.

  • 演替理论与植被恢复

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2023-05-21 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework proposes to protect 30% and restore 30% of the land with high quality and maximize the goal of conserving biodiversity and mitigating climate change. Succession theory and vegetation restoration can serve the targets of 30% protection and restoration. Succession theory is the core theory in vegetation ecology. Succession refers to the process that the structure or composition of a group of different species in a site change with time. Vegetation restoration is the process of restoring or recovering plant communities, mainly based on plant planting. Vegetation restoration is the process of changing the structure and function of ecosystem from simple to complex, from low level to high level, and the ultimate goal is to establish healthy and stable plant communities. Succession is the foundation of vegetation restoration, vegetation restoration can be seen as the manipulation of the succession process to achieve the goal of restoring damaged vegetation. Succession theory can guide vegetation restoration. Vegetation restoration is also beneficial to the development of succession theory. Succession theory and vegetation restoration differ in scale, theme, and paradigms. Succession often emphasizes disturbances related to nature, while vegetation restoration focuses on disturbances related to humans. The succession can be divided into primary succession and secondary succession according to the nature of bare land. The restoration process can be regarded as the tertiary succession, which will help to understand the management options for promoting the success of vegetation restoration through human intervention, especially by emphasizing the management options which may improve success, especially by addressing environmental and biological legacies. Artificial intervention based on succession theory can accelerate vegetation restoration, avoid early positive promotion of degraded vegetation ecosystems to pre degraded levels in poor habitats, and also avoid resource waste caused by disordered competition and low efficiency among communities. This paper also puts forward the scientific and technical issues on the theory of vegetation restoration and succession in the future.

  • Status and Future Strategies of Chinese Botanical Gardens

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Chinese botanical gardens have a history of more than 100 years, but large-scale construction began in the 1950s with the establishment of modern botanical gardens led by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Currently there are 162 gardens in China, which have entered the stage of rapid construction and steady development. Chinese botanical gardens have made great contributions to native plant conservation, sustainable utilization, scientific research and environmental education in China, and have become the backbone and part of mainstream of international botanical garden community. To cope with negative effects of human disturbance on ecosystem, botanical gardens will play a more important social role; thus, the Chinese botanical gardens should adjust their developmental strategies to improve creational practices, national integrative development, to propose new initiatives in key areas and to develop national botanical garden system, so as to meet the conservation goals, sustainable developmental goals and support the green Belt and Road Initiative.

  • Strengthen Ex Situ Conservation of Plants and Promote Protection and Utilization of Plant Resources

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Plant resources are the basis of human survival and development. Due to human and natural disturbance, plant diversity is facing a serious threat. Ex situ conservation is an important way to remove the threat. Botanical garden and germplasm bank are the main institutions of ex situ conservation. A total of 105 634 species of plants have been ex situ protected in the global botanical gardens, accounting for about 30% of the global total, and more than 40% of the threatened species have been protected. More than 3 million crop germplasm resources have been collected in more than 500 germplasm banks around the world. China’s botanical gardens ex situ protected more than 20000 native plants, accounting for about 60% of the total species; the National Crop Germplasm Bank and resource nurseries preserved more than 500000 germplasm resources. While strengthening plant conservation, ex situ plant protection institutions have carried out a lot of scientific research and resource utilization. In order to promote the ex situ conservation of plant diversity and green development, this study also reviewed the research progress of ex situ conservation of plants, and put forward some suggestions on strengthening ex situ conservation of plants in China.

  • 海人树的生态生物学特性

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2021-12-19 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Suriana maritima (Surianaceae) is a coastal ornamental plant species distributing only on the South China Sea Islands in China, at present. In order to understand the ecological and biological characteristics of S. maritima, and provide a theoretical basis for its protection, development and utilization, we investigated the morphological and anatomical structure of stem and leaf, the antioxidant enzyme activity and osmotic adjustments contents in leaf of S. maritima, and nutrient element contents in leaf and the soil S. maritima growing on the Paracel Islands, by field investigation and sampling for analysis. The results showed that S. maritima have small and thick leaf, well-developed palisade tissue, and low stomatal density (8.64 n·mm-2), which make it easy to maintain water in the body and suitable for drought and high saline-alkali environment. The chlorophyll content (0.76 mg·g-1) of the leaf was low, the total antioxidant capacity (589.50 U·g-1) and proline content (1 123.64 μg·g-1) were high, indicating that S. maritima had high photosynthetic utilization efficiency and strong antioxidant capacity. Though the nutrient in natural growing soil was poor, the contents of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in leaf of S. maritima were relatively high (490.27, 18.10, and 3.81 g·kg-1, respectively), indicating a high nutrient utilization efficiency and good adaptability of S. maritima to poor soil. Therefore, S. maritima had a good adaptability to the environment of strong radiation, drought, high saline-alkali and poor soil on tropical coral islands, and could be used as a tool species for revegetation and landscaping on tropical coral islands.

  • 抗风桐的丛生芽诱导与再生

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2020-10-20 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:南海珊瑚岛礁自然植被由于人类干扰和环境变化出现了退化现象,急需进行植被恢复重建。抗风桐作为南海珊瑚岛礁的优势种,在防风固沙以及植被生态恢复等方面发挥着重要作用。该研究以抗风桐带腋芽茎段为外植体,研究不同基本培养基、激素对其不定芽增殖和活性炭对生根、移栽的影响,以建立其种苗快速繁殖和植株再生体系。结果表明:MS 基本培养基适合于丛生芽的诱导和增殖,最佳继代培养周期为�60 d,最佳的不定芽增殖培养基为�MS + 6-BA 2.0 mg·L-1 + NAA 0.1 mg·L-1,培养�60 d 后增殖倍数达�5.52;不定芽在�MS +1.0 mg·L-1 IBA 培养基中生根率为�96.0%,在生根培养基添加�1.6 g·L-1 活性炭后其生根率下降至�42.4%;以添加活性炭生根培养获得的组培苗进行移栽成活率高达�93.9%,而不添加活性炭生根培养的组培苗移栽成活率仅为�78.3%。研究结果可为抗风桐种苗的离体快繁和珊瑚岛礁的植被恢复奠定技术基础。

  • 西沙群岛银毛树(Tournefortia argentea)的生态生物学特性

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2018-10-26 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:银毛树(Tournefortia argentea)为紫草科紫丹属常绿小乔木或灌木,是东半球热带海岸和海岛常见的先锋植物,具有重要的生态、观赏和食用价值。为掌握银毛树对热带珊瑚岛环境的生态适应机理及其保护和开发利用提供基础资料,本研究以西沙群岛东岛自然生长的银毛树为对象,对其形态解剖结构、生理学特征、叶片营养元素和根际土壤的理化性质等进行分析,研究结果表明:银毛树具有叶表面气孔密度低、比叶面积小、海绵组织发达、枝条的空腔比高等特点,具有较好的储水抗旱能力;其叶片表面有厚密白色绢毛覆盖,可以反射强光、降低水分散失,利于其适应强光和干旱环境。银毛树叶片的脯氨酸含量较高,能够很好的抵抗渗透胁迫,为细胞提供良好的生存环境。银毛树生长的土壤呈强碱性,养分和水分含量较低,但其叶片营养元素含量正常,表明其对土壤养分的利用率高,能够很好的适应瘠薄的土壤环境。银毛树木质部密度低,枝干脆弱易折,可防止被大台风连根拔起,同时枝干含水丰富,利于其抵抗台风及树冠的快速恢复。因此,银毛树能较好适应干旱、强光和瘠薄的滨海沙滩环境,在热带珊瑚岛(礁)或滨海地区防风固沙及植被恢复方面有较好的应用前景。

  • 西沙群岛草海桐(Scaevola sericea)的抗逆生物学特性

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany submitted time 2018-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:热带珊瑚岛由于光照强、季节性干旱明显、土壤贫瘠、保水能力差而少有植物生长。草海桐(Scaevola sericea)是一种典型的热带滨海植物,是西沙群岛珊瑚岛植被中的主要建群种,在海岛和海岸带防风固沙及植被生态恢复等方面发挥重要作用。该文对西沙群岛自然环境下草海桐的形态解剖学特征、抗氧化能力、抗逆性物质含量及营养元素含量等进行了研究,结果发现:草海桐具有阳生性植物特征,叶片及上表皮厚、气孔密度小、导管直径及水力导管直径大,有利于其适应珊瑚岛干旱环境;其体内的超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性相较于其他受胁迫植物高,脱落酸含量也较高,表明草海桐对珊瑚岛环境具有较强的适应性及抗逆性;其根际土壤养分含量偏低,但植物体内营养元素含量较高,表明草海桐对土壤养分的利用效率高。研究结果表明,草海桐能够很好地适应干旱、贫瘠的珊瑚砂环境,具有较强的抗逆及适应能力,这为草海桐的引种驯化及开发利用提供了重要基础资料。

  • 海南岛热带原始森林主要分布区土壤有机碳密度及影响因素

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Plant ecology, plant geography submitted time 2016-05-03

    Abstract: :Abstract The main distribution areas of tropical virgin forests in Jianfengling (JFL), Bawangling (BWL), Wuzhishan (WZS), Diaoluoshan (DLS), Yinggeling (YGL) of Hainan Island were selected, and the 100 cm deep soil samples were sampled and analyzed. SOC density in its areas were estimated by soil vertical fitting method and soil stratification method to discover its soil organic carbon distribution characteristic in tropical virgin forests of Hainan Island. Results showed that: (1) The average SOC densities using soil vertical fitting method in these regions were 14.98, 18.46, 16.48, 18.81, 16.66 kg?m–2, respectively,. The SOC densities using soil stratification method were 14.73, 16.24, 15.50, 16.91, 15.03 kg?m–2, respectively. The former was significantly higher than the latter (p < 0.05). Soil vertical fitting method was available used for calculating SOC density when soil was natural soil without disturbance. (2) The proportions of the first 0–30 cm interval related to the total content of the 1 m profile in these areas are 50.50%, 48.56%, 43.49%, 47.37% , 42.88%, respectively. (3) There was significantly negative correlation between SOC density and Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index, species richness, soil bulk density; significantly positive correlation between SOC density and altitude, soil porosity, soil nitrogen. However, there was no significantly correlation between SOC density and slope, biomass, average diameter at breast height, average height. (4) Hainan the study area was located in the low latitudes, the rich rainfall and high temperature conditions which accelerated the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient recycling, which result in that SOC densities in tropical virgin forests of Hainan Island were significantly lower than that of SOC density in China.