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  • Study of the Proton Resonant States in 23Mg via 22Na+p Thick-Target Elastic Scattering

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2024-01-09

    Abstract: In Orgueil meteorites, an exceptionally high 22Ne/20Ne abundance ratio or even nearly pure 22Ne is ob#2;served, which is the so-called Ne extraordinary problem. Fossil material of extinct 22Na is believed to be the origin of extraordinary 22Ne, these 22Na nuclides were trapped in grains and incorporated into meteorites in stellar explo#2;sive event. Supernovae and neon-rich novae are the primary events, which are responsible for the production of 22Na through the explosive hydrogen burning process. 22Na(p, γ)23Mg and 19Ne(α, p) 22Na are two crucial reactions in the so-called NeNa-MgAl cycle and the rapid-proton process, which lead to the fast nucleosynthesis up to A=100 nuclide region and the outburst of novae and X-ray bursters. Since many proton resonance levels in odd-A compound nucleus 23Mg may be involved at nova temperature, existing measurements can only provide partial effective information on the 22Na(p, γ)23Mg reaction. Large uncertainties still exist in the astrophysical reaction rates of the two reactions at present. Thick target inverse kinematics method is a very effective way to scan the 23Mg proton resonance levels re#2;lated to the 22Na(p, γ)23Mg reaction via the excitation function of 22Na(p, p) elastic scattering, which could be obtained over a large energy range in one-shot measurement with low-intensity radioactive 22Na beam. In the present work, 22Na+p resonance scattering via thick target inverse kinematics was studied at RIBLL1 radioactive beam line in the HIRFL national laboratory at Lanzhou. A high-purity 22Na beam with an intensity of about 2 × 105 pps was produced via the 1H(22Ne,22Na)n reaction with an alcohol-cooled hydrogen gas target. Time-of-Flight by two plastic scintillator detectors and two parallel-plate avalanche counters were used to monitor the 22Na secondary beam before reaching the (CH2 )n target. The timing information is useful for beam particle identification and the position information is essen#2;tial for 22Na(p,p) elastic scattering kinematics reconstruction. Light recoil particles from 22Na+p reaction system were detected by two sets of double-sided silicon strip detector telescopes centered at 𝜃lab = 0° and 14°, respectively, while the heavy recoil particles were stopped in the (CH2 )n thick target. Two-body kinematics reconstruction of 22Na(p,p) elastic scattering is performed on the event-by-event basis, and an excitation function of 22Na(p,p) is obtained in the energy range of 𝐸c.m. = 1.5 to 4 MeV. Obvious proton resonance structure is observed in the 23Mg compound nucleus, which will be further analyzed with R-matrix nuclear theoretical model.