您选择的条件: Qingmin Zhang
  • Rapid Rotation of an Erupting Prominence and the Associated Coronal Mass Ejection on 13 May 2013

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report the multiwavelength observations of an erupting prominence and the associated CME on 13 May 2013. The event occurs behind the western limb in the field of view of SDO/AIA. The prominence is supported by a highly twisted magnetic flux rope and shows rapid rotation in the counterclockwise direction during the rising motion. The rotation of the prominence lasts for $\sim$47 minutes. The average period, angular speed, and linear speed are $\sim$806 s, $\sim$0.46 rad min$^{-1}$, and $\sim$355 km s$^{-1}$, respectively. The total twist angle reaches $\sim$7$\pi$, which is considerably larger than the threshold for kink instability. Writhing motion during 17:42$-$17:46 UT is clearly observed by SWAP in 174 {\AA} and EUVI on board the behind STEREO spacecraft in 304 {\AA} after reaching an apparent height of $\sim$405\,Mm. Therefore, the prominence eruption is most probably triggered by kink instability. A pair of conjugate flare ribbons and post-flare loops are created and observed by STA/EUVI. The onset time of writhing motion is consistent with the commencement of the impulsive phase of the related flare. The 3D morphology and positions of the associated CME are derived using the graduated cylindrical shell (GCS) modeling. The kinetic evolution of the reconstructed CME is divided into a slow-rise phase ($\sim$330 km s$^{-1}$) and a fast-rise phase ($\sim$1005 km s$^{-1}$) by the writhing motion. The edge-on angular width of the CME is a constant (60$^{\circ}$), while the face-on angular width increases from 96$^{\circ}$ to 114$^{\circ}$, indicating a lateral expansion. The latitude of the CME source region decreases slightly from $\sim$18$^{\circ}$ to $\sim$13$^{\circ}$, implying an equatorward deflection during propagation.

  • Statistical analysis of circular-ribbon flares

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Circular-ribbon flares (CFs) are a special type of solar flares owing to their particular magnetic topology. In this paper, we conducted a comprehensive statistical analysis of 134 CFs from 2011 September to 2017 June, including four B-class, 82 C-class, 40 M-class, and eight X-class flares, respectively. The flares were observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft. The physical properties of CFs are derived, including the location, area ($A_{CF}$), equivalent radius ($r_{CF}$) assuming a semi-spherical fan dome, lifetime ($\tau_{CF}$), and peak SXR flux in 1$-$8 {\AA}. It is found that all CFs are located in active regions, with the latitudes between -30$^\circ$ and 30$^\circ$. The distributions of areas and lifetimes could be fitted with a log-normal function. There is a positive correlation between the lifetime and area. The peak SXR flux in 1$-$8 {\AA} is well in accord with a power-law distribution with an index of $-$1.42. For the 134 CFs, 57\% of them are accompanied by remote brightenings or ribbons. A positive correlation exists between the total length ($L_{RB}$) and average distance ($D_{RB}$) of remote brightenings. About 47\% and 51\% of the 134 CFs are related to type III radio bursts and jets, respectively. The association rates are independent of flare energies. About 38\% of CFs are related to mini-filament eruptions, and the association rates increase with flare classes. Only 28\% of CFs are related to CMEs, meaning that a majority of them are confined rather than eruptive events. There is a positive correlation between the CME speed and peak SXR flux in 1$-$8 {\AA}, and faster CMEs tend to be wider.

  • Partial Eruption, Confinement, and Twist Buildup and Release of a Double-decker Filament

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the failed partial eruption of a filament system in NOAA AR 12104 on 2014 July 5, using multiwavelength EUV, magnetogram, and H$\alpha$ observations, as well as magnetic field modeling. The filament system consists of two almost co-spatial segments with different end points, both resembling a C shape. Following an ejection and a precursor flare related to flux cancellation, only the upper segment rises and then displays a prominent twisted structure, while rolling over toward its footpoints. The lower segment remains undisturbed, indicating that the system possesses a double-decker structure. The erupted segment ends up with a reverse-C shape, with material draining toward its footpoints, while losing its twist. Using the flux rope insertion method, we construct a model of the source region that qualitatively reproduces key elements of the observed evolution. At the eruption onset, the model consists of a flux rope atop a flux bundle with negligible twist, which is consistent with the observational interpretation that the filament possesses a double-decker structure. The flux rope reaches the critical height of the torus instability during its initial relaxation, while the lower flux bundle remains in stable equilibrium. The eruption terminates when the flux rope reaches a dome-shaped quasi-separatrix layer that is reminiscent of a magnetic fan surface, although no magnetic null is found. The flux rope is destroyed by reconnection with the confining overlying flux above the dome, transferring its twist in the process.

  • Oscillations and mass-draining that lead to a sympathetic eruption of a quiescent filament

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we present a multi-wavelength analysis to mass-draining and oscillations in a large quiescent filament prior to its successful eruption on 2015 April 28. The eruption of a smaller filament that was parallel and in close, 350 proximity was observed to induce longitudinal oscillations and enhance mass-draining within the filament of interest. The longitudinal oscillation with an amplitude of 25 Mm and 23 km underwent no damping during its observable cycle. Subsequently the slightly enhanced draining may have excited a eruption behind the limb, leading to a feedback that further enhanced the draining and induced simultaneous oscillations within the filament of interest. We find significant damping for these simultaneous oscillations, where the transverse oscillations proceeded with the amplitudes of 15 Mm and 14 km, while the longitudinal oscillations involved a larger displacement and velocity amplitude (57 Mm, 43 km). The second grouping of oscillation lasted for 2 cycles and had the similar period of 2 hours. From this, the curvature radius and transverse magnetic field strength of the magnetic dips supporting the filaments can be estimated to be 355 Mm and 34 G. The mass-draining within the filament of interest lasted for 14 hours. The apparent velocity grew from 35 km to 85 km, with the transition being coincident with the occurrence of the oscillations. We conclude that two filament eruptions are sympathetic, i.e. the eruption of the quiescent filament was triggered by the eruption of the nearby smaller filament.

  • First detection of transverse vertical oscillation during the expansion of coronal loops

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this Letter, we perform a detailed analysis of the M5.5-class eruptive flare occurring in active region 12929 on 2022 January 20. The eruption of a hot channel generates a fast coronal mass ejection (CME) and a dome-shaped extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wave at speeds of 740$-$860 km s$^{-1}$. The CME is associated with a type II radio burst, implying that the EUV wave is a fast-mode shock wave. During the impulsive phase, the flare shows quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in EUV, hard X-ray, and radio wavelengths. The periods of QPPs range from 18 s to 113 s, indicating that flare energy is released and nonthermal electrons are accelerated intermittently with multiple time scales. The interaction between the EUV wave and low-lying adjacent coronal loops (ACLs) results in contraction, expansion, and transverse vertical oscillation of ACLs. The speed of contraction in 171, 193, and 211 {\AA} is higher than that in 304 {\AA}. The periods of oscillation are 253 s and 275 s in 304 {\AA} and 171 {\AA}, respectively. A new scenario is proposed to explain the interaction. The equation that interprets the contraction and oscillation of the overlying coronal loops above a flare core can also interpret the expansion and oscillation of ACLs, suggesting that the two phenomena are the same in essence.

  • A partial filament eruption in three steps induced by external magnetic reconnection

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present an investigation of partial filament eruption on 2012 June 17 in the active region NOAA 11504. For the first time, we observed the vertical splitting process during the partial eruption with high resolution narrow band images at 10830 . The active filament was rooted in a small sunspot of the active region. Particularly, it underwent the partial eruption in three steps, i.e. the precursor, the first eruption, and the second eruption, while the later two were associated with a C1.0 flare and a C3.9 flare, respectively. During the precursor, slow magnetic reconnection took place between the filament and the adjoining loops that also rooted in the sunspot. The continuous reconnection not only caused the filament to split into three groups of threads vertically but also formed a new filament, which was growing and accompanied brightening took place around the site. Subsequently, the growing filament erupted together with one group splitted threads, resulted in the first eruption. At the beginning of the first eruption, a subsequent magnetic reconnection occurred between the erupting splitted threads and another ambient magnetic loop. After about three minutes, the second eruption occurred as a result of the eruption of two larger unstable filaments induced by the magnetic reconnection. The high-resolution observation provides a direct evidence that magnetic reconnection between filament and its ambient magnetic fields could induce the vertical splitting of the filament, resulting in partial eruption.

  • Rapid Rotation of an Erupting Prominence and the Associated Coronal Mass Ejection on 13 May 2013

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report the multiwavelength observations of an erupting prominence and the associated CME on 13 May 2013. The event occurs behind the western limb in the field of view of SDO/AIA. The prominence is supported by a highly twisted magnetic flux rope and shows rapid rotation in the counterclockwise direction during the rising motion. The rotation of the prominence lasts for $\sim$47 minutes. The average period, angular speed, and linear speed are $\sim$806 s, $\sim$0.46 rad min$^{-1}$, and $\sim$355 km s$^{-1}$, respectively. The total twist angle reaches $\sim$7$\pi$, which is considerably larger than the threshold for kink instability. Writhing motion during 17:42$-$17:46 UT is clearly observed by SWAP in 174 {\AA} and EUVI on board the behind STEREO spacecraft in 304 {\AA} after reaching an apparent height of $\sim$405\,Mm. Therefore, the prominence eruption is most probably triggered by kink instability. A pair of conjugate flare ribbons and post-flare loops are created and observed by STA/EUVI. The onset time of writhing motion is consistent with the commencement of the impulsive phase of the related flare. The 3D morphology and positions of the associated CME are derived using the graduated cylindrical shell (GCS) modeling. The kinetic evolution of the reconstructed CME is divided into a slow-rise phase ($\sim$330 km s$^{-1}$) and a fast-rise phase ($\sim$1005 km s$^{-1}$) by the writhing motion. The edge-on angular width of the CME is a constant (60$^{\circ}$), while the face-on angular width increases from 96$^{\circ}$ to 114$^{\circ}$, indicating a lateral expansion. The latitude of the CME source region decreases slightly from $\sim$18$^{\circ}$ to $\sim$13$^{\circ}$, implying an equatorward deflection during propagation.

  • Multiwavelength observations of a partial filament eruption on 13 June 2011

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report the multiwavelength observations of the partial filament eruption associated with a C1.2 class flare in NOAA active region 11236 on 13 June 2011. The event occurred at the eastern limb in the field of view (FOV) of Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft and was close to the disk center in the FOV of Extreme-UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) on board the behind Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft. During eruption, the filament splits into two parts: the major part and runaway part. The major part flows along closed loops and experiences bifurcation at the loop top. Some of the materials move forward and reach the remote footpoint, while others return back to the original footpoint. The runaway part flows along open field lines, which is evidenced by a flare-related type III radio burst. The runaway part also undergoes bifurcation. The upper branch of escapes the corona and evolves into a jet-like narrow coronal mass ejection (CME) at a speed of 324 km s-1, while the lower branch falls back to the solar surface. A schematic cartoon is proposed to explain the event and provides a new mechanism of partial filament eruptions

  • Plasma heating and nanoflare caused by slow-mode wave in a coronal loop

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a detailed analysis of a reflecting intensity perturbation in a large coronal loop that appeared as sloshing oscillation and lasted for at least one and a half periods. The perturbation is initiated by a microflare at one footpoint of the loop, propagates along the loop and is eventually reflected at the remote footpoint where significant brightenings are observed in all the AIA extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) channels. This unique observation provides us with the opportunity to better understand not only the thermal properties and damping mechanisms of the sloshing oscillation, but also the energy transfer at the remote footpoint. Based on differential emission measures (DEM) analysis and the technique of coronal seismology, we find that 1) the calculated local sound speed is consistent with the observed propagation speed of the perturbation during the oscillation, which is suggestive of a slow magnetoacoustic wave; 2) thermal conduction is the major damping mechanism of the wave but additional damping mechanism such as anomalous enhancement of compressive viscosity or wave leakage is also required to account for the rapid decay of the observed waves; 3) the wave produced a nanoflare at the remote footpoint, with a peak thermal energy of $\thicksim10^{24}-10^{25}$ erg. This work provides a consistent picture of the magnetoacoustic wave propagation and reflection in a coronal loop, and reports the first solid evidence of a wave-induced nanoflare. The results reveal new clues for further simulation studies and may help solving the coronal heating problem.

  • Multiwavelength observations of a partial filament eruption on 13 June 2011

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report the multiwavelength observations of the partial filament eruption associated with a C1.2 class flare in NOAA active region 11236 on 13 June 2011. The event occurred at the eastern limb in the field of view (FOV) of Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft and was close to the disk center in the FOV of Extreme-UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) on board the behind Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft. During eruption, the filament splits into two parts: the major part and runaway part. The major part flows along closed loops and experiences bifurcation at the loop top. Some of the materials move forward and reach the remote footpoint, while others return back to the original footpoint. The runaway part flows along open field lines, which is evidenced by a flare-related type III radio burst. The runaway part also undergoes bifurcation. The upper branch of escapes the corona and evolves into a jet-like narrow coronal mass ejection (CME) at a speed of 324 km s-1, while the lower branch falls back to the solar surface. A schematic cartoon is proposed to explain the event and provides a new mechanism of partial filament eruptions

  • Model Independent Approach of the JUNO $^8$B Solar Neutrino Program

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The physics potential of detecting $^8$B solar neutrinos is exploited at the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), in a model independent manner by using three distinct channels of the charged-current (CC), neutral-current (NC) and elastic scattering (ES) interactions. Due to the largest-ever mass of $^{13}$C nuclei in the liquid-scintillator detectors and the potential low background level, $^8$B solar neutrinos would be observable in the CC and NC interactions on $^{13}$C for the first time. By virtue of optimized event selections and muon veto strategies, backgrounds from the accidental coincidence, muon-induced isotopes, and external backgrounds can be greatly suppressed. Excellent signal-to-background ratios can be achieved in the CC, NC and ES channels to guarantee the $^8$B solar neutrino observation. From the sensitivity studies performed in this work, we show that one can reach the precision levels of 5%, 8% and 20% for the $^8$B neutrino flux, $\sin^2\theta_{12}$, and $\Delta m^2_{21}$, respectively, using ten years of JUNO data. It would be unique and helpful to probe the details of both solar physics and neutrino physics. In addition, when combined with SNO, the world-best precision of 3% is expected for the $^8$B neutrino flux measurement.

  • Sunspot shearing and sudden retraction motion associated with the 2013 August 17 M3.3 Flare

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this Letter, we give a detailed analysis to the M3.3 class flare that occurred on August 17, 2013 (SOL2013-08-17T18:16). It presents a clear picture of mutual magnetic interaction initially from the photosphere to the corona via the abrupt rapid shearing motion of a small sunspot before the flare, and then suddenly from the corona back to the photosphere via the sudden retraction motion of the same sunspot during the flare impulsive phase. About 10 hours before the flare, a small sunspot in the active region NOAA 11818 started to move northeast along a magnetic polarity inversion line (PIL), creating a shearing motion that changed the quasi-static state of the active region. A filament right above the PIL was activated following the movement of the sunspot and then got partially erupted. The eruption eventually led to the M3.3 flare. The sunspot was then suddenly pulled back to the opposite direction upon the flare onset. During the backward motion, the Lorentz force underwent a simultaneous impulsive change both in magnitude and direction. Its directional change is found to be conformable with the retraction motion. The observation provides direct evidence for the role of the shearing motion of the sunspot in powering and triggering the flare. It especially confirms that the abrupt motion of a sunspot during a solar flare is the result of a back reaction caused by the reconfiguration of the coronal magnetic field.

  • Rayleigh scattering of linear alkylbenzene in large liquid scintillator detectors

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: Rayleigh scattering poses an intrinsic limit for the transparency of organic liquid scintillators. This work focuses on the Rayleigh scattering length of linear alkylbenzene (LAB), which will be used as the solvent of the liquid scintillator in the central detector of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory. We investigate the anisotropy of the Rayleigh scattering in LAB, showing that the resulting Rayleigh scattering length will be significantly shorter than reported before. Given the same overall light attenuation, this will result in a more efficient transmission of photons through the scintillator, increasing the amount of light collected by the photosensors and thereby the energy resolution of the detector.