您选择的条件: Chengyuan Li
  • Multiple stellar populations at less evolved stages-III: a possible helium spread in NGC 2210

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Helium variations are common features of globular clusters (GCs) with multiple stellar populations. All the formation scenarios predict that secondary population stars are enhanced in helium but the exact helium content depends on the polluters. Therefore, searching for helium variations in a star cluster is a straightforward method to understand if it hosts multiple populations or not, and constrain the formation scenario. Although this topic has been well explored for Galactic GCs, GCs beyond the Milky Way are challenging to study because of their large distances. This work studies the helium distribution of GK-type main sequence dwarfs in an old ($\sim$12.5 Gyr) GC in the Large Magellanic Cloud, NGC 2210, using the deep photometry observed by the {\sl Hubble Space Telescope}. We compare the observed morphology of the MS with that of synthetic populations with different helium distributions. We confirm that NGC 2210 dwarfs have a helium spread, with an internal dispersion of $\delta{Y}\sim$0.06--0.07. The fraction of helium enriched stars depends on the $\delta{Y}$ distribution. A continuous $\delta{Y}$ distribution would indicate that more than half of MS stars are helium enriched ($\sim$55\%). If the $\delta{Y}$ distribution is discrete (bimodal), a fraction of $\sim$30\% enriched stars is able to explain the observed morphology of the MS. We also find that the He-enriched population stars are more centrally concentrated than He-normal stars.

  • Multiple stellar populations at less evolved stages-III: a possible helium spread in NGC 2210

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Helium variations are common features of globular clusters (GCs) with multiple stellar populations. All the formation scenarios predict that secondary population stars are enhanced in helium but the exact helium content depends on the polluters. Therefore, searching for helium variations in a star cluster is a straightforward method to understand if it hosts multiple populations or not, and constrain the formation scenario. Although this topic has been well explored for Galactic GCs, GCs beyond the Milky Way are challenging to study because of their large distances. This work studies the helium distribution of GK-type main sequence dwarfs in an old ($\sim$12.5 Gyr) GC in the Large Magellanic Cloud, NGC 2210, using the deep photometry observed by the {\sl Hubble Space Telescope}. We compare the observed morphology of the MS with that of synthetic populations with different helium distributions. We confirm that NGC 2210 dwarfs have a helium spread, with an internal dispersion of $\delta{Y}\sim$0.06--0.07. The fraction of helium enriched stars depends on the $\delta{Y}$ distribution. A continuous $\delta{Y}$ distribution would indicate that more than half of MS stars are helium enriched ($\sim$55\%). If the $\delta{Y}$ distribution is discrete (bimodal), a fraction of $\sim$30\% enriched stars is able to explain the observed morphology of the MS. We also find that the He-enriched population stars are more centrally concentrated than He-normal stars.

  • Multiple Populations in Low-mass Globular Clusters: Eridanus

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Multiple populations (MPs), characterized by variations in light elemental abundances, have been found in stellar clusters in the Milky Way, Magellanic Clouds, as well as several other dwarf galaxies. Based on a large amount of observations, mass has been suggested to be a key parameter affecting the presence and appearance of MPs in stellar clusters. To further investigate the existence of MPs in low-mass clusters and explore the mass threshold for MP formation, we carried out a project studying the stellar population composition in several low-mass Galactic globular clusters. Here we present our study on the cluster Eridanus. With blue-UV low-resolution spectra obtained with the OSIRIS/Multi-object spectrograph on the Gran Telescopio Canarias, we computed the spectral indices of CH and CN for the sample giant stars, and derived their carbon and nitrogen abundances using model spectra. A significant dispersion in the initial surface abundance of nitrogen was found in the sample, indicating the existence of MPs in Eridanus. Inspecting the age-initial mass distribution of in-situ clusters with MPs, we find a slight trend that initial mass increases with increasing age, and the lowest initial mass of log Minitial ~4.98 and 5.26 are found at the young and old end, respectively, which might provide a rough reference for the mass threshold for clusters to form MPs. However, more observations of clusters with low initial masses are still necessary before any firm conclusion can be drawn.

  • Searching for multiple populations in star clusters using the China Space Station Telescope

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Multiple stellar populations (MPs) in most star clusters older than 2 Gyr, as seen by lots of spectroscopic and photometric studies, have led to a significant challenge to the traditional view of star formation. In this field, space-based instruments, in particular the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), have made a breakthrough as they significantly improved the efficiency of detecting MPs in crowding stellar fields by images. The China Space Station Telescope (CSST) and the HST are sensitive to a similar wavelength interval, but it covers a field of view which is about 5-8 times wider than that of HST. One of its instruments, the Multi-Channel Imager (MCI), will have multiple filters covering a wide wavelength range from NUV to NIR, making the CSST a potentially powerful tool for studying MPs in clusters. In this work, we evaluate the efficiency of the designed filters for the MCI/CSST in revealing MPs in different color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). We find that CMDs made with MCI/CSST photometry in appropriate UV filters are powerful tools to disentangle stellar populations with different abundances of He, C, N, O and Mg. On the contrary, the traditional CMDs are blind to multiple populations in globular clusters (GCs). We show that CSST has the potential of being the spearhead instrument for investigating MPs in GCs in the next decades.

  • A Systematic Search for Short-period Close White Dwarf Binary Candidates Based on Gaia EDR3 Catalog and Zwicky Transient Facility Data

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galactic short-period close white dwarf binaries (CWDBs) are important objects for space-borne gravitational-wave (GW) detectors in the millihertz frequency bands. Due to the intrinsically low luminosity, only about 25 identified CWDBs are detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), which are also known as verification binaries (VBs). The Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) provids a catalog containing a large number of CWDB candidates, which also includes parallax and photometry measurements. We crossmatch the Gaia EDR3 and Zwicky Transient Facility public data release 8, and apply period-finding algorithms to obtain a sample of periodic variables. The phase-folded light curves are inspected, and finally we obtain a binary sample containing 429 CWDB candidates. We further classify the samples into eclipsing binaries (including 58 HW Vir-type binaries, 65 EA-type binaries, 56 EB-type binaries, and 41 EW-type binaries) and ellipsoidal variations (209 ELL-type binaries). We discovered four ultrashort period binary candidates with unique light-curve shapes. We estimate the GW amplitude of all of our binary candidates, and calculate the corresponding signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for TianQin and LISA. We find two (six) potential GW candidates with S/Ns greater than 5 in the nominal mission time of TianQin (LISA), which increases the total number of candidate VBs for TianQin (LISA) to 18 (31).

  • At what mass are stars braked? The implication from the turnoff morphology of NGC 6819

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Extended main-sequence turnoffs apparent in most young and intermediate-age clusters (younger than ~2 Gyr) are known features caused by fast rotating early-type (earlier than F-type) stars. Late-type stars are not fast rotators because their initial angular momenta have been quickly dispersed due to magnetic braking. However, the mass limit below which stars have been magnetically braked has not been well constrained by observation. In this paper, we present an analysis of the eMSTO of NGC 6819, an open cluster of an intermediate-age (~2.5 Gyr), believed to be comparable to the lifetime of stars near the mass limit for magnetic braking. By comparing the observation with synthetic CMDs, we find that NGC 6819 does not harbor an obvious eMSTO. The morphology of its TO region can be readily explained by a simple stellar population considering the observational uncertainties as well as the differential reddening. In addition, the MSTO stars in NGC 6819 have very small values of average rotational velocity and dispersion, indicating that they have undergone significant magnetic braking. Combining with results in the literature for clusters of younger ages, our current work suggests that the critical age for the disappearance of eMSTO in star clusters must be shorter but very close to the age of NGC 6819, and this, in turn, implies a critical stellar mass for magnetic braking at solar metallicity above but close to 1.54 $M_{\odot}$ based on the PARSEC model. We emphasize that the phenomenon of eMSTO could provide a unique way to constrain the onset mass of magnetic braking.

  • Multiple stellar populations at less evolved stages-II: no evidence of significant helium spread among NGC 1846 dwarfs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The detection of star-to-star chemical variations in star clusters older than 2 Gyr has changed the traditional view of star clusters as canonical examples of "simple stellar populations" (SSPs) into the so-called "multiple stellar populations" (MPs). Although the significance of MPs seems to correlate with cluster total mass, it seems that the presence of MPs is determined by cluster age, however. In this article, we use deep photometry from the Hubble Space Telescope to investigate whether the FG-type dwarfs in the $\sim$1.7 Gyr-old cluster NGC 1846, have helium spread. By comparing the observation with the synthetic stellar populations, we estimate a helium spread of $\Delta{Y}\sim0.01\pm0.01$ among the main-sequence stars in NGC 1846. The maximum helium spread would not exceed $\Delta{Y}\sim0.02$, depending on the adopted fraction of helium-enriched stars. To mask the color variation caused by such a helium enrichment, a nitrogen enrichment of at least $\Delta{\rm [N/Fe]}$=0.8 dex is required, which is excluded by previous analyses of the red-giant branch in this cluster. We find that our result is consistent with the $\Delta{Y}$--mass relationship for Galactic globular clusters. To examine whether or not NGC 1846 harbors MPs, higher photometric accuracy is required. We conclude that under the adopted photometric quality, there is no extreme helium variation among NGC 1846 dwarfs.

  • A Systematic Search for Short-period Close White Dwarf Binary Candidates Based on Gaia EDR3 Catalog and Zwicky Transient Facility Data

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galactic short-period close white dwarf binaries (CWDBs) are important objects for space-borne gravitational-wave (GW) detectors in the millihertz frequency bands. Due to the intrinsically low luminosity, only about 25 identified CWDBs are detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), which are also known as verification binaries (VBs). The Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) provids a catalog containing a large number of CWDB candidates, which also includes parallax and photometry measurements. We crossmatch the Gaia EDR3 and Zwicky Transient Facility public data release 8, and apply period-finding algorithms to obtain a sample of periodic variables. The phase-folded light curves are inspected, and finally we obtain a binary sample containing 429 CWDB candidates. We further classify the samples into eclipsing binaries (including 58 HW Vir-type binaries, 65 EA-type binaries, 56 EB-type binaries, and 41 EW-type binaries) and ellipsoidal variations (209 ELL-type binaries). We discovered four ultrashort period binary candidates with unique light-curve shapes. We estimate the GW amplitude of all of our binary candidates, and calculate the corresponding signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for TianQin and LISA. We find two (six) potential GW candidates with S/Ns greater than 5 in the nominal mission time of TianQin (LISA), which increases the total number of candidate VBs for TianQin (LISA) to 18 (31).

  • Multiple Populations in Low-mass Globular Clusters: Eridanus

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Multiple populations (MPs), characterized by variations in light elemental abundances, have been found in stellar clusters in the Milky Way, Magellanic Clouds, as well as several other dwarf galaxies. Based on a large amount of observations, mass has been suggested to be a key parameter affecting the presence and appearance of MPs in stellar clusters. To further investigate the existence of MPs in low-mass clusters and explore the mass threshold for MP formation, we carried out a project studying the stellar population composition in several low-mass Galactic globular clusters. Here we present our study on the cluster Eridanus. With blue-UV low-resolution spectra obtained with the OSIRIS/Multi-object spectrograph on the Gran Telescopio Canarias, we computed the spectral indices of CH and CN for the sample giant stars, and derived their carbon and nitrogen abundances using model spectra. A significant dispersion in the initial surface abundance of nitrogen was found in the sample, indicating the existence of MPs in Eridanus. Inspecting the age-initial mass distribution of in-situ clusters with MPs, we find a slight trend that initial mass increases with increasing age, and the lowest initial mass of log Minitial ~4.98 and 5.26 are found at the young and old end, respectively, which might provide a rough reference for the mass threshold for clusters to form MPs. However, more observations of clusters with low initial masses are still necessary before any firm conclusion can be drawn.

  • The role of binarity and stellar rotation in the split main sequence of NGC 2422

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In addition to the extended main-sequence turnoffs widely found in young and intermediate-age (~ 600 Myr-2 Gyr-old) star clusters, some younger clusters even exhibit split main sequences (MSs). Different stellar rotation rates are proposed to account for the bifurcated MS pattern, with red and blue MSs (rMS and bMS) populated by fast and slowly rotating stars, respectively. Using photometry from Gaia Early Data Release 3, we report a Galactic open cluster with a bifurcated MS, NGC 2422 ( ~ 90 Myr). We exclude the possibilities that the bifurcated MS pattern is caused by photometric noise or differential reddening. We aim to examine if stellar rotation can account for the split MSs. We use spectra observed with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Southern African Large Telescope, and directly measured v sin i, the projected rotational velocities, for stars populating the bMS and rMS. We find that their v sin i values are weakly correlated with their loci in the color-magnitude diagram because of contamination caused by a large fraction of rMS stars with low projected rotational velocities. Based on the spectral energy distribution fitting method, we suggest that these slowly rotating stars at the rMS may hide a binary companion, which breaks the expected v sin i-color correlation. Future time-domain studies focusing on whether these slowly rotating stars are radial velocity variables are crucial to test the roles of stellar rotation and binarity in generating the split MSs.