您选择的条件: Dong-Gang Wang
  • Highly non-Gaussian tails and primordial black holes from single-field inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: For primordial perturbations, deviations from Gaussian statistics on the tail of the probability distribution can be associated with non-perturbative effects of inflation. In this paper, we present some particular examples in which the tail of the distribution becomes highly non-Gaussian although the statistics remains almost Gaussian in the perturbative regime. We begin with an extension of the ultra-slow-roll inflation that incorporates a transition process, where the inflaton climbs up a tiny potential step at the end of the non-attractor stage before it converges to the slow-roll attractor. Through this example, we identify the key role of the off-attractor behaviour for the upward-step transition, and then extend the analysis to another type of the transition with two slow-roll stages connected by a tiny step. We perform both the perturbative and non-perturbative analyses of primordial fluctuations generated around the step in detail, and show that the tiny but nontrivial transition may affect large perturbations in the tail of the distribution, while the perturbative non-Gaussianity remains small. Our result indicates that the non-Gaussian tails can have rich phenomenology which has been overlooked in conventional analyses. We also study the implications of this non-Gaussian tail for the formation of primordial black holes, and find that their mass fraction can be parametrically amplified by several orders of magnitudes in comparison with the case of the Gaussian distribution. Additionally, we also discuss a mechanism of primordial black holes formation for this upward step inflation model by trapping the inflaton in the bottom of the step.

  • One Small Step for an Inflaton, One Giant Leap for Inflation: a novel non-Gaussian tail and primordial black holes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report a novel prediction from single-field inflation that even a tiny step in the inflaton potential can change our perception of primordial non-Gaussianities of the curvature perturbation. Our analysis focuses on the tail of probability distribution generated by an upward step transition between two stages of slow-roll evolution. The nontrivial background dynamics with off-attractor behavior is identified. By using a non-perturbative $\delta N$ analysis, we explicitly show that a highly non-Gaussian tail can be generated by a tiny upward step, even when the conventional nonlinearity parameters $f_{NL}$, $g_{NL}$, etc. remain small. With this example, we demonstrate for the first time the sensitive dependence of non-perturbative effects on the tail of probability distribution. Our scenario has an inconceivable application to primordial black holes by either significantly boosting their abundance or completely forbidding their appearance.

  • Boostless Cosmological Collider Bootstrap

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Cosmological correlation functions contain valuable information about the primordial Universe, with possible signatures of new massive particles at very high energies. Recent developments, including the cosmological bootstrap, bring new perspectives and powerful tools to study these observables. In this paper, we systematically classify inflationary three-point correlators of scalar perturbations using the bootstrap method. For the first time, we derive a complete set of single-exchange cosmological collider bispectra with new shapes and potentially detectable signals. Specifically, we focus on the primordial scalar bispectra generated from the exchange of massive particles with all possible boost-breaking interactions during inflation. We introduce three-point "seed" functions, from which we bootstrap the inflationary bispectra of scalar and spinning exchanges using weight-shifting and spin-raising operators. The computation of the seed function requires solving an ordinary differential equation in comoving momenta, a boundary version of the equation of motion satisfied by a propagator that linearly mixes a massive particle with the external light scalars. The resulting correlators are presented in analytic form, for any kinematics. These shapes are of interest for near-future cosmological surveys, as the primordial non-Gaussianity in boost-breaking theories can be large. We also identify new features in these shapes, which are phenomenologically distinct from the de Sitter invariant cases. For example, the oscillatory shapes around the squeezed limit have different phases. Furthermore, when the massive particle has much lower speed of sound than the inflaton, oscillatory features appear around the equilateral configuration.

  • Bootstrapping Multi-Field Inflation: non-Gaussianities from light scalars revisited

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Primordial non-Gaussianities from multi-field inflation are a leading target for cosmological observations, because of the possible large correlations generated between long and short distances. These signatures are captured by the local shape of the scalar bispectrum. In this paper, we revisit the nonlinearities of the conversion process from additional light scalars into curvature perturbations during inflation. We provide analytic templates for correlation functions valid at any kinematical configuration, using the cosmological bootstrap as a main computational tool. Our results include the possibility of large breaking of boost symmetry, in the form of small speeds of sound for both the inflaton and the mediators. We consider correlators coming from the tree-level exchange of a massless scalar field. By introducing a late-time cutoff, we identify that the symmetry constraints on the correlators are modified. This leads to anomalous conformal Ward identities, and consequently the bootstrap differential equations acquire a source term that depends on this cutoff. The solutions to the differential equations are scalar seed functions that incorporate these late-time growth effects. Applying weight-shifting operators to auxiliary "seed" functions, we obtain a systematic classification of shapes of non-Gaussianity coming from massless exchange. For theories with de Sitter symmetry, we compare the resulting shapes with the ones obtained via the $\delta N$ formalism, identifying missing contributions away from the squeezed limit. For boost-breaking scenarios, we derive a novel class of shape functions with phenomenologically distinct features. Specifically, the new shape provides a simple extension of equilateral non-Gaussianity: the signal peaks at a geometric configuration controlled by the ratio of the sound speeds of the mediator and the inflaton.

  • Highly non-Gaussian tails and primordial black holes from single-field inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: For primordial perturbations, deviations from Gaussian statistics on the tail of the probability distribution can be associated with non-perturbative effects of inflation. In this paper, we present some particular examples in which the tail of the distribution becomes highly non-Gaussian although the statistics remains almost Gaussian in the perturbative regime. We begin with an extension of the ultra-slow-roll inflation that incorporates a transition process, where the inflaton climbs up a tiny potential step at the end of the non-attractor stage before it converges to the slow-roll attractor. Through this example, we identify the key role of the off-attractor behaviour for the upward-step transition, and then extend the analysis to another type of the transition with two slow-roll stages connected by a tiny step. We perform both the perturbative and non-perturbative analyses of primordial fluctuations generated around the step in detail, and show that the tiny but nontrivial transition may affect large perturbations in the tail of the distribution, while the perturbative non-Gaussianity remains small. Our result indicates that the non-Gaussian tails can have rich phenomenology which has been overlooked in conventional analyses. We also study the implications of this non-Gaussian tail for the formation of primordial black holes, and find that their mass fraction can be parametrically amplified by several orders of magnitudes in comparison with the case of the Gaussian distribution. Additionally, we also discuss a mechanism of primordial black holes formation for this upward step inflation model by trapping the inflaton in the bottom of the step.

  • Bootstrapping Multi-Field Inflation: non-Gaussianities from light scalars revisited

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Primordial non-Gaussianities from multi-field inflation are a leading target for cosmological observations, because of the possible large correlations generated between long and short distances. These signatures are captured by the local shape of the scalar bispectrum. In this paper, we revisit the nonlinearities of the conversion process from additional light scalars into curvature perturbations during inflation. We provide analytic templates for correlation functions valid at any kinematical configuration, using the cosmological bootstrap as a main computational tool. Our results include the possibility of large breaking of boost symmetry, in the form of small speeds of sound for both the inflaton and the mediators. We consider correlators coming from the tree-level exchange of a massless scalar field. By introducing a late-time cutoff, we identify that the symmetry constraints on the correlators are modified. This leads to anomalous conformal Ward identities, and consequently the bootstrap differential equations acquire a source term that depends on this cutoff. The solutions to the differential equations are scalar seed functions that incorporate these late-time growth effects. Applying weight-shifting operators to auxiliary "seed" functions, we obtain a systematic classification of shapes of non-Gaussianity coming from massless exchange. For theories with de Sitter symmetry, we compare the resulting shapes with the ones obtained via the $\delta N$ formalism, identifying missing contributions away from the squeezed limit. For boost-breaking scenarios, we derive a novel class of shape functions with phenomenologically distinct features. Specifically, the new shape provides a simple extension of equilateral non-Gaussianity: the signal peaks at a geometric configuration controlled by the ratio of the sound speeds of the mediator and the inflaton.

  • One Small Step for an Inflaton, One Giant Leap for Inflation: a novel non-Gaussian tail and primordial black holes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report a novel prediction from single-field inflation that even a tiny step in the inflaton potential can change our perception of primordial non-Gaussianities of the curvature perturbation. Our analysis focuses on the tail of probability distribution generated by an upward step transition between two stages of slow-roll evolution. The nontrivial background dynamics with off-attractor behavior is identified. By using a non-perturbative $\delta N$ analysis, we explicitly show that a highly non-Gaussian tail can be generated by a tiny upward step, even when the conventional nonlinearity parameters $f_{NL}$, $g_{NL}$, etc. remain small. With this example, we demonstrate for the first time the sensitive dependence of non-perturbative effects on the tail of probability distribution. Our scenario has an inconceivable application to primordial black holes by either significantly boosting their abundance or completely forbidding their appearance.

  • Probing the Nature of the Electroweak Phase Transition from Particle Colliders to Gravitational Wave Detectors

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-08-30

    摘要: In this letter, we explore the nature of the electroweak phase transition (EWPT) with both particle colliders and gravitational wave (GW) detection. With the observed Higgs mass, the shape of the Higgs potential is fully determined within the standard model (SM) of particle physics. However, it could be changed if there exists new physics beyond the SM. Working with the effective field theory, we show that a modified Higgs potential with a sextic term included can keep the observed 125 GeV Higgs mass but behave different when compared with the SM case. Furthermore, this potential can produce a strong first order phase transition (SFOPT) for the electroweak baryogenesis and interestingly predict new phenomena in the Higgs sector, which can be tested at colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the planning Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). We point out this SFOPT can lead to detectable signals for the GW interferometers , such as eLISA, DECIGO and BBO. Our present study on the EWPT bridges the particle physics at colliders with the astrophysics and cosmology in the early universe.